Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 138 Nine Ruins of Tianhe, a fast and slow showdown

Without further ado, Chen Ci finally figured out that in addition to being a disciple of the Heshan Sect and a good son-in-law of the Longhu Mountain, this Jiao Zhenren also had at least one or two sect inheritance, and his rank was not low.

For example, this Tianhe sword.

And the bone magic weapon passed down to him by Lin Laohu.

Just hearing the name is much stronger than the evil method in the Heshan Sect. Among the monks of the Heshan Sect here, Chen Ci is the youngest, and he will say unpleasant things.

Heshan Dafa is really not good at all.

Moreover, this handsome monk's Qi cultivation is far better than him. Although he is still in the category of Qi refining monk, he may have passed the hundred orifices. He did not build the foundation just to hit a higher level. Chen Ci drank the wine, but she was still thinking in her heart. What are you wearing?

He said, "Just talk about swordsmanship and stop at it." Although Chen Ci has the title of "Master of Swordsmanship", after all, it is just ordinary swordsmanship. Whether it is good or not is not a matter of debate. If he is not victorious, it will become a joke at most. It doesn't matter. If you are lucky enough to win even half of the moves, and this person can't bear to show his face to him, then it will be a disaster. Looking at the status of the monks of the Heshan Sect in Jiao Zhenren's heart, it is estimated that it will be difficult for anyone to stand up for him. I'm afraid Just give him some rewards and a few words of comfort.

You must know that the body of a monk is extremely precious before he attains the Tao. It can be injured, but cannot be damaged, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to perfect the Tao.

Among the risks, gains and losses, Chen Ci gently stroked his White Bone Heart-locking Sword and pondered over it.

Starting from the leading Daoji monk at Chilong Temple to Lin Qinhu, no one responded.

"Brothers, my cultivation is shallow. In the past, I have only practiced sword fighting with the senior brothers in Guanli, but I don't know how to deal with it."

The handsome monk's attitude was very respectful: "Can you please give me some advice, senior fellow apprentices?"

After saying that, he patted his waist lightly, and a white rainbow flew out, as fast as an arrow from a string, and like a plain bird circling and flying in the air. For a time, light and shadow shuttled up and down, like a silver fish playing in the water. Extremely agile and dazzling to watch.

It turned out to be a small sword with a length of one foot, wrapped in clear light, half virtual and half real. With the sword light, it also had a three-foot sharp edge, and it was faintly rainbow-shaped.

Chen Ci only glanced at it, then released his palm from the bone-locking hammer and lay down flat.

Guess what, the style of painting is different, how can we fight? This is not the "flying sword" method of the Heshan Sect that uses expelling magic and magic swords to fight the enemy, but the serious flying sword method of practicing swordsmanship. !

Could it be that the ‘Tianhe’ inheritance received by Master Jiao is the method of sword cultivation?

True, envious, purple!

That's not all, the man pointed a little, and the white rainbow of his sword flew over the head of Shen Laodao in Chilongguan, circled around, turned back from Chen Ci, and stopped beside him.

At this time, the expressions on the faces of the monks from the Heshan Sect changed. The monk from Chilongguan was angry, Lin Qinhu was cold, and Chen Ci silently picked up a small notebook and started to memorize it.

"Teacher, I would like to confirm with this junior brother."

Lin Qinhu stood up slowly and bowed: "It's just that the disciple's magic power is not very satisfactory. If by any chance I fail to reach the point, I hope that the teacher will forgive me."

There was silence in the field, but the young monk felt an urge to try.

"Young Shang, wouldn't it be possible to demonstrate what you have achieved through cultivation without the cooperation of your fellow disciples?"

A hint of headache flashed across Zhenren Jiao's face, and he waved his hand: "Just sit back and catch the tiger. Don't be as experienced as your Junior Brother Gu."

Lin Qinhu's expression remained unchanged, he bowed to Master Jiao before sitting down.

However, the monk surnamed Gu laughed, bowed hastily to the cultivators of Heshan Sect, and then began to practice the so-called Tianhe Sword Ribbon by himself. A white rainbow circled and danced over the hall, getting faster and faster, attracting other monks to form a formation. Cheers.

Chen Ci looked unconcerned on his face, but his heart sank slightly. It was often said that the monks of the Heshan Sect were powerful and powerful, and were particularly good at fighting. But when it came to killing people, flying swordsmen were the most efficient.

This flying sword method is really fast. It is much faster than the Five Yin Black Demon and the Five Yin Golden Demon he refined. Besides, every time the sword light changes, Chen Ci can barely react. Respond mentally.

Moreover, the flying sword is real, and its power is far more powerful than the evil spirit spell. It can crush the black evil spirit and the golden evil spirit with just one encounter, and the magic that can break the five yin evil spirit bags in ten rounds is a spell that does not know the filthiness of the Heshan Sect. What is the effect of this flying sword?

Thinking of this, Chen Ci felt sour in her heart again. She thought she could get close to Jiao Zhenren's thigh by following Brother Cheap, but she didn't expect that her thigh was derailed, and she even cheated on him. What should she do?

This Lin Laohu, he doesn’t live up to his expectations.

