Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 127 The Wonder of Netherworld

The most satisfying thing about practicing Wuyun Yin Magic is that Chen Ci is practicing the Three Yin Qi-eating method, which is best practiced around midnight at night, inheriting the fine tradition of staying up late to cultivate immortality.

Qi Qi training also pays attention to the right time, location, and people.

However, if a monk has no foundation and no one to support him, it will be difficult if the exercises he practices are given an unsuitable practice time. For example, if he breathes for a few hours before and after noon, he will find a job to work for. No one would be happy to have it.

"It's good to stay up late to cultivate immortality. You can use it as two days a day without losing money during the day."

Chen Ci sighed, it had been more than a month since he had lived in Qingyunfang. During this time, there was no news from Brother Lin. He was probably enjoying the good life and improving his cultivation in Changshengfang. Faded.

Fortunately, he also had some savings. With the open supply of cultivation resources, Chen Ci worked hard all the way and gained a lot.

Five Yun Yin Magic: 33 (43)/100

Five ghost transportation method: Dacheng/36/100

It's just that he spent a lot of money. In just over a month, he spent nearly 150 spirit beads, and his net worth shrank by one-third, which made him feel very distressed.

In addition to practicing Five Yun Yin Magic, cultivating Nether Yin Qi consumes a lot of spirit beads. What surprised Chen Ci was that old human bones have become the bulk of this month's expenses. Unlike Xishan Mansion, which uses corpse bones to practice There are not too many practitioners of Dharma, and few casual cultivators dare to compete with the disciples of the Heshan Sect for such things. The cost for him to obtain the bones through legitimate means is not too high.

But it's different in Liangjianghai City. Things like age-old human bones are secretly the 'goods' of certain trading houses and can be exported to certain sects overseas. Two hundred kilograms of age-old human bones per day will cost a lot of money to practice. It only costs a hundred taels of silver to get it. After a month, it is much more expensive than essence and blood, and even Chen Ci can't bear it.

As a last resort, Chen Ci had no choice but to choose between a hundred catties of human bones and a hundred catties of animal bones. One was used to refine weapons and the other was used to practice magic. The sea city was near the sea. After so many years, there were a lot of sea animal bones in stock. This was really cheap.

As for why they prefer human bones to animal bones when they are both made of white bones, Chen Ci can only attribute it to the 'spirituality' that accumulates after death.

"In a month at most, Wuyun Yin Magic will be unable to make any progress. It is too unreliable to rely on resources to push Youyin Zhenqi cultivation level. Otherwise, no one in the Heshan Sect will have mastered this high-grade Qi refining skill. It’s a Dharma.”

Chen Ci touched his chin. If he wanted to rely on external force alone, it would take one hundred and twenty kilograms of Five Elements Sacred Sand to open one aperture. To cultivate one hundred apertures, he would need seven thousand kilograms of Five Elements Sacred Sand, which would be worth 700,000 taels of gold.

Not to mention that he has reached perfection in refining his qi, and he doesn’t have a Heavenly Vase. No matter what the purpose of going to the sea, it is impossible for him to earn enough money and resources for practice in his lifetime.

"As for the Five Ghosts Transportation Technique, it can also be perfected around the New Year. It's time for me to find a way to get more money, and I have to inquire about the Strength Technique."

Chen Ci stood up and left the quiet room.

Since Lin Qinhu can give advice and was a Hercules warrior on a treasure ship, he must have practiced the power method. I am afraid that his skills are not shallow. But since he did not say a few words to Chen Ci, he wanted to learn from Lin Qinhu. If you don't get enough knowledge about the power method, you probably won't have much hope.

In the final analysis, despite their mutual interests, the two of them are actually not that familiar. One contributes money and the other contributes, and that's it.

In the backyard, He Cheng has already sent today's training supplies. Over the past month, Chen Ci has been very satisfied with the work of this Wanshifang. He works hard and the flesh, blood and bones sent are of high quality and the price is also good. It's not much higher than the market price, which saves him a lot of effort.

"Mr. Chen, if the small things are small, I'll send them to the side room for you."

He Cheng's service attitude is so good that he doesn't even dare to take some kickbacks. There are not many major things and he can make a lot of money just by commission.

Moreover, he was not careful. He thought that Mr. Chen was a wise man, but it turned out that he needed either flesh, blood or bones every day. He didn't want to disappear mysteriously one day and become part of the cargo on the car.


Chen Ci nodded in agreement: "By the way, send me an extra thousand kilograms of fresh blood and flesh, and a thousand kilograms of fine polished rice for me tomorrow."

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

He Cheng kept this in mind and was about to turn around and leave when he was stopped by Chen Ci: "There are no other requirements for this thousand pounds of flesh and blood. It is fresh, stable and cheap. Do you remember?"


He Cheng clenched his fists in response and stepped back respectfully, but a thought flashed through his mind.

At first glance, this Mr. Chen is an ascetic monk. He stays at home every day and does not go to work or go to the market for fun. However, in one month, the materials that pass through his hands are almost 20,000 taels of silver. Even if this handiwork is They are all rare wealthy people among practitioners, at least in Qingyunfang.

