Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 10: Moving mountains and partridge whistle

Chapter 10 Moving Mountains and Partridge Whistle


 The remaining lamp is like a bean.

 Chen Yulou sat cross-legged on the ground, and his whole body had entered a state of trance.

 With every breath he takes.

In the dense forest outside Yizhuang, wisps of weak green wood spiritual energy gathered.

 Slowly blending into the center of his eyebrows.

Flows through the limbs and hundreds of meridians, and finally turns into a drop of spiritual mist, returning to the qi sea dantian.

at the same time.

 In the vast depths of Laoxiong Ridge.

 The night wind howls, whimpering like a ghost, and is eerie and terrifying.

There were also the chirping of insects and birds, mixed with the roars of various unknown beasts.

 Miao Village has been passed down from ancient times.

 At night, that’s when the mountain monsters and ghosts come out to look for food.

 So every day when it gets dark, the gates of each village will be sealed, and every household will also lock its doors and doors, and no one dares to go out even half a step.

  But even so.

at this time.

 The three of them had no scruples.

Hour while it’s dark.

 They are two men and one woman.

They are all dressed up by Bing family Miao people.

 There is a person in the front, tall and straight, with a stern expression.

 Hair of long hair is simply tied back with a wooden hairpin.

 Doesn’t look like Miao people.

It's more like a Taoist practicing in the mountains.

However, a pair of eyes are as deep as knives, and the forehead between the eyebrows is even more murderous.

It is also contrary to the image of Taoists who always emphasize tranquility and inaction.

Hold a lantern in his hand and walk in front. Under the light, his temperament is even more unique and indescribable.

The one in the middle is a Miao girl, about sixteen or seventeen years old.

 She is also carrying a bamboo basket.

But there is an extra long umbrella.

She is still childish, clever and cute, but with every frown and smile, she has a bit of a heroic spirit.

 The last person walking was a strange-looking young man.

 Early twenties.

 Hand of curly hair, like a mixed race.

He was not carrying a bamboo basket, but an old bow, with ten or twenty long arrows densely packed in the quiver.

There is also a bundle of ropes hanging diagonally around his waist.

Suddenly, they are the three brothers and sisters of Partridge Sentinel.



A terrifying roar came from the forest.

 The three of them stopped at once.

  The old foreigner who was walking at the end grabbed the bow behind him and glanced around with blazing eyes.

 “Senior brother?”

"Do you want?"

Partridge Whistle listened for a moment with his ears pricked up, then shook his head, "It should be a tiger or leopard, don't pay attention to it."

 “The yellow monster on the ancient raccoon monument has been here for hundreds of years, which is a great harm.”

  “We’ll talk about it after we solve it first.”

 “We have to rush to the border of Hunan and Guizhou when we turn around.”

 While speaking.

The partridge whistle raised its head and looked into the distance.

 A pair of eyes that seemed to be able to see through the vast night.

 “Yes, senior brother.”

 Hua Ling and the old foreigner nodded.

 Their trip was not actually for Lao Xiong Ling.

Only when we were halfway there, we heard that a yellow demon was causing trouble in the area around the ancient raccoon monument and killed countless passing merchants.

 The lineage of moving mountains was passed down from Taoism.

 Has the responsibility of subduing demons.

In these years, Partridge Whistle has traveled around the world with his junior brother and sister, looking for the Muchen Bead in an attempt to resolve the thousand-year curse on the clan.

I don’t know how many evildoers have been killed.

 “It’s getting late.”

 “Go faster.”

Partridge Whistle raised his head and glanced at the night sky above his head.

At this moment, there were heavy dark clouds, covering the full moon.

 In the howling night wind, there was also a feeling that a storm was about to come.

 He immediately called out to his junior brothers and sisters.

Then he held the wind lantern and stepped forward, as fast as lightning.

 Hua Ling and the old foreigner are not slow either.

 The three of them ran all the way.

 Almost half an hour later.

 They arrived at a cemetery shaped like a mass grave.

 There are towering old trees and overgrown grass.

