"Cloud Water Pavilion!"

Qin Jiang could not hear anything else, but he could clearly hear the three words "Cloud Water Pavilion".

It was the best residential district in Plains City, and any random house could cost more than 10 million yuan. Even after his father had opened a coal mine for his entire life, he still had to borrow money to buy a house.

The development company of the Cloud Water Pavilion was simply an unreachable existence.

But, this great being who was unreachable at this moment ran excitedly in front of Lu Fanfeng, bowing and bowing respectfully, as if he was looking at his own father.

"Mr Lu, why didn't you inform me in advance so that I could send someone to welcome you!" Sunn Guorong said.

Last time at the Phoenix Dance Manor, he had heard of Lu Fanfeng's might. After that, Third Master Lee and Wang Tianlong had repeatedly reminded him that he mustn't disappoint this elder.

"I'm fine, I'm just out for a walk. Low carbon and environment protection. I can also train my body!" Lu Fanfeng said casually.

"Mr Lu was joking. I just called Brother Loong, he said that you guys would be coming over at night, so …" Sunn Guorong was extremely pious, afraid that Lu Fanfeng would be dissatisfied.

"Un, I understand. Since I have nothing better to do, I came over to take a look!" Lu Fanfeng explained.

"Alright, I've already arranged the interior. Please follow me!" Sunn Guorong quickly led the way.

The five girls had never seen such a scene before, especially after hearing about Sunn Guorong's identity, they felt that it was even more inconceivable.

How honorable would it be for a dignified Galactic Real Estate boss to personally greet someone like him.

Just that, when he walked to the entrance, the security guards at the entrance stopped Lu Fanyan and the others, "Please show me your ticket!"

Lu Fanfeng hurriedly explained, "This is my friend!"

The security guard looked at the group of people and was troubled. "May I ask who are your friends?"

Qin Jiang and the rest had a total of ten people, the security guards did not dare to let them in.

Lu Fanfeng turned around to look at Qin Jiang, but what welcomed him was an expectant gaze, "Little Uncle, haha, this is my fiancee's little brother, why are you stopping me!?"

However, Qin Jiang had changed his previous indifferent attitude and even changed his way of addressing him.

"All of them!" Lu Fanfeng completely looked down on his cousin. After all, he was his cousin's fiancé.

As Lu Fanfeng spoke, the security guards let everyone in.

Sunn Guorong had already arranged the seats, but they were in the first row.

It was just that he did not expect Lu Fanfeng to bring so many people, so the seats in the front row was not enough.

Sunn Guorong immediately chased the people on both sides away and created a space for Lu Fanfeng.

"F * ck, why are you telling us to go? I'm buying a ticket!" One of the young men said angrily.

The staff quickly explained, "Please understand. We will arrange a seat and will return the appropriate ticket money!"

The young man didn't agree. After all, he had brought a bunch of friends, including the girl he was pursuing, so how could he lose face at this moment? "F * ck, how much money did they give?"

"That's right, you guys really don't put Young Master Gu in your eyes. Go to Jinxi and ask around, you dare to steal Young Master Gu's seat!"

All of them came from Jinxi too, and some of them even recognized Qin Jiang, and immediately pointed at him and shouted: "Qin Jiang, are you trying to steal Young Master Gu's seat?"

Qin Jiang looked at the other party, and was completely terrified. The other party was called Gu Shaoze, and their family also had a coal mine, but their status and status were much higher than Qin Feng's.

If Qin Family was like a canoe, then the Gu family was like an aircraft carrier.

Normally, it was impossible for Qin Jiang to even say a single word to the other party.

"What are you blabbering about? Scram!"

Qin Jiang did not dare to provoke him, but Sunn Guorong did not put him in his eyes at all. With his status and Galactic Real Estate, how could a mere owner of a Jinxi Province possibly enter his eyes?

"Old man, you f * cking know who I am, how dare you talk to me like that!" Gu Shaoze was enraged, he did not care where he was and started clamoring immediately.

