Unlike the mother and daughter Ji Family, who were both lost in thought, Lu Fanfeng returned to his bedroom. However, he did not leave the door open for Ji Yanyan as per their previous agreement.

After all, he was just teasing the beautiful woman, and she wouldn't really come over. Lu Fanfeng's line of thinking was still in the past, so he didn't know that his current charm was already extremely shocking.

Setting up a simple array in the room was the last step of Zhang Keer's pristine cloud dragon form. It was extremely important that no mishaps occur.

If not for the incident with the mother and daughter of Ji Family, Lu Fanfeng would have definitely returned to his quarters. It would be safer there, after all.

After summoning Zhang Keer, Zhang Keer still dressed in the same bikini, with a charming smile on his face, "Master Lu, you did not accompany the mother and daughter, instead you came to torment me!"

Lu Fanfeng was speechless. Previously, he had never realized that Zhang Keer was the first woman who was so open-minded as to take the initiative to tease him.

"Don't speak nonsense. If it weren't for the fact that we are old acquaintances, I would definitely not have given you the Pure Cloud Dragon Body. You should also understand the importance of such a great opportunity. You should treasure it well and not waste it! " Lu Fanfeng said with a serious expression.

Strength was the only guarantee for survival in this world. Of course, Lu Fanfeng wouldn't joke around with such a thing.

Seeing Lu Fanfeng like that, Zhang Keer immediately retracted her frivolous attitude, and obediently sat in front of Lu Fanfeng.

Looking at the bikini that saved so much fabric, Lu Fanfeng was not serious at all.

"I'm not giving you any clothes, just put on your clothes and cultivate!" After all, Lu Fanfeng was a man in his twenties.

Seeing Zhang Keer's beautiful body, how could he hold herself back?

On the path of training, the most important thing was the peace of mind.

Since he had no other choice, Lu Fanfeng could only adjust his mood and calm himself down.

He took this opportunity to turn on his phone again and chat with the elders of the Heavenly Court.

Taoist Fanfeng: You there?

Duck: I'm here!

All the great gods in the Heavenly Court used their own names, and only this one used his own nickname. Lu Fanfeng would often chat with him, wanting to find out the identity of the other party.

Taoist Fanfeng: I have some cultivation knowledge, I would like to ask you.

In any case, his identity had already been exposed, and Lu Fanfeng could no longer continue pretending.

The landlubber was kind, as he never looked down on Lu Fanfeng.

Duck: Just say so.

Taoist Fanfeng: I just want to ask, after entering the Innate Realm, is it still useful to continue being a boy?

Duck:? Who said that maintaining the body of a child would be useful?

Taoist Fanfeng: Err, I learned it from a book in Karakorum.

Rough Duck: That's just a misconception on the part of the mediocre, don't take it seriously.

Hearing this, Lu Fanfeng had a stupefied expression; could it be that he was misled by the wrong knowledge?

If that was the case, it would be a huge joke. One must know that guarding a group of beauties while not even touching anyone was simply torture.

Forget about Huang Yuexue, just Lee Mengyao and Cao Yun alone, Lu Fanfeng had long wanted to pick them all.

The two girls had also fallen in love with each other for a long time.

Especially Cao Yun, she even thought that there was something wrong with Lu Fanfeng, and even recommended him to a male doctor, making him feel extremely embarrassed.

He hadn't thought that he would turn out to be a joke after bitterly enduring for so long.

Duck: Only a small part of the skill set. You need to be careful.

Taoist Fanfeng: I am training the Archean Nine Dragons Spell, do you need to be careful?

Duck: [Archean Nine Dragons Spell]: Of course you need to pay attention.

The hope that Lu Fanfeng ignited earlier was shattered again. Seems like Profound Light Immortal was right, he should keep his guard up.

But he didn't expect that the words that came out of the Dry-Duck's mouth would change the subject.

