Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 874: Leaving the first

Chapter 874 Leaving Congenital

Fairy Peacock was not polite at all, but Wang Chen was a little depressed.

For a long time, Wang Chen has never been merciless, thinking that the first time he entered Qingyue Land, he would blackmail a lot of immortal materials, not to mention the immortal emperor who killed the opponent in Zhangjiakeng.

In the eyes of Fairy Peacock, Wang Chen is really a cruel person. This time the immortal emperor of the Nangong family is not good or bad, how can Wang Chen kill a few people to vent his anger.

It's just that Wang Chen would never know the reason.

Before seeing the immortal emperor, I killed it because the realm beads needed profoundness. After this, the gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice, and the profoundness of the realm beads have been obtained. Refining the ordinary immortal emperor's effect is not big, naturally there is no need to make a move.

And the blackmailing of the Zhang family was also because Wang Chen lacked spirit stones, and was out of luck, so it happened to get to Wang Chen.

Normally, Wang Chen seldom takes action at all, and can practice quietly, Wang Chen is not willing to rush around.

Therefore, when Fairy Peacock said so, Wang Chen didn't know how to refute, but just changed the subject and said, "I should be in the immortal world soon!"

"Well, going northeast is the Reincarnation Sky, after the Reincarnation Sky, it is the Demon World, but I heard that a barbarian appeared on the north of the Reincarnation Sky. go."

As the fairy peacock said, there was eagerness in his eyes.

The peacock fairy has a mysterious origin. When he was born, he was born in the vicinity of the Lagerstroemia Tianxihuang Mountains. As for who his parents are. No way to know. But since it is a peacock family. That must be the offspring of a certain strong man of the Peacock clan, as for why it was left in the Ziwei Heaven, it is not known.

Wang Chen nodded and said:

"Don't stay in Samsara Heaven. Continue walking directly to the Demon Realm. Anyway, there is nothing to do with Samsara Heaven. It is better to go to the Demon Realm earlier."

The peacock fairy smiled rarely and asked:

"I am anxious to meet the Demon Realm to go home. Why are you going to the Demon Realm? Don't you have the blood of the Demon Clan, but it doesn't feel like it."

Wang Chen said:

"I don't have the blood of the Demon Race, but when I was in the Mortal Realm, I had two brothers and a sister, both of the Demon Race. Later, I have ascended to the Demon Realm. I'm going to look for them."

The peacock fairy nodded, that's it.

After talking for a while, Wang Chen practiced in retreat again, and this time he practiced. It's another thousand years.

Among the realm beads, the nihilism Dao Xianji has gradually undergone transformation. Especially after the Yin Yang Dao was refined by the realm beads and then added to the fairy base, the nihilism dao celestial base became more elusive, a trace of nihilism continued to expand, and the nihilism dao immortal base unexpectedly expanded more than ten times .

The five elements, yin and yang, wind, thunder and ice, the mystery of various attributes are intertwined and turned into nothingness, and the aura of the black and yellow is also merged in it. In the end, everything is turned into nothingness, and the aura of nothingness finally slowly escapes and evolves. All the mysteries and avenues are integrated into the world pearl.

What's more frightening is that with the integration of Yin Yang Dao, this change becomes more and more obvious.

Before, Wang Chen discovered that after Xianji had undergone changes, the nihilism Dao Xianji could make everything contaminated with the pre-existing aura. Now with the addition of the Yin-Yang Avenue, the pre-existing aura is getting stronger and stronger, so that there is a real congenital aura. The three and four are imaged.

In the several years of the Nangong family, Wang Chen spent most of his time practicing, except for comprehending the profound, it was Xiu Bensen's breakthrough.

Although due to the special nature of Xianji, Wang Chen's cultivation level could not continue to be promoted, but his mana did not stagnate, especially as the mysterious and mysterious in the Xianji increased, the immortal energy was purified more quickly, and the immortal energy became more rapid. Purity, in these hundreds of years of work, Wang Chen's mana has completely transformed into eighth-rank immortal energy, and Wang Chen's immortal artifacts that the immortal infant swallows have become ninth-rank immortal energy.

The Ninth Stage Immortal Qi is already the purest existence among the Immortal Qi, with a trace of innate aura.

This also confirms Wang Chen’s certain conjecture that at the end of the monarch’s cultivation, the mana is already dead for the Ninth-Rank Immortal Qi, and the immortal infant is naturally more advanced, most likely to be innate. It was a conjecture. When Wang Chen cultivated the Ninth-Rank Immortal Qi by himself, this conjecture was basically confirmed.

However, how did the emperor possess innate aura? This is also an unsolvable problem.

After all, other people are not like Wang Chen, who has the immortal foundation of the nihilism, can continuously purify the immortal energy and obtain the innate aura. If Wang Chen's mana continues to be pure, there is no doubt that it will slowly degenerate into the innate aura, just Wang Chen's mana was limited, and he couldn't continue to be pure at all.

The last time I blackmailed so many immortal materials from the Zhang family, it was enough to make Wang Chen's Fairy Infant Avenue able to vomit 9th-Rank Immortal Qi, and it wouldn't work when going back.

