Chapter 994

Huanglian Tianshen took Wang Chen to the barracks, saying it was a barracks, but in fact it was only in the center of the city of God, but when he got here, he entered the six-eyed **** guard, and the rules were much more varied.

With seven turns and eight turns, passing by the area surrounded by formations, Huanglian Tianshen led Wang Chen to finally reach the front of a huge formation.

call out!

As soon as Huang Lian Tian Shen raised his hand, an area appeared in this formation, and then Wang Chen and the two entered.

"Come out, come out, new people come."

The Huanglian Tiansheng shouted so loudly, the voice spread all around, and the monks in the formation could probably hear it. Sure enough, in just a moment, the monks flew out.

Most of these are high-level gods and people, and some are gods, but these are only low-level and middle-level gods.

Seventy or eighty people lined up in a square array and appeared in front of the yellow-faced man. The yellow-faced **** nodded and said, "This is the kid from the heart, numbered eighty-six. After the thirteenth, you will take him with him. Teach him, you may be better than you in the future."

"Yes, Lord God General."

The number thirteenth monk walked out and replied without squinting.

Huanglian Tianshen nodded, and then ordered a few words to leave, while Wang Chen was led by the number thirteen and entered the barracks.

"The barracks in God City have strict requirements, and there are fewer places to go. Don't run around if you have nothing to do, just practice hard."

"There are no names in the barracks, only numbers, and numbers are names. You can call me thirteen. You number eighty-six. Remember."

"Refining the artifact earlier, you may go out soon. The six-eyed guard is outside most of the time, otherwise you will be too constrained in the barracks."

"In the future, you will have many opportunities to obtain military exploits. Your identity jade medal is a proof. Don’t lose it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to handle. As for your welfare. You can go to the old man to get it. One time, one million middle-grade Shenjing, other benefits, you have to win on your own."


Number thirteen walked and talked, with a cold expression on his face.

The items for attention were numbered thirteen and said, Wang Chen listened carefully. There was no unnecessary nonsense in these thirteen words, they were simple and clear, down to the point. Although a little uncomfortable, Wang Chen still understood.

"Here. This is your place. Just wait for notice when you go out!"

After Thirteen finished speaking, he turned and left without saying much, which made Wang Chen depressed. However, if Thirteen did not say anything, Wang Chen couldn’t do anything. He had to take out the token given by the gods. The force is poured on the token, and the token emits a light and then falls into this cave mansion.

call out!

The formation of the cave mansion opened a mouth, Wang Chen put the token away and entered it, and it didn't take long for the formation to close, and Wang Chen settled down in the cave mansion.

This cave is not luxurious, it is just enough.

But on the whole it was not bad. Several rooms could be arranged at will. Wang Chen was also very satisfied. For gods and men, each has its own inner world, so the requirements for Dongfu are naturally greatly reduced.

Sitting in the cave, Wang Chen’s incarnation began to think about it. Entering the Six-Eyed God City and becoming a Six-Eyed God Guard, Wang Chen can be said to be very smooth, possessing such a great potential, as long as the gods can see it. Come out, naturally, I am not afraid that I will not be able to join the six-eyed guard.

"The next step is to obtain military exploits, practice, and find a way to obtain the Universe Pearl."

Wang Che thought in his heart, he has probably determined the position of the Universe Pearl in the Six-eyed God City, and has some thoughts. Originally, Wang Chen wanted to steal it, or if he was strong enough to **** it, it seems that he doesn't need it now.

"Let’s hatch the lizards from the Land of Death first. It shouldn’t be long before they hatch." Wang Chen meditated. He took out a giant egg a few meters in radius from the inner world. The black giant egg exudes Bursts of black light, with a strong breath of life.

This egg was obtained by Wang Chen from the Land of Death, and he used some unique secret techniques in the Heart Sutra of Ten Thousand Beasts to stimulate his potential, and he had already recognized the Lord.

