No matter whether the high-level Taoist from Longhu Mountain comes or not, or how the matter in Qingquanzhai is resolved, life will always go on.

Unless a knife comes from the sky, you still have to go to work when you have to, and you still have to work when you have to work. The same principle applies.

Essence and blood.

Bigu Pill.

Soul fixing talisman.

Chen Ci's eyes darkened inexplicably. He went out to escape on his own. He didn't avoid saying anything and left himself a lot of work to do?

Damn it. Qingquan Village.

However, he still learned something real while lying down, for example, cough.

How to reduce the cost of making Bigu Pill.

"The ratio of grain essence has been reduced to 80%. It would be disrespectful to lower it any further."

"The honey can also be replaced with syrup. How will it taste better?"

Chen Ci smacked his mouth, his face full of weirdness, how could this fake and improved version of Bigu Pill be so delicious?

"It's egg white, I added egg white to it."

Chen Ci started to make calculations. Not only did the cost drop by one-fifth, but the taste was even better. Even if he bought five and got one free, he could earn a little more than before. In the future, he would no longer be afraid of not winning against the profiteers in the market. .

Now there are two questions.

First, it's okay for ordinary monks, but it probably can't be hidden from experts.

Second, the output of Bigu Dan is still low, so it cannot increase the volume, and in fact, it still cannot make much money.

"It still depends on the progress of Xiaozhutian's Qi-Inspiratory Pill cultivation, but it's fine. Let's just lay the foundation for making money in the future."

Chen Ci cheered himself up. He always appreciated his enthusiasm for studying.

As for the reward to Shi Sanniang, forget it, let’s just give her the genuine Bigu Pill.

Although she is in business, it is not easy for Fuliji to make some money, so there is no need to search for ten or twenty Bigu Pills.

Mr. Chen is kind-hearted.

After finishing making this batch of Bigu Pills, Chen Ci took some time to relax in the yard, and the anxiety of the previous two days also faded a lot.

He combed through the Qingquanzhai incident and suddenly realized that it had nothing to do with him.

Qingquanzhai should be connected with Wenxiang Sect.

The person who died was the young master of the Wang family in Xishan Prefecture.

The person who came to deal with it was a high-level Taoist from Longhu Mountain.

Even if he is recruited, everyone will fight together. With Chen Ci's cultivation, unless the group is destroyed, it will never be his turn to die.

And true dragons cannot be raised in shallow water. The cultivation in this world is more materialistic than spiritual. Even if some evil spirit really sacrifices the entire Qingquan Village with blood, in less than a year, the cultivation level can reach the fifth orifice and the third level of magic weapon sacrifice. .

Longhushan is already a top sect in this world, and the disciples of Heshan Sect are also famous for their ability to fight during their Qi training period.

How can we lose this battle? Just ask how we can lose this battle.

The previous anxiety was purely due to persecution paranoia. He subconsciously felt that he might be targeted by the Taoists of Longhu Mountain, which was why he felt that there was danger everywhere.

But he is also a cadre.

Thinking of this, Chen Ci even had the urge to try.

"My sword is not bad at all!"

So Chen Ci is studying his own five-yin evil spirit bag.

According to a certain gradual equation, he felt that he should have great potential. He was also a disciple of the Heshan Sect. Why did Hutou Taoist Lin Qinhu win thirty-seven games in sword gambling in the first seven years and had a reputation for being fierce, but his methods were mediocre? It feels like fighting is not very effective.

The Five Yin Evil Qi Bags are actually ranked quite high in the "Heshan Jing".

For example, in the gold exchange book of Fuhu Altar, the price of the Five Poison White Bone Sword's sacrificial refining method is one hundred and twenty merit points. This poisonous sword is not ranked as high as the Five Yin Evil Qi Bag in the "Heshan Sutra" , at least a dozen places are still missing.

As a housekeeping magic weapon, although the Five Yin Evil Qi Bag is not bad in power, easy to use and maintain, and has a wide range of applicability, it is really not powerful.

