Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 959: Beliefs of all beings

Chapter 959 Belief in All Living Beings

The old woman said indifferently, the patriarch of the Phoenix clan behind her, as well as the emperors and powerful people, did not dare to say anything, so she had to listen.

Although these people really want to participate in this chaotic war, no one really dares to violate this old woman's words. You must know how many years this old woman has lived. Not only is her strength terrifying, but her knowledge is also amazing. If it weren't for this old woman, It is a congenital phoenix tree, and it will not be so close to the Phoenix family.

Even some of the Phoenix clan who ascended to the God Realm were brought up by this mother-in-law.

Of course, what many people don’t know is that the Taixuan Dao people were innate creatures who had fought against this super powerhouse of the Phoenix clan. This is also the case. This old woman would be so afraid of the Taixuan Clan and would not let the Phoenix clan belong. participate.

There were dozens of innate creatures back then, but Taixuan Daoists were also invincible in the world, overpowering everyone, that strength could not be achieved simply by talking.

Although this Wutong wife knew that Emperor Xingchen was also talented, she still did not dare to join the side of Emperor Xingchen.

Tai Xuan Taoist is too terrible.


Immortal world, Great Leiyin Temple.

At this time, a soft white light radiated from the body of a young Buddhist bead. It turned out to be the Great Day Light Sutra that had been lost in Buddhist cultivation for a long time, and all around the Buddhist emperors were silent cultivators.

Finally at a certain moment, the young Buddha woke up and asked:

"Dare to ask the Buddha, Taixuanmen is fighting against the Three Realms, why my line of Buddhism is not doing anything, what the Taixuanmen do is to harm the Three Realms and benefit oneself, and then the creatures of the Three Realms will become weaker and weaker. How can you hold it down?"

The other emperors opened their eyes when they heard this. Buddhism light shines in all directions. The whole world is shocked.

After a long while, in the depths of Leiyin Temple, a long voice rose:

"Everything has a cause and effect. Don’t act rashly. The Taixuan Sect’s actions today will almost certainly win. There is no need to participate. After winning, that person also knows what to do. It will not make the Three Realms embarrassed, otherwise the prosperity will decline, that is The Taixuan Gate truly perishes in this festival."


At the intersection of the immortal world and the demon world, in a lonely mountain range, the various veins of the immortal world and the demon world here come together to form a huge formation, trapping a tyrannical figure here.

This person once crossed the Demon Realm's invincible hand, passed on the Three Realms, and then suddenly envied Buddhism. Hidden identity and entered Da Leiyin Temple to get the Buddha's cultivation biography. In the end, the Buddha and the demons made two great achievements. Become a famous and powerful existence in the ancient times, and countless emperors and powerful people have heard of discoloration.

Even this Buddha Magic Ridge is a forbidden place among the Three Realms.

The low-level monks will hear all kinds of Buddhist sounds and magic sounds again, unconsciously indulging in them, and eventually go crazy and die, but the high-level monks know that there is a big man trapped here, so naturally they dare not provoke them.

What's more, this time the Immortal Vein and Demon Vein were used to suppress this big man. Naturally, there will be no good immortal materials, and no one will come.

On this day, in a palace deep in the veins, an old man looked up at the direction of the chaos and muttered to himself:

"The old fellow Taixuan has ascended to the God Realm and hasn't stopped. He has to send monks to the lower realm. There must be tricks. It's just that I have tried so many methods for so many years. The Buddha and the demons have not broken through the limit for the third time. The second limit is too difficult. I really don't know how Tai Xuan's brother broke through."

"But the little guy who came here at the beginning was pretty good. Although his cultivation level is a little bit worse, he understands his own path clearly, and his cultivation should be very fast in the future."


In the Three Realms, one by one, the old monsters who did not know how many years were watching the battle in secret, these old monsters are all strong men who broke through the second limit, and they are not worse than Wang Chen, even after so many years of cultivation. , And even stronger in some respects.

These old monsters faced this battle and no one had a head start, because their life spans exceeded the limit of ordinary emperors, and they had all faced the Taixuan Taoist at the beginning.

