Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 129: Wine moves people’s hearts, but the disadvantages of strength

Fire Control Spell: Getting Started/10/100

Qi Observation Mantra: Getting Started/9/100

Chen Ci withdrew his gaze from the void, reached out and pressed it, and the fire under the alchemy cauldron was extinguished instantly, leaving only a little residual warmth.

Sure enough, the Youyin True Qi can improve all kinds of spells practiced. The Qi Observation method is not too obvious, but the fire control method is really pinched with your hands. The fire of the alchemy cauldron can be started and extinguished. There was no ambiguity at all. After an hour, except for a slight flaw in the pot of spiritual rice, everything else was fine.

However, this money is really hard to make. The cooking rice in the restaurant is not cooked one pound per pound like him. It starts with three or five pounds of spirit rice. Cooking eight tripods of spirit rice in one hour will make him very tired. No wonder Shopkeeper Zhuang had to hire an extra person to help.

But after all the hard work, the reward is only half a catty of spiritual rice, not a penny more.

Even if cooking spiritual rice is like this, Chen Ci is really not jealous of Si Hercules getting a high salary on a treasure ship.

"No wonder we can't find a part-time chef here all year round. With such a small salary, if we make a mistake, we have to pay for the loss out of our own pocket. The man named Zhuang does have some skills in business."

Chen Ci shook his head. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't recruit people, I'm afraid that the owner of Ba Yunjian would be eager to recruit an apprentice. Not only would he work for free, but he would also have to pay a tuition fee.

After leaving the kitchen, there were still some sporadic customers in the store, but as long as they were not busy, Mr. Zhuang could handle it himself.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, thank you for your hard work."

Zhuang Laodao's originally somewhat rigid face softened a little. He first took out a small bag of spiritual rice, then thirty taels of gold, and said, "Today, you sold a pound of Peiyuan Spirit Wine. This is the money for the wine."

Chen Ci nodded in agreement. It was only the first day, and it was already good to be able to make a profit. This way of selling medicinal wine was indeed quite good.

"By the way, should you leave this jar of Peiyuanling Wine here with me, or should you take it back with you?"

Zhuang Laodao suddenly asked. Chen Ci smiled and waved her hand: "It's a bit troublesome to move it around. Let's put it in the store."

The key to this Peiyuan health wine is only 'Yingxuehong', which is the essence of flesh and blood. As for the things soaked in it, they are all gimmicks, and Chen Ci is not afraid of others copying them.

"Okay, it's still Youshi tomorrow, so I hope fellow Taoist Chen won't miss the time."

After politely sending Chen Ci out of the restaurant, Zhuang Laodao saw his back disappearing outside Pingkangfang, then entered the inner hall, poured another small glass of Peiyuan health wine, and sipped it.

This wine is indeed powerful, and after drinking it, the whole person feels warm and satisfied, but it is not a real spiritual wine and does not add much to the cultivation of Qi.

On the contrary, some of the hidden injuries on his body over the years, as well as some of the declining energy and blood, have been slightly improved.

"It's weird."

Although Zhuang Laodao's cultivation level was not high, he still had some discernment after running a restaurant in Haishi for so many years. He simply recruited a waiter from home, took a pot of Peiyuan health wine and handed it over, and said: " Go and let the young master taste it and ask him if he has any opinions."

"Okay, sir."

Zhuang Laodao felt that there should be some market for this spiritual wine. The fellow Taoist surnamed Chen would not stay in the restaurant for a long time. All such monks will eventually embark on the road of no return in alchemy, with his unfilial son. Same.

After Chen Ci left, it would not be considered a violation of the rules for Zhuang Laodao to sell similar drinks.

"What's so great about refining alchemy? Cooking spiritual rice and being a spiritual chef doesn't make less than some alchemists, one by one."

Zhuang Laodao drank the Peiyuan health wine, leaned on the chair, and lazily stroked his long beard. He was only over eighty years old, and it was not impossible to have another son after raising him.

After all, this ‘Pull the Clouds’ really needs to be passed on by individuals.

"Staying at home and practicing Qi every day can improve your cultivation, but you don't know much about what's going on in the sea outside, so it's not a wise choice."

Chen Ci sat cross-legged on the bed and touched his chin: "There are many people from all walks of life outside Pingkangfang, so you can hear a lot of interesting stories."

Besides, although Zhuang Laodao used his labor as a prostitute, Chen Ci was not at a loss.

Half a pound of bizhuling rice.

Thirty taels of gold for wine.

By the way, the cost of a dou of Peiyuan health wine is twenty taels of silver, which is not as valuable as the dragon whip, old ginseng, and glass jar. No matter where in the world health wine is sold, it is indeed a huge profit. The only pity is that it cannot be sold. If you increase the volume, you won’t actually earn too much.

As well as the progress of fire control and Qi observation methods.

There is free Lingmi Liver progress. Although it is a bit painful, it is not unacceptable.

