Leaving aside the joy of seeing the mother and daughter once more. He didn't care about how the sisters would deal with him.

After Lu Fanfeng saved Ji Qianqian, he secretly left. The next grudge between the Wealthy Class families no longer had anything to do with him.

When he got home, it was already midnight. However, the light in the bathroom was still on.

Also, it was not only Cao Yun or Liu Yina, Lu Fanfeng naturally would not shrink and use his Shining World Devil Eye to check.

After changing into his pajamas, he fell asleep before he could even wash up.

Although the technique he cast previously looked easy and casual, it had actually consumed a lot of Zhen Qi. In just a few minutes, he had exhausted all of Lu Fanfeng's Zhen Qi.

After a full night of sleep, Lu Fanfeng finally regained his spirits.

After getting up, he would wash up and eat according to the schedule.

Just that when he was eating, he only saw Liu Yina, but not Cao Yun.

"Cao Yun didn't come back?" Lu Fanfeng asked curiously.

"You mean the woman you live with?" Liu Yina stammered, "I came back after you last night, but..."

"But what?" Lu Fanfeng asked.

"But, she saw me following you …" As Liu Yina said this, her face flushed red.

"I'm so speechless. Why are you blushing? I fell asleep the moment I walked in the door last night. What the hell are you doing? It's like something happened between you and me?" Lu Fanfeng panicked, luckily he was just tired last night and wasn't drunk back home, if he couldn't remember, he really would have thought that something happened.

"That …" Liu Yina's face became even redder.

"Quickly, tell me, did you see how handsome your brother was and what strange things he did to me?!" Lu Fanfeng asked, thinking till here, he was somewhat afraid.

He was a cultivator after all. Before entering the Xiantian realm, he couldn't do anything about it. If Liu Yina had seen how handsome she was last night, if she had used any kind of twisted thinking and took advantage of the fact that she was sleeping, she would have forcefully forced herself to do so …

Lu Fanfeng didn't dare think about what would happen next, but he really didn't feel anything after sleeping too deeply last night.

If it were anyone else, they would probably go crazy with joy upon hearing this. After all, Liu Yina was a beauty, and the most popular long-legged beauty at the moment.

Not to mention anything else, just the nightgown alone revealed two long legs. This was enough to allow many people to evolve into lower half animals.

However, even if Lu Fanfeng was not able to, he still had his impulses as a man. However, he knew how to restrain himself, as only those who had reached the Innate Realm would be able to do that. At that time, with the world being so big, wouldn't he be able to pick all the beauties he wanted?

After Liu Yina heard this, her face immediately revealed an expression of disdain, "Instructor Lu, don't be narcissistic, I'm not!"

"I really don't have one. A girl your age shouldn't, right? Do you not miss men?" Lu Fanfeng asked.

"Pah pah pah!" Liu Yina was immediately angry and anxious, "Instructor Lu, don't talk about this topic!"

Lu Fanfeng revealed a helpless expression, "Doctor Dian, actually, I know that you need it, and you do need it. Instructor Lu is also not a heartless person, if you tell me, I can help you!"

"Who is it!" Liu Yina became a little mad, "Last night, I only saw your blanket fall off, so I went in to help you pick it up!"

Liu Yina felt that if she still did not say it out loud, it was truly a wonder if Lu Fanfeng could think of something even weirder.

"It's that simple?" Then why are you blushing? " Lu Fanfeng was speechless.

"Because, that woman saw, it was Cao Yun!" Liu Yina said with a red face.

"See it? What's there to be afraid of? Are you sure you didn't do anything strange, like taking advantage of me falling asleep …" Lu Fanfeng asked again, but was interrupted halfway through his words.

"No, I'm sure I'm not!" Liu Yina said.

"Then why are you blushing? You make it seem like you have something on your mind, causing me to be happy for nothing!" Lu Fanfeng was actually very nervous in his heart, but he deliberately said this to tease this little girl.

"I wasn't wearing any clothes!" Liu Yina hesitated for a long time before finally speaking the truth.

"What?" You are a big girl, and in the middle of the night, you appeared in my room without any clothes on! " Lu Fanfeng only hated himself for sleeping so soundly last night. If he had woken up at that time, he would naturally be able to see the endless spring sunshine.

"Did I just finish showering? Who's bathing and putting on clothes!" Liu Yina was still very strong.

"Sister, can you wrap a bath towel around me?" Lu Fanfeng was also speechless. In the middle of the night, Liu Yina appeared in her room without any clothes.

At this time, Cao Yun coincidentally came back, as if she was playing a game and caught red-handed.

"The bath towel is too small, I …" Liu Yina looked at her chest, and the blush on her face had already spread to her neck.

"Alright!" Lu Fanfeng was also speechless, with Liu Yina's figure, there really was no bath towel suitable for her.

After all, not only was she tall, she was also plump. Ordinary towels were indeed a bit small.

In the middle of the night, she thought that no one was home, so she came out of the bathroom.

Seeing Lu Fanfeng kicking the blanket to the ground, he went over to pick it up, coincidentally, Cao Yun had returned.

Lu Fanfeng knew that Cao Yun had misunderstood him, so he could only call Cao Yun and explain everything.

It was a good thing that Cao Yun was not an unreasonable woman.

It was just that Cao Yun spoke of a problem, "Fan Feng, you don't need to wait for Loong Beiling, since there are a lot of formalities needed to establish a team. We can use other names, such as the security department that established the company! "

Cao Yun's words, however, roused the person in her dreams.

Lu Fanfeng had always wanted to legally and justly possess a force, but since Loong Beiling was born in the military, if he wanted to do something, he would need to be restricted by many factors.

I might as well set up my own security department. I don't need any firearms, and I don't need any approval.

"However, no matter what department it is, Fan Feng, you can't bring him to your house. You can only house a few people in your house!" Cao Yun said.

"I also have a plan for the camp. It will be built soon!" Lu Fanfeng said.

The so-called campsite needed to meet one condition, and that was to keep it a secret.

This was not difficult. The places where no one came to were all hidden places.

However, Lu Fanfeng still had a selfish thought, he wanted to help his hometown, so he could only choose to camp out at the Jinxi Province camp in the Willow Forest City.

This matter still needed to be carefully planned and could not be carried out for the time being.

After that, Lu Fanfeng asked about some things related to the company, and through the most difficult period, many people's achievements had already been exhausted, other than a few people.

After being unable to exchange for free, many people gave up on using Immortal Cloud Spirit Water. However, they immediately realized that other water compared to Immortal Cloud Spirit Water, was simply trash.

Thus, there were people who used their cash to buy Immortal Cloud Spirit Water. Although he was still losing money, it was much better than the past few days. Basically, he could control the losses to be within ten million yuan per day.

"Fan Feng, even if this is the case, we still need a lot of funds. Otherwise, we won't be able to maintain it!" Cao Yun said. She had done a losing transaction, but she had never lost so much money.

However, Lu Fanfeng was not anxious at all. In this period of time, he had earned a huge amount of contribution points, and basically, he had earned more than ten million contribution points every day.

"Let me think of a way to earn money. I'll go to work first and talk after work!" Lu Fanfeng said.

Having lost ten million dollars in cash every day, being in the mood to go to high school to work, and earning thousands of dollars a month as salary, Lu Fanfeng was definitely an exception.

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