"Oh? Tell me, who are you? " This was the first time Sunn Guorong saw this fellow dare to go against him.

"Have you heard of Shanhe Coal Mine? I am the young master of Shanhe Coal Mine, Gu Shaoze, you dare to provoke me … " Gu Shaoze said with a complacent look.

"Shanhe Coal Mine? Is your father called Gu Fu Yuan? " Sunn Guorong sneered, "Hurry up and f * ck off. If you don't f * * k off, I won't let your family's coal mine go down!"

"Who are you!" Seeing that the other party was so arrogant, Gu Shaoze also felt that something was amiss and quickly asked.

"Sunn Guorong!" Sunn Guorong said coldly.

"Sun..." Sunn Guorong! " Gu Shaoze was shocked, his face immediately became pale, and his entire body became gloomy.

"Scram!" Sunn Guorong softly spat out one word, then Gu Shaoze acted as if he was a rat crossing the street, and left in a hurry.

Seeing this scene, Qin Jiang had long been in a panic. The existence he looked up to was just like a primary school student in front of Sunn Guorong.

However, even such an awesome Sunn Guorong was actually respectful and respectful to Lu Fanfeng.

What exactly is Lu Fanfeng's identity?

He also thought of her own girlfriend, Lu Fanyan. She was Lu Fanfeng's cousin, so how could he define her status?

"Lu..." "No, brother-in-law, hehe!" Qin Jiang's way of addressing Lu Fanfeng had changed, "How do you know Sunn Guorong?"

"Him? My son is in our class!" Lu Fanfeng casually made up a lie. After all, he was claiming to be the Senior High School Teacher, which could more easily conceal his identity.

Sure enough, Qin Jiang immediately believed him, "Nice to meet you, teacher! I didn't expect teacher to know such an important person!"

Lu Fanyan suddenly interrupted, "Little brother, can you tell Sunn Guorong to give us a discount? The Cloud Water Pavilion is his house, if it is less than 0.1%, it will be worth hundreds of thousands!"

Lu Fanfeng looked at Lu Fanyan, then looked at Qin Jiang, and shook his head slightly. He wanted to help Lu Fanyan, but he detested Qin Jiang, and immediately found an excuse, "How could I have that kind of ability? It's all Director Sun's honor to be able to bring you guys in here!"

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. They did not think that this joke would cause Lu Fanfeng so much trouble, of course, it would be future generations that he would not mention.

At this time, Lu Fanfeng directly sat in the center with the five girls surrounding him, causing everyone to turn towards him, unspeakably envious and jealous.

Naturally, Lu Fanyan was sitting next to his cousin, while Qin Feng was sitting next to him.

As for his subordinates, although they were also seated in the first row, they were still very far from Lu Fanfeng.

Especially when they knew that their seats were snatched from Gu Shaoze's hands, they felt even more uncomfortable.

Lu Fanfeng did not put Gu Shaoze in his eyes, but they could not. To them, Gu Shaoze was an existence that was comparable to a giant, capable of destroying their family with a casual wave of his hand.

Moreover, which individual owner of Jinxi Province didn't have a dark history? If he didn't use more forceful methods, how would he be able to snatch the best coal mine?

How could they, the small shrimps, dare to provoke a rich family that was built from blood and fire.

However, Lu Fanfeng's attention had already shifted back to the items being auctioned.

"Why is today's auction item so cheap? The transaction price is very low!" Lu Fanfeng thought to himself. Although at this point in time, there was nothing of value to him, the several million price tag was still rather disappointing.

"Why don't we try the method of auctioning off the group of cultivators again!" Lu Fanfeng thought to himself. After all, Galactic Real Estate was also his business, and could increase his Galactic Real Estate s' income by a little. In the end, it also fell into his pocket.

Lu Fanfeng looked at Qin Jiang with ill intentions, but it made this fierce guy break out in a cold sweat, "Lu … Mr Lu, what are you doing? "

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