Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 808: 9 birds 2

In the situation of the shadow city's overall contraction, Tianzun was restrained by the big war zone on the side of Tianmeng and could not help. [Read in full text ..]

Lin Xin is simply unstoppable.

Not long after, a majestic, spiked fortress appeared above the plain.

The fortress also seemed to feel the arrival of Lin Xin. On the topmost tower, a black beam of light burst into the sky.

Huh! !!

The beam of light burst through the clouds and grounded in the sky.

"This is the third checkpoint, Huiyang City. Your Excellency is the Celestial Sunshine King?"

A sharp female voice came out of the fortress.

Lin Xin stopped moving slightly, looking at the dark beam of light, squinting.

Rarely, he felt a slight threat from that beam of light.

"who are you?"

His voice didn't need any increase, it was already like a thunder, it was shaking, and many stones on the ground were also directly cracked.

The sound waves passed far away, and the entire fort shook and scattered a lot of dust.

The frightening cry of countless creatures in the city came out instantly.

"This is Huiyang City, and I, the guardian here, Jiuhou Huiyang."

The female voice answered.

"Dear King of the Sun, Tianmeng against the Shadow City, in fact we do not know, the news here is completely blocked by Fang prison.

If we know that the Tianmeng Army is coming, our family of nine birds is absolutely afraid to fight against it. So, you are feeling ... "

"Surender, or die."

Lin Xin interrupted.

He was not in the mood and had no time to listen to each other's nonsense.

The fortress was silent immediately.

They showed their hole cards first, that black beam of light, in order to be able to talk to Tianmeng and Lin Xin about the conditions.

But I did not expect that the other party was too lazy to listen, and only gave two options.

About no interest.

Lin Xin clenched the sword of joy, and was about to wave forward.

"We surrender!"

Nine-headed bird Huiyang answered low.

"But we want to belong to your Majesty! Not Tianmeng!"

Lin Xin narrowed his eyes and thought about it.


Nine birds.

According to legend, the blood of ancient gods and beasts that survived from the beginning is said to have the blood of the evil **** king, but the actual is unknown.

The specific magical power is unknown.

Recalling the information of Huiyang, the nine birds, Lin Xin soon saw that in the black fortress, a black bird with black paint and feathers was burning.

It has nine necks and heads, and each head is like a peacock.

Huiyang! Huiyang! !!

Nine birds raised their weird cries.

This is also the origin of its name.

The black giant bird flew up and flew like a huge black cloud, and then leapt to Lin Xin's body.

"God, Huiyang willingly surrender."

It thought to preach, and lowered its nine heads respectfully.

"Tell your real name."

Lin Xin said lightly.

In their realm, especially the horror creatures such as the nine-headed bird, which are between Heavenly Deity and Earth Immortal Candle, only their real names can truly restrain them.

Their real names are imprinted in the depths of the Void Realm, running through countless traces and history that they once left behind. It contains all the mysteries of its life and magical powers.

Once mastered by the great magical person, life and death will also be between their thoughts.

Not to mention, Lin Xin will have a method called Yinmingzhisuo.

It is a general way of recording recorded in Bihu Mountain.

The principle of the Taoist method is to use real names to directly embody the countless traces of the world that involve real names. Condensing it into a totem.

Once this totem is destroyed by external forces, the real name of the totem will be instantly lost, even the rebirth of reincarnation.

Because this method involves causality, it is also one of the causal techniques.

Lin Xin was not eligible to watch before, but now he is fully aware of it.

"Real name ...." Nine birds trembled.

He didn't expect Lin Xin to be so cruel, but he asked him to give up his real name as soon as he came up.

Once this surrendered, it will completely lose the freedom and freedom of tens of thousands of years before, and become the slave of this man in front of him.


Lin Xin's eyes fell on it, and an extremely heavy pressure suddenly fell on the nine birds at the same time.

Space squeezed it violently without any trace of fragmentation.

The nine birds were suddenly shocked. This represented Lin Xin's sword intention, which had been able to be closely integrated with the space, greatly strengthening the strength of the surrounding space, and turning it into a space sword intention that he could use! !!

It knows that some sword tricks can achieve this effect.

However, it did not see Lin Xin use any of these similar swordsmanship swordsmanship!

That is ...

He simply relied on his other sword intentions, forcibly twisted the forced space and obeyed himself!

Wanting to understand this, Nine Birds were suddenly shocked.

Feeling Lin Xin's increasingly dangerous sword surge in front of him, he finally spoke low.

"My real name is ..." A weird and complicated, obscure syllable was passed out of his divine thoughts and penetrated into Lin Xin's divine thoughts.