There are also numerous white bones that can be seen everywhere, which makes people shudder.

 “This should be it.”

Standing in front of a broken stele, Partridge Whistle observed for a moment and said.

“Hua Ling, old foreigner, follow closely.”

"That yellow demon is very evil and has done harm to countless people. Don't underestimate the enemy." "Yes, senior brother!"

Hua Ling pursed her lips and nodded.

As he spoke, he took out the long umbrella behind his back and opened it with a splash.

I saw that umbrella, which was of ancient style, and the surface of the umbrella was inlaid with bronze mirrors one after another.

Looks amazing.

The old foreigner stood behind the two of them with his bow and arrows ready, and glanced around with a knife-like gaze.

  As long as there is someone familiar with the art of war.

You will find that their positions seem to be sparse and ordinary, but in fact they are vaguely formed into a three-talent formation.

 Even if there is a sudden danger.

 Three people can react in the shortest time.

 Furthermore, attack from any side.

 Can do it without splashing water.

Hua Ling and the old foreigner are nominally brothers and sisters of Partridge Shao.

 In fact, the two of them did not become a disciple.

 It is he who acts as a teacher and accepts disciples.

 Every skill was taught by him personally.

 So, to the two of them, there is actually no difference between the partridge whistle and the master.

 Plus having traveled around the world for so many years.

  The three of them have long developed an incomparable tacit understanding.

Partridge Whistle held a lamp in one hand and a twenty-ring mirror box in the other, passing through the remains of the monument and walking straight into the depths of the cemetery.


The three of them searched the tomb inside and outside.

 There was no trace of the yellow demon either.

 Instead, he went round and round and returned to the original ruined monument.

“Brother, will it go out to harm others?”

 Hua Ling is the youngest.

 Girls are lively and lovely.

Looking at the frowning senior brother, she couldn't help but say.

 “Not like…”

The partridge whistle shook its head.

 Suddenly, he seemed to see something out of the corner of his eye, and a rare trace of surprise flashed across his stern face.

 Perception of something strange about him.

 Hua Ling and the old foreigner both looked over curiously.

 “Look at the tablet.”

Partridge Whistle stretched out his hand and raised the lantern. The swaying firelight illuminated the ruined stele like a mirror.

  A few vague handwritings can still be seen faintly.


 At the moment, the three of them paid no attention.

 Just staring at the mass of... bright red on the stone tablet.

"is blood."

Partridge Whistle squatted on the ground and stretched out his hand to wipe it. The blood had not even completely dried up.

 His brows furrowed deeply.

 “Brother, come quickly, there are more here.”

 While he was thinking.

 The old foreigner’s exclamation came from behind.

Partridge Whistle looked back.

 I saw blood splashing on the weeds.

However, the color is dark black and the taste is extremely pungent.

 “Black dog blood?”

Partridge Whistle was stunned at first, and then seemed to think of something.

Holding the wind lantern, he looked around.

 The ground is littered with broken stones and broken monuments, and countless broken weeds.

  Obviously the traces left after a fight.

 Seeing this scene, his frown suddenly relaxed.

 “Senior brother?”

"what's the situation?"

Hua Ling raised her head and asked softly.

 “Someone is a step ahead of us.”

“Let’s deal with the yellow demon first.”


 Hearing this, Hua Ling and the old foreigner couldn't help but look at each other.

 There was a hint of shock in each of their eyes.

 Following my senior brother’s guesses.

 That yellow demon has at least two to three hundred years of cultivation.

 Cannibalizes human lives, and transforms into a mountain **** to steal incense.

 Ordinary people are no match at all.

 Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been doing evil for so many years without being eradicated.

 Why were they charged before they even arrived?

 “The blood is not yet dry.”

 “That person shouldn’t have gone far yet.”

“Hua Ling, old foreigner, look around. Someone who can kill such a big monster is by no means an ordinary person. He might be a senior from my Taoist sect. Don’t miss such a good opportunity.”

Vote for recommendation, I’m so hungry



 (End of this chapter)

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