Chen Cizheng was secretly trying to figure out how to deal with the flying sword, but the expression on Master Jiao's face was getting worse and worse. He finally couldn't help but cursed: "You're a mess with the Tianhe sword, fast, slow, light, heavy, divided, Transformation, emptiness, reality, and unity, you haven’t even realized the most basic meaning of speed, so what’s the use of simply seeking speed!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiao Zhenren picked up a piece of bamboo chopsticks on the table, stretched out his hand and threw it out, fighting with the sword light in the sky.

Seeing the teacher taking action, the monk surnamed Gu showed no fear. He shouted softly and took the initiative to attack, driving his flying sword towards the emerald light. However, this emerald light was very fast, and the two rainbow lights were slightly entangled. Just as they were about to chop them together, Cuiguang braked suddenly, then lightly touched the tail of the Chi Chang Fei Sword, knocking it staggering, and knocked the Fei Jian down with a few consecutive blows.


Seeing the flying sword fall, the emerald green rainbow light turned easily again and slashed towards the monk surnamed Gu. Before he could hold the sword again, he felt a chill on his neck, and the bamboo chopsticks were wrapped around his head. After a lap, he leisurely returned to his seat.

Gu Shaoshang had a look of disbelief in his eyes. He looked unwilling at first, then confused, and finally he tremblingly cupped his fists and saluted: "Disciple, thank you for your guidance!"

"Although there is a saying in the world of swordsmanship that nothing is indestructible but speed, but simply seeking 'fastness' has lost the original meaning of swordsmanship. The core of sword control is really 'what you want'."

Jiao Zhenren glanced at him, picked up the wine glass, and began to point out: "The Tianhe Sword Urn is actually nine tactics, among which the four urns of 'fast, slow, light, and heavy' are the most practical. If used well, the changes will be satisfactory. You can cut down your opponent just by meeting them face to face, and today I will tell you about the 'fast and slow' battle."

Master Jiao actually did not hide his secrets. Starting from the Taoist formulas to the techniques of transportation, he explained all the subtleties one by one without fear of others learning.

Either the Tianhe Sword Ribbon is not a secret method, or Zhenren Jiao feels that everyone here is considered one of his own, and if he learns more or less, he is regarded as someone else's creation.

Chen Ci was stunned for a moment, and then he concentrated on memorizing it. The Tianhe Sword Ribbon was both a Taoist method and a sword technique, but it was more like the art of sword ritual. With a 'sword master' by his side, he actually understood the concept behind it. To make it clear at one point, there is actually not much difference in the way of killing with a sword, whether it is a ranger or a swordsman, it is just a difference between immortals and mortals.

It is also the skill of a cup of tea. Jiao Zhen's words are like a sword, fast and slow. Although he does not hide his secrets, he just passes by without stopping. Even a Taoist master like Lin Qinhu can only Forcibly write it down, as to whether it is beneficial to Taoism or not. The left and right are just two brutal methods, but it is hard to say.

It doesn’t cost any money anyway, and you won’t suffer any loss in learning.

"The method of swordsmanship lies in understanding, diligence, and fighting, which is a joy."

After saying this, Master Jiao drank all the wine in his hand and stopped talking, just waiting for the disciples sitting here to digest it.

Chen Ci remained silent and seemed to be in a daze, but in fact, he quietly opened his golden finger panel and took a look.

Tianhe Jiulu Sword Art (2/9): Not yet started

Prostitution makes him happy.

But this feeling of being neither up nor down, how should I put it, unhappy, really unhappy, the Five Yun Yin magic is "broken", and the Tianhe Jiulu is "deficient", it's really not that good.

"How can we call it free prostitution when it comes to cultivators? Doesn't it show that Mr. Chen has a high level of understanding?"

Chen Ci turned off the panel, thought for a while, and finally sighed softly: "The Bajing Palace is still grand. This Xiaozhutian Qi-absorbing Pill Technique can be passed on as soon as it is said, alas."

After waiting for a while, Jiao Zhenren glanced at the sky, stroked his long beard slightly, and said with a chuckle: "The Dharma is not taught to three people, but today I can compare it to another one. Get a pen and ink, draw a talisman, and have a look. What are your attainments in talismans?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the boys on the left and right took the talisman paper, pen and ink from behind and sent them to the repairers' desks one by one. One stroke, one ink, and a piece of talisman paper, nothing else.

"Teacher is biased. He knows clearly that the seniors and sisters of Longhu Mountain, Youshan Dan and Talisman, are not enough for this piece of talisman paper. Please give us a few more."

A disciple from the Tianhe Taoist Temple in the front row stood up and bowed, acting strangely, which made everyone laugh.

"One piece is enough. The attainment of the talisman is determined by the speed of making the talisman first, then by the difficulty of the talisman, and finally by the quality."

Jiao Zhenren said with a smile: "Just draw a armor and horse talisman. If you are fast and good enough, you will have a chance to win the first place."

Chen Ci was sitting at the end, but he could scan the expressions of everyone in the hall with just one glance.

The faces of the female cultivators from Longhu Mountain were really proud, and they seemed to have everything they needed.

Most of the male cultivators at Tianhe Taoist Temple smiled and seemed not to care much.

The Heshan Cult monks were even more focused on participating and were completely lying down.

Chen Ci snorted coldly. He gave the face to himself when he was out. In today's situation, it was the Light of Heshan, Mr. Chen, who had to get it back!

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