The few youths had famous brands on, and the leader had a large gold chain tied around his neck, exuding a heroic aura.

Seeing how aggressive the group was, the girls were already frightened to the point of dodging, but only Ah Fang stepped forward and blocked in front of Lu Fanfeng, "Don't hurt Master Lu!"

"Master?" Everyone looked at each other. How could a young man in his twenties be called a master?

The leading young man, however, did not care about that and pointed at Lu Fanfeng as he asked, "How dare you bully a little girl in broad daylight!"

"When did I bully a little girl!" Lu Fanfeng asked.

"She, did you just forcefully kiss Xiao Li!" The leading young man said angrily.

"Hao-ge, Mr Lu is my friend, we were just playing!" Xiao Li hurriedly explained.

She did not like Lu Fanfeng, but she hated him even more.

"Hmph, damn girl, it's your fortune that Hao-ge has set his sights on you, yet you still don't know how to appreciate a favor!" The only female in the crowd said in a weird tone.

Lu Fanfeng looked towards the direction of the voice and saw a girl with heavy makeup standing in the middle of the crowd. Beside her, there was a malevolent looking youth. There was a long knife scar on his face, and his entire body was covered with tattoos.

At this moment, the knife-scarred man stretched out his hand and felt something behind the woman's back.

Lu Fanfeng and the woman looked at each other, both of them stunned at the same time.



So it turned out that the woman was none other than the daughter of Lu Fanfeng's second uncle, Lu Fanyan.

Lu Fanyan had graduated from a university with only two books on Jinxi Province. However, this girl was born with a natural beauty, her red sleeves was good at dancing, and when she was in school, she had already been associated with a second generation of Jinxi Province.

After fawning over the coal owner's son, Lu Fanfeng's second uncle had become the person with the highest status in the family. Normally, he didn't place Lu Fanfeng's father in his eyes.

"Brother, didn't you go to Jade Maiden Village to be a teacher? Why did you run all the way here? " Lu Fanyan had not seen Lu Fanfeng for a long time, so the information she had was incomplete.

"Sister, I've already found a job in Huadong City. I'm a teacher in a high school!" Lu Fanfeng answered honestly.

"Senior High School Teacher, not bad!" Lu Fanyan was surprised, she never thought that Lu Fanfeng would be able to jump from a mountain village teacher to a great city's Senior High School Teacher, such an increase was not something that an ordinary person could achieve.

"Humph!" The knife-scarred face beside Lu Fanyan snorted coldly, obviously looking down on some Senior High School Teacher.

"Little Feng, let me introduce you. This is my fiance, Qin Jiang! We bought a house at the best building in Plains City, Cloudwater Pavilion. Have you heard that it was built by one of your Huadong City's real estate companies? " A sweet smile hung on Lu Jing's face as she leaned on Qin Long, "Hubby, this is my little brother, please take good care of him!"

"Care? But he just forcefully kissed Xiao Li! " Qin Jiang still wanted to stand up for her brother, but she was speaking up for the sturdy youth from before.

"Aiya, what do you want to see the girl for? Maybe the young couple is playing around!" Lu Fanyan advised.

"Mr Lu …" Xiao Li actually wanted to say that she was Lu Fanfeng's girlfriend, but she was afraid that Lu Fanfeng wouldn't be willing. Just a moment ago, even the mayor had treated Lu Fanfeng with respect, so how could he dare to make the decision without permission?

However, Xiao Li's manner of wanting to say something but stopping herself made others feel that she and Lu Fanfeng was a couple. Otherwise, they could just say that Lu Fanfeng was playing a hooligan.

Seeing Xiao Li like this, Lu Fanyan spoke with confidence, "The little couple is in a dilemma, what are you two meddling in!"

However, her words did not change the thoughts of Qin Jiang and the sturdy youth.

"Brat, you want to steal my woman? Ask my fist if I agree!" The sturdy youth waved his fist, showing off his power.

Xiao Li panicked and quickly stopped her, "How could Teacher Lu fight with you? Now is not the primitive society, furthermore, I have nothing to do with you, don't talk about guns, your woman, I am not!"

Lu Fanyan became anxious too, "Zhang Qiang, he's my little brother, try touching him!"

However, the knife-scarred Qin Jiang laughed, "Qiang Zi is a rogue athlete from the Jinxi Province Province. It's best if you surrender quickly, or you get beaten until you become crippled!"

Lu Fanfeng looked at Zhang Qiang, his eyes filled with disdain. Not to mention that he was on the verge of breaking through to the Foundation Establishment Stage, when he had just reached the peak of the Building Foundation Stage, he was already able to use a single grape seed to kill the South Ocean expert, Lee Loong.

Compared to Lee Loong, Zhang Qiang wasn't even a primary school student, so how could he be afraid of him?

"You? I'll kill you with just one hand!" Lu Fanfeng sneered. Subconsciously, the Qi around his body started to dissipate, causing the Shining World Devil Eye to instantly activate. A sharp gaze shot straight at Zhang Qiang.

Four eyes facing each other, Zhang Qiang felt as if he had fallen into an eternal hell. His entire being was filled with terror, the two battles, he wanted to escape several times, but his legs felt like lead and he was unable to move at all.

Only, Lu Fanfeng's sharp gaze flashed for a moment, and only Zhang Qiang was able to see it, while the rest of the people did not notice it at all.

"F * ck, if it wasn't for your brother, I would have killed him already!" Qin Jiang was displeased, but Lu Fanyan quickly advised him. Only then did the knife-scarred man retract his anger.

Lu Fanyan looked at Lu Fanfeng with disappointment. Originally, she had tried to mediate and this matter could have passed, but who would have thought that Lu Fanfeng would actually add oil to the fire?

Just when everyone thought that Zhang Qiang would knock Lu Fanfeng down with a single punch, he made an action that shocked everyone.

"You … "You …" Pointing at Lu Fanfeng, Zhang Qiang actually retreated a few steps.

"Don't provoke me, otherwise, you won't be able to bear the consequences!" Lu Fanfeng sneered.

When Zhang Qiang saw this smile, he was about to collapse. In that instant, he felt as if the entire world had dimmed down and he could hear countless wraiths wailing in pain.

A Shining World Devil Eye created by a Demon Elder during the tribulation stage, how could a normal person withstand casually releasing a bit of pressure.

Lu Fanfeng did not want to cause trouble either, so he deliberately reduced the effect of the suppression, shocking the other party.



"What's wrong with you!"

His companion immediately shouted out, causing Zhang Qiang to regain his senses.

The terrifying pressure had disappeared, but he didn't dare go against Lu Fanfeng anymore. However, at this point, he couldn't find a way out.

Fortunately, at this moment, Lu Fanyan opened her mouth to persuade her, "We're all friends, it's more important to make peace!"

"Hmph, if it wasn't for sister-in-law's sake, I would have killed you already!" Finished, Zhang Qiang turned and left, hiding behind the crowd, not daring to cause trouble for Lu Fanfeng.

"Alright, Feng, Green Willow Town is tough. If you take your friends with you, it will be very easy to get into trouble. Why don't you go with them?" However, Lu Fanyan doted on this little brother, especially since he was much more handsome than before, so girls naturally liked handsome men.

"Let's go together?" "No way!" Lu Fanfeng was a little resistant, he did not like these people.

"Go with him? "Unlucky!" Qin Jiang also did not like Lu Fanfeng, and his face was filled with disgust.

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