Chapter 980 Shot

Xingchentian, Xingchenzong.

The entire Star Sect is bathed in starlight at this moment. The Star Sect itself has many immortal emperors and some emperors. They are all very powerful, and at this moment, the formation of star palaces and the power of stars within the Star Sect forms a powerful one. The formation method surrounds the Star Sect.

The array composed of so many immortal implements and the power of stars is so powerful that even if there are nearly a hundred emperors and powerful people outside, they are helpless.

This formation has been open for nearly a hundred years, and the power of the stars in the formation is much weaker than before. It is estimated that this will not last for many years.

In the formation.

Dozens of monks gathered around a young monk with a very respectful expression, and this young monk looked at the monks outside the formation, showing a trace of resentment.

"Sect Master, since Master Xingchen left, our Xingchen Sect has become less and less important. These people are also coveting the treasures left by Master. If we don't teach them some lessons, there will definitely be no peaceful days in the future."

An old emperor said like this, this emperor has a very high status in the Star Sect, and he is a highly respected generation. After the star emperor ascends to the God Realm, this emperor is the most likely to take over as the master of the star sect. , But this person declined, and instead let the young emperor take over.

This young emperor was the new Tianshu emperor, and it was the child Wang Chen had seen back then.

This emperor has lived for a long time, and he can see the essence of the matter at a glance. After the star emperor ascended, he shocked the Three Realms. He is the undoubted first person in the Three Realms. Even Shen Jie didn't make any waves in front of the star emperor. The emperor of the stars can easily ascend to the God Realm.

After the Star Emperor ascended, the Star Sect was still very powerful.

It's just that this power is no longer awe-inspiring. Although the Star Sect has emperors, they are all ordinary emperors. No one has broken through the first limit, and is not a top power in the Three Realms.

The Emperor Xingchen was so powerful, and everyone wanted to know what treasure he left behind. Even if there are no treasures, some cultivation experience and insights are still coveted by the monks.

The Star Sect had this treasure, but did not have the qualifications to guard it, which naturally caused twists and turns.

At the beginning, the emperor came to visit, just to get the insights left by the emperor of the stars, but the Star Sect is also a famous power in the Three Realms, how can he rashly agree, unless he is willing to join the Star Sect. Take the great oath and pledge allegiance to the Star Sect, otherwise it would be impossible.

This way down. There are many emperors offended by the Star Sect.

In fact, the average emperor is okay, and offending is also offending. With the strength of the Star Sect, he is not afraid at all, but among them, there are a few emperors who have broken through the first limit.

Fortunately, the large formation of the Star Sect did not send out, so that the emperor was jealous, and nothing happened, but after this, many emperors stayed in the stars and watched.

It wasn't until hundreds of thousands of years later that these more than a hundred emperors began to attack and formed what they are today.

The Star Sect is no longer the big power at the beginning. Although it is still second to none in the Star Sky, other forces have already started to act secretly. If it weren't for this, the other emperors would not unite.

Outside the star array, in a palace floating in thunder light.

A group of emperors looked at the star formation with different expressions on their faces, but they didn't speak much.

"Everyone, if this star formation continues like this, I am afraid that it will not be a problem to persist for ten thousand years. Now, it is better to attack together. The treasures left by the predecessors of the stars are occupied by the virtuous. These younger generations are incompetent, I Wait for it. What are you waiting for."

After a long while, an emperor among the thunder light said so.

The monk among the thunder light and the star light is the emperor who broke through the first limit, and he is very powerful in cultivating the thunder light and the avenue of stars. It’s just that the light has always been suppressed by the emperor of the stars, and he has not dared to make any movements. It is very low-key. Even the Leichen sect to which he belongs is calm. It is completely revealed the true colors.

The other emperors are not fools, and they don't want to be used as spearmen. Although they are a little moved, they are not willing to speak first.

Fishing in troubled waters is the best policy, after all, no one knows what tricks the Emperor Star has left.

Seeing that no one was speaking, the emperor in the thunder light continued to speak:

"It's not a way to continue to drag on like this, especially since there are countless stars in the Star Sect. It is possible to attract the power of the stars, even if you insist on hundreds of thousands, do you have to wait? Now I want to Stepping down on the Star Sect, if you are interested, you can participate, but let's say it first. If anyone doesn't work hard and wants time to enter the Star Sect to get benefits, don't blame me for being impolite."

This monarch made no secret of the killing intent on his face, and the expressions of many monarchs changed, but no one dared to say anything.

Moreover, after a few strong men who broke through the first limit in this group of emperors nodded in agreement, the other emperors also had no opinion.

Emperor Lei Chen was happy, this matter was discussed with the other emperors who broke through the first limit. If this continues, as long as the Star Sect is destroyed, Lei Chen Sect is the first school of Stars.

The other emperors also have their own ideas, but the purpose is the same. When the star sect is down, everyone wants to go up and take a bite.

So, nearly a hundred emperors started.

This attack is the real rupture of the heavens and the earth. This situation has not occurred in the Three Realms. The emperor level is generally restrained. The previous battles were also in chaos, but this time it is undoubtedly in the Three Realms. In the stars in the sky.

The emperor has reached the limit of the three realms, and every move of the supreme magical power is to shatter the space of the three realms, and the power is terrifying. If it weren't for this large array of stars, it was a large array formed by the emperor of the stars based on the avenue of stars and condensed with the power of the veins, it would really be broken.

Even so, the Star Array is at risk.

boom! boom! boom!


Every emperor started his hand, the star formation shook, the formation was trembling, and there were faint signs of inability to persist, especially the Leichen Emperor, showing superior strength, with a powerful attack on the Avenue of Stars and Avenue of Thunder. It's terrible, every time you attack, this big array will shake a few times.

"Open the big array and get out of the stars and sky, I can go around you and not die. After all, the emperor of the stars also took care of the sky of the stars. There is such a scene in the sky of the stars today, and the emperor of stars has contributed a lot."

Emperor Lei Chen said loudly, so that many cultivators in the Star Sect were silent.

Xingchentian was originally relatively barren, but the emperor of Xingchen set up a large array around, and even set up a large array of heaven and earth similar to the innate great array to attract the power of the stars, which made the star sky unique and extraordinary. It can be said that most of the stars are The monks all benefit from the emperor of the stars.

This is the reason why the Star Sect has such a big influence in the Star Sky.

What Emperor Lei Chen said had the effect of regaining the hearts of the people. After all, Emperor Xing Chen had soared for millions of years. Emperor Lei Chen did this. It is obviously unpopular to say it. But if he does this, others will only think that Emperor Lei Chen is great. It’s not too much to gain a position with strength.

The words of Emperor Lei can be regarded as the determination to reduce the resistance of the cultivators of the Star Sect.

Within the star formation, many cultivators became silent, and even some immortal emperors and Jinxian communicated in a low voice:

"That's not bad. After all, the Star Sect is no longer than it was in the past. It is not bad if it can be preserved. We can't keep the treasures inside."

"Nevertheless, it still feels uncomfortable."

"Master was too lonely and arrogant back then, and didn't have many friends. If it weren't for this, the Star Sect would not have fallen to where it is today."


As a cultivator of the Star Sect said, some people even began to faintly complain about the emperor of the stars. It's just that when the Emperor Xingchen was there, they said that the stars were low-poly and unparalleled in the world, and no one was qualified to be a friend of the Emperor Xingchen. Now that the Emperor Xingchen has risen, they say so again.

But at this time, a ray of light appeared from the horizon, and a terrifying speed descended over the star array, revealing the three figures of two people and one mouse from the inside. (To be continued...)

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