There was an ancient saying in the motherland that said, "It is hard to separate from one's homeland."

Although he had received 5 million RMB for the demolition, Luo Wenrui was still not happy.

He took one last look at the old house. It would be demolished tomorrow, and this was the end of a period of ten years.

"Son, let's go. Where can't we go with the money?" The elderly mother whispered.

His mother was very fashionable. Although she was over her age, she had dyed her hair brown, slightly curly, making her look even younger. She looked to be in her forties.

"Mom!" I want to go to the park and have a look! " Luo Wenrui said.

"What's so good about the park!" Mother did not understand.

However, Luo Wenrui still walked towards the park. There was nothing there, but there was a memory of his youth.

Walking on the small path paved with stones, Luo Wenrui seemed to see a beautiful girl running in front, occasionally turning her head to look at him. A melodious laughter rang in his ears. It was the most beautiful memory of his youthful age.

Looking up, he saw a small bridge not far away. The stream under the bridge had long since dried up, but a beautiful story was quietly flowing.

"Qiu Yue, your education is so high and your family background is so good. I'm afraid …" Luo Wenrui said in a soft voice. He was just an ordinary university student, and her parents were also rural.

"Alright, let's not talk about that. It's enough as long as you love me. "No education and family background is important. If you still don't have confidence, I will promise you that after marriage, I will not put on any makeup and let everyone think that I am trying to get ahead of you!"

Remembering the past, the corners of Luo Wenrui's eyes started to redden.

Turning around, he saw a willow tree, and Luo Wenrui remembered that day.

Liu Xu flew around as if it was snowing, the dignified young woman stretched out her slender jade-like hand and held up a white elf. Her red lips slightly opened, and the orchid fragrance filled the air. A fragrant wind blew the catkins back into the air.

"Wife!" Luo Wenrui leaned his bicycle against a tree and quickly ran over to hug his wife.

"You're annoying, scaring me again!" The beautiful wife immediately shouted out, but it was so sweet.

"Let's go home, I'm a little hungry!"

"You only know how to eat. Come, let's go to a place with me!"

"What?" Luo Wenrui did not understand.

"I'll transfer the house to you. I'm usually busy at work and don't have time to take care of a lot of things. You can help me get it!" His wife came up with a very awkward excuse, but Luo Wenrui knew that she was trying to gain confidence.

The sweet memories from the past, were all being carved into his bones by the steel blade now. Scenes of the past, were like many sharp arrows that continuously pierced towards Luo Wenrui's chest, causing him to be unable to breathe from the pain.

Mu Na sat beside the willow tree and looked at the sky, his mind a blank.

"Aiya, a grown man, what are you crying for!" The mother impatiently urged, "Let's go, it's getting late!"

"Mom, am I wrong? This house was given to me by Autumn Moon. Now that I have the demolition money, not only will I not give her a single cent, I will even divorce her. Am I still human!?" Luo Wenrui said while crying.

"She's already like that, are you willing to spend the rest of your life with an old woman?!" His mother looked disappointed. "That Little Juan is ten years younger than you, and her hands and feet are diligent. She's also beautiful. The key is that her family is so well-off …"

His mother continued to talk nonstop, but Luo Wenrui did not take it in.

He stood up abruptly and walked in a certain direction.

"Son, it's so late. Let's go home!" the mother shouted anxiously.

"Mom, there's still one last place. I'll go take a look before returning!" With that, Luo Wenrui flew back.

Inside the fake mountain pavilion, Lu Fanfeng looked at Teacher Wei, who was crying so hard, and felt pity in her heart. "Teacher Wei needs someone's care right now, so I can't hesitate.

As he said that, Lu Fanfeng opened his arms and pulled Teacher Wei into his arms.

Feeling Lu Fanfeng's firm arms and warm chest, Teacher Wei cried even harder, as if she wanted to vent the depression in her heart through her crying.

"Aiya, what a lousy couple!"

At this moment, an ear-piercing sound echoed out.

The two quickly released their grip and looked towards the source of the sound. They saw two people standing on a stone step not too far away.

The woman looked very fashionable, with curly brown hair. She was probably in her fifties, but her clothes were gorgeous.

As for the man, he had the appearance of a literary youth. He was extremely thin and frail, as if he was unable to control the wind.

"No, it's not what you think!" When Teacher Wei saw the two of them, she immediately became anxious.

The old woman with curly hair didn't listen to any explanation and pointed at Wei Qiuyue, cursing him, "You slut, when you married into my house you were just like a broken shoe. I knew you weren't any good person. See, you haven't gotten a divorce, right in front of your eyes, and you're fooling around with your adulterer? What the hell is that! "

The old lady got angrier the more she spoke, and acted as if she was going to attack Teacher Wei.

How could Lu Fanfeng allow her to act presumptuously here? He suddenly took a step forward, "Scram!"

The old woman was shocked and did not dare to speak again. How could a normal shrew dare to fight against Lu Fanfeng?

As a Martial Arts Sect Master and a Foundation Establishment stage cultivator, the aura Lu Fanfeng was unintentionally releasing was not something an ordinary person could contend against.

The old woman had panicked a long time ago.

He hurriedly pulled the young man and left.

Only after walking far away did the old lady have the guts to shout at Lu Fanfeng, "Scoundrel and slut, you guys have no good ending!"

With that, the two of them disappeared from their sight.

"Is that man your husband?" Lu Fanfeng asked.

"Former husband!" Teacher Wei said somewhat helplessly.

"The woman?"

"She's my mother-in-law!" The Teacher Wei replied.

Lu Fanfeng was a little speechless, "Teacher Wei, you are only thirty-five. If you didn't say anything, I would have thought that the old lady was younger than you!"

Teacher Wei did not feel that there was anything wrong with her words and just smiled helplessly, "I was born to be old, I don't blame others for abandoning me!"

Saying that, Teacher Wei picked up the cloth bag on the side and said apologetically, "Teacher Lu, can you take me to the hotel?"

Lu Fanfeng laughed bitterly, "No matter what, you are still a teacher of Star Sea High School, how did you get yourself to this point!"

"Teacher Lu …" As Wei Qiuyue spoke, she also cried.

Lu Fanfeng quickly stopped her, "We are colleagues, you have helped me a lot before, I won't let you stay in a hotel today. The house I'm living in is very big, so come stay at my place tonight! "

"Then I'll be troubling you!" Teacher Wei was a little embarrassed, but she immediately added, "Tomorrow, after completing the divorce procedures, I will look for the rental company. At most, three days, I will move out!"

"What!" Lu Fanfeng was startled, "You're only getting divorced tomorrow?"

Lu Fanfeng rolled his eyes as a plan appeared in his mind, "Teacher Wei, do you want him to regret divorce you?"

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