In theory, such a person should live in a high-end neighborhood like Fuguifang, but now he lives in Qingyunfang. Moreover, today it is emphasized that thousands of pounds of flesh and blood need to be cheap. I am afraid that his money is also a little tight.

Spending money like water does not conflict with being tight on money.

He Cheng worked as a waiter in Wanshilou, and his job was information, intermediary, and service. He could earn a sum of money by working for Chen Ci. He could also earn a sum of money by introducing jobs to Chen Ci. He could find jobs for other customers. With the right manpower, you can get another amount of money.

"You should pay attention to what Mr. Chen has up his sleeves. Among those cultivating masters, the ones who can spend a lot of money are doing things related to elixirs, talismans, weapons, and arrays. I didn't see the fire room in the house. I'm afraid it's the talisman, The second path is more likely, so you can check if there are any related jobs in the building."

Thinking of this, a flash of envy flashed through He Cheng's heart. He woke up early every day and worked hard at night. It was difficult for him to earn even a hundred taels of silver. It was normal to get a basic salary on weekdays. As for the life of spending thousands of taels of silver a month, it was even more difficult. Can't even think about it.

Everything is inferior, only cultivating immortals is high.

Although he still has a chance to step into the path in this life, it is of little significance. It is better to save more money and give his children and grandchildren a better starting point.


Chen Ci looked at the two chicken-sized balls of 'Yingxuehong' in his hand, with a flash of surprise on his face.

Of the thousand kilograms of fresh flesh and blood delivered this morning, there are still more than a hundred kilograms left that have not been used up. I thought that my hands would be a little rusty after not practicing this spell for a long time, but after only casting the spell nine times, I have successfully ingested two balls of flesh and blood. It was so quintessential that it made him feel a little flattered for no reason.

Is this Qingyunfang really a blessed place?

Chen Ci carefully put the 'Yingxuehong' into the bottle and thought for a moment.

The technique has not changed, it is still the original method of cultivating the energy.

The flesh and blood has not changed. Although it is a sea fish, it is also a common thing and not very valuable.

The only thing that seems to have changed is the quality of Qi in the body.

Chen Ci subconsciously clicked on the panel, placed his gaze on the row of the Peiyuan Spell, and stared at it for a while.

Cultivating Yuan Spell: Getting Started/7/100 (Cultivating Yuan and cultivating the body, 2 out of 10, if you curse a hundred times, you can get into 1 out of 100)

If he remembered correctly, the success rate of this Yuan-Building Spell should be '1 in 10'. Although the level was still 'Enterprise', the success rate had doubled.

Chen Ci's heart moved slightly when the five little ones brought a bag of polished rice to his hand.

"The medicine-taking spell, start!"

Chen Ci circulated the Yin Qi, and the polished rice in the bag rose up under the action of the medicinal method and turned into grain essence. However, he did not look at the essence in his hand, and his eyes were still on the panel.

Medicinal Spell: Getting Started/49/100 (Grain Essence, 2 out of 10, curse it a hundred times, you can get into 1 out of 100)

Sure enough, after the spell was successfully cast, the detailed explanation of the Taoist method behind the medicine-taking spell also slowly changed, from 'one out of ten' to 'two out of ten'.

How could the Youyin Qi have such benefits?

However, the quality of the Zhen Qi he cultivated has been improved from the middle and lower level of the Three Yin Zhen Qi to the upper and upper Nether Yin Zhen Qi. The quality has more than doubled. The use of various spells has naturally been improved accordingly. Otherwise, why bother There are superior and inferior Qi.

"I didn't expect that the elixir method failed to achieve a breakthrough, but it could more than double the elixir success rate. It's really an unexpected surprise, and I can live forever!"

Chen Ci stood up and walked around the quiet room a few times before suppressing the excitement in his heart.

Although the increase in the success rate of spells is also a surprise, in his opinion, what is more important is that it can also double the efficiency of practice. In the long run, this is the biggest gain!

"No wonder everyone in the world is looking for wonderful methods. For monks, this kind of improvement is all-round."

Chen Ci exhaled a breath: "Not to mention the Bigu Pill and the Health-preserving Pill, I'm afraid the Huangya Pill has also been improved accordingly, and the Soul-fixing Talisman. Now even if Lin Qinhu can't handle the matter in Xishan Mansion, I can't return to Sanyin Temple. You can gain a firm foothold in Liangjianghai City, that’s right!”

After taking a few glances at the essence in his hand, Chen Ci suddenly remembered that this health-preserving elixir was originally a beggar's version of the product. The original version should be called 'Puiyuan Health-preserving Pill', but the previous production of 'Yingxuehong' was too low. , and couldn't sell it at a high price in Xishan Mansion, so we had no choice but to concoct this 'health elixir' together with the essence of grains.

Now it seems that this ‘Yuan Yang Health Pill’ has great potential.

Chen Ci slapped his palm and smiled.

A portion of the essence of flesh and blood can be divided into twelve health-preserving pills, which can make others rave about it.

Now that I have made the complete version of the 'Pui Yuan Health Pill', wouldn't it be even more delicious?

I really want this business!

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