Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 951: Ziwei Emperor and Blood Emperor

Chapter 951: Ziwei Emperor and Blood Emperor

Ordinary cultivators, even if they are geniuses, it is difficult to comprehend the mystery after breaking through the second limit. This is also the reason why the emperor of the stars has not ascended to the **** realm even though he has broken through.

Obviously, the emperor of the stars is also very thoughtful, so he accumulates his own heritage as much as possible before he ascends, and even hesitates to disperse his body to rebuild.

Even Wang Chen admired this.


Wang Chen's practice lasted five million years. It was not until five million years passed, when the Zhouguang Great Formation slowly stagnated, and the passage of time returned to normal, and Wang Chen woke up.

"Five million years, and only one hundred thousand years outside. This formation is a great tool for cultivation, and it's not much better than my ability to measure the sky and break the ruler."

Measuring the sky and breaking the ruler can increase Wang Chen's understanding of the laws of the profound, while the Zhouguang Great Array slows the flow of time. From another perspective, it increases the understanding of the profound.

In Wang Chen's heart, there was an incomparable desire for this Zhouguang Great Formation, but it was a pity that this Great Formation Wang Chen was destined to not get it.

However, Wang Chen was a little bit confused. It should have been three or four million years since Emperor Xingchen received this treasure. This time is not long, but if it is slowed down by the Great Array of Zhouguang, it will be more than 100 million years. No wonder Emperor Xingchen With such a strong strength, if it were Wang Chen, I am afraid it would be even stronger.

Among the stars, the figure of Emperor Xingchen quickly approached, saying:

"Friends, the energy of the Zhouguang Great Array has been exhausted, fellow Daoists should come out first. I am afraid that things outside have changed again."

When Wang Chen received this divine sense voice transmission, he walked out. It's just that this time, the emperor of the stars gave a whisper, showing a look of surprise. Said:

"Friends of Daoist are really amazing. In just a short period of time. Fellows of Daoist have broken through the second limit, great, great. I broke the limit of the second time, but it took a lot of hard work. Fellow Daoists really surprised me. Outside!"

The Emperor Xingchen said, with a little envy in his tone, and a lot of solemnity in his expression, completely treating Wang Chen as a figure of a level.

"Friends of Daoist are polite. If it weren't for fellow Daoists to deal with, how could this breakthrough be so fast."

Wang Chen said very modestly, and then asked again:

"Fellow Daoist Stars, I don't know what happened this time, but Daoist Stars was asked to show up. It seems that something is wrong with the outside world. Could it be that the Fengtian Great Formation appeared again?"

"It's not, but the situation seems to be more serious."

Emperor Xingchen smiled bitterly and shook his head. Seeing Wang Chen's puzzled expression, he explained: "The Great Formation of Fengtian has not been opened in millions of years, but the emperor in the chaos is a frequent battle. This time, Taixuanmen But once more than a dozen monarchs appeared, the monks in the Three Realms suffered heavy casualties. Even in the last ten thousand years, few monarch monks dared to go out again. It is obviously not normal to continue like this."

Wang Chen nodded slightly, this matter is really difficult to handle.

"Friend Wang Dao, let's go out and have a look together. Although the emperor outside is not strong, it is always a means to deal with Taixuan Sect. incredible."

Wang Chen smiled when he heard the words, and had to say a few words of humility.

However, Emperor Xingchen also knew that Wang Chen had just broken through, and his supernatural powers might not be very powerful.

"Let's go, take a look outside. Among the emperors outside, there are also a few powerful ones, and there are also a few emperors who broke through the first limit in recent years."

Emperor Xingchen led the way ahead, and walked forward with Wang Chen.

After a while, Emperor Xingchen and Wang Chen were in a palace of stars. The palace was already full of monks and monks, and there were seven or eight hundred people at a glance.

It's just that many of these are in the early stage of the emperor, and the strength of the newly promoted emperor is not too strong.

There were five Taoist friends sitting on the front, all of whom looked extraordinary in strength. At first glance, Wang Chen saw a few of them very familiar, and he did not expect to meet acquaintances here.

"Dear fellow Taoists, this is the fellow Taoist Wang I mentioned with you."

Emperor Xingchen took Wang Chen and introduced Wang Chen to everyone. Wang Chen was very calm and watched these people greet them one after another: "Friends of Daoist Ziwei, remember me!"

