At this moment, on the stormy sea, a small fishing boat was constantly bobbing up and down.

The captain was extremely nervous. In fact, it could be said that he was out of luck. He was driving a smuggler's boat, and even ran into a storm. If anything went wrong at this moment, he wouldn't even be able to find a place to cry.

Fortunately, he had reached his destination and would be able to return soon.

"Mad Lord, we're here. I'll arrange for a speedboat to take you ashore immediately!" The captain braved the rain and wind and walked to the bow.

It was a strange thing. He had been standing at the bow of the ship since he had boarded the ship. It had been seven days since then. Not only did he not eat or drink, he did not even move.

On the rough sea, no matter how he swayed, the old man just stood there, his body like a javelin.

"No need!" The black uniform man slightly waved his hand, "I'll go over myself!"

"Madman, there is still twenty miles to the shore. Do you think you can swim to the shore?" The captain was speechless. He only felt that this person had gone crazy. He was probably standing at the bow of the ship with his brain being drenched by the seawater.

When the man heard this, he faintly smiled, "Have you heard of Martial Ancestor Da Mo crossing the river in a reed?"

The captain was on the verge of going crazy. He braved the heavy rain to send this lord here, but not only was he not in a hurry to leave, he was even going to tell him something about ancestor Damoth.

"Mad Lord, stop messing around. Hurry up and get on the speedboat!" The captain said anxiously.

But right at this moment, Lee Kuang suddenly took his own umbrella, and casually threw it into the ocean.

The captain didn't know what the other party was up to, but he wasn't in the mood to accuse the other party of throwing garbage into the sea.

But right at that moment, Lee Kuang leaped out, and jumped into the ocean.

The captain was immediately scared silly. It had to be known that there was a fierce wind blowing right now. The sea was rough and rough, and any wave was at least seven or eight meters high, two or three stories high.

His boat was like a rootless duckweed, at the mercy of the wind and the waves. If he was in the water, he would have disappeared if a wave came.

The ship master anxiously rushed to the bow of the ship, at the same time, he picked up the life buoy, wanting to find Lee Kuang and throw the life buoy to him.

However, at this moment, the captain revealed an expression of shock. He ruthlessly rubbed his eyes and said with an expression of disbelief, "A reed crossing the river, is it really the ancestor of the Damocles?"

Above the rolling waves of the sea, an umbrella was flying through the air like a sharp sword. A few meters high wave could be seen behind it.

However, Lee Kuang stood on top of the umbrella with his hands behind his back, his figure still as straight as a javelin.

A man and an umbrella treaded on the waves and departed, reappearing the godly technique of the Dharma Ancestor — Crossing Rivers on a Reed.

On the other side, Zhang Chezhang also received a reply from the smuggler.

"Boss, they said that Mad Lord came alone!" The younger brother spoke truthfully. The words on the other end of the phone were very vague, so he could only repeat them.

"Master Kuang, you came alone?" Zhang Chezhang was furious, "What should we do with them, how can we let Kuang Ye drive the fast boat here alone, it's so dangerous, with such a huge storm, even the best speed boat pilots will have problems!"

"No …" "No!" The lackey hurriedly explained, "They said, it's not flying fast boats, but Mad Lord alone!"

"Alone? Swimming over alone? " Zhang Chezhang's face immediately became ashen, "Damn it, what do I do if my man dies!?"

To Lee Kuang, Zhang Chezhang was just an ordinary person, it didn't matter. But to Zhang Chezhang, Lee Kuang was the strong one who had changed his life.

If not for Lee Kuang, how would he be able to turn the situation around, how would he be able to defeat Lu Fanfeng, and how would he be able to rise up once again?

If Lee Kuang drowned, how would he tell Zhou Daosheng.

"Speechless, don't those fellows from Nan Yang know how big the waves are at sea?" Zhang Chezhang also grumbled. Zhang Chezhang was waiting for Lee Kuang to help him turn the situation around, so wasn't he the same?

Previously, he designed it with Zhou Daosheng in order to seize possession of the Ji Family. Unexpectedly, it was mixed up by Lu Fanfeng and the matter was exposed.

Zhou Daosheng had cleverly avoided suspicion, but he was being hated by the entire Ji Family. Now, he could not even get a single cent.

Compared to Zhang Chezhang, Ji Zhenzhen wished for Lee Kuang to survive even more.

However, they knew that it was just a beautiful dream.

"Hello, chairman!" Zhang Chezhang had already dialed Zhou Daosheng's number and reported the grievous news to him, "The person you told me to pick up is already dead!"

"Dead, how could Lee Kuang die?!" Zhou Daosheng turned pale with fright, as ten thousand possibilities flashed past his mind. The waves were too big, the ships were overturned, he did not avoid the coast guard, he was shot. He had thought of all sorts of things, even if it was a supernatural event, the Bermuda Triangle, space-time travel.

However, he didn't think about swimming.

"That Lee Kuang is actually swimming here!" Zhang Chezhang said.

"Swimming!" Zhou Daosheng was speechless for a long time, "Is his brain destroyed by the seawater?"

Zhou Daosheng had always been paying attention to the weather on the sea, so he naturally knew that there was a storm today and the winds and waves on the sea were nearing ten meters. Only in this kind of weather would there be fewer patrolling officers and the nearby fishing boats not be able to go out to sea. Only then would they be able to avoid their line of sight, making it easier to sneak in.

However, he didn't expect that he would meet a pig-like teammate who would swim here in this kind of weather.

After pondering for a long time, Zhou Daosheng also sighed at the sky, "The heavens won't bless me!"

It seemed that the heavens intended for him to submit to the Lee Family.

"Whatever, you guys come back first!" Zhou Daosheng said powerlessly, as his entire person seemed to have aged by a few points.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chezhang took off his jacket, "This set of clothes is still a famous brand, taking it to the second-hand goods market, I can even exchange it for some money!"

Naturally, he didn't need such good clothes to continue roasting the skewers.

"There are so many idiots in the world!" Ji Zhenzhen could not help but be furious, but she had not given up, and turned to look at the rolling ocean again.

But at this moment, she saw a miraculous scene. "Heavens! What is that!?"

Everyone looked in the direction she was pointing at and saw that there was a white chain on the surface of the sea that split all the waves into two.

And in the middle of the white chain, a man was treading on the waves.

Before anyone could react, the man had already arrived at the shore.

He leapt into the air, then flew up into the air, flying more than ten meters into the air.

Then, he casually opened his umbrella and lightly landed on the ground.

"Treading on the waves, crossing the river like a reed, rising ten meters in the air, and then floating down like a feather!"

Everyone felt like they were watching a movie with many special computer effects.

However, that man had a calm expression, as if he had done something insignificant. After he landed, he put away the umbrella and then asked, "Who is Zhou Daosheng?!"

Zhang Chezhang was startled for a moment, then recovered, "Mad master, Zhou Daosheng is my big brother, he told me to wait here!"

"Seems like I did not go in the wrong direction. Why didn't Zhou Daosheng come? Lee Kuang said in displeasure.

"You misunderstand, Mad Lord. My big brother helped you prepare a magic tool, so he can't draw his body out!" Zhang Chezhang explained.

"Magic tools, hmph, with my skills, I don't need any magic tools!" Lee Kuang said in disdain.

The person who killed Master Long is called Lu Fanfeng, his strength is very strong, my big brother was afraid that something might have happened to you, so he spent a lot of money to buy the magical equipment. The day that I obtain the magical equipment will be the day that I, Lord Kuang, claim control of the Central Plains! "

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