Only the emperor of the stars, who lived the shortest time, would have the courage to challenge the majesty of the Taixuan Taoist and fight the Taixuanmen head-on. In the eyes of other old monsters, he did not break through the third limit and did not have a trace of victory at all.

In order to break the third limit, they have nothing else to ask for.


In chaos.

With the Yin-Yang Stone Bridge, Wang Chen and the old guy's escape technique was very fast, and it didn't take long before they found Emperor Ziwei.

It’s just that the situation of Emperor Ziwei is a bit weird at this time, because a strange force is condensing in Emperor Ziwei. It seems that there are countless lives praying, and countless thoughts and beliefs are blessed by Emperor Ziwei, making Emperor Ziwei is extremely powerful.

This might seem to be illusory and unreal, but it also seems to be real, because Emperor Ziwei's strength in his gestures is not weaker than Wang Chen.

The strength of the old guy is not weaker than that of Wang Chen, because the old guy himself is a sacred beast, and has the strongest immortal tool of the Yin-Yang stone bridge, but Emperor Ziwei has such a powerful strength with such a peculiar method. .

"Brother, how do I feel a little strange about the Ziwei Emperor? It seems that the power in this body is not his. The countless complicated thoughts and beliefs have gathered strength. How can the spirits bear it?"

Wang Chen whispered, very puzzled.

Belief is a kind of power. This power is like realm, even more miraculous than realm, but this power has never been used from beginning to end.

How can the power of other people's beliefs become their own? This seems to be impossible to many people, and with the power of beliefs, strange thoughts come along.

Every creature’s thoughts are different. Even if they have the same beliefs, there are many other thoughts besides this belief. These thoughts will arrive with the belief. Some people wanted to use this power before, but they were hundreds of people. After the chaotic thoughts of thousands of people entered the divine soul, the divine soul was somewhat unable to withstand it.

Therefore, this power has been tacitly regarded as an impossible power among the Three Realms.

This is why there are Buddha cultivation, sword cultivation, martial cultivation, etc., but no meditation cultivation. The power that gathers the thoughts of sentient beings cannot be controlled at all. Even the emperor can't.

When Wang Chen said so, the old guy was also a little dumbfounded, and said in a low voice:

"I don't know. My memory of inheritance is all about cultivation and the law of yin and yang. There is very little other information. How can I know this thing, but although it is weird, if you enter the gods, you should have this aspect. It’s probably also a rare practice method!"

Wang Chen nodded, and then said:

"How about it, let's get some help. I will solve the matter early, and go to see Emperor Xingchen earlier. I always feel anxious. It seems that something has happened to Emperor Xingchen."

The old guy nodded, and then said: "If that's the case, then do it, I will defend and you will attack."

Wang Chen nodded.

At the next moment, a ray of yin and yang appeared in the battlefield, and after that, a mottled stone bridge appeared on the battlefield along the yin and yang rays.

On the stone bridge, two figures appeared.

call out!

Without any hesitation, the divine sword flew out immediately. The supernatural powers of more than 270,000 kinds of profound and mysterious fusion urged the power of the divine sword to the extreme, especially with the defense of the old guy, and no longer need to worry about his own safety. , Wang Chen's attack power reached the maximum level.

The fusion of the three supreme magical powers ~ is extremely powerful.


With a loud noise, the defense was cut, and the defensive artifact also wailed, and then the divine sword continued to move forward, and the sword was to behead a monk on the opposite side. The attacks of the other people were easily blocked by the old guy. This is not the case. The old guy took the time to harass these people, making it impossible for them to escape.

When Emperor Ziwei saw Wang Chen appearing, he was surprised at first, and then he didn't say anything. He stepped up his attack. After a stick of incense, the Emperor of the Supreme Profound Sect was all beheaded.

"The two solved their opponents quickly, which surprised me."

Emperor Ziwei packed up the spoils and said like this. The old guy curled his lips and didn't speak. With the old guy's arrogant personality, coupled with the fact that Emperor Ziwei had been cheated before, naturally he wouldn't have a good face.

Wang Chen looked serious, looked at the depths of the chaos and said:

"Let's go, I don't think it's right, the emperor of the stars should not be so easy to solve, let's go and see first!" (To be continued...)

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