Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 15 Overseas Side Door

Damn it.

This chicken soup is poisonous.

Chen Ci stayed up all night.

"This corpse mushroom cannot be swallowed at all, and even if it is boiled into a soup, it is impossible to absorb the spiritual essence in it. No wonder the elixir method requires the use of the medicine-taking spell to absorb the essence of the elixir and remove its dross."

Chen Ci's face turned a little pale, and even with a practitioner's physique, it was a little bit too much.

Medicines are one-third poisonous, and spiritual materials are no exception, let alone side medicines like Xizhi. If you are not good at elixirs, you can't handle the elixirs at all. Let alone improving your cultivation, it is a good thing if it does not damage the body's vitality.

"I have made no progress after a night of hard training, and even lost two points of my vitality. This wave, this wave of blood loss."

Chen Ci took a sip of the health-preserving tea and the hot water went into his stomach. The color on his face improved a little: "But I understand a little about the mystery of Xiaozhutian's Qi-breathing Pill. I will say that no matter who has a great business, it will not matter. Maybe if you want a novice to make alchemy from the beginning, you have to start from the basics."

Even a cook starts by chopping vegetables and cooking with a spoon. It is impossible to start cooking as soon as you get started.

Chen Ci looked at the steam coming out of the health-preserving tea in his hand, thought for a moment, and tried to grab it by running Qi in his hand, but he scattered it directly.

Like a fierce embroidery needle.

Chen Ci thought: "Opening the furnace to condense the elixir is also a technical job. If you can't condense the medicinal properties at the moment of opening the furnace, all your previous efforts will be wasted."

But since you have a direction, practice is over.

"Ten jins of snake bones and ten jins of tiger bones should not be mixed with any scraps of meat and should be boiled into a paste."

In the alchemy room, Chen Ci used the fire control method to fan in the true energy to control the fire power, while using the Qi Observation method to feel the degree of smelting of the bones in the cauldron.

This is not an elixir, but a folk prescription called 'Dragon and Tiger Ointment'. It takes the bones of a ten-year-old snake and boils them with tiger bones. If swallowed by ordinary people, it can strengthen the muscles and bones. Taking it for many years is quite beneficial to martial arts.

It's not very valuable, a pound of 'Longhu Paste' only costs five taels of silver, which is much worse than frost candy.

"The fire control method is a lot of hard work. If you also need to use the Qi Observation method to check the situation of the elixir in the furnace, the difficulty will be doubled. No wonder many alchemists have to have a boy who specializes in fanning the fire when making elixirs. It seems that this fire control method The method is the easiest to practice among the four methods, and it is also the one with the widest applicability.”

Chen Ci felt the consumption of true energy in his body, and his thoughts were inexplicably scattered.

If you can't become an alchemist, you can become a utensil master, or at the worst, you can become a cook.

An hour later, Chen Ci opened the lid of the cauldron, looked at the white and slightly yellowish paste inside, and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

It took three days and three nights for the Mortal Pharmacy to boil this pot of dragon and tiger ointment. He used his true energy to maintain the fire and shortened the brewing time to one hour, but his true energy also consumed as much as two orifices.

After taking some honey and mixing it in, Chen Ci poured the bone paste into the mold and rolled it while it was hot. In a short time, dozens of pills were formed.

Chen Ci took one pill and swallowed it with water. It was a bit bitter, but not unpalatable.

Shisuo Hunyuan Gong: 7/100 (Take this elixir, five pills a day, and practice hard for three months to get another one)

What spicy chicken~

But after all, it is an ordinary plaster. It is good to improve it by a few points. It is of some use at least.

Chen Ci shook his head, took out the porcelain bottle and packed the pills. Although it didn't have much effect, it was just right for practicing.

Fire Control: Not Beginner/9/100

Qi Observation Method: Not Beginner/3/100

The ‘Dragon Tiger Ointment’ that you practice can also be used by your disciples, so it won’t be wasted, which is good.

It's just too time-consuming. If you practice diligently every day, the four-door elixir method alone will take almost three hours. This does not include the practice time after the introduction of Xiaozhutian Qi-invigorating elixir method, which will inevitably drag down the progress of other practices.

If Chen Ci's golden finger is an immortality fruit, then it will be fine. Just take it slowly. The alchemist is like an old Chinese medicine doctor, who becomes more popular as he gets older.

But with only twenty-nine qi-refining skills, he can live for eight or ninety years at most, and he has to take away the effects of old age and physical weakness. How to choose is a big problem.

"I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Chen to be obsessed with alchemy. It's a bit beyond my expectation."

The door opened slightly at some point, and a figure stood at the door, looking at the decorations in the alchemy room with interest.

