Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 71: Niwan Secret Realm Refining Henggu

Chapter 71 Niwan Secret Realm Refining Henggu

  Master and servant two people.

 One after the other, we strolled toward the backyard.

 The inner city of Chenjiazhuang, with Guanyun Tower as the center, has three mansions and two courtyards at the front and back.

 In front of the building is a small lake.

 This also coincides with the Feng Shui aspect of being surrounded by mountains and rivers.

The old white ape was placed in the backyard.

 Same as Angry Chicken.

 It's just that it is as afraid of phoenix species as a tiger, and would not want to live with it to death.

With no choice, the servants of the Chen family could only free up an unoccupied room and let it live in it.

 “Master, are you looking for me?”

 After going downstairs, Chen Yulou walked by the lake with his hands behind his hands.

There are patches of jade lotus planted in the lake, and countless silver crucian carp and golden carp are raised, which contrast with the Jinyu Hall.

At this time, the waves on the lake were rugged, and a pool of silver sand was blown up.

Looking at the vast mist, it feels a bit like a small Dongting.

Not long after, an old man in his fifties or sixties, wearing a gray gown and reading glasses, hurried over quickly, stood behind him with his hands lowered, and said respectfully.

 “Uncle Yu is here.”

 Looking away from the lake.

Chen Yulou smiled.

This is the old housekeeper of the Chen family.

 Have been working in the Chen family since she was a few years old, and she is very loyal.

“Go and find a teacher for me in the next two days.”

“Forget about being an old scholar who is pedantic and irreligious. You need to be patient and competent.”

He gave a simple instruction.

“Master, who do you want to invite?”

Uncle Yu hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask.

He grew up watching Chen Yulou and knew his abilities better than anyone else. He dared not say that he was rich in knowledge, but he knew a lot about astronomy and geography. There were few people in Xiangyin who were qualified to be his teacher.


Chen Yulou didn’t hide it either.

Puzzled his lips towards Kunlun who was aside.

Uncle Yu was stunned, but he was an experienced man and did not show any surprise or astonishment.

He just thought about it for a moment and said.

“Master, I have a few candidates, please listen and see if they are suitable.”

  “Talk about it.”

 Chen Yulou thought it would take at least a day or two.

 Unexpectedly, Uncle Yu would have an idea so quickly, and he was not in a hurry to rush to the backyard.

“The first one is Chen Shufan from Yanggao Academy, a native of Jietoupu. This man is highly knowledgeable and proficient in ancient Chinese and new culture. He now runs a school in the north of the city.”

"The second person is Mr. Zhang Bingqian. He is a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty. Needless to say, he is knowledgeable. Now he teaches elementary school in the countryside."

"As for the last one, he is Uncle Ming. Master, you should know."

Uncle Yu said calmly.

Chen Yulou nodded secretly.

The first two people he mentioned were indeed very impressive and had quite a reputation in the Xiangyin world.

 The former traveled around in the early years and was one of the first people in Xiangyin to enter the new school.

 After returning, he founded Yanggao Academy with his own hands.

As for the man at the back, he is an old scholar, but he is not a corrupt scholar. On the contrary, he is not disgusted with the new culture.

 But it may not be easy to invite these two people.

Unless you send someone to kidnap them to Chenjiazhuang.

However, this deviates from his original intention.

“Then Uncle Ming, let’s talk to the accountant and withdraw a sum of money, and treat it as Shu Xiu of Kunlun Meng School.”

 Chen Yulou ordered calmly.

 This matter can be regarded as settled.

“Yes, young master, I will go and tell Uncle Ming right away.”

 Uncle Yu nodded.

 There are no surprises.

Uncle Ming has been in the Chen family for some years. He left behind when he fled the famine.

 Have a high level of knowledge.

 Although he was unwilling to mention his origins.

But it can be seen from his daily speech and behavior that he is most likely an heir of poems and books. Unfortunately, in this world, there are wars and chaos, and there are countless people who have fallen into disgrace and are living in various places.

 Chen Yulou was somewhat impressed by him.

 Because of my origin, I discussed Feng Shui with him more than once.

 Instead of finding two outsiders to teach Kunlun, it is better to hire someone who knows the basics.

 Don't worry, you won't let him go just because he has an innocent temperament.

On the other hand, he originally wanted Uncle Ming to work in the Chen family’s accounting office, but unfortunately he didn’t want to. He would rather rent a few acres of paddy fields and live a life of sunrise and sunset.

