Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 148: Turning the secret book and getting started with strength

Qingyunfang, residence, quiet room.

Chen Ci looked at a thin book on the table that seemed to be made of some kind of fish skin, feeling extremely sad. He held his throat and muttered in a low voice: "What else? I just want to make two attempts, that's all, haha."

Since we want to make two attempts, we should at least give two rewards. What is the result?

One of the seven-turn secret books of Taishang Zhenyu.

The true picture of the Golden Scale's wonderful transformation of acupoints and apertures is incompletely recorded.

Doesn’t the so-called Yongxing host know that Senior Brother Lin is Chen’s dearest relative, friend, and sibling?

Would he, the bright light of Heshan, just change his job just for such a broken record?

Oh, you are really good at judging people.

"Oh, it's just that others gave me too much, and it turned out to be a magic formula that can lead to immortality. Who can survive this?"

Chen Ci touched the Dharma book on the table and felt a little sad. Of course, the reason that made him make this choice was not just because of such a broken record. In addition, the poster may have a deep relationship with the Heshan Sect. Not being an outsider, Chen also considered his own situation carefully and felt a little uneasy.

Although he has lived in two lives, to put it bluntly, he has always been a small character and has never been involved in any big turmoil. Even though he is a practitioner, pursuing immortality, he can be used as a small side story of Pangmen Heshan. There is nothing worthy of others' respect for the Qi cultivation of more than ten orifices.

They were giving jade money and power skills. It couldn't be because they wanted him to be handsome, right?

I'm afraid it's because it's cheaper for Senior Brother Lin.

In other words, it is on top of the three methods of transportation by five ghosts, possession by five ghosts, and Yin demons of the five aggregates.

Chen Ci vaguely felt that the Heshan disciples who dared to practice these three methods and had a slight chance of succeeding in them might have entered into the eyes of some superior practitioners.

Just like Lin Huhu, a disciple of Jiao Zhenren.

It was as if he, Chen, had inexplicably received a fragment of the true picture of the golden scales and acupuncture points.

According to the currently known information, if someone masters the Five Yun Yin Magic and realizes the Perfect Dao Foundation, it is possible to complete a part of the fundamental Dafa for Heshan, add another path of practice, and create a true Yuanshen in the future. possible.

Because this road was too difficult and he was eager for success due to chance, he gave up his thirty-six orifices of Qi and hurriedly achieved a high-level Taoist foundation, which made Master Jiao furious.

But after what happened yesterday, Chen Ci felt inexplicably more suspicious.

Was Lin Laohu's move accidental or intentional?

What if, just what if, Ahu was careless on purpose?

Chen Ci said that his persecution paranoia had recurred. The main reason was that this feeling of being suddenly remembered by others was really bad. Moreover, no one told him what the secret of the Five Yun Yin magic was after the completion. I haven’t even gotten the skills yet.

But there was no turning back when he opened the bow, and it was absolutely impossible for him to give up this method. Mr. Chen could only move forward, not retreat. At most, he would have to be careful when condensing his magic power.

Therefore, this method of strength is not only an aid in practicing the five ghost possession skills, but may also be an attempt by Chen.

"Difficulties are difficult, the truth is the most mysterious, don't take the golden elixir for granted."

Chen Ci sighed: "When someone tells you a secret, it's hard to tell if it's just empty words."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Ci no longer bothered with those far-fetched plans. The future would be discussed later. If he didn't improve his cultivation, there would be no future to talk about.

Yesterday at the Yongxing Pavilion, the owner said that he had two superior strength techniques.

One said, the black water life fruit is the true method.

One said, the Secret Book of the Seventh Transformation of the Supreme True Loach.

After practicing the two techniques to great perfection, both have magical powers that are not inferior to those of Yuanshen masters. However, the poster did not give Chen Ci a chance to choose. He only said that it is difficult to get started with the true method of Black Water Life Fruit, it is difficult to practice, it is difficult to improve, and it is difficult to achieve great success. With Mr. Chen's qualifications, it is better not to spend too much time on this method and just give him a volume of the Supreme True Loach Secret Technique, which is the True Map of the Golden Scale's Miaohua Acupoints. Although it is a fragment, it is The method with one hundred and eight orifices turned out to be the highest-level cultivation method currently in Chen Ci's hands.