The person on the far right is the Ziwei Emperor who Wang Chen once had.

Back then, Wang Chen was still very weak in Ziwei Tian. He participated in the Ziwei Tian competition. At that time, he also met his former brother Dugu Ren and his Taoist companion Linger.

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Wang. I can't imagine that Fellow Daoist cultivation has reached such a level in just a few million years. It really surprised me!"

As Emperor Ziwei said, Wang Chen’s and Emperor Star next to him came over and said: “Friend Wang Dao be careful, this Emperor Ziwei is not easy, the cultivation method is extremely special, even the specific strength even I see. Unclear, very weird."

Wang Chen was expressionless, and he remembered something in his heart. When he was in Ziwei Tian, ​​Wang Chen once encountered the secrets of Emperor Ziwei, but Emperor Ziwei is a bit peculiar, and even the cultivation system is hidden from the monks of the Three Realms, even now. It seemed that Emperor Ziwei's body was surrounded by a faint white mist, and he couldn't see clearly.

Letting go of this thought in his heart, Wang Chen smiled and said, "Dao Fellow Ziwei is ridiculously praised, but I have a little doubt. I don't know where my brother-in-law has gone. Can fellow Daoists know his news?"

Emperor Ziwei frowned slightly and said:

"I don't know this. In the war, I only fought with people who came down from the upper realm of Taixuanmen. My daughter was with him, but after my daughter died, he was frustrated and he never showed up again. What exactly? I don't know the situation, but I haven't heard of him since then."

Emperor Ziwei didn't look good, but he didn't complain.

His most beloved daughter was handed over to Dugu Ren, but in the end she died in the war. It was very uncomfortable to think of it. However, Emperor Ziwei didn’t punish anything at the end of Dugu Ren’s final death, but in his heart it was. Very uncomfortable.

Wang Chen nodded without saying anything.

Hiding the worry about the lonely one in his heart, Wang Chen looked at a fellow Taoist below. When this fellow Taoist saw Wang Chen, he showed murderous intent, and when Wang Chen saw this person, the smile on his face was also rising.

"Friends of Blood Daoist, let's meet again."

Wang Chen said faintly, this man was completely bloody, even his eyes were bloody, domineering and weird, and this blood man showed Wang Chen's murderous intent when he saw Wang Chen:

"Wang Daoyou, hehe, you beheaded one of my clones, but unfortunately in the end I got the remaining clones and came back to life again. Unexpectedly, I want to see what you can do to me."

The words of the blood-clothed man caused a shock even in the palace, it is obvious that the newly-appearing Wang Daoyou seems to have hatred with this **** powerhouse.

Wang Chen was not afraid at all, and said lightly:

"Friends of blood daoist joked, I never provoke other people, unless someone else provokes me, if someone troubles me, I usually won't give him a chance, the blood daoists say yes, or if the blood daoists are dissatisfied, now You can try it out in the chaos. I would like to see if your Excellency has made any progress over the years."

Hearing the words, the blood emperor was taken aback, staring at Wang Chen fiercely, but Wang Chen was very calm and continued to walk down.

The next person, Wang Chen, vaguely felt a little and this person had a unique coercion. Although this coercion is nothing to Wang Chen now, it is also very Strong coercion.

This coercion is the coercion of the dragon clan.

"Friends of the Dragon Clan, how do I feel as if I have seen it somewhere? It seems to be a bit familiar!"

Wang Chen asked thoughtfully, the old dragon clan smiled and said, "Of course, your Excellency destroyed the Dragon Island of my dragon clan that day, did you forget it? I was there that day too."

Wang Chen was startled, and immediately remembered that there was a breath that flashed across Shenlong Island that day, and now that he looked back, it was exactly the same breath as this person.

"But Fellow Daoist Wang, don't worry, the fault of the day was not Fellow Daoist. Naturally, this Dragon Race has nothing to do with Fellow Daoist Wang. I just hope that Fellow Daoist Wang will not be embarrassed with my Dragon Race descendants in the future."

The emperor of the Dragon Race was very talkative, and his expression was not arrogant. Wang Chen was taken aback, nodded, and said: "This is natural. Fellow Daoists can rest assured that my grievances with the Dragon Race will be cleared up." Continued...)

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