Taking out the egg, Wang Chen squeezed out a drop of blood and dripped onto the black egg, and then separated a soul that was like a soul into the blood, and soon the blood and soul were swallowed by the black egg. When it was empty, the vitality above the black egg was stronger, and the connection with Wang Chen increased a bit, and he was born to be close to Wang Chen.

"This secret technique really works, but it's too troublesome. If it wasn't for the amazing potential of this black egg and the time it takes to incubate it is extremely strong, this secret technique is not very useful."

Wang Chen secretly said in his heart. The use of blood and spirits as nourishment to cultivate spirit pets is also a secret technique in the Heart Sutra of Ten Thousand Beasts, but this secret technique hurts the monks a lot, and the effect is very weak, because ordinary spirit beasts and fairy beasts are only a few months old. In a few years, at most hundreds of years of effort, the incubation is complete, and the effect of this secret technique is very weak.

But this black egg had been incubating for millions of years, which made Wang Chen exert the effect of this secret technique to an unimaginable effect.

Time is an extremely powerful background.

Now the black egg’s life aura is rich and terrifying, bursts of black light radiate from the black egg, a kind of mystery is merged into the black egg, and it has the meaning of faintly fusing into the law, but what is the situation in the black egg, Wang Chen also Not sure.

It is certain that the spirit pet in this black egg is not ordinary, no, it should be called a **** pet.

In the following days, Wang Chen was to cultivate this deity pet and communicate with other deity guards at the same time. The **** guards here can be selected, none of the weakest, or even the worst, is about the same strength as Wang Chen. Many **** guards are upper gods, and there are really very few lower gods like Wang Chen.

But Wang Chen could talk with these gods. In fact, except for the 13th and other individuals, the rest of the guards are quite bold and not indifferent at all.

Wang Chen communicated with these gods and guards, and also learned a lot of cultivation experience, but benefited a lot.

A thousand years, a thousand years, time flies by.

With the two middle-grade artifacts, Wang Chen has already conceived the law of emptiness, and its power has greatly increased, especially the power that blesses the law of emptiness, which is even more powerful, which makes Wang Chen very happy.

The defensive **** armor blessed the law of emptiness, as if forming layers of void space, weakened the attack a lot, the effect was obvious, and the flying artifact was even more mysterious, blessing the law of emptiness, the space was faintly affected and seemed to be melted by the void. In general, the speed is fast.

At this time, Wang Chen realized how powerful his nihilism was, and the power of nihilism was gradually revealed.

The life in the barracks is very boring. When there is nothing to do, it is cultivation, but for Wang Chen, this is just right, and it is also pleasant. It is just that the black eggs obtained in the Land of Death have not hatched, which makes Wang Chen shocked.

After 18,000 years, a message came from the token.

"Assemble the guards, mission!"

When Wang Chen heard this message, he quickly flew out of the cave, and at this moment, a famous guard outside had already flown out, and in a moment, more than 80 flew out for the guard.

Huanglian Tianshen stood at the forefront and watched the assembly of many gods and guards, he said: "This task is not troublesome, but the danger is unknown. It is better for you to be careful. For the specific situation, I I'll send it to everyone later, now I pack my things and set off right away."

After Huanglian Tianshen finished speaking, he took out a huge flying artifact.

This flying artifact is surprisingly a heavenly artifact, with immense power. One of its appearances is to grow up quickly, becoming nearly a hundred pieces long, floating in the air.

The yellow-faced deity quickly entered it, and the rest of the guards also cleaned up individually. It only took a moment to complete the assembly and enter the flying deity artifact.

The surrounding formations quickly opened, and the flying artifact flew away with a scream.

Wang Chen saw the appearance of the entire six-eyed **** city in the flying artifact, but it was a bit strange that no other **** guards set off in the surrounding area. According to the truth, general actions are more than one **** guard.

Only a moment later, Wang Chen understood why he came here, because Huanglian Tianshen sent a message of this happy mission through a token. (To be continued...)

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