Chen Ci looked surprised at first, then half-feared and half-respected, he answered honestly: "This immortal is joking. I am Long Xianzhi, the third disciple of our master, but I don't know why you want to find your master?"

"You don't have to be like this, Fellow Daoist Chen. You can remove your hands from the Wuyin bag. I came here on an appointment and there is no malicious intent."

Chen Ci sighed slightly and glanced at his waist. Next time, he would have to cover up the five yin evil spirit bags, otherwise others would see it at a glance and it would be meaningless.

"Ahem, this Immortal, you really made a mistake."

"A certain person is Lin Banshan, the deacon of Wenxiang Sect, who has met Daoist Fellow Chen."


Chen Ci thought for a moment and made an invitation gesture: "It makes no sense for fellow Taoist to come uninvited."

"Sorry, I was supposed to visit tomorrow, but I have something important to do, so I have to hurry."

Lin Banshan stepped into the room loudly.

"His cultivation seems to be much higher than mine."

"But the breath is a little pulsating. I don't know if it's because the foundation is unstable or because of some kind of magical power."

Two thoughts flashed through her mind, and Chen Ci's palms became inexplicably sweaty.

"I'm walking in a hurry, and I don't carry any precious gifts. This is the blue sea sand among the Five Elements Sacred Sands. It's still worth a look. I hope Fellow Taoist Chen can forgive me."

Lin Banshan took out an exquisite gift bag from his arms and put his hands on the table.

Chen Ci:.

"Brother Lin and I hit it off right away. It's a waste, it's a waste."

Chen Ci enthusiastically served a cup of hot tea. He quietly weighed it just now and found that it was at least two kilograms. This fellow Daoist Lin was really heroic.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, I don't want to hide it from you. I just went to your sugar shop and found out that the cost of the Heshan frosting candy is ridiculously low. However, I's previous quotation was too high. This matter needs to be discussed again."

Lin Banshan's first words chilled the atmosphere that had just been warmed by the two kilograms of divine sand.

Lin Banshan didn't seem to feel anything was wrong, and said to himself: "Your Heshan frost sugar is priced at one tael of silver per catty. I provide the raw materials and receive eight thousand catties per month."

"Maybe you can sell a price of three taels of silver per catty and receive five thousand catties per month. However, you need to teach someone this method, and someone will start a new business, and they can make a three-year contract with you. As for how long it will take, someone can't say no. Right."

Chen Ci pondered for a moment and then asked: "Fellow Daoist Lin, since you have already seen the sugar house, what does this mean?"

Just by scanning the simple facilities in the sugar house, you can understand why this person wants to discuss with him again.

"If someone bullies you directly, you will definitely refuse to accept it. If a dispute breaks out and other people in the sect intervene, I'm afraid you and I won't even be able to drink two drops of soup."

"The current frosting sugar production method is either time-consuming or requires the introduction of magical tools, which is too costly."

Lin Banshan said quickly: "Your method of making sugar is too simple. It's impossible to hide it. Either you have to hide it in a few counties, or you have to seize the opportunity to make a fortune from him. At most However, this method will definitely spread in three to five years, and someone will have to manage the business behind it, and his income will not be much more than that of fellow Taoists."

It can be said that this cultivator is shameless, and he is so justified in robbing things, but it really makes sense.

One thing is indeed true. It's okay to make a small amount of money, but Chen Ci will definitely not be able to keep it if he makes a lot of money. This activated carbon filtration method is really too simple and can be learned casually. There are no technical barriers at all.


Chen Ci didn't hesitate, but asked again: "What is the use of this Dharma Deed?"

"The person who breaks the contract will be saddened, and the other party will be induced. Otherwise, it will not have much effect."

Lin Banshan was serious about his work. He immediately took out two Dharma deeds and wrote the content with a pen: "In addition, this Dharma deed can be regarded as black and white writing. If there is a dispute, the elders in the family will confront each other with this Dharma deed. Those who are unreasonable will be weak. "

No, what is the function of the oath of heaven that cannot be improved even if the cultivation level is not enough to give birth to inner demons?

Relationships are just two contracts, right?

"Just use your own energy to draw the contract."

One for each person, and within a few minutes, the matter was settled.

Chen Ci was in a daze. He had anticipated several situations, but he had never thought of this.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, I don't seem to have heard of the name Wenxiang Sect in the Liang Kingdom. I wonder where your sect's fairy mountain is?"

Chen Ci put away the deed, felt relaxed and asked curiously.

"My Wenxiang Sect is not a Jade Ping State sect, but comes from the East China Sea."

Lin Banshan thought for a while and replied: "If it is subdivided, it can be regarded as one of the side sects."

The sea on the east side of the East China Sea.

But where is Yupingzhou?

I'm afraid he is a fake disciple of a side sect!

Chen Ci rubbed his head, deeply doubtful.

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