See that she is confident.

Chen Yulou couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The black desert is endless, and it's the windy season now. It snows nine out of ten days. It's hard to find a sunny day, but the wind is also howling, and it's impossible to identify the direction by ordinary means.

 I rely on her to guide me along the way.

 And her performance was worthy of the original guarantee of the Wutuo clan leader.

Although there may be ambiguities between each other on certain things, this does not hinder them too much.

 As for the Ziduan River, he has also heard about it.

It is said that the snow water melted by the Kunlun Glacier flows from the top of the mountain to form a large river. However, the Black Desert is in extreme drought most of the year, and the water on the ground cannot be retained.

 Rivers flow underground.

 Thus forming an underground river.

 In ancient Uighur language, Zidu means shadow.

 Describe it as elusive and hard to find.

 But where exactly it is located is unknown.

But from what Oona said, she seemed to have seen it before.

Have a simple breakfast and pack the tent and luggage.

 The group set off again from Xiye Ancient City.

After a treasure hunt in the ancient city, the atmosphere in the team was obviously much more enthusiastic than in the previous days, especially the young people, whose faces were full of expectations and longing.

From time to time, he would take out the artifacts he found and show them off like trophies.

There are fragments of jade, golden beans as big as a thumb, and some weird and Western-style antiques.

 Although it is not as valuable as imagined.

 But after all, it was dug out of the yellow sand with one's own hands, and the sense of accomplishment cannot be summed up simply in terms of its value.

 After passing Yumen Pass and entering the Western Regions.

I don’t know how many times I have heard the saying that there is gold everywhere in the desert.

Now they finally have a hint of it.

 One by one, they were riding on the backs of camels, scanning the surroundings, hoping to find another ancient city.

 After all, didn’t the shopkeeper say so?

Along the ancient Kongque River below me, dozens of ancient countries once existed. If we could find another one, wouldn't it be a windfall from heaven? I would be idle anyway.

 It’s just that the ancient city is so easy to find.

 Most of them have been covered by wind and sand.

 Stored deep underground.

At first glance, the scenery machine looks like a copy. Unless you are a master of inversion who lives in the black desert all year round, you can calculate based on the subtle changes.

 Otherwise, you would not notice it even if you walked over the top of the ancient city.


 There are also unexpected surprises.

On the way to the ancient well, you can often see black shadows floating on the sand dunes.

 At first, no one paid much attention to it, just thinking it was a dead Haloxylon ammodendron tree or piled iron sand and gravel.

  It wasn't until they were resting halfway that a few young people couldn't stop and walked together. As they got closer to the black figures, they discovered that they were actually a stone tomb buried under the dunes, with half of the top of the tomb exposed.

 Because the desert is always moving.

No matter how deep the coffin is buried, it will be blown out of the ground by a sandstorm in a few years.

It will even attract those ferocious beasts in the desert to break open the coffin and eat the corpse.

 In order to prevent this situation.

That's why the ancient people of the countries in the Black Desert used this method to quarry rocks and integrate the coffins and tomb chambers into one body. The gaps between the stone slabs were glued together with isinglass.

 Buried deep in the desert.

 Like an ancient ship sunk in a sea of ​​sand.

Even the most ferocious pack of wolves cannot destroy the coffin.

It’s just that the sandstorm swept across the past few days and blew away a thick layer of yellow sand, allowing the top of the stone tomb to emerge from the sea of ​​sand.

Several people shouted excitedly.

The movement quickly attracted a lot of attention.

Huama took the man over to take a look, and there was also a look of surprise on his face.

The stone coffin tomb may be difficult for ordinary people to start with, but Changsheng Mountain is the home of Xiling. Even newcomers to the world have at least three or five ways to break open the tomb and open the coffin.

 A group of about ten people.

 It took less than half a quarter of an hour to dig out the whole coffin and tomb from the sand dunes.

 One rock after another is connected to each other.

