Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 913: 5-clawed golden dragon

Chapter 913 The Five-Clawed Golden Dragon

"Five-clawed golden dragon?"

Wang Chen's face sank slightly, and he was a little surprised by the name. The dragons did have a five-clawed golden dragon, but Wang Chen used to think this was a rumor. After all, this five-clawed golden dragon is equivalent to the innate body of human beings, the body of swallowing. , The body of the stars, etc., there may not be one in many years, it is rare to appear.

Jin Long didn't stop, and continued to say with a serious expression:

"Dragons are born with four claws. This is inevitable in any dragon clan. The five-claw fairy dragon has broken through this common sense. Although the fifth claw is usually hidden, it can appear if it is in battle. It is said that when this fifth claw appears, even the emperor and the strong will fall."

"But there are many rumors about this five-clawed golden dragon, and I don't know which one is true."

There was a little helplessness in Jin Long's tone. Wang Chen smiled and said, "Friends of the Taoist priest, but it's okay to say."

Jinlong nodded and continued:

"The predecessor of the five-claw golden dragon is the only emperor in the dragon clan who has this kind of bloodline. The other emperors in the clan are all cultivated with the best bloodline, like the legendary colorful fairy dragon, the supreme blood dragon, I There is no second among the dragon clan at all, so this senior's position in the dragon clan is not generally high."

"Five-clawed golden dragons are supposed to belong to my Golden Dragon clan. Therefore, they generally have strong body strength and are said to be able to compete with emperor-level physical training. Even if the five-clawed golden dragons do not practice, their strength will be close to adulthood. The emperor, if you work hard to cultivate, you are the emperor and strong."

"It is rumored that the fifth claw of this five-claw golden dragon can not only greatly increase the strength of the dragon clan, but also comprehend the mystery of the dragon clan. It has great benefits to improve the cultivation base. And this senior is said to have five major clones. The formation path cultivation base is also extremely good. Qiang, the five clones and the main body are said to have trapped a powerful emperor to death. I don't know if it is true or not."


After a while, Wang Chen returned to the cave mansion, his expression wrinkled, and his heart was shocked.

The five-clawed golden dragon is beyond the bloodline of the best fairy beast. It was really powerful, and just some things that were inferred from Jinlong's mouth made Wang Chen jealous.

The incomparable strength of the body is comparable to the body-refining supernatural powers that have sacrificed the supreme supernatural powers to the perfect state.

Divine Soul is even more condensed into Divine Soul Dragon Ball, invulnerable and extremely powerful.

In addition, there is a fifth claw attacking magical powers, it is said that it can destroy the emperor, and the ability to comprehend the profoundness is also extremely powerful. This aptitude only needs a certain amount of time to cultivate. It makes almost anyone desperate, and that is exactly the same. This five-clawed golden dragon is the first person in the dragon clan in name.

"Qing'er was snatched by him in this way, it seems that it is not only the reason for the weakness of the water dragon clan, but the key is that the five-clawed golden dragon is too terrifying."

Wang Chen realized it at this time. Originally, Wang Chen was still wondering who it was, but he didn't even pay attention to Qing'er's grandfather.

You must know that Qing'er's grandfather was extremely extraordinary when he was in the Mortal Realm. In Wang Chen's eyes, he was second only to the Great Ape King and Stone Man. Later, when he arrived in the Demon Realm, he knew that he had become a powerhouse of the immortal monarch level, but even so. , Qinger was still taken away abruptly.

The water dragon family didn't dare to resist at all, showing the power of this five-clawed golden dragon.

The five-clawed golden dragon is simply a living legend. Ordinary emperors do not have such great prestige, and even many emperors of the monster race and human race came to hold the younger generation.

Wang Chen knew that the more rumors about this five-clawed golden dragon, the greater the pressure in his heart. In the face of this absolute strength, Wang Chen had no room for resistance at all.

"Fortunately, this is just a clone, even if it's dead, it's okay, but how do you get out then?"

