Although the market is good, it is not easy to live there for a long time.

Even Xishanfang, which combines urban and rural areas, is a hundred or a thousand times more lively than Chen Ci's Sanyin Temple in Changping County.

In fact, the scale of Xishanfang is much larger than that of Fuyunfang. After all, in addition to gambling houses, service industry employees also need more accommodation, including those who make a living here, including handymen and casual cultivators. It is always impossible to live with them. Outsiders go to stay in inns every day.

This time Chen Ci visited Xishanfang as a consumer, and the feeling was very different.

As for having no money, prostitution is actually a kind of happiness.

"Spirit iron, full-bodied spirit iron, one spirit bead weighs a pound, buy three pounds and get half a pound free."

"Hey, this young hero, I see that you are a natural swordsman. The lack of you in swordsmanship is like a long night. Please buy a few kilograms."

"What kind of meat is this?"

"The three treasures of the black water crocodile dragon, the dragon kidney, the dragon spear, and the dragon basket are all good. They are very good for the body. One spiritual bead wraps the circle. Hey, this fellow Taoist, you are selling it cheaply. You can negotiate the price. !”

"Female ghost, a female ghost, a female ghost who can transform~"

"If you have something to do, a female ghost will do it. If you have nothing to do, you will have a dry cough. If you know how to do it, you only need two spirit beads to take home!"

? ? ?

Can this also be sold?

Chen Ci was so shocked that everyone walked out four or five meters, but he still couldn't help but come back to see what was going on.

Ghost, mother's.

With a green face and fangs, a tiger's back and a bear's waist, ghosts are scared to see it.

Chen Ci squeezed in and escaped with her eyes covered. It was terrible.

Bigu Pill?

In front of a stall, Chen Ci stopped and looked at it curiously: "How do you sell this Bigu Pill?"

"Ordinary Bigu Pills cost one tael of gold and five pills. If you buy ten pills, you will get two pills. High-grade Bigu Pills will cost you three gold pills and one pill. If you buy ten pills, you will get two pills free."

The stall owner is a middle-aged Taoist with a round face and a rich appearance. He has a bit of the temperament of an alchemist. At least he looks like a wealthy person in terms of clothes.

The so-called top-grade Bigu Pill is made from fine ordinary rice with a little aura such as pearl rice. Long-term use can make the mouth and tongue smell fragrant. Regardless of the success rate, the material cost of one pill is only one tael of gold. The price is very high. It's cheaper.

At least in Fuyunfang, a bottle of top-grade Bigu Pill is sold with 20 pills per spirit bead, not in bulk.

"Can I take a look?"

Chen Ci was a little suspicious. This volume was too powerful. If it could still make a profit, the breath-taking spell to extract the essence of grains would have at least a 20% success rate, that is, a 50% success rate.

"Look at it as you like, but you can't taste it. You can smell it a little."

The middle-aged Taoist smiled calmly and handed over a high-grade Bigu Pill.

Chen Ci put it in the palm of his hand, looked at it for a few times, and then used the qi-gazing method. Sure enough, it tasted like pearl rice, and it was undoubtedly a top-grade Bigu Pill.

Buy some to try?

Chen Ci was a little moved. He had not tasted the high-grade Bigu Pill. With his current cultivation level of Xiaozhutian Qi-Breathing Pill, the cost of refining one high-grade Bigu Pill alone would be as high as ten taels of gold, which he couldn't afford.

"Boss, give me ten pills."


A sudden scolding startled both Chen Ci and the stall owner. A female cultivator strode over from the other end with a frosty look on her face: "Return the product and get your money back. This top-grade Bigu Pill is fake!"

The stall owner was obviously panicked, but he quickly calmed down and retorted loudly: "This fellow Taoist, don't talk nonsense. I bought Xishanfang and left, and the property was cleared. You replaced my Bigu Pill and you still come to me. How shameless!"


