"Expel me? On what grounds are you expelling me?" Lu Fanfeng shouted in anger.

"Why? Because I'm your leader." Your actions have had a huge impact within the school. Your character is extremely vile, destroying the unity of your colleagues. If I don't fire you, you'll get into trouble! " There was no one left in the Director Sunn with the ability to invert black and white.

"Sigh, you're a newcomer, you still don't understand the rules here. This isn't a state-owned enterprise, if you don't want to work, just a word from the leader, would you be able to solve Director Sunn's problem!?"

That's right, after admitting to molesting Teacher Zhang, you will at most be locked up by the police for a few days. When you come back to the Director Sunn, I will definitely not fire you.

"The salary of Star Sea High School is so high, to be able to stay in class for a month and have everything. What's the point of taking the blame!"

The other teachers also spoke out, they had long since lost their ability to judge the right and wrong under the Director Sunn's tyrannical power.

"You don't have the qualifications to fire me. I want to see the principal!" Lu Fanfeng said calmly.

"You can even meet the Principal. I know about your background too, is it Ling Ling, a small employee of the company? I agree to keep it for you, you have given her a lot of face, do you really think that she is that great? I'm a director, what does she count as? She doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is! " The more Director Sunn said, the angrier he got, "Didn't you think that your backer would be very strong? I'll tell Ling Ling right now, let's see if she can do this!"

Saying that, Director Sunn dialed Ling Ling's number.

"I'm dying of laughter. A mere assistant in the company dares to show off his strength in the Star Sea High School!"

"The county magistrate might as well be managed on the spot, don't even mention a small assistant, even the head of the main company would have to be extremely courteous and courteous to ask Director Sunn for help!"

"Don't even mention a supervisor, last time, how much of a relationship did Director Sunn have to get your nephew to come to Star Sea High School Academy? Director Sunn only nodded!"

Sure enough, Director Sunn told Ling Ling about Lu Fanfeng, causing Ling Ling to be extremely furious, but he could not reveal the relationship between Lu Fanfeng and the young miss, so he did not know what to do.

"I want to see the principal, you don't have the qualifications to fire me!" Lu Fanfeng remained calm.

"Who wants to see me?" Everyone looked over, only to see a middle-aged man standing at the door. He was dressed in a western attire and had an extraordinary bearing. He was the Principal of Star Sea High School, Sun Tinbo.

When Director Sunn saw the person, he immediately ran out, "Aiyo, second brother, why are you here!"

So it turns out that Director Sunn is the Principal's younger brother, no wonder he was so arrogant.

Principal Sunn looked at Director Sunn with a face of displeasure, but his family was ugly, why did they scold him, they would have to wait until everyone had left.

"Principal, Director Sunn wants to expel me!" Lu Fanfeng said truthfully.

"It's good that you're fired. You've only been in the school for a day and you've already caused such a huge incident that the entire city has been thrown into turmoil. The reputation of the school has been tarnished by you!" The Principal Sunn rebuked.

"Principal Sunn, you are being unreasonable!" Lu Fanfeng still wanted to explain.

However, the Principal Sunn only smiled disdainfully, "Be reasonable, I'm in charge of this place. Pack everything up immediately and quickly scram."

"Aiya, quickly go, Principal Sunn is not someone to be trifled with, you better be careful or else there will be someone to take care of you!"

"The Principal Sunn eats both black and white, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to become the principal!"

"Little Lu, you have to grow intelligence after eating a setback. In the future, be more obedient in other units!"

Lu Fanfeng shook his head helplessly, this kind of unit, was useless no matter what.

As he walked out of the office, his cell phone rang.

"Hey, is this Mr Lu? Our old man wants me to come and pick you up!" Opposite him was a young voice. Lu Fanfeng did not know who the other party was, but he knew what he was talking about.

"Old man, is that Elder Li?" Lu Fanfeng asked.

"Right, right. Elder Li, where are you right now? I'll go pick you up!" the man said.

"Star Sea High School male department, wait for me outside the door for a while, I'll be right out." Lu Fanfeng ran off his worries and prepared to meet Elder Li.

"No need, just wait for me at the school building. I can enter!" After saying that, the other party hung up the phone.

When the other party arrived, it was already after nine o'clock.

"Hello, Mr Lu, I am Faang!" The young man jogged all the way to the front of Lu Fanfeng. His movements were elegant and easy, one glance was enough to tell that he was a soldier.

"Faang, you can just call me Lu Fanfeng, it's none of Mister's business!" Lu Fanfeng was a little not used to it.

"Mr Lu, the old man has specifically told you this!" Faang quickly declined.

"Help me carry my luggage to the car!" Lu Fanfeng was not bothered by this matter.

"What is it? Do you want to go home?" Faang asked.

"No, I've been expelled. Bring that thing home!" Lu Fanfeng said somewhat embarrassedly.

"Expelled? Who fired you? " Faang was immediately furious.

Lu Fanfeng explained the whole situation and immediately pulled him back into the office.

After kicking open the Director Sunn's door, Sunn Xiaoqiang shouted, "Where did this bastard come from?! How dare he kick the door!"

"Pah!" Principal Sunn slapped his face, "You're the bastard, get lost!"

Sunn Xiaoqiang was stunned, no one knew who it was.

But Principal Sunn actually rushed over to welcome him, "Aiyo, why are you here? Give me a call, I'll come downstairs to pick you up!"

Faang said snappily, "Did you expel him?"

Principal Sunn did not know how to answer so how could he not understand Faang's meaning, "This is?"

It was not that the Principal Sunn did not know Lu Fanfeng, but he had cleverly asked about Lu Fanfeng's identity.

"Mr Lu is Old Master's friend!" Faang said coldly.

"Aiyo, Mr Lu, look. The whole family doesn't know each other after the flood into the Dragon King's Temple. Why don't you tell me, aiyo, it's all my fault, it's all my fault! " As he spoke, Principal Sunn slapped his own face a few times.

Everyone was stunned, they all tried to guess who Faang was, to actually let the Principal Sunn beat them up.

Seeing how Principal Sunn looked after seeing the cat, it was not hard for everyone to guess Faang's identity.

Especially Director Sunn, whose entire back was drenched in sweat.

"If you all treat Mr Lu like this, the old man will definitely be angry, at that time …" Faang said fiercely.

"Aiyo, Brother Fang, you can't tell the old gramps that there are both old and young people in my family, and they all depend on me to support them. If the old gramps gets angry, what will the family do then?" Principal Sunn started crying. Although he did not cry, this performance was very professional.

Everyone was stunned. Principal Sunn was used to acting arrogantly, but when had they ever seen him act like he was wronged?

"Don't ask me, tell the old man or not, it all depends on Mr Lu!" Faang looked at Lu Fanfeng.

Principal Sunn kneeled to the ground, "Mr Lu, I was looking down on you just now, please don't blame me. What happened just now was a misunderstanding, you can't tell the old man!"

"There's no need for that. I don't want to stay in a place like this anymore!" Lu Fanfeng said calmly.

Mr Lu, who do you dislike? I will immediately fire him, you must not leave the Star Sea High School! " Principal Sunn hugged Lu Fanfeng's thigh as he spoke.

"I hate everyone here!" Lu Fanfeng said with a face full of disgust. The teachers here were all vassals of the Director Sunn, there was no point in staying.

"Alright, if you hate this place, you can go to the women's department. That's a new environment over there!" Principal Sunn quickly said.

Lu Fanfeng still wanted to reject him, but Faang had also advised him, "The girls' division is not bad, if you still want to be a teacher, then go there!"

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