"You can make a small amount of money with miscellaneous pills, but you can make a lot of money with spiritual pills. You still have to practice the Xiaozhutian Qi-Building Pill method!"

Chen Ci slowly closed his eyes, took in seven drops of essence and blood, and began to practice today's five ghost transportation method, the five yin magic.

To persevere, you still have to be down-to-earth and persevere.

Half a month later.

Pull out the clouds.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, Friend Daoist Chen?"

Zhuang Laodao greeted Chen Ci politely, interrupting Chen Ci's thoughts and coming back to consciousness from the golden finger panel.

"Fellow Daoist Zhuang, what's the matter?"

"No, Taoist fellow Taoist, you have been working hard during this period. Let's stay for a quick meal today."

Zhuang Laodao was very polite, with a somewhat sad expression on his face: "Old Taoist also knows that the salary offered to fellow Taoists is a bit low, but if you run a small business and it really doesn't make money, I really forgive you."

You're welcome, where can I find such a cheap and useful employee? I have to keep him for a while.

"no, I'm fine."

Chen Ci waved his hand coolly and prepared to go back home. Is Mr. Chen the one who needs this simple meal?

In fact, the main reason is that Wuyun Yin Magic is about to return to its previous level of cultivation, but he wants to go back to Qi Shi Qi to practice earlier, so as not to feel a little uncomfortable all the time.

Five Yun Yin Magic (disabled): 42 (43)/100

Either today or tomorrow night, his Qi cultivation will finally return to its original state, but it is estimated that his cultivation of Wuyun Yin magic will also reach a bottleneck.

Five ghost transportation method: Dacheng/54/100

To be honest, his five ghost transfer method has already reached the level of Dacheng. It is not like it was just at Dacheng at the beginning. At this time, practicing the five ghost possession method should not be a big problem in theory. Seeing that the five yin magic has reached the stage where it needs hard training. At this point, Chen Ci felt really itchy and couldn't bear it.

But taking into account the lessons learned from those cheap fellow disciples in the Heshan Sect, he was really a little flustered when he practiced the five ghosts' possession method without practicing it to perfection.

"You should have something to eat."

Zhuang Laodao grabbed Chen Ci and went to the table. Several of the restaurant's specialty dishes were already placed on it. There was also a small cauldron next to it, which contained half of the green bamboo rice and pearl rice. , although it seems a bit stingy, but as a simple meal, it is actually a bit luxurious.

Chen Ci's heart moved slightly. There might be some cake in this meal.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, please."

However, Zhuang Laodao was not polite and poured himself a glass of Peiyuan Health Wine and another glass for Chen Ci. Then he asked him to start and said with a smile: "Your Peiyuan Spirit Wine is selling well these days. .”

"It's easy to sell, but the profit is small. If it weren't for alchemy practice, ugh"

Chen Ci suddenly realized that in the past half month, his Peiyuan health wine had gradually gained a reputation and had some repeat customers. He could sell a bottle in about three or four days and earn a hundred taels of gold, half of it. At the end of the month, four spiritual beads were credited to his account, which was much more than what he earned from cooking spiritual rice.

He worked as a part-time cook and only collected eight kilograms of green bamboo rice in half a month, which was less than one spiritual pearl.

Chen Ci said that he only cooked spiritual rice and sold some health wine in the "Bayunjian". For other things, Zhuang Laodao couldn't find him.

"Manager Zhuang, you may not believe me when I tell you, but I can't earn twenty taels of gold from this jar of Pei Yuan Ling Wine."

Chen Ci suddenly felt sad and pinched his thigh hard under the Taoist robe: "If you are unlucky and lose your hand, you will lose some money. Otherwise, why do you think I didn't sell it at a lower price? It only took a few days to brew it." Yitan is all based on the cost line."

Zhuang Laodao narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that the person named Chen didn't look like he was pretending, and he was a little bit embarrassed. He picked up the wine glass and walked with him: "Although Xiaoxiu and I are a bit skilled, all we earn is hard-earned money. Fellow Daoist Chen, I I'm older and I'm taking advantage of you. Listen to my uncle's advice and don't practice alchemy anymore. Just cook some spiritual rice honestly. That's the right way."

After a pause, Mr. Zhuang lowered his voice and said, "How about you work as a spiritual cook here for me and get three spiritual beads a month, including food and accommodation."

Chen Ci: "."

It's so dark. He cooks at least twenty kilograms of green bamboo rice at dawn every day. One kilogram of green bamboo rice can earn six taels of gold. In a month, he can start with at least thirty spiritual beads.

Although I don’t know how much other expenses cost, but three spiritual beads per month, isn’t this the price of a pure black slave? Bah!

Chen Ci resisted the urge to roll his eyes, picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and sighed: "Alas."

Mr. Zhuang smiled coquettishly: "Although it's a little low, it's better than stability. Plus the profit from drinks, it's quite a lot."

