Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 158: Seek profit from small things, rush to do big things

"There's still something wrong."

Chen Ci frowned slightly, trying to suppress the uneasiness in his heart, squeezed the three coins in his hand, and subconsciously started to stroll around the sea market.

Although he is only a side sect monk and only a Heshan Gaiden, he can be considered to have broken away from the Sanren genus. Moreover, his cultivation level is just a little low, and his vision and knowledge are not low. He can be considered to be a well-off class in the spiritual world.

And what did Mr. Chen just do?

Use your own true energy to nourish these three pieces of raw money.

I silently recited the four words "everything goes well with me".

No more extraneous movements.

For these two small things, he didn't believe that he would be tricked inexplicably. Even if this treasure in the world might be the handiwork of some True Lord of Yuanshen, Chen Ci didn't believe that such a little magic formula, ritual, or sacrificial speech could not be counted. , who can harm Mr. Chen.

This is no longer unscientific, and even the coffin boards of metaphysics cannot hold it down.

Secondly, Liangjianghai City is not a remote place like Changping County. There are Taoist masters from Longhu Mountain stationed here. Even Jindan Zhenren will stay here, not to mention the Liuyun Palace Longjun’s birthday banquet is coming. , maybe there will be True Lord Yuanshen coming.

If it was really a way to harm people, he didn't believe that the experts here would ignore it. A stable and prosperous Haishi Terminal would be in line with the long-term interests of Longhu Mountain.

In the end, although Chen Ci had somehow written a "money can communicate with the gods" on the panel of his gold finger, Chen Ci found that there seemed to be no "honorable name" above this method.

You must know that whether it is the 'Death and Life Different Huang Shenjun' that Chen Ci once encountered, or the equally mysterious 'Worship the Rakshasa Method', both seem to have a very clear direction, that is, the believer knows very well what he is worshiping. Sir, there seems to be no relevant content in this 'money can communicate with gods' method. It only says that 'those who believe in this precious coin will have everything they wish for'. Or is it that this precious coin itself is the corresponding direction?

Chen Ci hesitated slightly and looked at the three coins in his hand again.

Nothing was found.

"New money, fire nature, everything goes well"

Chen Ci stared at the delicate metal coin in his hand. This so-called 'generated money' was not fundamentally different from the normal Sihai Ruyi treasure money. There was neither spiritual fluctuation nor restriction. It was just a specially made treasure coin.

After a while, Chen Ci turned the coin over. On the front of the coin were the four small characters "Everything goes well", and on the back were layers of scaly patterns. It seemed disorderly, but it seemed to have some kind of wonderful charm. Hidden inside.

"Some kind of formation?"

Chen Ci stroked the pattern on his back with his thumb, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

He originally thought this was an anti-counterfeiting mark. After all, as long as it is a 'coin', it cannot avoid the problem of 'fake money'. There are countless monks in this world. If someone cannot make it fake, it does not mean that others can make it fake. No, without some means, no matter how big the Sihai Chamber of Commerce's wealth is, it can't afford to suffer losses.

"If it is a certain formation, when using the true energy to maintain health, and then silently reciting 'All the wishes come to the world', then some things will make sense."

Chen Ci let out a breath, and the chaotic thoughts in his heart gradually calmed down.

The problem with this precious money may not be as big as he thought.

One possibility is that the 'Qian Can Channel Magic' in making money is too secretive, and no one in the entire sea city discovered it. Only he, Chen, discovered it, but this possibility is too small. Behind the Sihai Chamber of Commerce is Liuyun Palace. Liuyun Palace is a force of demon cultivators, and it is impossible for the Li Dao cultivators to hide such delicate work from the Qi Dao cultivators, otherwise it would not be justified logically.

Another possibility is that this method is not harmful, at least not on the surface. The process of 'making money' being warmed up by monks and turning into treasure money is more like charging a battery and then recycling it. After all, the world's wishful thinking treasure money The final direction will eventually be the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce.

One uses this ‘treasure money’ to build a financial system.

