"Sister Jin, I want to get married next month. I can't not have this job, I beg of you, please give me a chance to live!" Only now did Lee Yaozu know that he had caused a huge disaster and quickly begged the Sister Jin for mercy.

"Get out of my way, don't get in my way!" Sister Jin waved her hands impatiently, and a few security guards ran over to chase him away.

"How can you guys be like this? I'm also a customer …" Aunt Li was still shouting, Lee Yaozu hurriedly whispered a few sentences into his mother's ear.

"Motherf * cker, we can't offend the Sister Jin. She's got the backing of a powerful family!" Of course, Lee Yaozu understood that if he left now, he would only be losing his job. If he did not leave now, he would anger the Sister Jin and lose more than just his job.

Hearing this, Aunt Li didn't dare to say anything more. Since ancient times, a shrew was afraid of evil people. Most of the time, when it came to rural bitches, they didn't even need to use logic, they could just use their own methods.

"Wait!" Just at that moment, Lu Fanfeng suddenly shouted to everyone, "Sister Jin, can you not fire Lee Yaozu? Treat it as giving me face!"

"This …" Sister Jin pretended to be troubled and looked at Cao Yun.

In her heart, Lu Fanfeng was just a pretty boy, how could he have the right to speak here.

"Little Lu, your love is overflowing again. This kind of person is not worth sympathizing with!" Cao Yun anxiously advised.

"After all, they are my fellow countrymen. It was just a misunderstanding just now, there's no need to lose his job!" Lu Fanfeng said.

"You have to let him know how painful it is for him to suffer. Only then will he have a good memory. Don't be too kind!" Cao Yun had mixed experiences with Entertainment Circle, and she had stayed in the East China Lee Family for six years, so she naturally knew the way to deal with matters concerning the people in power.

But Lu Fanfeng did not accept this method.

"They did not make any mistakes. It's better to let them off this time!" Lu Fanfeng insisted.

Although Cao Yun was extremely unwilling, she still agreed.

"Mr Lu will plead on your behalf and I'll forgive you this time. If you dare to do it again, let's see how I will take care of you!" The Sister Jin made a few symbolic threats, and this matter could be considered to be over.

Everyone returned to the shop once again. Sister Jin, in order to express her apology, gave Cao Yun a 20% discount.

It had to be known that the things in the dynasty were very expensive, at least hundreds of thousands of items. A discount of seventy percent saved Lu Fanfeng over five hundred thousand dollars, but the huge sum of two million that Elder Li gave him had been completely used up.

But on the way home, Cao Yun still couldn't stop persuading him, "To deal with people who hurt you, they have to be rid of their roots. You're still too kind!"

Lu Fanfeng laughed but did not say anything. He was after all just a graduate, from the depths of the mountains.

The Sister Jin sent someone to bring the furniture home, Lu Fanfeng prepared to keep the furniture in the Immortal Realm Taobao.

However, when he turned around to look at Cao Yun, he couldn't help but frown.

"I've been looking for excuses to lie, but I still can't do anything about it. We need to solve the problem of Cao Yun once and for all so that she can keep this a secret for me! " Lu Fanfeng thought, to the current him, there were naturally many ways. For example, the Heavenly Court Wechat's affability level system.

However, everything needed to be built on Cao Yun's will. Lu Fanfeng did not want to force him to do anything.

"Cao Yun, you must be curious as to why I bought so much furniture. To tell you the truth, I have a huge secret, but if you want to know this secret, you have to be absolutely loyal to me. Lu Fanfeng asked.

"I'm willing, of course I'm willing!" Cao Yun said without thinking.

However, in Cao Yun's heart, it was a completely different story.

Elder Li was Cao Yun's greatest benefactor, if not for Elder Li, Cao Yun would not have been able to escape her Entertainment Circle and live a normal life.

Now, if Elder Li wanted to rope Lu Fanfeng in, even deeper, he would have to find Lu Fanfeng's secret.