Although Zhuang Laodao doesn't understand the secrets of Peiyuan Health Wine, he still has a budding alchemist in his family. He may still be a little short of a master in refining the elixir, but he still knows some simple identification methods. After tasting it After drinking this Pei Yuan Ling, he realized that the main flavor in it was a kind of nourishing substance, which was quite beneficial to the body, but it was not advanced. If he wanted to, he could also imitate the medicinal wine with similar effects.

But the problem is the cost. The concentration of nourishing substances in this Peiyuanling wine is quite high. If he were allowed to come, the cost of a bucket of wine would be around a hundred taels of gold. It would be difficult to make money. However, the young owner of this banker’s restaurant had a little trouble. I wanted to find out how much it cost Chen Ci to develop this wine.

It was precisely because of this that when Chen Ci said that the cost of a jar of wine was close to one hundred taels of gold, which was similar to what the young master said, Zhuang Laodao believed it.

At the dinner table, both of them had some thoughts. Zhuang Laodao drank Chen Ci's Peiyuan wine vigorously, and Chen Ci drank Zhuang Laodao's spiritual rice vigorously. It was like they were matched against each other, and they were equal in victory and defeat.

But it's a pity that Zhuang Laodao probably thought that he was not at a loss and drank a whole pot of Peiyuan wine.

But Chen Ci really made a profit. Five kilograms of spiritual rice was eaten clean by him, a hard worker, and it was worth one to twenty taels of gold.

"made money!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Suddenly, a strange voice came from the door: "Good wine, good meat, and spiritual rice, bring them all up to me!"

A two-meter-tall man with gray skin and kinky muscles, who looked like a black bear, slowly walked into the restaurant. His voice was loud but his tone was slow, and his face looked a little dull. He just saw the food on the table for the two of them and moved. Throat, revealing a pair of sharp white teeth, he walked towards the two of them.

"This delicious wine, let me try it."

As he spoke, he actually reached for the wine glass with residual wine on the table. He really didn't regard himself as an outsider.

Chen Ci frowned slightly, but did not stop him, because he felt that something was wrong with this man. He felt a bit like a fool who wandered the streets in his previous life, hungry for food and drink, and irrational.

Zhuang Laodao's reaction was a little louder. He quickly stood up, saluted with both hands, and said politely: "Fellow Taoist, the shop is closed. Why don't you find another place to eat?"


The big man swallowed the remaining wine in the cup and licked his lips. There was obvious restlessness on his face. But before he could speak, Mr. Zhuang said in a deep voice: "This fellow Taoist, there are patrolling monks in Pingkangfang." Yes, you don’t want to work in the mines either, right?”

The big man was stunned for a moment, and after a few breaths, his face became dull again. He crushed the wine glass in his hand and threw it on the ground. He walked leisurely out the door. When he was going out, he kicked a chair to pieces and left without looking back. Well, it seems that my temper is a bit bad.

Chen Ci touched his chin, smiled, and watched the excitement.


After the big man had walked far away, Mr. Zhuang spat fiercely: "Another stupid Si Dinglishi. He is really unlucky."

"Is this man a Hercules? The kind who works on a treasure ship?"

Chen Ci was a little surprised when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask: "Fellow Daoist Zhuang, judging from your tone, this Hercules man is quite stupid?"

"Hey, you probably came to Haishi not long ago. You'll find out if you wait a long time."

Zhuang Laodao put his old face down, packed up his things, and then said to Chen Ci: "Do you think why various trading houses often recruit powerful people? In addition to the hard work in the warehouse and the high liquidity, there are more I couldn't find a serious book on strength, so I randomly found some exercises to practice, and ended up going crazy and ruining my brain. Here, I looked like I was not very smart just now."

Chen Ci: "."

"Obsessed? Doesn't it look like it?"

Chen Ci frowned. Although the man looked a little strange, his energy was still quite stable, and he didn't look like he was possessed.

"I don't understand either. I just heard that the evil fire is backlashing and attacking internally and externally. If you don't have the means to regulate it, your sanity will get worse and worse."

Zhuang Laodao sighed: "Although there are occasional murders and robberies by evil cultivators in Haishi, most of the disasters are caused by this stupid Si Dinglishi, who seems to be crazy, has a bad temper, and is extremely It’s hard to control, and it’s best to avoid people with low cultivation levels when you encounter them.”

Worri, what Lin Laohu said is that the method of strength is harmful to the practice of Qi. Is this the case?

So what is it that is beneficial to the Five Ghost Possession Dafa?

Chen Ci grinned. Is this situation a problem with the strength book or a problem with strength practice? There are some differences. He hasn't even mastered the Five Yunyin magic yet. Where can he study the method of strength?

No, if you can't stand on Master Jiao's lap, you'd better stand on Linhu's thigh. Daoji is Daoji. Although he is not as good as the master of Jindan, he doesn't dislike it and keeps making progress reluctantly.

Chen Ci felt a little dizzy, and even looked down on Daoji monks.

Suddenly, Chen Ci remembered something and asked casually: "Fellow Taoist Zhuang, if you want to say this, where did Si Dingli find the most reliable book on strength?"

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