Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 69: The overlord raises the beauties and causes trouble

Chapter 69: The Overlord Brings Beauty to Trouble

 “Only one level has been broken.”

 “The energy and blood have more than doubled.”

 He lowered his head and looked at himself silently.

 Chen Yulou has only one feeling.

 That is tyranny!

Every inch of his body contains an unimaginable power.

That day at Pingshan, he used his night eyes to watch a group of thieves surrounding Shan Xiezi.

Kunlun, who was standing at the front, was like a pillar of fire, rising into the sky, almost suppressing the light of the glazed lamp above his head.

 But now, he is no less generous.

The aura around him was like the surging tide of a river, and the lights in the hall were swaying uncertainly.

The light and shadow flicker endlessly.

 The dust on the beams and columns fell like snowflakes.

 But as soon as it appeared outside his head, it would instantly dissipate.

  It was as if there was an invisible barrier within a few meters around him.

“There is also internal refining of the five internal organs, but it’s just half a step behind.”

Muttered in a low voice.

Chen Yulou said it was a pity.

 There was no regret at all in his expression.

 Snap out in one step.

 The void in front of me is twisting.

  It seemed as if a line of blue smoke was passing through the basement.

 The next second, the light and shadow in the distance moved, and the other person had appeared outside the furnace.

 Without any hesitation.

 Stretched out his hands, grabbed the feet of the alchemy furnace, and shouted softly, only to hear a roar, and the bronze furnace, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, slowly rose from the ground inch by inch.

 Hold it up to chest height.

He just put it down with a bang.

The carefully fired ink-wash blue bricks could not withstand the terrifying force and fell apart.

 Even, it’s just the remaining energy that hasn’t been used up.

 The ground for a full three or four feet around was cracked.

  Dense cracks spread out like a spider web.


 Hands clapped.

 A trace of satisfaction flashed in Chen Yulou's eyes.

 Until this moment, he finally felt a little like practicing the great path.

His eyes are burning, his equipment is majestic, and he is wearing a long gown that is windless and automatic.

Just standing there gave people an extremely oppressive feeling.


 My mind moved.

That invisible momentum disappeared in an instant like an ebbing tide, hiding without a trace.

“I don’t know how many days have passed outside.”

"You should go out and show your face, otherwise... you'll probably go crazy."

Wait for your breath to gather.

Chen Yulou raised his eyebrows and murmured.

He could roughly tell that a long time had passed since this retreat.

 But I really don’t have a specific number in mind for how many days.

  It has been more than half a year since I arrived.

 He actually understands the current situation very well.

He alone is connected to the entire Chenjiazhuang and Changsheng Mountain. In addition, there are countless large and small families and people in the industry under the big tree of the Chen family.

 It’s really not suitable to not show up for too long.

 No more than that.

 It’s okay that I’m still at the Qi Refining Pass now.

 He had a strong premonition that when he condensed the Aoki True Body, he would have to spend more time practicing in seclusion.

 It is still necessary to plan in advance.

Thinking all the way, Chen Yulou walked with his hands behind his back. After a while, he climbed up the steps and appeared on the first floor.

 The sun shines in through the cracks in the window.

 In the beams of light, dust floats uncertainly.

Squinted his eyes slightly to avoid the strong light.

It's not that it's dazzling, it's just that I stayed underground for too long and suddenly appeared under the scorching sun, which made me a little uncomfortable.

Shake your head and smile.

Chen Yulou didn't waste any more time and opened the door with a creak.

 A wave of heat came over instantly.

At the same time, two more exclamations came.

 One is clearly visible, the other is slightly blurry.

“Shopkeeper, are you out of confinement?”

Huamaguai was still talking without saying a word.

  Until the sound of opening the door sounded, others jumped up and shouted in surprise and joy.

Kunlun beside him, although he could not speak, his eager expression had already exposed his emotions at the moment.

 “Well, I’m out of seclusion.”

Chen Yulou smiled and nodded.

 “How many days until I retreat?”

 “Six days… plus today’s daytime.”

 “So long?”

Chen Yulou frowned slightly.

 He thought it would only be three or two days at most.

Unexpectedly, I ended up in seclusion for five or six days without realizing it.

"The shopkeeper is hungry, I'll go to the kitchen and ask someone to deliver a table of food."

 Seeing that he was safe and sound, he was even more energetic than before.

Huamaguai's anxious heart finally fell back into his stomach, and he quickly added another sentence.

  “Also good.”

 Listen to him.

 Chen Yulou just reacted.