Seeing this situation, Huamaguai decisively took out the vaginal probing claw.

 The sharp claws swiped hard along the gap in the sarcophagus.

The weathered isinglass instantly cracked, and dots of cracks continued to appear from the inside out. After a while, the glue like broken glass fell to the ground.

 Change the direction of the female probing claw.

 Insert and give a sharp hook.

 The entire stone panel was removed with great ease.

The waiters on the side felt itchy and swarmed forward. In a few seconds, they opened a cave in the coffin that could accommodate two people.

Hung a wind lantern from a bamboo strip deep inside.

 Fire light dispels darkness.

 The group of people stood on their toes and looked around.

The tomb chamber is not very large, just like a gourd lying horizontally. There are two tombs at the front and back, each with a coffin.

 It uses willow and poplar trees that are common in the Western Regions.

With just one glance, Huamaguai felt a little disappointed. From the style of the coffin, it could be seen that the tomb was not of high standard. He was probably a low-level official.

 If it had been released before, he might still be interested.

But I just bought an entire Xiye Ancient City.

Both the horizons and the appetite have been improved a lot.

 “Okay, let’s drive.”

 “Move quickly, don’t delay your trip.”

  He glanced at the young guys beside him.

Huama turned around and waved her hands.

 Hearing the hidden meaning in his words, a few people still didn't understand.

 “Thank you, sir.”

  Thank you with clasped fists.

The group of people quickly rushed into the tomb.

 Open two wooden coffins one after another.

Except for the two mummified bodies of a man and a woman, there were very few artifacts buried with them, and most of them were pottery and jade pieces.

But no matter how little, it is better than nothing.

A few people can share it, and each of them can exchange it for a few pieces of silver, which is better than nothing.

 When they walked out of the tomb, they did not forget to seal the stone door again.

The wind is howling all day long in the black desert, and within half a day at most, the quicksand will bury the entire coffin and tomb again.

 Wait for the group to return.

 Everyone in the team had almost rested.

Seeing the smiles that could not be concealed on the faces of several waiters, Chen Yulou asked casually. He heard that it was a stone tomb, and he couldn't help but nodded suddenly.

 In the vast and boundless black desert.

There are not even one thousand but eight hundred stone tombs.

 In the Thirty-Six Kingdoms of the Western Regions, the real tombs of nobles often had big trees like those of the Han people.

Either buried very deep underground, or buried in the city, completely protected from wind and sand erosion.

An ancient tomb like this is like an ancient ship in the sea of ​​sand, and it is difficult to find valuable artifacts from it.

Without saying anything else, the group continued on their way.

By midday, the heavy snow that had been falling intermittently for several days finally stopped, but the sky was still gloomy, with leaden clouds falling low, making people breathless.

 “There will be a snowstorm tomorrow at the latest.”

“Shopkeeper Chen, it’s better to plan ahead. Should we stop or go?”

During the break, Oona approached the team where several people were, with a hint of deep sadness between her brows and eyes.


Chen Yulou is still studying the route with Partridge Shao.

According to the ancient atlas left by the ancestors of Zagrama, the Holy Mountain is located in a barren land deep in the black desert, with two huge black magnetic mountains facing each other far away.

 But how far is it?

 Do they really have a rough idea in mind?

Once they heard what Oona said, the two of them didn't care about the Holy Mountain. They subconsciously looked up at the sky above them, with a thoughtful look on their expressions.

“How did you see this? Can you confirm it?”

Yang Fang looked strange.

From his point of view, the weather is almost the same as usual.

 “It can’t be wrong.”

 “I have been learning how to identify weather changes from Atta’s side since I was a child.”

Oona nodded seriously.

 The wizards in the village not only have the responsibilities of worshiping gods, witch doctors, and divination, but they also need to observe the changes in the four seasons and wind and clouds with their naked eyes.

Although they are nomadic people, they do not depend on the sky for their food.

