Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 820: Retreat 4

"What does the face do? Can it be eaten?" Jiuquxianweng's skin was obviously beyond his expectation. Vertex Novels "⒉ ⒉" Hurry up, baby, take it out. "

"You want so many babies to die!"

Depressed Xiao Sheng, unwillingly took out a palm-sized banana fan and threw it away.


"Hey, thank you!"

Jiuquxian Weng smiled and put away the baby.

"Would you like another round? Although I don't think you can ever win me."

"Forget it, forget it!" Jiuchi Xianzun waved hands again and again.

The two sat in the open space beside the lotus leaf pond, and autumn leaves flew on the trees in the courtyard, falling from time to time on the ground, picturesque.

The two gathered away the chess pieces.

Jiuchi Xianzun is still in a depressed state.

"Why the dragon snake? Why haven't you seen him play recently?"

"He has few avatars. He was killed last time, and now he has been racing against time to continue to consolidate the star power incarnation." Jiuqu Xianweng casually said.

"Isn't he a great apprentice?" Jiuxian Xianzun puzzled. "Why are you doing this?"

"The apprentice is an apprentice, and he is himself. In fact, his apprentice's concern for Bihu Mountain is also his teacher. In fact, the dragon and snake are safer than us. As long as conditions allow, Daozu will not let him have a big problem. Now these are just sharpening. "

Jiuquxianweng shook his head and said.

"Is it so important?"

Jiuchi Xianzun was slightly surprised.

"Even if it is the Great Saint, it is not so inclined ..."

"You don't know what's going on in the shadow world yet?"

Jiuquxian Weng leisurely road.

"I really don't know. Recently, I have been dying with the Nether Moon Snake guy, and dozens of incarnations have died, and they have been crazy. Nothing else is known." Jiuchi Xianzun shook his head.

"It's no wonder."

Jiuquxian Weng smiled.

"Among the disciples of the dragon and the snake, the sun-god **** Jun Lin took the sun. He was not strong, but his combat power was extremely fierce."

"Is n’t there a ceremony of holding up the stars recently? How strong can you be without Tianzun?" Jiujin Xianzun disapproved.

"Although he is not a Celestial Master, the King of the Sun this time has almost completely penetrated the Shadow City." Jiuquxian Weng laughed.

"Through Shadow City ?!" Jiuchi Xianzun just picked up the tea cup on the side and was about to take a sip, but was almost choked by the news.

"A Dixian ?! Through Shadow City? Are you playing me, Jiuqu? A Dixian is so strong !?"

"It's stronger than you think!" Jiuqu straightened and nodded. "The King of the Sun killed three avatars in a row along the way, destroyed the most powerful Shadow Demon Prison, and shattered the one-third of the city walls.

Permanent trauma was caused to the sleeping snake in the shadow realm. Hundreds of millions of deaths and injuries caused directly and indirectly by shadows! It is said that there was also the Guanyin of the Buddha Realm at the time, but he was not even qualified to intervene in the battle between him and Fang prison, and could only resist the waves to protect others. "


Jiuchi Xianzun took a breath.

"Is this still Dixian ?? Jiuqu, your joke is not funny at all."

"I'm idle to tell you a joke, you think too much." Jiuquxian Weng said silently. "You're closed to news, so I don't know. It's all crazy now. You can ask whatever you want."

"That's too exaggerated, it's just a fairy." Xiao Sheng didn't agree.

"Jiuqu Daoyou said yes."

Suddenly a figure flashed over the courtyard and landed quickly.

The comer's face was so beautiful, with a long sword on his back, his body was extremely sharp, and his head and waist were spread out like feathers.

"Universal friends." Jiuquhe Jiuchi stood up to say hello.

"You don't need to be polite." Huanyu Tianzun smiled, revealing a pure smile that was more seductive than a female nun. "Now, there are a lot of complaints in the Tianmeng League about the Sunshine King, and the Huansha Merchants League and the Chen family are very dissatisfied with him. Several Tianzun believe that he has gathered together to establish his own group in Bihu Mountain. Disbelief Discipline. "

"So what? The shadow world was originally struck down by the nephew of She Rixian." Jiuqu complained.

"The fusible founder Daojun died, and the two Celestial Masters who rushed to support them died together. They are still unable to be contacted with their own stars. Perhaps the situation can only be determined after the next appearance of Daozu." Tianzun shook his head. "I am also a big head as a Daozu traveler.

A nine-colored **** and a sun-seeking god, these two forces are now like snowballs. They grow bigger and harder to manage. "

"Is it so serious?"

Jiuchi Xianzun is not convinced.

"It's more serious than you think. Many forces already have their own minds, and most of the masters and the like have turned to Jiushe.

The outside forces, as well as those in the shadow world, turned to the Sun King. Huanyu said helplessly.

"On the side of She Rixian, I can ask the dragon and snake to talk about the item." Jiuqu frowned. "Of course, where justice must be guaranteed."