The female cultivator was very angry. When she saw Chen Ci, she said directly: "This high-grade Bigu Pill is fake. Except for the first pill, which is genuine, the rest are ordinary Bigu Pills mixed with pearl rice flour. Cheated."

Chen Ci was stunned for a moment. How could this Bigu Pill be sold like this?

"You shrew, you dare to ruin the Taoist master's reputation, just in Xishanfang."

The stall owner jumped up, but he didn't dare to take action directly. He cursed fiercely: "Do you dare to gamble with the Taoist swordsman and use the ground as a prison?"

"Just go, no one is afraid of whom!"

The female cultivator must have been deceived miserably, her chest swelled, and with a clang sound she revealed half of the sword blade, giving off a frost-like afterglow.

A bit rusty.

Chen Ci took a few steps back, blended in with the crowd, and ate the melon with gusto.

Fight, fight!

Unexpectedly, the stall owner, who had been so aggressive just now, suddenly shrank, stretched out his hand to close the stall, and muttered something like, "A good man doesn't fight with a woman," "He just wants to extort money," and "I don't want to see others eating top-quality food." "Bigu Dan", with a bow of the waist, disappeared along with the flow of people.

It was a pity for Chen Ci that he couldn't eat the melon very well, and the fun was not over yet.

But from this point of view, Xishanfang is indeed quite safe, at least everyone relies on their skills to make money.

When the thought came to an end, Chen Ci opened his palms, whistled and put this top-grade Bigu Pill into his arms, and went out to eat melons and pick up money, feeling really happy.

More importantly, he seemed to see a way to make a fortune.

We just have to wait until the cultivation level of Zhenqi and Xiaozhutian Qi-drawing Pill is higher.

That night.

Chen Ci stayed at the inn for a whole day, practicing Qi and tempering his state of mind amidst the constant crunching sounds around him.

Listen to the sound to distinguish the film, thin code is not code.

"How pitiful God is, this is the first time I have taken a serious pill to improve my cultivation."

Chen Ci almost burst into tears as she was moved to tears by the efficacy of this top-grade Bigu Pill.

Three Yin Qi-eating Method: 32/100 (Take this elixir, five pills a day, and you can take one pill every two years)

In this world, who are taking drugs and practicing cultivation? Who can afford pills?

However, even the top-grade Bigu Pill is made from ordinary rice after all, so it is good to be able to bring some spiritual energy to assist in practice.

People who can eat high-grade Bigu Pills as food probably won’t have to worry about their cultivation qualifications.


"And what happened today also reminds me that I can't judge whether the elixir is real or fake. If it is not a regular merchant, I will never pay for it, and I will never import it."

Chen Ci didn't quite understand. How could some seniors dare to touch corpses and eat whatever they wanted without fearing that some old man would hide a disguised poison on his body?

In the future, when my elixir cultivation is advanced, I will definitely put the entire poisonous elixir disguised as a spiritual elixir on my body. Even if I die someday, I will not die myself. Anyway, I just have one pill and I can still hide it. The strict kind.

But including today, it has been five days since I left Sanyin Temple.

I took a short vacation and walked around Xishanfang, which also relaxed my tense nerves from practicing hard. It is really not advisable to just practice hard.

But the vacation has been long, and I still want to go back and continue practicing.

"Sword gambling?"

"Lin Qinhu?"

Thinking of this, Chen Ci felt an unspeakable fire in his heart. Of course, he was not going to die personally, but he was a little unwilling to not see what the situation was like last time.

"When I have free time tomorrow, I'd better go shopping for gambling. Hey, let's find out what's going on with the sword gambling. Anyway, I only have five spirit beads on my body, so I can neither make a fortune nor break up my family."

"No, no, no, draw the line, three spirit beads."

"Three is too high, just one."

"It's free of charge, it's free of charge, it makes me happy!"

As he thought about it, Chen Ci's mood gradually calmed down, and he fell into sleep unconsciously amidst the sound of "crunching".

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