Director Wang did not sense anything amiss, and thought that Principal Sunn was reprimanding Lu Fanfeng, and immediately agreed, "That's right, I've never seen such an outrageous guy!"

"Do you want to do it!?" Principal Sunn raised his voice and said.

"If you don't want to do it, then scram!" Director Wang said as if she was a fox pretending to be strong.

As for Lu Fanfeng, he looked at Director Wang playfully, causing Director Wang to become even more furious.

"I'm talking about you!" The Principal Sunn shouted in anger.

"Lu Fanfeng, I'm talking about you!" Director Wang was like a repeater.

"Wang Tinghua, I'm talking about you, don't try to take it out on others!" Principal Sunn said with his loudest voice.

Director Wang turned her head in a daze, looking at Principal Sunn, she did not know what to say, "Principal, what did you say?"

"Wang Tinghua, do you think my words are bullsh * t? Teacher Lu has such a good temper, but you actually pissed him off. You are too presumptuous!" The Principal Sunn shouted in anger.

With that said, everyone looked at each other, not understanding what had just happened.

"Shouldn't you reprimand Lu Fanfeng?" In the past, the Principal had always been on his side, so why was he helping Lu Fanfeng this time around?

"What's wrong with Lu Fanfeng? Isn't it just that there's something at home? As your leader, not only did you not care about your subordinates, you even reprimanded them and scolded them without reason. Director Wang, you have truly disappointed me! " The Principal Sunn's ability to turn black into white, was also something that no one else could do.

Even Lu Fanfeng was embarrassed.

"Shouldn't I be managing it if the teacher isn't coming to work?" Director Wang asked angrily.

"Of course it should be managed, but pay attention to the ways and means. At the same time as being in charge of management, you should also be more concerned about your subordinate's teacher. Regarding today's matter, you should apologize to Teacher Lu and forget about it. With just a few words from Principal Sunn, he had reversed right and wrong. Instead, he made Director Wang apologize to Lu Fanfeng.

With Director Wang's personality, she would definitely not accept this request, but she kept giving her looks and even ordered her to do so with sharp words.

No matter how foolish Director Wang was, she could still tell the problem at this moment.

Immediately, he could only bow and apologize to Lu Fanfeng, "I'm sorry, Teacher Lu, I was wrong!"

"Haha, alright, it doesn't matter. Even if you make mistakes, you can fix them. You're still a good comrade!" Lu Fanfeng spoke with the tone of a leader treating a subordinate.

Director Wang was angry in his heart, but she couldn't flare up. She could only suppress the anger in his heart.

This scene stunned many teachers and students on both sides of the hall.

"Quick, pinch my arm. Am I dreaming?"

"Teacher Lu is late, and the Principal actually told Director Wang to apologize to him. Whether or not I can be late in the future, the Director Wang will also apologize to me!"

"Don't be so naive, if you were late, wouldn't Director Wang kill you? Don't think that the Director Wang has been modified! "

"Lu Fanfeng, who exactly are you?!" Huang Yuexue muttered to herself, even with her status and identity, the Director Wang did not give her a good face.

Lu Fanfeng only came from the mountains, how could he have such treatment?

Under the incredulous gaze of the crowd, Principal Sunn was full of smiles as he exchanged a few more pleasantries with Lu Fanfeng.

Lu Fanfeng was not polite, after saying a few words of encouragement, he waved his hand and let them leave.

Only when Lu Fanfeng returned to his office did the teachers and students on both sides of the classroom recover from their shock. For a moment, the entire corridor was bustling with noise and excitement.

"Lu Fanfeng, who exactly are you, even the Director Wang has to lower her head to you!" Huang Yuexue looked at the man in front of her with astonishment. Before today, her impression of Lu Fanfeng could only be described with one word.

And after today, Lu Fanfeng had added another definition in her mind, having a background.

He was handsome and had a powerful background. One could imagine that this fellow's future was limitless, and his Star Sea High School probably wouldn't be able to contain him either.

