Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 153: The Demon Lord of the Four Seas, Baiyun Begins to Become

Zhaiyun Mountain, Tianhe Taoist Temple.

Master Jiao Fei looked at the movement in the sea from a distance, and couldn't help but laugh dumbly: "This Dragon Lord really caused a big scene, even though there was no notice in advance, it made the cultivators here in Longhu Mountain a little bit paralyzed. It’s on the countertop.”

Halfway through, he seemed to think that his wife was also a disciple of Longhu Mountain, so he quickly turned his head and chuckled, and stopped talking.

The white-robed female cultivator next to him also smiled, stretched out her soft catkins to hold his big hand, and said softly: "You and I are one husband and wife. Although Longhu Mountain is our natal family, there is no harm in having some private conversations. Besides, I married into the Jiao family." As a woman, Longhushan is not from the Yang family, nor is she really a member of her own family."

The two golden elixir masters looked at each other and smiled, and continued to eat melon. However, Jiao Fei's eyes flashed with enthusiasm for the Clam Essence Water Mansion.

"By the way, Mr. Jiao."

Yang Huang'er seemed to pause for a moment, then turned her hand over, and a wish-fulfilling coin appeared in the palm of her hand. She asked curiously: "This time, Lord Ao Long is so mobilized, is it just for this small coin? Is this thing in the sea market recently?" The top management is very enthusiastic."

"You mean Ao Yun? It shouldn't be him. Although his dragon brain is still quite bright among demon cultivators, this matter is full of troubles and it won't benefit him. He shouldn't be the main promoter."

Jiao Fei smiled dumbly and thought for a while before saying: "Don't underestimate this treasure. I'm afraid this is the trick of the Canglong Demon Lord in the Four Seas Dragon Palace. I even wanted to tinker with something similar, but after thinking about it, I still That’s all, it can only be used as a small item circulating under the door.”


A strange color flashed in Yang Huanger's beautiful eyes. The Lord of the Four Seas had not seen any movement for several calamities. Even though many side sect masters were setting up sects overseas, and many scattered cultivators were spreading their branches on the island, there was no sight of the Four Seas Monster. Xiu had too much reaction.

Would such a powerful person, so high above the world, put his eyes on such a small thing?

Seeing the confusion on his wife's face, Jiao Fei pondered for a moment and chuckled: "The Sihai Dragon Palace was once one of the clans of the cultivator. It was the co-master of the demon cultivator in the world ten kalpas ago, but now there are only five demon kingdoms in the world. Although The Four Sea Monster Kingdom is still the most powerful, but its name, haha, doesn't sound so good anymore.

Moreover, this demon lord has been suppressed by other clans for more than ten kalpas and allowed monks like me to take root overseas. Now it seems that he is still thinking about it and wants to try a curve to break free from the shackles on his body.

If this precious money really circulates among the monks in the four seas, and the huge resources are integrated, the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce may have the opportunity to regain its position as a powerful cultivator from another aspect. However, this may not be easy and will cost a lot of money. Time to operate. "

Yang Huang'er listened to her husband's talk, with beautiful eyes, and felt that there was some truth in what he said.

Although there are many fights among monks, there are also human affairs and interest exchanges. Although there are not many truly big factions overseas, the small number of people does not mean that others cannot fight against others.

Although it is impossible for the Four Seas Dragon Palace to take this power for its own use, but having said that, who can have trouble with money? If you hold more money in your hand, you may have some subconscious preferences. This is also a human behavior. Naturally, such preferences may not be of much use, but for the demon lord, there may be some opportunities for planning.

"Actually, in addition to practicing secret techniques, the clan's scripture pavilion also contains many ancient scriptures. Huang'er, if you can read more books, you can sort out these by yourself."

Jiao Fei got excited and subconsciously added a sentence, but as soon as he said it, he secretly exclaimed that something was wrong. It's just that it's easy to close the water, but it's hard to come back when the words are spoken. Even if he had realized the soul immediately, he wouldn't have the ability to swallow what he just said. go back.

As expected, Yang Huang'er was not annoyed, she just narrowed her crescent-like eyes and said softly: "Why, does Mr. Jiao dislike me for being ignorant and incompetent, or does he think that I have little education and am not worthy of your golden elixir?" Real person?"

Jiao Fei: "." You said you are so good, why do you insist on talking so much?


Jiao Fei's sallow face remained unchanged, he stretched out his hand to hug his wife gently, and immediately changed the subject: "I also collected some of this treasure money from others. The general manager of the Sihai Chamber of Commerce asked someone to write to me a few days ago, saying this There is a top-quality sword pill in the Cibao Association, which may have been left behind by a certain sword immortal. I want to take it and give it to Huang Zhen for protection. What do you think, madam?"

"The best sword pill?"

Yang Huang'er was still secretly angry. She hated people mentioning that she didn't study. Although she and her brother were indeed ignorant when they were young, they didn't have a good father.

But when it came to her daughter's future, she came back to her senses, thought about it, and said: "Would it cost too much? Master, what you are planning cannot be stopped even with the massive resources. Otherwise, forget it this time." Bar?"

"Not a little bit worse."

Jiao Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said with a calm smile: "Besides, I also want to see what kind of tricks this brother Ao has. I heard that he plans to invite Mr. Zhang Zhenjun of Longhu Mountain this time. I don't know what his plan is."

"Headmaster Zhenjun doesn't bother to join in the fun of his stinking dragon. Zhenjun Zhang Laozhen also has important matters. If someone does come, I'm afraid it will be Zhenjun Wang."