 But if they go out hunting and encounter extreme weather, it will be a fatal crisis for them.

 Chen Yulou knew this very well.

 I believe it 70% to 80% in my heart.

Since she specifically mentioned a snowstorm, it must not be comparable to this snowy day. “Miss Oona, the ancient well you mentioned before can be sheltered from the wind?”

"There is a low broken wall around the ancient well. If you are quick enough, you can dig out a sandy valley along the broken wall and squeeze in, and you should be fine."

 See him point out the key points at once.

  In such a short period of time, he came up with a way to break the situation.

Wuna couldn't help but feel a flash of light in her eyes when she looked at Chen Yulou.

However, the surprise was quickly suppressed, and after a moment of reflection, he responded seriously.

 “Then we won’t wait.”

Chen Yulou nodded, having already made a decision in his heart, he turned around and looked not far behind him.

"Kaizi, please pass on the order and tell the brothers to cheer up. If you encounter those stone tombs again, don't treat them like treasures and open the coffins as soon as possible. Speed ​​up your journey and try to get there as soon as possible."

 “Yes, from the shopkeeper.”

 Have been with the shopkeeper for so many years.

 His mental habits have already been deeply rooted in his bones.

Huamaguai couldn't hear the seriousness in his tone at this moment. He immediately clasped his fists to accept the order, patted the camel under him, and hurried towards the long team behind him.

Got the news.

How dare anyone hesitate?

 One is a strict order from the shopkeeper, and the other involves one's own life.

 Along the way, they saw countless dead bodies, from ancient times to the present. Most of them did not rot, but dehydrated and turned into mummies. Almost without exception, they died of getting lost.

 In the vast desert.

 Once you lose your way.

 There is no food and water supply.

 All that was left for them was death.

Fluttering small profits and life and death life, we can think of it as long as the brain does not enter the water.


While the weather was clear, everyone was eating and drinking on the back of the camel. They dared not have a break and hurried to the road.

I saw those old camels foaming at the mouth from exhaustion.

 It makes Pat very distressed.

 There are more than a hundred camels in the team, many of which he raised with his own hands, while the rest were rented from various families, and countless efforts were put into each one.

 He even thought about it.

Waiting for the smooth return of this trip.

After you get rid of your slave status, you can use your savings over the years to buy one, and it can be used to transport goods for others, or you can do some small business on your own. It is not a waste of the rest of your life.

 But now I am running like this.

  Simply killing their lives in advance.

But he didn’t dare to say more.

 After all, the owner named Chen paid a lot of money.

 Although he didn't know exactly how much it was, when he received the money, the master couldn't even close his mouth with laughter.

It can make even the picky guy find no fault at all. It is conceivable that it is definitely a temptation that ordinary people cannot refuse.

 Fortunately, such rapid running did not last long.

 It only takes about half an hour.

Oona, who was walking at the front, raised her hand to signal the team to stop.

 The rear team did not know what it meant.

But the news soon came.

   It is said that we have arrived at Baluka.

This is obviously an ancient place name. A bunch of rough warriors can't even imagine how to write those three characters.

But Chen Yulou understood as soon as he heard it. Baluka was the ancient name of Gumo, also called Qinmo. It followed the old name from the Tang Dynasty and belonged to the Qiuci Protectorate.

 Wait for a few of them to cross the sand dunes.

 An ancient city no smaller than Xiye appeared in sight.

 There are ruined walls everywhere, as well as the tops of turrets submerged in yellow sand.


 Chen Yulou scanned around and took a rough measurement. Just within the visible area, there were almost three thousand households in the ancient city. It was considered an absolute big city in the thirty-six countries of the Western Region.

 The only person with such a big city in Gumo is Gumo Prefecture.

Established in the Tang Dynasty, it is the most important town in the Qiuci Protectorate.

It’s just that thousands of years have passed. The once prosperous towns along the Silk Road, with countless camel and horse traders, have been reduced to ruins, dead and silent, with no trace of life anymore.