Lu Fanfeng laughed and did not speak, but turned his head to look at a spot in the center of the office, where it was empty.

Inwardly, he was puzzled, "Teacher Chu, you're not working today?"

Huang Yuexue suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart, and blurted out a sentence, "Day after day, I only know how to stare at Teacher Chu!"

As the words left his mouth, Huang Yuexue himself felt that the air was filled with jealousy.

He missed his Miss Huang, who had mixed himself into the circle of rich and powerful people. Usually, many young masters of Wealthy Classes pursued her and never looked at his twice, yet today, he was jealous because Lu Fanfeng cared for Chu Yafei.

Thinking about it here, Huang Yuexue also blushed a little, but luckily she didn't notice it. Hurry up and change the subject, "Consort's birthday is today, so I took a day off. For Fei Fei's birthday, do you want to go with her? "

Lu Fanfeng originally did not want to go. After all, he had just understood the benefits of cultivating, so how could he be willing to waste time?

However, the female teachers in the office took the initiative to ask for it, causing Lu Fanfeng to have no choice but to agree.

At the same time, inside the Star Sea High School Principal's office, Director Wang had an angry face.

"Principal Sunn, just who is this Lu Fanfeng, why did you make me apologize to him!" The more Director Wang spoke, the angrier she got. With her fiery temper, it was not easy for her to reach this point today.

"Enough, he is an existence that you and I cannot offend!" Principal Sunn waved his hand helplessly.

"I've only heard that he is a friend of the group's vice president, Ling Ling. He's just Ling Ling, is there any need for you to be so afraid?" To be able to reach his current position, how could the Director Wang not understand the ways of the world.

Previously, she reprimanded Lu Fanfeng just to give him a warning. After all, there were many teachers with backgrounds in Star Sea High School and even more students with backgrounds.

"Ling Ling is just a lackey, there is someone else backing Lu Fanfeng!" The Principal Sunn revealed a mysterious smile, and then said in a low voice, "I've asked the Old Master's villa about him, and just now I found out that Lu Fanfeng is actually the young genius that the Old Master has his eyes on. A few days ago, the Old Master was even prepared to accept him as his personal disciple!"

"Old gramps?" Inner disciple? " Director Wang immediately screamed. Li Dingguo, whose East China Lee Family and name shocked the whole of Hua Dong, was about to accept a disciple again.

It had to be known that Elder Li had only accepted one new disciple, Loong Beiling. He was now a famous Martial Cultivator of the Eastern Hua Province, as famous as the Southern Swallow Mountain Yan Family and War God Yan Nantian.

If Lu Fanfeng had also become a inner disciple, even if his achievements were not as good as Loong Beiling's, he would still not be far off.

"The old gramps' inner disciple is definitely not someone we can offend, so you should understand what to do!" The Principal Sunn said.

"Ming..." "Understood!" Director Wang Mu Na replied, but she couldn't understand, why did the old gramps disciple come to Star Sea High School to be a teacher?

Different from the Principal Sunn's caution, Zhao Junjie was very proud of the Spring Equinox.

He had just walked out from the haze of his heartbreak. He was, after all, a young master from a wealthy family, so why would he lack women by his side?

Without Lee Mengyao, Zhao Junjie immediately had a new goal.

"Feifei, it's your birthday today. Where are you going to play?" Zhao Junjie called and asked.

"I still don't know. Little Jie, have you driven yet? Help me pick up a few colleagues from my Star Sea High School. When they're all gathered, we can discuss where to go to play!" Chu Yafei's sweet voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Good, good, good!" Zhao Junjie promised. Hearing Chu Yafei's slightly hoarse voice, he almost melted.

It had to be said that Chu Yafei not entering the showbiz was a waste of her talent, otherwise, with her personality and her talent, she would definitely make a name for herself.

"There are about five or six people over there, drive an extra car!" Chu Yafei reminded.

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