"Is that okay?" Ji Qianqian asked with her face flushed red.

"Of course not!" How could Lu Fanfeng let her off so easily? He immediately pounced on the girl like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey and pressed his down, sealing that little bit of lips.

Ji Qianqian felt like her brain had stopped thinking, her heart was in a mess, she was petrified like a statue, allowing Lu Fanfeng to take whatever she wants.

Only after a long while did the two separate, and by then, Ji Qianqian's entire body was suffused with a faint red light, but she was no longer able to continue on her own.

It was already natural for things to go smoothly, and now that they had formed a good relationship, it was only reasonable for them to achieve good karma.

But, just as Lu Fanfeng was sharpening his blade, and Ji Qianqian was about to welcome him, Ji Yanyan's voice suddenly came from outside the door, "You two, how much longer do you want to sleep?!"

The two of them turned pale at the same time, especially Ji Qianqian, she had slept soundly last night, and now she had done bad things with Lu Fanfeng, and was on the verge of doing worse things.

Lu Fanfeng reacted quickly and pulled on his blanket, indicating for his to pretend to be asleep.

Ji Yanyan pushed open the door, and saw his daughter lying down, with one of her legs resting on his daughter's body.

Although the movements were ambiguous, but since the two were still sleeping, Ji Yanyan didn't doubt them.

It was only then that Ji Yanyan realised that her daughter had actually fallen asleep last night.

At that time, Ji Yanyan had placed all of her attention on Lu Fanfeng. After all, the other party was a stranger. However, the most important point that she overlooked was that she forgot to dress her daughter.

"Teacher Lu, you go out first!" Ji Yanyan said anxiously.

Lu Fanfeng had no choice but to run out of the room. It was just that after kissing Ji Qianqian so fiercely, he was only wearing his underwear right now.

Ji Yanyan only glanced at it once before blushing red to her ears. She thought to herself, it seems that men always act that way in the morning. Thinking about what happened last night, Ji Yanyan couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive.

Breakfast began in a strange atmosphere. The three of them had their own thoughts, so none of them dared to speak.

Ji Yanyan was afraid that his daughter would see through the relationship between him and Lu Fanfeng. After all, there was a huge gap in age between the two of them and his daughter had always disliked him finding a boyfriend.

However, Ji Qianqian had a similar thought. What happened with Teacher Lu just now, Mother must not know. With Ji Yanyan's shrewdness, it would not be easy to hide it from her.

Lu Fanfeng faced more problems than usual, being intimate with two women was understandable, but the problem was that the two of them were actually mother and daughter, that would be a big problem.

Lu Fanfeng never thought that he would do such a ridiculous thing.

Ji Yanyan's culinary skills were excellent, but Lu Fanfeng did not feel comfortable eating it. After breakfast, he finally took his leave.

It was just that before they parted ways, Ji Qianqian had held onto his hand tightly, "Teacher Lu, come over early tonight, okay?"

Lu Fanfeng could only shake his head awkwardly, "I still have things to do tonight, so I won't be able to come for the next week!"

Tomorrow was the auction, and then there would be the gathering of big shots of Hua Dong. Lu Fanfeng had to attend it all, so he naturally did not have time.

Ji Qianqian's face was filled with disappointment, but she leaned towards Lu Fanfeng and whispered a few words into his ear, "Teacher Lu, hurry up and finish your work so you can come back. After that, you will be my true boyfriend!"

The meaning of "a real boyfriend" made Lu Fanfeng's blood boil.

The mother and daughter Ji Family sent him out, so Ji Yanyan took the chance to let her daughter go back into the house first.

Then, it was time for Ji Yanyan and her farewell, "Teacher Lu, Qianqian likes you very much!"

With that, Lu Fanfeng tensed up and thought in his heart, "Could it be that Ji Yanyan found out about what happened that morning?"

"I didn't look for a man before because I was afraid that Qianqian wouldn't like it. Now that you and Qianqian are on such good terms, I'm relieved!" After Ji Yanyan finished speaking, she actually directly pounced forward, and hugged Lu Fanfeng's neck, not willing to part even after a long while.

Furthermore, he was a mature and mature woman who looked like a peach. Under normal circumstances, Lu Fanfeng would definitely act presumptuously.

However, he didn't dare to do so in this situation.

Not to mention in public, just considering Qianqian's feelings, he couldn't be impudent.

Such a nervous look made Ji Yanyan laugh out loud, "Last night was so bad, but now you have become an honest man!"

Ji Yanyan pouted. After instructing her, Ji Yanyan finally let Lu Fanfeng leave.

They had only walked a short distance from the Ji Family when Lu Fanfeng saw the fog around his body rise. Zhang Keer had directly revealed his body, still wearing the same bikini, incomparably sexy.

"How is it, Master? How was the mother and daughter pair last night?" Zhang Keer said with a charming smile.

However, Lu Fanfeng was speechless, "Can you put on some clothes, and now everyone can see you, don't make me lose face, okay?"

"Understood, Master!" Zhang Keer laughed, and then held Lu Fanfeng's arm in an extremely natural manner.

Being pestered by the female ghost was supposed to be a terrifying thing, but Lu Fanfeng didn't feel any sense of terror, on the contrary, he felt that it was incomparably spring.

"Also, don't call me master, feel like I'm an ancient slave owner!" Lu Fanfeng was not used to it.

"Yes, my lord!" However, Zhang Keer wanted to tease and call Lu Fanfeng by that name.

The two chatted and laughed, attracting the gazes of others.

A few young men and women looked at Lu Fanfeng with envy. After all, Zhang Keer was a top beauty in junior high school, but now that she had changed at the age of eighteen and also had the remodeling of her body with pure cloud energy, her appearance and appearance could not be compared to ordinary people, and there was even a hint of a goddess.

Amongst the girls by Lu Fanfeng's side, only Lee Mengyao could compare to him.

In addition to Zhang Keer's sexy and explosive bikini, it caused a lot of sensation. Along the way, they had already encountered three car crashes and five telephone poles.

"I'll go look for Third Master Lee, hurry up and buy clothes!" Lu Fanfeng instructed. If this were to continue, who knows how many more accidents would happen in Huadong City.

However, Zhang Keer was more troublesome than she thought, "Either you come with me, or I'll wear a bikini and work for you!"

Lu Fanfeng could not help but have a headache, it seems that the female ghost was indeed not someone to be trifled with.

Thus, on the day before the battle, Lu Fanfeng accompanied the beautiful woman shopping.

Outside the shopping mall, Third Master Lee had long been in a frenzy, searching the entire place for his Master, Lu Fanfeng.

It was only until deep into the night did Lu Fanfeng take out his phone. He saw that there were countless missed calls, all of them from Third Master Lee.

Lu Fanfeng returned to Third Master Lee with a few simple instructions, and set a time to meet tomorrow.

"Master, where should we go next?" Zhang Keer said with a charming smile.

"Of course I'm going home!" Lu Fanfeng casually replied.

"Master, I already have a body. How about tonight, I serve you?"

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