"This is okay. I still believe in Jiuqu Taoyou and Dragon Snake Taoyou. Alas ... if this saint is not related to the vitality of the calamity, I can't touch it, I can only let it go, and I will So passive.

The messengers sent to Nine Colors all had seven or eight strokes. The abyssal circles have been approved, but still nothing. "

Huanyu Tianzun is helpless.

"It's really difficult ..."

The great saint is vitality, and it is very difficult. Even if the cultivation is not the strongest now, it can't hold the luck, and the time of the calamity is when it is most dependent on them.

And in the eyes of Daozu, the nine-color **** is even the heaviest in this catastrophe. Several Taoist ancestors came down in succession, and some even bluntly stated that they could only calm down the robbers.

All the resources of Bihu Mountain are being supplied to Jiu Se Shen Jun, Tian Cai Di Bao, the source of the world, and what is needed.

This makes Uniworld impossible to control. Even the forces that have taken refuge in the Nine Colors cannot be controlled, which has caused the strength of the Bihu Mountain headquarters to weaken rapidly, and external vassal forces gradually began to listen to deafness.

"Today's plan, we can only go one step at a time." Huanyu sighed. Fortunately, Wei Ning has cheered up again. Showing the true style of the Great Saint, his sword tactics broke through to the fifth floor, and the two of Yuan Yi slaughtered hundreds of millions of Nether Demon in the eastern star area. It is also considered Much pressure has been relieved for the Department. "

Jiuquhe Jiuchi are also speechless.


Lin Xinduan sits high, with Lin Yaoyang next to him. Both are wearing luxurious brocades, and their bodies are covered with silver awns.

Lin Xin also did not show the body. His terror body, which is more than seven meters high, has four arms, two black holes in the back, and a black hole in the chest to devour everything. If it does not restrict the fluctuation of power, the entire Umbra will be affected Affects interference. Many mechanistic matrix methods may be collapsed by ripples.

In this ontological form, Lin Yaoyang doesn't say that marrying him is because he can't even look directly at his face.

Even if Lin Xin breathed her the most attribute points in one breath, the soul limit was destined that she could not be strengthened too much.

Below the main hall, 6 away, Yao Yuanhui, Zhao Wumian and others, Prague of the Corpse King World, Zhi Hong is also there, the body is vague and abnormal, it is impossible to see the extent of its cultivation, but it is definitely far back in the year.

All disciples stand on the right.

Nine birds Huiyang and Xing Pengfei, as well as the two main city masters and other people who came here, stood together, located on the left side of the hall.

"During my absence, what's going on in the Umbra?"

Lin Xin asked casually.

"Return to Master." Zhao Wumian, who is in charge of management, stood up and started to report respectfully. "Now, the Umbrella Show is going well. Now there are three celestial deities including Huiyang, the King of Prisoners and Ji Qing.

There are thirty-two earth gods, divided into two parts of the underworld and night, of which eleven are masters. The rest are the owners of the shadow world.

There are 197 masters of small and medium ancestors at the fifth-order immortal level. The Tibetan scripture pavilion has included thousands of different Taoist classics, all according to your instructions, as long as you can reach level five or higher. Success. "

Ji Qingtianzun is a Sanxian Tianzun who came to him alone without Lin Xin ’s knowledge. His family was mostly destroyed by the Nether Demon, and even the original small world was destroyed by the demon army. Can be displaced ~ ~ Finally chose to rely on Lin Xin.

Lin Xin listened calmly from above. His Majesty is now divided into three parts.

The first is that his original disciples, even the masters with a small world such as Prague Red, are in a camp.

The second is the three city lords who came to the nether world, and Ji Qingtianzun and others. This is a large group of forces, with Ji Qing as the example.

Third, there are groups such as the Shadow World. The Shadow World is the strongest, but also the most independent of the Shadow League.

These three pieces are the foundation of his Majesty now.

The Shadow Cage King is an ambitious person who directly puts all his life on him. Unlike others, he directly signed a master-servant contract with Lin Xin and became his loyal servant.

And he also got the most. As a deity, Lin Xin directly transmitted 100,000 average attribute points in the past, which instantly stimulated the hidden blood of the cage king, making his strength reach an unpredictable level.

Because of the lack of cultivation, even Lin Xin didn't know what state he had reached.

However, due to the contract and real name constraints, he was also very reassuring to the prisoner of kings.

After Zhao Wumian reported the situation, Huiyang was out of the queue.

"The refining of the slashing nature weapon mentioned by Shenjun is now eye-catching. With the cooperation of the Lord of Yunxiang Palace and the lack of materials in the Umbra, it is expected that the killing armament of the Umbra can be suppressed within one thousand years. Refining. "

"Compared to the one in Huiyang City you were in?" Lin Xin remembers that when he first arrived in Huiyang City, the soaring beam of light that made him feel threatened at that time, that mighty power was already the top Tianzun. Yes.

"Huiyang directly took the realm of my Huiyang city as the core and strengthened it with all its heart."

She is now responsible for the formation of the Umbrella Array Refiner, which is regarded as the chief executive in this area. (To be continued.)

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