However, farming is not that easy.

 He is just a scholar, he has no ability to restrain a chicken, and he just destroys people.

 This is also the reason why he specially mentioned Shuxiu.

 Watch Uncle Yu leave.

 Kunlun's face was already full of anticipation.

Being able to read and decipher was something he had never dared to think about before.

Now the shopkeeper not only found himself a spurge for self-defense, but also asked his husband to teach him how to read.

 His eyes were red for a moment, and he didn't know how to thank the shopkeeper.

“Okay, if you really want to thank me, just study hard.”

  Seems to read his mind.

Chen Yulou shook his head and smiled.

  The two of them went straight to the backyard without further delay.

 Not a moment later, he appeared outside a side room.


 Wait for him to open the door and go in.

 What he saw made him a little bit dumbfounded.

The old ape was lying on the bed with his legs crossed, and there were fresh peaches on the plate next to him.

 “My life is quite leisurely.”

He himself stayed in seclusion for five or six days without sleeping, but the old ape felt very comfortable and was already lying down.

 Hear the noise.

 The old ape turned around subconsciously.

Then he jumped up as if struck by lightning, and stood aside with his head hanging, his face full of anxiety.

It has been really comfortable these past few days.

 Compared to the precarious life in Baiyuan Cave, where one meal was too late and one meal was scarce, I don’t know how many times better it is.

Moreover, as long as it doesn’t run around, no one will care about it at all.

 It is an old man, how can it run away?

 This is simply a life that you have never dreamed of.

 At first, he occasionally worried whether Chen Yulou would come, but it has been almost ten days and he has not seen anyone else at all, as if this small house has been forgotten.

 The white apes have already put down their guard.

 I didn’t expect him to come again.

Chen Yulou stood in the house with his hands behind his hands and looked around. Except that there was no pen, ink, paper, inkstone, or scrolls, it was no different from the house where the servants of the Chen family lived.

 “Okay, don’t look so depressed.”

 “I won’t kill you.”

Seeing it trembling and frightened, I didn't dare to raise my head.

Chen Yulou sneered.

Had he not seen the scene in Hades where it and the mountain scorpion worked together to steal the corpse's energy from the coffin, he might have really believed it.

This old ape is shrewder and more tactful than humans.

 Plus a natural sense of danger.

How could he not know his situation? If he made it clear, he was pretending to be pitiful.

 Hearing this, the old ape raised his head sarcastically.

It's just that it really didn't dare to be careful in front of Chen Yulou.

 Half an hour ago, the momentum soaring into the sky is still vivid in my mind.


That scene just came to mind.

 The old ape seemed to have thought of something, and secretly took a look at the figure not far away.

Although Chen Yulou's aura is restrained and his body is as still as still water at this moment, there are some things that cannot be concealed, such as the temperament in every move.

 There is also a sense of oppression coming from deep within the soul.

 When he was at Pingshan, he just felt like a hill.

 But now, that invisible momentum is like a huge mountain falling from the sky.

 It was so heavy that it was almost breathless.

 So...that noise before came from him?

 The old ape's eyes widened, his expression full of fear and horror.

 Yes, you can’t go wrong.

The only two people who could give it such a sense of oppression were from the beginning to the end.

 One is the man named Chen in front of me, and the other is the Taoist.

 However, when they returned from Pingshan, the Taoist had already separated from them and left with his junior brothers and sisters.

 As for Ang Qingji, it is no longer oppression, but pure restraint.

 It has stayed in Chenjiazhuang for so long.

 It’s not really about lying down and dying.

I have observed many people along the way, but no one has stepped into the path of spiritual practice like Chen Yulou.

 So, apart from him, Bai Yuan could not think of anyone else who could cause such a movement as if the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering.

 “Quite smart.”

 Just when it was thinking secretly.

 A faint laughter suddenly sounded in his ears.

  Looking up subconsciously, it saw the man named Chen staring at him with a smile.

 The depths of his deep eyes seemed to reflect a patch of stars in the sky.

 Just a quick glance.

 Just make it feel like you are stuck in it.


 The old ape suddenly averted his eyes and felt a violent thump under his chest.

 There was a voice that kept ringing in my head.

"It's him."

 “It’s really him!”

 The old ape's mouth was dry and his complexion was even bitter.

 It has lived for nearly sixty years from the day it awakened.