The second is to use this 'treasure money' to collect some kind of change.

Chen Ci vaguely felt that his guess might be accurate.

"Huh, it should be fine, it should be fine, don't scare yourself, the money from Sihai Ruyibao will be used for its own use, but it's better not to take advantage of such small profits as the money for warmth and health."

Chen Ci thought for a while and patted his chest in fear, but he still took the three pieces of raw money back into his arms and put them away. They were worth three small spirit beads. It would be good to take some time to give others some blood at a low price. After thinking about it, After understanding this, Mr. Chen straightened his clothes and prepared to go to Pingkangfang.

But after walking a few steps, Chen Ci couldn't help but mutter in her heart: "Is this really okay?"

This wishful treasure from all over the world may be fine, but after all, the Liang Kingdom is the Liang Kingdom of Longhu Mountain.

Even though the Heshan Sect seems to have some power, but after getting to know it better, Chen Ci feels that this is purely the result of Longhushan's senior officials looking at Jiao Feizhen's face. To be honest, the monks of the Heshan Sect are in the Liang Kingdom. Those who work as stinky workers are not welcome at all.

The Sihai Chamber of Commerce is engaged in treasure money and spiritual magic in Liangjianghai City. How can the monks of Longhu Mountain really endure it?

Thinking of this, Chen Ci stopped and looked a little surprised.

'Money can communicate with the gods', let's call it the method of communicating with the gods, and one force involves 'finance' and 'connecting with the gods' within the sphere of influence of the other party. Unless one party completely gives in, there will inevitably be a conflict. , this is basically a certainty.

Longhu Mountain and Liuyun Palace.

Chen Ci is still hard to say about the specific strength of Liuyun Palace, but Longhu Mountain is a real Xuanmen sect, with more than two Yuanshen True Lords. Although it has been relatively low-key in recent years, it is by no means free to do so. Provoking small forces and small characters, if two behemoths collide like this, they may not be in trouble, but it is definitely not good news for the low-level monks.

"I'm sorry, it looks like I can't stay here in Liangjianghai City."

Chen Ci looked a little hesitant. He felt inexplicably that the relationship between the two factions was like a dynamite barrel that could explode at any time. But in three days, it would be the Dragon King's birthday banquet. He didn't even eat this meal. He didn't come to the sea for nothing. Market?

"Eat, eat, eat. If the boss and the second child fight, the third child will die first. In the Liang Kingdom's power, the Heshan Sect is the third child."

Chen Ci grinned, no, he had to run quickly. If he was pulled into a young man, it would be over. Although the possibility was unlikely, who would dare to bet on such a thing? If there really was a fight, the cheap fellows of Chilong Temple would be in trouble. Most of them want to fill Longhu Mountain as cannon fodder.

"Let's go tonight or tomorrow. By the way, I also want to help Lin Laohu train a disciple. This is not a bad excuse."

"Who else? Today's surnamed Yan, as a fellow disciple and brother, doesn't he just have a place to go to the Dragon Palace to have a meal? Give it to him. As a brother and friend of the Light of Heshan, it is necessary. Just add some money. "

Chen Ci's heart started to beat inexplicably. If he told anyone now that Longhu Mountain and Liuyungong might fight, others would probably laugh at him for being alarmist. But after discovering that there was something wrong with the Sihai Wishful Treasure, the more he thought about it, the more I think it's quite possible.

You can still make money from small things, but it is better to run as far away as possible for such a disaster.

Chen Ci wiped the sweat from his forehead and involuntarily accelerated his steps. Even if he had to run, contribute to Heshan's great cause, and train a new disciple, there were some things that had to be handled properly before departure, and he had to say hello properly.

Just like now, Mr. Chen turned around, but did not go to Bazhenlou, Pingkangfang, to wait for a meal.

Yongxing Chamber of Commerce.

Pausing at the door, Chen Ci sighed softly and walked in slowly.

As his nominal boss, Chen Ci said that he has always had professional ethics.

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