Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 926: You hit whatever you want, I'll rest

**Naked killing intent The five-clawed golden dragon did not conceal it, or said it could not conceal it, this killing intent could be detected even if Wang Chen did not appear. Anyone would have such a strong killing intent.

"Escape, run away."

Without any hesitation, Wang Chen urged the magical power of escape with all his strength, and the escape speed was accelerated by 10%, but the escape speed was still behind the five-clawed golden dragon.

There is no choice. Stopping will undoubtedly result in death. With Wang Chen's current state, he can't handle the five-clawed golden dragon's move.

"What to do? Is it really going to fall here, or enter the world pearl?"

Wang Chen felt a little bit unbearable in his heart. Originally, the evolution of the realm beads was imperfect after the influence of heaven's punishment. Now it has not stabilized. If Wang Chen enters again, he must stop the evolution of the realm beads, otherwise Wang Chen will be in the realm bead soon. In it was evolved into a flow of nothingness.

If he was in the realm beads, Wang Chen would definitely affect the normal evolution of the realm beads, which was not a good thing.

There was no way, Wang Chen had to continue to fly forward, as far as he could escape, but in his heart Wang Chen had made up his mind. If there is no other way, he can only hide in the realm beads first, as for the next world beads. Evolution can only make up for it slowly, but if it really dies, there will be nothing.

In fact, many geniuses are destroyed in this way.

At the critical moment, no one is protected before it is destroyed. Unless it is a big man, the big power is behind the protection, otherwise there is no way to advance smoothly.

The same is true for Wang Chen now.


As time passed, the five-clawed golden dragon was getting closer and closer to Wang Chen, and even when Wang Chen turned his head, he could already see the five-clawed golden dragon in the distance.

"Oh no."

Wang Chen trembled in his heart. There was a sense of anxiety.

The five-clawed golden dragon was proud behind: "Boy. Let's see where you go. Die, you will definitely die today, let's see how you hide."

Wang Chen's face was even more ugly, but at this moment, a voice of divine consciousness entered Wang Chen's mind:

"Friend Wang Dao, meet again."

Wang Chen was taken aback, and slightly felt that the voice was very familiar, but Wang Chen didn't have time to say anything during this crisis. That voice came from here:

"Come not far to the southeast, I'll wait for you here, and I'll deal with the five-clawed dragon at the back."

Before Wang Chen had time to think about anything, he flew to the southeast without hesitation when he got the message, and at the southeast position, a small island appeared in Wang Chen’s divine consciousness, and a young man on this island The figure of Wang Chen also appeared in Wang Chen's eyes.

This young man looked only fifteen or six years old, and looked like a child.

But Wang Chen didn't have a small person, because the coercion on this man was so powerful, and even shocked Wang Chen: "This coercion is even stronger than the five-clawed golden dragon. There is also this spirit aura, why do you think so. It shouldn't be..."

call out!

Wang Chen's escape light quickly flew to the southeast, and then landed on the island.

"Brother, I didn't expect to see you again here."

Wang Chen said with a look of joy, but he wanted to continue talking about finding a place to hide first, after all, the five-clawed golden dragon was too powerful.

But the fifteen-year-old child waved his hand and said old-fashioned:

"Let's watch it by the side first, I'll leave the matter here."

Wang Chen smiled, didn't say anything, only trusted him.

The old child stood there, looking at the world, with an arrogant and invincible expression, and within less than half of the incense in the sky, the light of the five-clawed golden dragon descended in the surrounding sky.


The Five-Clawed Golden Dragon gave a cold snort, looked at Wang Chen's figure, and made no secret of killing, and then turned his gaze to the old child next to Wang Chen, only when his eyes were turned to the old child for less than a moment, the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon’s His face quickly changed from disdain to shock and fear.

"Who are you? This person is the unending enemy of my Dragon Clan. Please don't let yourself be mistaken. If you hand over this person, my Dragon Clan can act as if nothing happened."

The five-clawed golden dragon first said so, his eyes were very serious, looking at the old child.

The old child laughed, showing disdain, and said:

"It's just a small five-clawed dragon. It's really as powerful as oneself. A creature like this can get it on the dining table and cook it to make a mouthful. Now it dares to be arrogant in front of me. ."

When the old child opened his mouth, Wang Chen was dumbfounded and at a loss.

"God, the five-clawed golden dragon, the highest level of talent among the three realms, it can only be used as an appetizer."

Even if Wang Chen was bold enough, he was dumbfounded when he stopped talking, but the old child was still calm and composed, as if these words were true. Of course, later Wang Chen really discovered that this was true.


The five-clawed golden dragon is extremely angry. There are many capable people in the Three Realms, but there are really no people who dare to say that. , Directly as an appetite.

The five-clawed golden dragon was so angry that he couldn't even say angry words, but he just scolded:

"Good, good, good, you are looking for death."

Speaking of the movement of the five-clawed golden dragon's body, it turned into a ten thousand-foot golden dragon flying high in the sky.


The world seemed to be shaken instantly, and the surrounding Profound Avenues seemed to be affected. Wang Chen faintly felt something wrong, but the old boy stood motionless, and Wang Chen didn't move rashly, just watching.

In the air, the five-clawed golden dragon flew upright, and in the abdomen, a huge dragon scale gleamed with this golden light, which was extremely dazzling.


With a sound of dragon chanting, Wang Chen's face was a little ugly for an instant, watching this scene.

In the abdomen of the five-clawed golden dragon, a golden dragon claw protruded from the abdomen of the golden dragon, as if it was about to crush the bodies of Wang Chen and the old child.

Fifth claw!

This is the first time that Wang Chen has seen the fifth claw in a complete state. The five-claw golden dragon also used the fifth claw last time, but he did not try his best. Wang Chen blew himself up and died without taking it. The Fifth Claw killed it right away, and it was impossible to imagine the power in it.

Even the mysterious avenue in the air was affected, and Wang Chen could feel that as soon as the fifth claw appeared, the mysterious avenues all around were evasive, much weaker than usual.

One claw's power, one ass!


However, when the fifth claw came, Wang Chen's mind trembled slightly, and the old child was still expressionless, as if he had expected it, he just smiled and didn't care.

The next moment, around the island, a layer of water-blue light appeared, and this light quickly diffused over the entire island, and the entire island was filled with this blue light.

This blue light turned out to be a water-attributable avenue, and at the point of this blue island, it was a solid earth-attributed avenue. The two avenues turned out to form a small world.

Really small world.

This is not the same as the phantom of the emperor's world, Wang Chen can feel the vitality of this world in a whole world, which is completely different from those phantoms.

"Is this world formed after the world's phantom is condensed? Then how could this old man be so powerful, and he has reached such a powerful level in a short period of time. Even the strongest of the Three Realms may not have reached such a level, right? , Is it the best brother among the Three Realms?"

Wang Chen was in a felt very unrealistic.

At the next moment, Wang Chen's mind came back again, and he also had some guesses: "This thing is definitely not that simple, it shouldn't be like this, it's probably a special secret technique or something."

Wang Chen comforted himself.

Returning to the country, the next moment, the fifth claw of the five-clawed golden dragon burst onto the water-blue shield, and Wang Chen vaguely recognized that the water-blue shield was the supernatural power of water.


When the fifth claw touched the shield, it couldn't get in any more, and it was actually blocked.

"You fight slowly, whatever you want, I'll take a break first, and call me when I'm done."

The old child stretched his waist, showing disdain, and said indifferently. (To be continued...)

ps: The second is more, today's third is not enough, depressed!

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