 Putting it in the genus of apes, it is already an unprecedented existence.

 Putting it among human beings, he is not much different from Peng Zu who attained Taoism in 800 years.

In order to live forever, it steals the energy of corpses, swallows the essence of the sun and the moon, and asks the monkeys to find a century-old elixir for it.

 But even so, as of today, its achievements are limited to this.

 If you want to make an inch of progress, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

 After all, not everyone can be like that old centipede, who can cultivate the inner elixir and soar into the clouds and mist, like a fairy.

The old centipede practiced a rare magic in the world and swallowed the golden elixir in the elixir well.

It took six to seven hundred years to reach that point.

 But why can this person named Chen make such rapid progress?

How long has it been?

 Ten days?

   It’s already a **** sky and an earth. White Ape felt unprecedentedly sad.

 The gap between people.

  No, it should be that the gap between him and it is so big that it makes it despair.

 If you give him enough time.

Even the old ape can’t imagine how far someone named Chen can go?

  Feel the changes in his mind.

Chen Yulou couldn't help but have a hint of surprise on his face.

However, he really didn't expect that this old monkey would be so smart.

 Through the spiritual contract planted deep in its spiritual cavity.

 He could clearly feel its thoughts.

The old ape thought that he was secretly thinking about it. He didn't know what the heavens and the earth didn't know. How could he have imagined that what he practiced was an immortal method!

“When I was in Pingshan, Chen once said that I would keep you useful.”

“Today, I will not hesitate to give you a blessing.”

 Chen Yulou slowly put away his thoughts and said calmly.


 Hear these two words.

 The old ape's heart moved inexplicably.

Although it doesn’t understand what it means, it instinctively feels that it is beneficial to itself.

 “Want to talk?”


The old ape, who was still wondering what kind of destiny he was, froze on the spot.

Eyes widened, dumbfounded.

My mind is blank.

 As if losing the ability to think.

"In no mood?"

Chen Yulou raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said something deliberately irritating.

The old ape finally realized what he meant. He shook his head and nodded again and again, squeaking and sweating profusely, for fear that he would not understand what he meant.

"Okay, since you are willing, Chen will help you refine the bones in your mouth."


 Speaking of this, Chen Yulou’s tone changed.

 Her expression also changed from calm to solemn.

The old ape got his promise, and his ears were perked up. He was afraid that he would miss a word, so he didn't dare to scream.

 “But I also want to make it clear to you.”

“Refining Henggu is by no means that simple. There may be certain dangers, so be prepared for failure.”

 “Do you understand?”

 Chen Yulou stood with his hands behind his back and narrated lightly.

 Leave the decision-making power in the hands of the old ape himself.

Of course, helping it refine Henggu is only one of them, there is another more important thing to do.

 That is the spiritual aperture of observing the white ape.

Let’s see if we can find a way for Kunlun through it.

 See it lost in thought.

 Chen Yulou was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

 Not long.

White Ape seemed to have made a decision, his eyes were weathered but extremely firm, and he nodded heavily towards him.

 Such a good opportunity lies before us.

 If you can't catch it.

Perhaps if you miss it, you will never encounter it again in this life.

People always say that if you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening.

 It feels that whenever possible, it must give it a try.

Once it can speak, it can learn to read and decipher words, and perhaps... it will also have the opportunity to practice human breathing techniques.

 Sixty years of nothing accomplished.

 It is not impossible to be a late bloomer.


 See it agree.

 Chen Yulou finally showed a hint of admiration in his eyes.

 In the future, White Ape will definitely be happy for today’s choice.

 “Sit down cross-legged.”

  With no intention of delaying at all, he gave the order directly.

 The old ape did not hesitate, and immediately sat down cross-legged and released his spiritual orifice.

 It was different from the time in Pingshan where I was afraid of death and had no choice but to do so.

 This time, it is willing.

Seeing this situation, Chen Yulou was moved.

In an instant, a majestic aura, like the tide of a river, rose out of thin air from under his gown.

 In a pair of night eyes, green light floated.

He stretched out his fingers and placed them on the white ape's forehead.


It only felt that a breath that was several times more powerful than the previous one broke into its mind and went straight to its spiritual orifice.

 Feel a familiar atmosphere.

Even the faint spiritual contract started to vibrate.

Chen Yulou ignored it, his face looked more serious than ever before, and he repeatedly observed its spiritual orifice through the aura.