Yang Huang'er thought for a moment, rested her head on her shoulder, and closed her beautiful eyes.

The road to immortality is difficult, even if they are Jindan True Lords or Yuanshen True Monarchs like them, they all have their own plans, but in this way, the road to immortality is more charming.

Chen Ci walked all the way back to Lifang from the dock. It took him a long time to recover from the shock of seeing the huge monster, and he sighed a little.

As for that clam spirit, if he stood still and killed him, it would probably be difficult for him to break through the defense.

Simply outrageous.

Didn’t he end up doing civil engineering?


After some time buffering in the city, and the law enforcement monks from Longhu Mountain maintaining order, Chen Ci walked along. Although there was still some chaos, it was okay. At least everyone knew that nothing bad happened. Some mortal warriors I also dare to take my family and my family out to the dock to gain more knowledge and have more bragging rights at the wine table in the future.

But in some remote corners, Chen Ci still occasionally found fresh blood stains. It was estimated that some monks who wanted to restore the glory of casual cultivators fell under the iron fist of Longhu Mountain. Obviously, the "kill without mercy" just shouted was not a joke. .

Returning to the Qingyunfang residence, Chen Ci let out a breath and blushed slightly when she remembered her bold words just now.

Ah Ci, Ah Ci, you didn't even talk to an old Taoist monk about buying a house. Moreover, you originally talked about the whole flying sword, but you didn't see you implementing it.

But thinking about it, Chen Ci still took out a small notebook and carefully wrote down the Dragon Palace Cave. As the same saying goes, monks like us still have to have dreams, just in case, just in case it comes true.

"The sea market may not be peaceful during this period, so the practice of the Five Ghost Possession Techniques will be suspended."

Chen Ci tapped the table and quickly made a decision. For two-thirds of the day, his combat strength was reduced by half, and he was unable to protect himself. He could not bear the risks of the current situation.

"As for the others, you should major in the method of strength, and minor in the method of transporting five ghosts and the method of fixing souls."

"By the way, there is also my foot-rising cloud talisman."

Chen Ci got up and walked back and forth in the room. The rising cloud talisman on the soles of his feet might be of some use to him. After the Long Lord's birthday banquet, it was unclear whether Lin Laohu would return to Xishan Mansion or not, whether he would follow him or where he would go. If you have this talisman close to you, it will be more or less convenient.

Jia Ma Shen Xing Talisman: Getting started/41/100 (talisman paper and elixir ink, three out of ten, for every ten talisman, you can enter one)

The rising cloud talisman on the soles of the feet: not yet started

Withdrawing his gaze and looking at the remaining armor and horse magic talisman, Chen Ci adjusted his state and decided to study the white cloud talismans one or two today. After all, the flying postures of those monks just now really made him a little nervous. envious.

The white clouds rise and the seals appear.

Crane Yu Cheng Yun Curse.

But whether it was the influence of the method of strength or the magnificent scene of Liuyun Dragon Palace that he had just taken, Chen Ci felt that his mind was quite uneasy. It was completely different from the previous state of drawing the soul-fixing talisman. It was scrapped directly, and it didn't even reach the level of beginners learned a few days ago.

"It's weird."

Chen Ci stopped what he was doing, gently rubbed his wrists, and began to concentrate, but to no avail.

No, we still have to call in foreign aid.

Chen Ci simply hung up the Qingyin treasure bell, reluctantly lit a piece of spiritual incense, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing, and only started to draw the talisman when he felt almost done.

One, two, three.

As Chen Ci sinks his mind into practicing the talismans, he seems to feel that the Baiyun talismans may be incomplete. In other words, the talismans recorded in his "Tianhe Zashe Miaohua Talisman Sutra" are not perfect. After all, it was collected, and there are some talismans or only general directions in it, and some core things are omitted, or they are covered up, and the dharma is not taught lightly.

It's similar to the Heshan Sutra. The evil methods in it are taught to you no matter how you practice them, but you sometimes hide your secrets on how to practice them better. You either have to rely on yourself to learn them, or you pass them down from father to son, master to disciple. Never pass lightly.

"The way of talismans, the right time, the right place, and the right people, this method of ascending the clouds on the soles of the feet has not been mentioned at all. It's a bit excessive."

Listening to the sound of the bell ringing in his ears, Chen Ci dismissed the distracting thoughts in his mind, made the last two armored horse magical talismans into flying talisman, and then began to recite the "Crane Feather Riding Cloud Curse". However, before starting, someone Chen made a strange mistake. He bowed to the two flying talismans, and then added to the drama by himself and said silently in his mind:

"If heaven had not given birth to me Master Chen, the eternal talisman would be like a long night, and the talisman will come!"

Then he began to cast the final spell.

Fu Cheng.

Chen Ci picked up two cloud-growing talismans on the soles of his feet in a daze. The 'White Clouds Rising' cloud seal talisman and the armor-horse divine walking talisman blended together in a very strange form. They complemented each other and did not interfere with each other. It was very special. Perfect.

"Am I not only a genius in elixir magic, but also a genius in talisman magic?"

Chen Ci touched his chin, stared at the talisman in his hand for a while, nodded, and then opened his own panel.

After all, what he has achieved today is only due to his own sweat and hard work.

It also has a little bit of a golden finger effect.

The Cloud-rising Talisman on the sole of the foot: Beginner/1/100 (Step on the Kuigang, thunder seal in the left hand, Crane Jue in the right hand, face east to draw Qi, recite "Crane Feather Riding the Cloud Curse" seven times, one of the ten talismans can be completed)

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