"I don't know what's outside the Three Realms? I have time to take a look, otherwise there are too few immortal materials and treasures in the Three Realms that can increase the cultivation base."

Wang Chen couldn't help sighing in his heart. Of course, it’s not that Wang Chen can’t do anything about it. The nine-day breathing soil obtained from the mysterious palace is much thicker. If all the beads are refined, the immortal energy obtained is almost enough, but Wang Chen can't bear to give up nine days like that. Interest soil.

The Nine Heavens Breathing Soil is a rare treasure. It is used to sacrifice magical powers and refine the strongest immortal artifacts. Even the emperor needs it, and it is the most suitable to exchange for the treasures needed.

Wang Chen's cultivation base was steadily increasing, his mana became pure a little bit, and profound understanding became more and more, but his appearance did not seem to have changed much.


Reincarnation sky, black earth fairy city.

The Black Earth Immortal City is one of the largest immortal cities in the Reincarnation Sky. There are countless monks and great forces. Once again, there are many monks coming and going every day, receiving tasks and rewards, and then leaving.

Some people die, some live, some get promoted, some are down.

There are many casual cultivators in the Black Earth Immortal City. This is related to the situation of Samsara Heaven. It is said that the emperor of Samsara Heaven is a female emperor, which is very rare among the three realms. This emperor rarely appears very mysterious. It is the unique road of reincarnation in the Three Realms without one in a million.

This kind of avenue needs to incarnate thousands of people and go through various reincarnations. Many times, this emperor has turned into a low-level monk, and he has come back to increase his experience.

At this time, low-level monks are also taken care of a lot.

Moreover, there is a reincarnation emperor in the reincarnation sky, and there are not many killings. Although there are robbers everywhere, it is not very rampant. , San Xiu and low-level monks are much better off.

The Black Earth Immortal City is very big, it can be said to be vast, with a radius of one million li, there are densely packed places in the city, and countless monks live in it.

For example, in the west of the Black Earth Xiancheng City, it is a more famous place for receiving missions from the Reincarnation Fairy Court.

It's just that this place is obviously small, and the task difficulty and remuneration are not high. It is only suitable for monks below Xuanxian to receive, and monks above Xuanxian are all located in other places in Black Earth Xiancheng.

On that day, two dodge lights landed and walked into the task receiving area.

"Friend Zhou Dao is here, hehe, I'm about to look for you, we just found some immortal materials, but we have to ask you to help us refine the pill."

"Friend Xia, you are here too. Thank you for the fairy tools you helped me refine last time. If it wasn't for the fairy tools, I would have died in the last mission. Unfortunately, this time the fairy tools were damaged. Fix it again!"


The two walked all the way, and the monks around were talking with them.

The two also responded with a smile. Obviously these two people are very familiar with the monks here, but even so, the two of them are very low-key and dare not slack in the slightest.

After a while, the two received two tasks and left again.

In a cave, the two sat down again. At this time, the true celestial monk wearing the fire-colored fairy armour frowned slightly, and the three-legged strange bird on his shoulders was chattering non-stop.

"What to do, the cultivation of the immortal world is so difficult, even with such a big advantage in the mortal world, it is still difficult to move in the immortal world. It has been almost 10,000 years, and it has only just been upgraded to a true immortal. This speed is too slow."

Wearing a fire-colored fairy armor, he sighed and couldn't help saying.

This person was indeed Xia Yan, with a few pieces of fairy shields on his body, and his strength looked extraordinary, otherwise there would be no such real fairy to say hello just now.

And the three-legged Golden Crow on Xia Yan's shoulders also had a true immortal cultivation base, and his strength was not weak.

When Xia Yan said so, Zhou Yan on the other side also smiled wryly. road:

"Who knows, I thought that I learned so many skills in the mortal realm. My level of alchemy has not been matched by anyone in the mortal realm for tens of thousands of years. Your skill in refining is even more unique in the world, but in the immortal realm, It’s so common, and I don’t see anyone else's attention at all."

The two met with each other and smiled bitterly, don't know what to Zhou Yan and Xia Yan have ascended to the immortal world for nearly ten thousand years. Life can be described as very miserable. It is even more miserable than before the two did not approve of their teacher Wang Chen.

The skills of the mortal world have little effect in the immortal world.

Vision simply can't meet the requirements of the immortal world, no matter whether it is alchemy or refining, no one will advise, it is difficult to make progress, and no one will ask two to make a move.

Even when they were just ascending to the Immortal Realm, they were simply trying to embarrass the two of them. There was no immortal stone, no skill, just relying on some immortal stones issued by the reincarnation fairy garden to survive.

Fortunately, the Ascension Pool of the Samsara Heaven is all under the jurisdiction of the Samsara Heaven, there will be no accidents, and there is still a hundred years to adapt to when it first comes.

After a hundred years have passed, they should have fought for themselves.

If only this is the case, the two will not be so distressed. After all, the two of them are from the mortal world soaring up, and their potential is good. After the tribulation tempering, if they are cultivated, they will mostly become profound immortals, every big power They all want to recruit. It is the safest to recruit such ascended monks from the lower realm, and the potential is huge. (To be continued...)

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