Duckling: Archean Nine Dragons Spell is a dark net that uses the spiritual energy of the world to absorb the essence of the sun and moon to reform the nine divine dragons that looked down upon the world during the ancient times, to fight for itself. This kind of cultivation technique was incomparably powerful. Many people in the Heavenly Court even wanted to be reborn and give up their cultivation techniques to cultivate this technique again. However, this cultivation method's difficulty was also very high, and the number of people who managed to cultivate it was only one in a million.

More importantly, the longer one trained in the Archean Nine Dragons Spell, the more counterforce it would produce to slow down the progress of cultivation. The only solution was to reconcile the Yin and Yang.

Taoist Fanfeng: No way!

Lu Fanfeng felt that his whole world had been turned upside down. When the Profound Light Immortal had reached this point before, he had explained that if one's cultivation speed was too fast, it would cause one's foundation to be unstable.

And it was also because after hearing these words, Lu Fanfeng kept taking it step by step, and the counterforce was always controlled within a reasonable range.

He didn't think that the real reason would be this.

Duck: Brat, your luck is pretty good. I knew the person who created this skill back then. Naturally, I know things that others don't. The world has a lot of misunderstandings about this work. I'm tired today, so I'll tell you about it another day. However, you must not listen to the nonsense of those mediocre people. The nature of Dragon Clan was good, and that was why the cultivation method they had created had left behind such a profound mystery. If you were truly restrained, you wouldn't be able to break through to the Xiantian realm even after a hundred years.

Lu Fanfeng almost went crazy at this moment. So Profound Light Immortal's tutorial was wrong.

But after thinking about it carefully, Lu Fanfeng should have long understood that the Profound Light Immortal had never cultivated the Archean Nine Dragons Spell, so how could he know everything.

Since there were no restrictions, how could he possibly waste the resources around him? With so many beauties surrounding him, there were still many beauties in the school, his subordinates were also a group of young, beautiful female students, and Loong Beiling himself was also surrounded by a group of female soldiers.

Lu Fanfeng knew that spring was coming.

However, the current situation was that his girlfriend wasn't around. His female colleagues and female soldiers were all in another room, but in this room, there was a pair of beautiful mother and daughter.

Of course, Lu Fanfeng would not eat both mother and daughter, but choosing one of them to end the twenty-two years of purity was something that was extremely urgent.

Immediately, Lu Fanfeng began his cultivation and helped Zhang Keer to complete the Primeval Cloud Dragon's Body.

Previously, he had already trained for a month, so Lu Fanfeng and Zhang Keer were familiar with the entire process.

After consuming all sorts of spirit items and medicines, one simply did not have to absorb the spirit energy between heaven and earth. This was something that Lu Fanfeng was extraordinary of.

With the nourishment of the strong Spirit Qi, a thin layer of mist emitted from Lu Fanfeng's body, and started to revolve above his head, forming a white divine dragon.

Transforming the spiritual energy into a mist was the first step of cultivation.

When one's power was deep enough, the spiritual energy would transform from a mist-like state into a liquid or even a solid crystal. And the so called Spirit Stone, was a type of crystal made of spiritual energy.

When he could transform into a Spirit Stone, he would have to be at least an Aurous Core stage cultivator. As for Immortal Jade that were stronger than Spirit Stone, they needed to be at the Spirit Transformation level.

A plain Cloud Dragon formed above Lu Fanfeng's head. At the same time, Zhang Keer's body slowly changed.

That beautiful body gradually transformed, and in an instant she turned from a human to a dragon. Her size was actually exactly the same as the plain cloud dragon above Lu Fanfeng's head.

"Zhang Keer, there's only one last step. As long as you fuse with the plain Cloud Dragon's Strength, you'll be able to get rid of the identity of a vengeful spirit!" Lu Fanfeng transmitted his thoughts.

"Fan Feng, I will definitely swear to follow you until my death!" Zhang Keer was also overjoyed as she rushed towards the plain cloud dragon impatiently.

However, at this moment, a mournful scream pierced through the silent night sky.

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