 Although he had made similar actions before.

 But it just passed by in a flash.

 Plant a spiritual contract and withdraw.

It is like consequences at all now, and dare not despise at all, the cave, the context, and even the breath flow.

Moreover, while observing the white ape’s spiritual orifice.

Chen Yulou is also looking at himself internally.

 Distinguish the difference between it and it carefully.

 After an unknown amount of time, there was finally some understanding in his eyes.

 The genus of apes is similar to humans, but they are not the same species after all.

 People have no spiritual acuity.

But there is a similarity, that is, the Niwan Palace located deep in the mind.

  This is what monks call the upper Dantian.

 There is a similar saying among martial arts practitioners.

The ancient Qi practitioners have passed down the Six Secrets of the Human Body, the most important of which is the Secret of Niwan.

They harvest the energy of heaven and earth and open up the six secrets of the human body, so that they can strengthen the energy, blood, spirit, and soul, until they can communicate with the changes of yin and yang, refine the heaven and earth, and achieve immortality.

 This record was found in an ancient book.

It is a pity that Qi practitioners have disappeared as early as the Qin Dynasty and are no longer seen in the world.

However, from their practice methods, we can also get a glimpse of the mystery of Niwan Palace.

 “So… Niwan is in chaos and his spiritual wisdom is not enlightened.”

 “Is Kunlun supposed to have encountered this problem?”

 Chen Yulou murmured to himself.

  Seems to hear his vague words.

The white ape has his eyes tightly closed and subconsciously wants to open them.

 “Relax your mind.”

 “Don’t move.”

With a soft drink, the white ape didn't dare to act randomly, so he quickly held his breath and sat down at attention.

Chen Yulou urged the majestic spiritual energy to flow from its spiritual orifice to the mouth orifice and throat bone.

I have long heard that the reason why all the beasts in the world cannot speak is.

 It’s because there is one more horizontal bone in the mouth than a human being.

 As long as it is refined.

However, it sounds easy, but it is very difficult to do it.

Even if he is a white ape and has a deep understanding of human nature, he cannot refine it on his own.

 But for Chen Yulou, it is not difficult.

At least.

 It is much simpler than observing spiritual orifices.

Not long after, he saw a horizontal bone the size of a finger bone in the white ape's mouth.

 Just press it between the mouth and throat.

So that all it can make is a squeaking sound.

Rather than forming a complete discourse.

 “So this is the horizontal bone…”

Chen Yulou raised his eyebrows, and something strange flashed in his eyes.

Now, he has already been able to look inside himself.

 This is the first time I have seen such an amazing thing.

It’s really hard to imagine how you can endure having an extra crossbone in your mouth?


This thought is only fleeting.

There was no time to express too many emotions. Under his urging, the majestic green wood spiritual energy had already wrapped around Heng Gu.

 “The green wood will live forever, and all living things will be refining!”

I thought silently in my heart.

That spiritual energy seemed to turn into a flame in an instant.

 The horizontal bones wrapped in it are continuously smelted.

This process seems slow, but in fact it only takes a moment.

Aoki's Longevity Skill, apart from lacking a bit of killing power, is the best in every aspect.

This is because he didn't dare to take too heavy a step, for fear that something might happen.

 Otherwise, the bones of a white ape can be removed with just one thought.


 Until the transverse bone is completely melted away and disappears into nothingness.

 Chen Yulou then took back the tidal wave of Qingmu spiritual energy.

 The tide returns to the sea of ​​air.

 The majestic aura around him also gathered momentum.

 He let out a long breath.

 Then his eyes fell on the nervous old ape, "Okay, let's see if you can speak?"


The white ape, who had been waiting anxiously, suddenly opened his eyes with a look of disbelief on his face.

It even seems to happen in the blink of an eye.

 Is this the end?

But facing Chen Yulou's deep eyes.

  But it made her panicked heart feel certain.

 Subconsciously, I secretly took a few deep breaths, and kept recalling the way human beings spoke in my mind.

 It had countless interactions with mountain people and merchants in Baiyuan Cave.

 Now he has moved directly into Chenjiazhuang.

 Human voices can be heard all the time.

 And it has been practicing secretly for countless times.

 Gathering up his courage, the white ape slowly exhaled.

next moment.

 A hoarse old voice suddenly sounded in its ears.

 “White…white ape.”

 (End of this chapter)

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