Wang Chen thought in his heart that at this time the cultivation base must be considered thoroughly, especially when facing such a strong opponent, the worst situation must be thought of, such as what if this clone dies if it is really in danger. , Because Wang Chen's body is in the boundary beads. If the clone is dead, the main body can only appear within a range of kilometers around the clone, and this range is still inside Shenlong Island.

In other words, from the beginning, Wang Chen knew that if something really happened, it would be a dead end.

Wang Chen continued to think about it. After a long time, he closed his eyes and began to sink into quiet cultivation, no longer thinking about this matter.

I have thought about everything I can think of, and the rest depends on how things develop.


Shenlong Island, deep in the Dragon Cave.

In a huge cave, deep in this cave is a separate world, a golden world, and emptiness in the void is permeated, a variety of metallic mysteries appear in this space, and even look at this cave. It is divided into two parts, one part is Shenlong Island, and the other part is this golden world.

In the center of this golden world, six figures are sitting cross-legged, besieging the city in a circle. The six figures were shining with golden light, and the golden light on one of them was even more powerful, shining through the entire space, and all the nihilistic laws and profound mysteries in this space surrounded this figure.

The six figures formed an incomparably huge array, and the golden array pressed against the center of the circle in waves, wave after wave.

This golden light contained infinite power, and seemed to erode the entire space.

Amidst the layers of golden light, a blue real dragon is curling up in it. This real dragon is only more than one meter long and looks extremely pocket-sized. It should be understood that the body of an ordinary dragon clan with a size of several tens of meters is extremely small, usually a few hundred meters, several thousand meters, and even the body of a real dragon of the Demon Emperor level is fully expanded by tens of thousands of meters.

On the body of this blue real dragon, a thin layer of wings was surrounded, and a golden light came down, constantly washing the body of this real dragon, but there was no such wings to resist almost all the might.

At some point, these six incarnations finally stopped, and the golden light around them no longer poured in, but surrounded the square, forming a sphere to trap the dying real dragon inside.

In the end, the person with the most golden light took over, with a trace of killing intent and madness in his eyes, and said:

"Unexpectedly, this bloodline has such a deep connection with you. I can't refining it for a thousand years, but how long can you last, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, or one million years, one day after all, You will die here, and the blood will be acquired by me, huh, how can you be qualified to own this kind of treasure."

This person exudes a heavy pressure, and the entire space seems to fit with it during every move, moving, and speaking, it seems that the whole world is repelling the water dragon surrounded by this golden light.

"This bloodline already existed when I was born. You don't have to work in vain. You can't refining it anymore. Unless you kill me, it will be of no use."

The water dragon in the golden light said with a mocking tone, not caring about his own life or death at all.


The figure in this golden light was furious, but it was a cold snort, and a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth: "You will take the initiative to donate this blood. Soon, soon..."

As he said, the figure in the golden light was a hand, and the golden right hand instantly turned into a pair of dragon claws and stretched out.


After entering the dragon cave, Wang Chen followed the golden dragon to the depths of the dragon cave.

This dragon cave is indeed extraordinary ~ Since I just entered, a unique pressure from the dragon clan has been acting on Wang Chen's body and soul, putting a lot of pressure on Wang Chen.

It's just that although the golden dragon next to him was slightly uncomfortable under this pressure, he was more happy and excited, and his face was flushed.

The sword intent was slightly released, and Wang Chen asked:

"Why is fellow Taoist so excited, is there any benefit for the Dragon Clan in this dragon cave?"


The golden dragon nodded without concealing: "This dragon cave contains the aura of countless ancestors of the dragon clan. The dragon clan is once again very helpful in tempering his own blood, and the dragon cave will be nourished by the dragon's energy for thousands of years. Grow some unique genius treasures, such as this dragon vine."

Jinlong pointed to the vine on the stone wall and said, his eyes couldn't help but patrolled over and over again.

In this dragon cave, the divine consciousness can hardly be released, so it can only rely on eyesight. This golden dragon is obviously looking for something. (To be continued...)

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