Mmm, it smells so good.

Chen Ci read through it all night. In addition to keeping this method firmly in mind, he also understood the difference between the real map of the Golden Scale Miaohua Acupoint and the Five Yun Yin magic.

He practiced the Five Yun Yin Magic. After he cultivated the Youyin True Qi through the magic of heaven and earth, he opened the acupoints all over the body to store the True Qi. When there was enough Youyin True Qi, the quantitative change caused the qualitative change, and the magic power was condensed in the Dantian to build the foundation of the Tao. Use magic power to form a golden elixir with the help of the evil spirit and Gangqi of heaven and earth, and achieve immortality.

The Secret Book of the Seventh Transformation of the Supreme True Loach uses Qi and blood to create a line of innate True Qi, then fuses it into the bones and blood, and fuses it with the physical body, so that the four limbs, muscles and bones, five internal organs, and six internal organs can be found everywhere in the body. After the innate true energy is latent, an extra mass of essence will appear under the Dantian and above the perineum. Then this mass of essence will be used as the source, using flesh and bones as the path, and according to the true map of the acupoints, new ones will be refined. Acupuncture points, accumulate qi, blood and essence, and embark on the path of strength.

As for the further path of cultivation, there is no explanation on the actual diagram of the Golden Scale Miaohua Acupoint.

To put it bluntly, the acupuncture points for Qi Dao practice are original and can accommodate the true energy; while the acupoints for Li Dao practice are modified and can accommodate Qi, blood and essence.

Chen Ci touched his chin. The true picture in the book was a golden-scaled loach with long beards on both legs. It was very vivid, with a faint aura flowing from beginning to end, and there were one hundred and eight fine dots of golden light on it. But it needs to be based on the spinal dragon, starting from the kidney pass, and opening up one hundred and eight Jingyuan acupoints.

"The ancient sages are indeed extraordinary. Although the two paths of Qi and strength are different, their concepts are similar. They are powerful, really powerful."

Chen Ci shook his head and sighed. There may be no distinction between Qi Dao and strength methods, but for human cultivation, Qi Dao is probably more promising. After all, the original ones are always better.

"Fortunately, my physical body is not bad at polishing, and I have also cultivated the innate true energy. It should not be difficult to get started with this method."

Throwing a health elixir into his mouth, Chen Ci began to transport Qi and blood throughout the body, cultivating the innate True Qi. As the innate True Qi traveled throughout the body according to the Taishang True Loach secret method, it merged with the flesh, bones, and organs of the whole body. , traces of essence began to gather, sinking under the Dantian and above the perineum.

Chen Ci: "."

Xiao Chen, you are fucking gods and demons!

In just a short period of time, Chen Ci practiced the seven innate qi, and his stomach suddenly deflated, and a sense of hunger that he had never felt before came up, giving Mr. Chen an inexplicable desire to eat a big meal.

This is slightly different from the practice of possessing the five ghosts. After the five ghosts possess you, you will feel empty, the kind of empty that has been squeezed dry, but when you practice the secret law of the Supreme True Loach, you will feel pure hunger, the kind of hunger that you will not choose to eat.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly started to show off his power, wishing he could come out for some air, which was embarrassing.

"Yes, it's food and sex, but it's broad daylight. It's too degrading to be polite."

Chen Ci dispersed the strength method, his face turned red, and he circulated the Youyin Qi several times before he recovered. Then he took out the Bigu Pill and the Health Pill and ate a few pills. Although there was some relief, the feeling of empty stomach was still there. But it was still there, and I had to cook and eat the remaining Bizhuling rice at home, and then I completely recovered.

"This Taishang Zhenyi Seventh Rank Secret Book, why does it feel a bit improper?"

Chen Ci slowly exhaled a breath of cold air, closed his eyes, and began to move Qi and blood again, cultivating the innate Qi and gathering the essence.

As for disciple Chen's confused mind, just ignore it.

Two days later.

Chen Ci integrated the last bit of Xiantian Qi into his inner organs, and felt his whole body tremble. Qi, blood and essence merged up and down. There was an extra mass of Qi under his abdomen, and his body seemed to have endless energy, from top to bottom. Below, from the inside to the outside, there is an inexplicable restlessness.

This method of strength seems to be a beginner.

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