 Having not eaten for five or six days.

 At this moment, he didn't feel too tired or hungry.

 It can only be said that Qingmu Gong is worthy of being a method of cultivating immortals.

Of course, he is still far from being a worldly person.

 Even quite greedy for words.

 Especially the contents of a cup.

 Having something to do or not, having a few drinks is definitely one of the great pleasures in life.

"Kunlun, the shopkeeper, I will be in seclusion for six days. You won't follow me and stay here all the time, right?"

 Wait until Huamaguai left in a hurry.

Chen Yulou suddenly turned around and his eyes fell on Kunlun's honest face.

 Almost forgot about him.

This guy is stubborn, stubborn and stubborn.

As long as it is something you are told to do, you will do it even if you risk getting hurt.

Moreover, he was still wearing the same clothes as before, his eyes were bloodshot, and he couldn't hide his tiredness.

 This possibility is not small.

Kunlun shook his head repeatedly.

Humbling with his hands, he pointed to the wall on one side.

 “Still silly and happy.”

Seeing that he was still smiling to himself, Chen Yulou couldn't help but sigh and curse.

 “Is your boy dying?”

To be honest, he was both angry and moved by Kunlun.

 Six days.

  Just standing guard outside the door.

 He could almost imagine what it was like these days.

 The kidnapper and Honggu must have come to persuade me during this period.

 But he would not take a step. He would eat when he was hungry, and when he was sleepy, he would lean against the wall and take a nap.

 “Silly, you can’t do this again.”

Stepping forward and patting him on the shoulder, Chen Yulou said deliberately with a straight face.

 Kunlun has the innocence and transparency of a child.

 So he almost has a natural sense of good and evil.

 If he doesn’t put the point of what he said, he won’t take it seriously and will continue to do so next time.

Kunlun's eyes widened. Seeing the serious look on the shopkeeper's face, his face tensed up and he nodded heavily.

 “Are you sleepy?”

I saw him hesitantly shaking his head and then nodding.

 Chen Yulou was even more helpless.

In a prosperous age, there would still be room for people like him to survive.

 But now that the world is in chaos and wars continue, in such troubled times, his character will only make people eat up the bones and dregs.

“By the way, have you forgotten what I told you last time?”

“I’ll ask Uncle Yu to find a teacher for you later and learn how to read and digit first.”

Upon hearing this, Kunlun's eyes suddenly lit up.

 Before, he was worried that the shopkeeper would forget.

 Unexpectedly, he kept it in mind.

“Literacy is only the first step. In addition, you must also learn to distinguish between good and evil. This is a cannibalistic world. If this is always the case, you will easily suffer when you go out.”

 Chen Yulou said calmly.

 But after hearing this, Kunlun's face suddenly became anxious.

 Seems to be able to read his mind.

Chen Yulou waved his hand and said, "The shopkeeper doesn't mean to drive you away, I just want to remind you."

 It was him who had stayed in a bandit den like Changsheng Mountain for more than ten years, and would have been soaked in the dye vat.

Of course, this is also the reason why Chen Yulou trusts him.

   I have been kicked down the mountain by him a long time ago. How can I still carry him with me all the time?

 There is the following sentence he added.

Kunlun became quiet again.

He has no ambitions and ambitions, so he just needs to follow the boss.

 He still remembers it till now.

Had the shopkeeper not brought him back, he would have died in the mountains long ago.

 While speaking.

 Huamaguai has returned.

 “Let’s go into the building.”

Chen Yulou said hello, then turned around and walked straight into the building.

Kunlun followed quickly.

Wait and take a seat on the second floor.

Not long after, a group of good-looking girls came over with jade plates in their hands.

 At a glance, they are all girls in their teens.

The figure is delicate and the appearance is outstanding. I dare not say that the beauty is stunning in the moonlight, but they are still beauties.

 They were all adopted by the Chen family.

 In this year, although there is no severe hunger at the end of the year, it is necessary to exchange children for food.

 However, due to natural and man-made disasters in the past few years, countless people have been destroyed and displaced.

There are countless people who sell their sons and daughters.

 Chenjiazhuang is one of the largest households in Xiangyin.

I don’t know how many people sent their children to the village to be slaves or maids, just hoping to survive.

 No more than that.

 ‘Chen Yulou’ is not obsessed with female sex.

It’s not good to let them starve to death.

So she stayed in Zhuangzi, either doing some fine work as a prostitute, or working as a maid by his side.

Now I look at the group of warblers and swallows, each with its own beauty.