 “Ancient city.”

 “Another bright weapon has been replaced.”

“I heard that the general plan is to stay here for a few days to escape the wind and sand. Isn’t it a good time for us to show our talents?”

“Shh, be gentle, you only have bright weapons in your mind, right?”

 The guy who climbed up the sand dune after him looked at the ancient city at the bottom of the mountain, his face full of surprise.

 “Let’s set up camp in the city first.”

Chen Yulou ignored the exclamations behind him.

 Instead, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

 Compared with before, the lead clouds in the sky were thicker and lower, giving off a suffocating sense of depression.

 Everything is going in the direction Oona said.

 It is estimated that a snowstorm will come tonight.

He didn't dare to delay. As soon as the order was passed, everyone did not hesitate. They led the camels into the city. After choosing a camping location, nearly 300 people got busy.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

Chen Yulou and several others went deep into the city.

 Under a section of wall, they finally saw the ancient well that Oona mentioned.

There is only the fence around the well, and the ancient pavilion has long been eroded by wind and sand. However, a thick bluestone slab was built over the well, which must have been done by the passing teams.

Kunlun stepped forward and moved the manhole cover away.

The mouth of the well is almost one meter square, and the bottom is pitch black and deep. I don’t know how deep it is, and I can’t see the bottom at all.

However, standing by the well, you can clearly feel the strong water vapor.

 There are ropes and barrels hanging on the side.

 It is probably left behind by the predecessors.

Huamaguai took the initiative and lowered the barrel down, thinking about getting water in the bucket to see if it was drinkable.

After almost half of the tens of meters of rope were put down, the sound of water finally came from below. The kidnapper's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly pulled back after it was filled with water.

 Since practicing martial arts.

 His health is much better than in previous years.

 The wooden bucket filled with water was pulled out of the well in just a few clicks.

 Put it on the edge of the well with a bang.

 Clear water from the well spilled all over the ground.

Seeing this, Huamaguai's last remaining worry fell back into his stomach.

 It is so clear that drinking it will definitely not be a problem.

 The key is this ancient well.

 The little clean water they had left was finally replenished.

 “Have to try it again.”

  He rubbed his hands with a smile.

Huamaguai made a show of reaching out to hold the water.

 “That’s not right!”

 “Knapper, get out of the way!”


 Before he could get deep into the barrel.

  A shout resounded in my ears.

 He stretched out his hand subconsciously.

At the same time, out of the corner of his eye, a black shadow suddenly shot out from the depths of the barrel. Before it even approached, a towering fishy stench and murderous intent enveloped it.

Huamaguai’s head was pounding.

Without enough time to think, he rolled forward on the spot, just barely able to avoid the fishy wind.

next moment.

 Chen Yulou returning from the ancient city wall.

He stepped on the yellow sand with his right foot, picked up a stone, and kicked it out with a bang.

Huamaguai felt a chill at the back of her head.

 A cloud of pungent blood has exploded out of thin air.

 Fortunately, he reacted quite quickly and managed to escape several meters away by crawling and rolling without being stained with blood.

 Taking a few heavy breaths.

 Finally suppressing his heart palpitations, he turned around.

On the sand beside the ancient well, suddenly lying on the sand was a strange snake that was as black as ink and almost half a meter long. However, the head and neck were broken into two parts, and the head could not be seen.

Huamaguai was startled for a moment, then realized what he was doing.

The snake head was clearly kicked to pieces by the shopkeeper.

Black snake blood fell like rain.

Where it falls.

There was a loud hissing sound and black smoke billowing from the yellow sand. In the blink of an eye, a deep pit was eroded.

 This scene made Huamaguai even feel chills in his back.

After narrowly escaping from death, his face turned extremely ugly and he couldn't help but curse.

 “Damn it, what the **** is this?” (End of chapter)

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