Chapter 4 The Thieving Cat Who Steals a Corpse

at the same time.

Chen Yulou is still in the main hall in front.

 The offering table has been briefly scanned.

That wooden sign finally showed its true face.

 It was exactly as he guessed.

 —dedicated to Pingshan Bai Laotaijun as the god.

 It's just the word "that god".

  However, it is ironic no matter how you look at it.

Chen Yulou couldn't help but snorted coldly.

 A mere mountain spirit and wild monster dares to claim to be a god.

 It’s really ridiculous.

Kunlun stood aside silently.

 He didn't know what the shopkeeper was laughing at.

 But those who want to be the shopkeeper always have their own reasons.

At this moment, he was not idle, his eyes were like torches, scanning around from time to time.

 Especially the coffins next to it.

If you look closely, you will find that his body is always tense, like a big bow ready to go. If there is danger, he can react in the shortest time.

at this time.

Huamaguai’s exclamation came.

 It suddenly broke the silence of Yizhuang under the night.

Hearing the movement, Kunlun couldn't help but frown, with impatience on his face.

 But he can't speak.

Just said "uh uh uh uh" to Chen Yulou a few times.

 “Why are you panicking?”

“With so many brothers here, can anything happen to him?”

 Withdrawing his gaze from the memorial tablet, Chen Yulou glanced at him and smiled.

 Just say so.

  But my heart couldn't help but move.


 The reason why he stayed here was just for this moment.

 Kunlun has a simple heart.

In his mind, in addition to the general leader on the huge Changsheng Mountain, there are only two friends: Red Girl and Huamaguai.

 Everyone else is dispensable.

 Hear this.

Kunlun couldn't help but smile and scratch his head.

But the body is more honest than the mouth.

 I couldn’t wait to turn around and stride towards the backyard.

 But didn’t notice it.

Chen Yulou, who was falling behind him, glanced at the rafters with a half-smile at the last moment before leaving.

 By the dim candlelight on the altar table.

You can still vaguely see a strange black shadow floating in the shadows.

 Wait for the two of them to arrive one after another.

The bandits from Xiling have already surrounded the side house completely.


 “Always in charge.”

Seeing him appear, the crowd automatically parted a path.

By the blazing light of the fire, Chen Yulou could see at a glance that there was an upright corpse standing behind the door.

 Being covered with white cloth.

There is a spiritual tablet erected above the head.

 The lamp of life in front of him has burned out like a bean.

 It was crumbling in the night wind, as if it might go out at any moment.

“A dead man scares you like this?”

 Walked to Huamaguai.

He seemed to have not yet recovered from the fright. He stood there with cold sweat on his forehead and pale lips without any trace of blood.

Chen Yulou couldn't help laughing and scolding.

"Shopkeeper, you didn't see... grandma, she is a rat spirit."

 heard him coming.

Huamaguai couldn’t help but feel uncertain.

Then he pointed at the dead body on the door and explained with a hurt look on his face.

 His family has been making a living by working together for several generations.

It's just that in his generation, the war was in chaos, and he had no choice but to fall into the trap of bandits.

 I have seen more dead people than ordinary people have eaten.

How could you be afraid?

 He felt that the shopkeeper was looking at people through the crack in the door and looked down on him.

 “What about the rat spirit?”

 “Can you survive after death?”

Huamaguai hesitated, not knowing how to answer, "Anyway, the shopkeeper, you will know at a glance."


 He stepped forward quickly.

He bit the bullet and tore off the white cloth from the corpse.

  Amidst the clattering sound, a strange and unspeakable female corpse instantly appeared in everyone's sight.

  The group of thieves who were still watching the fun.

 When he saw the appearance of the female corpse, his face suddenly changed with fear.

“His grandma is really a rat.”

“This **** must be a monster. How can anyone look like this?”

I saw the female corpse on the door desk. Her skin was dry and bloodless, and her facial features were extremely compact, as if they were piled together randomly. However, her face was pointed and long.