In reality, the reason why he purposely got close to Lu Fanfeng was also because of Elder Li's arrangements. Elder Li naturally did not believe that with Lu Fanfeng's outstanding talent, he could easily improve the Heaven Destruction Arts and make up for his lack of achievements.

The only reasonable explanation was that Lu Fanfeng had some sort of secret that Elder Li did not know about.

It was only a method to get close to Lu Fanfeng, but his ultimate goal was actually the secret that Lu Fanfeng had grasped.

As long as he grasped that secret, Elder Li and his entire East China Lee Family would soar into the sky and become the richest sect in the Central Plains.

In order to repay Elder Li's kindness back then, Cao Yun had naturally spared no effort.

Afraid that she would miss out on some crucial details, when Cao Yun came into contact with her, the recording equipment on her body was always on. Strictly speaking, she was just a spy that Elder Li had planted beside Lu Fanfeng.

When Lu Fanfeng heard this answer, he slightly nodded his head, "Since that's the case, I'll tell you my secret!"

Hearing this answer, Cao Yun actually let out a long breath, and thought to herself, "This Lu Fanfeng is obviously not very deep, to actually believe me so easily, is truly a little ridiculous. "Looks like he still has to pay some tuition fees for his youth!"

In front of the scheming Elder Li, Lu Fanfeng was really too naive.

Even compared to Cao Yun, he was lacking a lot.

Elder Li merely lent him a house, gave him 2 million in cash, and arranged for him to take care of Lu Fanfeng, and Lu Fanfeng had already fallen.

This kind of person was destined to never become a true hero.

In Cao Yun's heart, she could not help but underestimate her a little. However, she did not reveal it.

Only, Cao Yun had underestimated Lu Fanfeng.

Lu Fanfeng took out his Heavenly Court phone in front of Cao Yun and opened his Heavenly Court Wechat at the same time, "If you are willing to be loyal to me, you have to add me in your WeChat!"

In his heart, he only had one word to describe Lu Fanfeng, "Childish!"

If adding WeChat could be exchanged for loyalty, why would those Wealthy Classes spend so much money to recruit capable people?

However, in order to obtain Lu Fanfeng's secret, Cao Yun had no choice but to cooperate with him, and took out her own WeChat to add him as a friend.

"You can tell me your secret now!" Cao Yun said somewhat impatiently.

However, with these words, Cao Yun cursed in her heart.

Previously, Cao Yun had concealed her goal all this time, for the sake of finding Lu Fanfeng's secret.

However, his carelessness had exposed him.

However, after carefully observing Lu Fanfeng, Cao Yun was relieved. It was as if Lu Fanfeng did not notice him, but was staring at his phone instead.

"Cao Yun's intimacy level with me is only 80. It seems like she is not that passionate!" After adding each other as friends, Lu Fanfeng was able to check the intimacy level with him, and immediately noticed the problem, "Seems like, giving gifts to increase intimacy level is imminent!"

"I'll give you a present!" As he spoke, Lu Fanfeng opened up the Heavenly Court Wechat's affability level system and bought some gifts.

In the Heavenly Court Wechat's intimacy level system, there were a dozen or so items.

The most basic was the intimate garland. It cost 100 contribution points and could randomly increase the intimacy level by 1-100.

After that, there was the Friendship Chocolate, the Awakening Zither, the Green Plum Jade Lamp, the Golden Eagles Bamboo Horse, and the most precious type, the Marriage String.

Marriage String. Selling for 10,000 karmic points. After gift it, it could randomly increase the intimacy level by 20-500.

After being wrongly accused by the Director Sunn, Lu Fanfeng only used twenty intimate flower hoops to increase the intimacy level with the female teacher to 800.

However, Cao Yun had mixed her Entertainment Circle before, and also stayed in the Wealthy Class for six years. If he wanted to increase her intimacy level, twenty flower rings definitely wouldn't be possible.

Lu Fanfeng directly used his marriage string and clicked on "gifted".

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