After remembering the real names of the nine birds, Lin Xin also converged and did not wantonly destroy the surrounding environment.

After the master-slave relationship was determined, the entire huge body of Nine Birds quickly shrank, but after a while, it turned into a silver-haired shawl and a hot sloppy woman.

"Huiyang has met the owner."

Nine-headed bird Huiyang respectfully bowed down and saluted to Lin Xin.

"You knew me before?"

Lin Xin looked carefully at the strongest subordinate he had ever collected, and was slightly curious.

Since the news was blocked by Shadow City, how did she know his information? No intention of negotiating to surrender.

Nine birds, Huiyang, wore a black fluffy coat with a tight black vest inside, a choppy chest, and a pair of black tight-fitting water-milled trousers underneath, showing the perfect curve.

It looks just like an ordinary silver-haired girl.

The only thing that is quite special is that her eyes have nine black dots in each pupil, which are arranged around the pupil like a ring.

"The owner doesn't know. My nine bird family, the greatest magical talent, actually is going back in time ..."

Hui Yang whispered.

"Back in time?" Lin Xin suddenly became interested.


Huiyang must answer.

"Our talents are capable of tracing back to an individual, an environment, and a scene from a time ago, and get the information we want from it."

"Is this similar to the circle of light?"

Lin Xin frowned.

"No, our magical powers are not reading the remaining memory of the surrounding environment, that is the principle of the use of circular light." Huiyang shook his head.

"Our talent is to directly read the past of an individual or an environmental area. It is irrelevant whether or not environmental memory remains."


Lin Xinwei smiled, but even if he smiled, it also gave a cold feeling.

It seems to be just the ordinary expression combined by pulling the corners of the skin and mouth.

"Follow me next."

This supernatural talent is extremely useful, it is simply the best ability to investigate the situation.

"How long can you look back?" He asked suddenly.

"One year, but it requires a great supply of spiritual power." Nine birds quickly answered.


Lin Xin flashed forward and grabbed her by the shoulder.

"follow me."

The words didn't fall, the two disappeared into the air with a blink of an eye, leaving only a few afterimages slowly dissipating.


The space is twisted into an elongated curved glass bend.

Lin Xin took nine birds, Huiyang, to slide quickly from the curved pipe. The surrounding was full of strange and strange scenes.

There is no complete scene, only in the state of extreme speed, all the weird shapes after being distorted and spotted.

Just like an abstract painter's random graffiti drawing board, Jiu Shou Bird can't understand or see any scenes, and can only feel the pain of a tear that emerges from his body.

She felt that her whole body was about to collapse, her limbs seemed to have been crushed by the giant mountains, her bones had no consciousness to the blood. Only the painful rush of seawater.

Only the chest and abdomen still have a little bit of control, and they can breathe as much energy as possible.

Bang! !!

Suddenly, she felt a big stop on her shoulders.

A huge force instantly fixed it and floated in the air.

From extreme speed to extreme quietness, this intermediate state changed so quickly that her eyes became black, her blood was raging, and she was almost dizzy and choked.


"You are too weak to even afford to fly." Lin Xin scolded mercilessly.


Hui Yang opened her mouth and wanted to speak.

"If you want to vomit, just vomit. Even this speed can't adapt." Lin Xin frowned, and patted her on the back.

puff! !! !! !!

Huiyang Yangtian is a spurt of blood.

The blood mist floated and dispersed, almost turning into a cloud.

Lin Xin was also shocked. He looked at his palm and looked at nine birds.

He didn't work hard at all!

puff! !!

Nine birds bleed for the second time.

Mouthful of blood was pouring out of her mouth, don't scatter down like money.


"What do you want to say !!!?"

Lin Xin also quickly hugged her. This was his first subordinate to the fairy candlestick level, but he couldn't sacrifice this simple.

"I .... I'm fast .... No more ..."

Nine birds struggle to squeeze out a few words.

Lin Xin directly released a real yuan to quickly circulate in his body.

Immediately understand, but also a little bit crying.

The physique of these nine birds is simply too frightening.

Not to mention the level of the earth fairy, that is, the human fairy, Yuan Ying, are better than her.

She can also be compared to Brother Jindan ~ ~ so he was a little faster just now, and the goods were bleeding. He gently patted her back in accordance with the power of other earth fairy levels.

It was a fatal blow.

So much so that she is now dying.

"Such a weak earth fairy beast ..."

Helpless, Lin Xin gave her a true yuan to help her repair her body.

He even vomited a few minutes of blood before Huiyang breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lin Xin with awe.

"Master, you are too strong. Huiyang can't bear it."

"You are too weak. What other abilities do you have besides going back in time?"

Lin Xin regretted accepting this subordinate. (To be continued.)



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