It looks exactly like a rat spirit in human form.

 This year.

 Folk anecdotes and stories of ghosts and monsters in the countryside are widely circulated.

 In addition, he is in the Miao territory.

 This place has been closed off from the outside world since ancient times. Driving corpses, spreading poison, and falling flowers in the cave, all kinds of weirdness have even covered it with a layer of mystery.

The key is.

 The place where they are staying now is Yizhuang again.

 There are either coffins or dead people around.

Who can help but have random thoughts?

   It was Miss Hong. Her face couldn't help but turn pale when she heard those words.

  Subconsciously touch your waist with your backhand.

 Until there was a familiar touch in the palm of my hand.

 She felt a little more at peace in her heart.

 “What are you shouting about?”

 “You’ve never seen a dead person, right?”


 A cold drink sounded.

 “If you say it, don’t let the world laugh at you?”

Chen Yulou glanced over, and the gang of Xiling bandits immediately shut up.

 “It’s all gone, go and do whatever you need to do.”


The crowd immediately dispersed like birds and beasts.

 Only Kunlun, Huamaguai and Hong girl are left.

“Shopkeeper, won’t you let the brothers drag it out and burn it?”

Seeing everyone disperse in a hurry.

Huamaguai is still a little unwilling.

 “Burn your ass.”

Chen Yulou’s eyes widened.

 If the dead body is burned, what will he use for fishing?


 Being scolded for no reason.

Huamaguai is even more confused.

 The corpse on the door had blue lips and black eyes. It was obvious that it had been poisoned.

 Such a hot day.

 If it is not burned in time, it will easily cause disease.

Seeing his dazed expression, Chen Yulou slapped him in the face and said, "If you don't leave, others will leave."

 As soon as I heard this.

Huamaguai, who had a quick mind, suddenly came back to his senses.

Hong girl subconsciously raised her head.

 “Don’t look, just walk away.”

Chen Yulou remained calm and lowered his voice to remind.

 Then he turned around and headed towards the front yard.

Having said this, if the two of them still don't understand, all these years of wandering around will be in vain.

He immediately dragged Kunlun, who was confused, to follow him.

 In the blink of an eye.

 The backyard fell silent again.

There is only the howling mountain wind, the cold moon and cold stars, and the silence is somewhat penetrating.


  After a while.

 A black shadow suddenly jumped down from the wall.

The sound of landing is almost inaudible.

 …"Wild cat?"

 At the partition wall.

Huamaguai, who saw this scene through the gap, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

 By the faint moonlight.

 He could clearly see that the black figure was simply an old cat with a lame leg.

I don’t know where it came from.

 Long sinister eyebrows and rat eyes, with a cunning look on his face.

 Looked around to make sure no one was there.

Soon, its eyes fell on the dead body on the door panel.

 The eyes are greedy.

 Saliva drips from the corners of the mouth.


 “The shopkeeper!”

 Looking at this situation, Huamaguai could not understand.

His grandma's, this thieving cat clearly came for the dead body.

  But didn’t wait for him to finish.

 Chen Yulou, who had been preparing for a long time, got lucky and flicked his backhand.

 In an instant.

 A cold light pierced the night.

 He stabbed the old cat hard.


The old cat had already pounced on the second aunt Mouse's face, and when he noticed the sound of the air breaking behind him, he jumped up and down in mid-air, narrowly avoiding the blow.

The little **** thrust his finger into the door panel with a sharp thrust.

But just avoid it.

The old cat was also frightened. When he looked back, he saw four people surrounding him with murderous intent.

It jumped up without hesitation and seemed to escape along the crack in the wall.

in a blink.

 It blends into the vast night.

A few people were still feeling pity, but a hint of surprise flashed across Chen Yulou's face.

 He pulled out the small sword that was hidden in the door and shouted in a deep voice.

 “Catch up!”

 (End of this chapter)

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