The sound is like the cry of an oriole, which is both shy and delicious.

Chen Yulou's Taoist heart, which was devoted to cultivating immortality, was almost corroded and destroyed.

"Why don't you come and serve the shopkeeper's meal?"

 Just when he hesitated.

 Huamaguai immediately played the role of a complete loser and greeted with a smile.

Those girls were startled at first.

 The people immediately gathered around him with expressions of surprise on their faces. In troubled times, human life is like a piece of grass.

 Especially girls like them who have nothing to rely on, like duckweeds without roots.

 Looking pretty will only become a danger.


 But on weekdays, there is nothing else to do except serving tea and water.

The current shopkeeper, Fengshen Junyi, was in his prime at that time, but he had never married a wife.

 In Zhuangzi, who is not interested in any pretty girl?

Nowadays, who would miss such a good opportunity?

If they can get into the eyes of the shopkeeper, their status will jump up when they become pregnant.

 The eldest young lady of the Chen family.

Thinking of this, the smiles on the faces of the girls never faded.

“Master, this is the truffle that was just delivered. Please try this.”

“Shopkeeper, let me give you a squeeze on your shoulder.”

“This is the newly brewed rice wine just delivered by shopkeeper Liu of Quanzhenlou. I’ll feed it to you.”


in a blink.

 Chen Yulou was surrounded by a gust of fragrant wind.

Yingying Yanyan, thin and thin, two eight beautiful women, are intoxicating.

 Damn it, no wonder they say heroes have a hard time being beautiful. Who can control this scene?

 Leaning on the lounge chair, several girls held fans and gently fanned him.

With just one mouthful, there are all kinds of delicacies, and with a wave of the hand, someone brings drinks.

 They are all top-notch ingredients.

 The best cooks in Xiangyin cooked for him.

Even though he has more than a hundred years of vision, there are many ingredients that he has never heard of.

 Deer tail, bear paws, and foie gras can only be regarded as ordinary dishes.

Kunlun on the side was already dumbfounded.

He originally wanted to sit down and eat, but he couldn't help but feel a little at a loss.

Huamaguai secretly said hello to him.

 Hands to follow him downstairs.

Kunlun was leaving hesitantly.

 Chen Yulou, who was leaning on the recliner, suddenly opened his eyes.

 “Okay, let’s all get down.”

Huamaguai, who had originally planned to step forward and pull Kunlun away, was stunned for a moment, and his heart was full of bitterness.

 He wanted the shopkeeper to keep them all.

 At any rate, he left an heir for the Chen family.

 Having an heir.

 In this way, the Chen family can truly last forever.

After all, this business of reverse fighting is different from other businesses. The shopkeeper always takes the lead and never cares about comforting the danger.

just in case…

 What happened?

 The huge Chen family would collapse in one fell swoop.

However, he also knew that the shopkeeper’s character was not like this overnight.

He stopped and saw that the girls also looked disappointed, so he waved his hand.

 “As the shopkeeper ordered.”

 “Everyone, get down.”

Hearing this, a group of girls did not dare to refuse. They bowed politely and then left reluctantly.

 Until there were only three people left in the building.

 Chen Yulou then let out a breath.


 “So **** depraved.”

Grandma’s, I almost couldn’t control it.

 It’s not that he has no thoughts.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

 He also has seven emotions and six desires.

 Especially when there is a soul from the future life in that body now, who has never experienced such enjoyment?


 Compared to a beauty.

 Chen Yulou understands one thing better.

Now that I have just come out of seclusion, my state is not yet stable.

It would be almost impossible to go far on the road of cultivating immortality if you just spend your days and nights drinking and drinking unscrupulously.

What's more, I can't resist even this temptation.

  In the future, inner demons will invade.

Or maybe after experiencing three disasters and nine calamities, wouldn’t it turn into ashes in an instant?

“Shopkeeper, why did you drive people away?”

Huamaguai rubbed his hands and asked cautiously.

“You came to me for something, didn’t you?”

Chen Yulou waved his hand and motioned for the two of them to sit down.

 “Oh...yes, I almost forgot about the big thing.”

 After being reminded by him, Huamaguai remembered the purpose of this trip.

He doesn't care about anything else.

 Took out a document and handed it to Chen Yulou.

"Shopkeeper, this is the plan that I discussed with the leaders of various channels and the uncles in the store. You can take a look at it."


 Listen to him talking about it.

 Chen Yulou did not dare to delay.

 After all, when it comes to making money, having money and the right place comes first in cultivation.

 Open it at home and read it carefully word for word.

