Lu Fanfeng joined the group of cultivators that were auctioning, but he found that the entire group was forbidden from sending messages.

Since he was not in a rush, Lu Fanfeng decided to start cultivating.

According to the explanation given by the Profound Light Immortal, the pure cloud dragon's power needed to reach the level of releasing inner strength before he could start to cultivate other types of force.

Only when he had cultivated all nine types of qi to their peak would he be able to break through Tongxuan realm.

This sort of training method was known to all as great perfection. Just by hearing the name, one would be able to imagine it.

In fact, that was indeed the case. The Archean Nine Dragons Spell was a difficult place, many people were eager to improve, in order to increase their realm as fast as possible, they had only cultivated a few types of Divine Dragon Qi to the peak, and then hastily increased their strength.

There were even some who only needed to push one type of qi to the limit before breaking through to the Tongxuan realm.

Although in a short period of time, he would be able to obtain great strength, it would be extremely troublesome if he were to cultivate to the later stages. The nine types of Divine Dragons had varying strengths. They were simply unable to unleash their full strengths.

Furthermore, the lack of checks and balances had lost its complementary effects. On the contrary, it would result in a backlash of true qi and wear each other down. Not only would they harm themselves, they would also lose a lot of their strength for nothing.

Although Lu Fanfeng was only an unranked Rogue Immortal, he was more than enough to teach a Foundation Establishment stage Lu Fanfeng. With the experience of his predecessors, Lu Fanfeng could naturally achieve twice the results with half the effort.

Time flew by when he was cultivating. Unknowingly, the sky had already brightened.

It was only until the alarm clock beside his bed that Lu Fanfeng unwillingly ended his training.

And at this moment, Cao Yun was still deep in her dreams. Although sshe didn't know when the beauty had returned, he could tell from her exhausted appearance that she must have been busy last night.

After making breakfast, Lu Fanfeng arrived at the Star Sea High School long ago after finishing his meal. Even though he hadn't slept the entire night, his mental state was exceptionally good, and this was the beauty of cultivating.

Unlike Lu Fanfeng, many of the teachers and students were not in high spirits. After all, anyone who woke up so early would feel sleepy.

The second lesson in the morning was Lu Fanfeng's Mathematics class. After experiencing the hypnosis of the language teacher, these girls all had a bad mental state.

Fortunately, Lu Fanfeng had his own charisma, so handsome male teachers could easily boost their morale. Adding on Lu Fanfeng's sense of humor, it was not boring at all.

But, unlike the lucky female students, Zhao Junjie was in a daze throughout the entire morning, and did not have much of a state of mind.

It wasn't until Han Yulin found him that night that this guy became a little more spirited.

"Young Master Jun, where are you going to play today?" These princes had become night owls, as if the dark night was more suitable for them.

But the young master was not in the mood to do so, "I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to kill Lu Fanfeng right now!"

Although Zhao Junjie didn't feel that the girl he liked was his true love, this kind of feeling of being slapped in the face was really not a good feeling.

He wanted to defeat Lu Fanfeng, but he didn't know how. After all, the power behind Lu Fanfeng was very strong, and even Wang Tianlong treated him with respect, let alone himself.

"Young Master Jun, defeating Lu Fanfeng is actually very easy, we are all civilized people, why use force, as long as we use our brains, we can easily ruin Lu Fanfeng's reputation!" Zhou Yujie laughed.

"Hmm? What can you do? Lu Fanfeng has two legs, even Huang Yuexue is not unhappy, what can we do? " Zhao Junjie said helplessly.

"The handsome young master was really fooled by his own intelligence!" Zhou Yujie first used fawn as a lead role, then spouted out his own plan, "Huang Yuexue is able to acknowledge Lee Mengyao's existence, but what about the other way around? Would Lee Mengyao also allow Lu Fanfeng to carry her and follow Huang Yuexue? "

With just a word, he was able to awaken the person in his dreams. Zhao Junjie suddenly realised, with Lee Mengyao's temper and position in the East China Lee Family, how could they allow Lu Fanfeng to be two-legged.

"It's just that, that way, even Huang Yuexue would be affected!" Zhao Junjie thought about this point again. With Huang Yuexue's temper and background, he didn't dare to completely offend her.

"We do not need to stand out, as long as we reveal this to Lee Tongwen, I believe that Chairman Li will settle this for us!" Zhou Yujie laughed.

Lee Tongwen was Lee Mengyao's father, the Star Sea Group's chairman, the Huadong City's head and even the richest man in East China Province. Even in the entire country, he was still a renowned big shot.

With his temper, he would never allow his girl to have a relationship with a mountain child, not to mention that this mountain child had two legs.

"However, Chairman Li is a businessman, after all. He would at most let Lu Fanfeng leave Lee Mengyao's side, and as for the punishment, it would be minuscule. After all, Lu Fanfeng is by her side, so given Mayor Huang's face, Lee Tongwen cannot go overboard! "

If they only wanted Lu Fanfeng to leave Lee Mengyao, how could they dispel the hatred in his heart?

One had to know that Lu Fanfeng had stolen his girlfriend twice in a row. Now, all his friends and classmates knew about this matter, and knew that he, Zhao Junjie, had been taken advantage of by a poor mountain kid.

When Chairman Li dealt with this matter, he would definitely try his best to keep a low profile. It would be completely impossible for Zhao Junjie to restore his lost face.

Moreover, Lee Mengyao might not even return to his embrace after leaving Lu Fanfeng, so what meaning did this kind of revenge have?

"Does Young Master Jun not feel satisfied?" Han Yulin intentionally put on airs, "But I have a way to make Lu Fanfeng lose an arm or a leg!"

"Tell me quickly, I'm not in the mood to listen to your suspense!" Zhao Junjie said in displeasure.

"Do you know the girl that helped Lu Fanfeng last night?" Han Yulin asked.

"She?" When Zhao Junjie thought back to it now, he felt that the girl looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her before.

"I've looked up her information. Actually, we should have long thought of it, there's only one clan that could cause Wang Tianlong to be so afraid of!" Han Yulin took out a photo and handed it over to Zhao Junjie.

Zhao Junjie took it over and looked at it. There were only two girls in the picture. One of the girls was the one who helped Lu Fanfeng out last night, and the other was shockingly, Lee Mengyao, "Wang Tianlong called her Third Miss, could she be …"

When Zhao Junjie and Lee Mengyao were in love, he had met Lee Yunyao once before, but when he had taken a quick glance at the time, his impression of him was not deep. Lee Yunyao had always loved to train in the martial arts and she did not usually work for the rich in East China Sea, so no one knew him.

"That's right, San Ye's only daughter, Lee Yunyao!" Han Yulin said proudly, as if she had done something great, "With San Ye's temper, if she knew that the person his daughter likes is two-timing, what would happen?"

The third brother of Lee Family, Lee Tongren had been in the martial arts world for a long time and had always been ruthless.

At that time, no one dared to imagine what kind of situation Lu Fanfeng would encounter. However, there was a rumor in the martial arts world that one of Third Master Lee's lovers had an affair with someone.

Although these young masters who had grown up in the greenhouse did not know what it meant to ignite the Heaven's Lamp, they could guess that it was a cruel criminal law.

"Lu Fanfeng, you are in big trouble!" Zhao Junjie laughed happily.

"Young Master Jun, there's one more thing that will make you happier!" Just then, Zhou Yujie's girlfriend, Sunn Tingting suddenly spoke out, "I know a few of Lu Fanfeng's friends in this city. There's a guy called Lee Yaozu, I saw him at the Furniture City a few days ago, who do you guys think he was with?"

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