It's okay to abuse food, but it's a bit less interesting to fight at the same level.

As a side sect, the Heshan Sect is only inferior to the fundamental method and top-level combat power. However, the Qi Refining disciples of the Heshan Sect are extremely powerful, and in terms of fighting skills, they are no better than those disciples of the Xuanmen sect. .

Hutou Taoist is an obvious example.

However, Chen Ci studied it for a long time, but he didn't find anything profound about these five yin evil spirits bags. It was still a bag with one mouth, and seven evil spirits spread all over the ground.

"Maybe it's because the combat power is exchanged for the useless space in the bag."

Chen Ci was a little embarrassed. At first, after learning that the Five Yin Evil Qi Bag could form its own space, he was a little excited, because in his memory, there were no such convenient artifacts as storage bags and storage rings in the cultivation world. The Five Yin Evil Qi Bag came with a few Square space, wouldn’t he be developed?

It's not that there are no storage magic weapons. Magical powers and magic weapons like Sumeru Mustard Seed also exist, but those are things that only high-level monks can play with. At least the entire Xishan Mansion has never heard of anyone possessing such treasures.

But it's a pity that the space in the bag is the private space of the five-yin black evil spirits. One evil spirit will occupy a space. Flesh and flesh will be eaten if it goes in, and objects will be rubbed if it goes in. If you forcefully put hard objects in, the five-yin evil spirits will take a little longer. The bag would be very uncomfortable, and the feedback to Chen Ci was a strange feeling of dizziness, nausea, and the urge to vomit.

It was a wrong payment after all.

It's really boring to not let in the relationship for so many years.

But think about it, cultivation is not a novel. If a low-level monk who can't even fly in the air has a space magic weapon in his hand, it's really a bit magical.


While muttering something, Chen Ci opened the mouth of the Wuyin Evil Qi bag and poured lime powder into it, one pound, two pounds, five pounds, ten pounds, until he felt a dryness stuck in his throat and couldn't help it. He only stopped when he coughed.

"Ahem, the five yin black evil spirits come out!"

From the Five Yin Evil Qi bag, the Five Yin Black Evil was rolled out violently, black with gray, and the terrifying evil energy was mixed with several kilograms of lime, and the slag popped out. If the opponent was not careful, it might have some miraculous effects.

Even though it only has the power of one blow, the five yin evil energy bags and the feeling in the head are also very uncomfortable and cannot last forever.

"After all, it's a small trick that doesn't work on the market. It's just that good poisonous powder is hard to find, and ordinary stuff is not as effective as lime powder."

Chen Ci felt a little regretful. If he hadn't been forced by the world, he would never have done this just in case.


Sanyin Temple, front hall.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Ci took a sip of tea and looked at Huang Defa's hesitant expression in front of him, a little surprised: "Could it be that the high-level Taoist from Longhu Mountain has arrived?"

He was just studying the soul-fixing talisman in the backyard.

Although the soul-fixing talisman is good, it has a small flaw, that is, it is not thrown far enough and fast enough.

Chen Ci was trying to tie the soul-fixing talisman to a hidden weapon or draw it on something made of gold or iron, but failed. However, he didn't expect that the head of the Huang family would suddenly come to visit. There were still five or six days before the end of the month. .

"No, the little old man took the liberty of visiting me this time. Actually, he has something important to discuss with the real person."

Huang Defa hesitated for a long time. Seeing that Chen Ci was about to raise his glass to see off the guests, he lowered his voice and asked anxiously: "Master Chen, can you find out what happened in Qingquan Village in advance, or take action directly to destroy Qingquan Village? ?”


Chen Ci almost choked on her tea, coughed twice before coming back to her senses, and looked at Huang Defa speechlessly.

You're afraid it's...

Holding back his rants, Chen Ci carefully considered his words before speaking: "Master Huang, are you suffering from heart failure?"

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