Those who can participate in the discussion on the sale of Mingqi are at least Dao and Fucheng level shopkeepers.

 They are active in bustling cities all year round, and the people they cooperate with are all wealthy families.

 This thought at the moment.

 The matters of Mingqi are not as strict as those of later generations.

 There are countless antique shops, auctions, and various forms of black markets.

Chen Yulou took a look and suddenly found a familiar yet unfamiliar name.

 “Who is this Hendry?”

 After a long list of names, he only stated the province where he was located.

 It is the city of Changsha.

It is now the capital city of Xiang Province.

“Oh, this man is a missionary from the Catholic Church. He spends a lot of money and is very interested in antiques and artifacts. Every time there is an auction or black market, he will be invited to participate.”

Although Huamaguai lives in Xiangyin all year round.

  But it is something we all know very well.

 Hearing the shopkeeper’s question, he immediately explained.


"should be."

 “Can you remember your full name?”

Chen Yulou always felt that he had seen this name somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

 “I heard Uncle Miki say it once.”

 “It seems to be called Toss Hendry or something.”

Huamaguai frowned. He had always hated those foreign names.

The name itself is long and difficult to remember, so forget it.

 If you go to the country and follow the locals and choose a Chinese name, the result will always be difficult to pronounce.

He complained privately more than once that those foreign devils didn’t know how to find a scholar.

It’s nothing more than that.

 He doesn’t have to deal with them anyway.

 It’s enough if you can remember one or two words.


Chen Yulou frowned and slowly spit out a name.

“Yes, yes, the shopkeeper seems to be the one you mentioned.”

Huamaguai is still racking his brains thinking.

 Hearing these three words, I just felt like a light came into my heart.

 “ interesting.”

Chen Yulou shook his head and smiled.

 He never thought that he would hear his name so soon.

 During the Republic of China, many missionaries came to China from overseas.

 The reason why he attaches so much importance to this name alone.

It's because this person is the one who entered Heishui City in Xixia together with Partridge Whistle and Elder Liaochen.

  Just extrapolating according to the timeline.

 Now, he should be heading to Mobei as an explorer.

 Why does it appear in Changsha City?


 Chen Yulou thought of a possibility.

Thomas was perhaps the earliest missionary.

However, among the antique artifacts he came into contact with, he accidentally discovered the ruins of Blackwater City, and then he resolutely went to Mobei to try to find the legendary Xixia treasure.

 “The shopkeeper?”

 Seeing him suddenly fall into silence.

Huamaguai thought that he had done something wrong, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

 “Is there something wrong with this person?”


 Chen Yulou was startled at first, and then he laughed dumbly.

 In the past, he would have ignored it.

but now…

“Write a letter to Uncle Sanmu to kick this person out, and also send me an order that the Chen family’s shop is no longer allowed to sell bright wares to this person.”

 Chen Yulou said coldly.

 He had no problem with Thomas.

 But these days, countless antiques are lost overseas.

 The dragon talisman and fish talisman he was looking for were actually taken out of the sea a few years ago.

  However, perhaps due to Guixu’s spirit, the ship encountered strong winds in the South China Sea, and the entire ship capsized and sank into the deep sea.

Instead, two bronze talismans had disappeared for countless years.

 Sinked into the land of Guixu again.

I have to say, this can be regarded as God’s will.

Thomas is a man who spends a lot of money and goes to various auctions. You can guess his identity with a little thought.

 He is clearly an antique dealer who uses his identity as a missionary to collect artifacts.

 There are a lot of good things on this trip to Pingshan.

 If you are targeted by him.

 There is absolutely only one ending.

 “Okay, shopkeeper, I’ve written it down.”

Although Huamaguai didn’t know what he meant.

 But he still responded honestly.

“By the way, let Uncle Miki check for me. Is there anyone named Jude Kao in those Catholic churches?”

 There are no other problems at hand.

 Chen Yulou handed the document back to Huamaguai and added another sentence.

to be honest.

 The moment I saw that name just now.

 The first reaction in his mind was Jude Kao.

 Same identity, same means, even the English names are very similar.

 If this person is there too.

Then he has to re-examine the world.


 Hamaguai writes them down one by one.

Seeing that the shopkeeper had no other instructions, he took his leave and left.

 Wait for him to leave.

Kunlun was the only one left in the building.

I saw him still sitting there motionless.

Chen Yulou couldn't help but smile.

 “If you don’t eat it, the food will get cold!”

“Also, come with me to see the old ape later.”

 (End of this chapter)

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