To see Lee Mengyao's parents, Lu Fanfeng had to request for a leave of absence.

On the other hand, Cao Yun was still busy with Immortal Cloud Spirit Water s, it seemed like preparing a company was much more difficult than she had imagined.

naturally had to prepare some things in order to meet Lee Mengyao's parents.

After thinking about it, Lu Fanfeng didn't know what to do.

He did not understand upper class society, and with the Lee Family's wealth, he was afraid that whatever he gave them, they would feel shabby.

After thinking about it, Lu Fanfeng decided to not buy anything at all. After all, with the condition of the Lee Family, he should not be interested in these things.

At around 11 in the morning, Lee Mengyao came over to look for him.

Coming down from the stairs, Lu Fanfeng saw Lee Mengyao in a glance.

A young girl that had just surpassed 20 years of age was instead the most beautiful age for a woman. His clothes was extremely fitting, and it added quite a bit of color to Lee Mengyao's appearance.

This was especially so for the sports car beside him. Although he could not identify it, he could tell that it was extraordinary with a single glance.

Just by standing by the roadside, there were already quite a few people who looked at her with envy.

Lu Fanfeng quickly walked to his girlfriend's side, he sized her up, but frowned: "Seeing my parents, can you change your clothes?!"

After all, seeing his parents was a huge matter, and he needed to get dressed up properly.

Lee Mengyao also meticulously dressed up before going out, and naturally requested for Lu Fanfeng to do the same.

Therefore, before he saw his parents, he took another step forward to buy new clothes.

When they arrived at the mall with the best Huadong City, Lee Mengyao was in charge of picking things out, while Lu Fanfeng was acting as a model. After busying himself for a long time, he finally picked out a set of clothes.

"Huadong City is still too small, even the clothes are not nice. Also, I don't really understand men's clothing either. The few brands I've heard about don't even have Huadong City! " Lee Mengyao was still not satisfied, but Lu Fanfeng was already extremely pained.

A set of clothes cost over a hundred thousand yuan. This amount of money was enough to marry a wife in the countryside.

Lee Mengyao originally wanted to pay, but Lu Fanfeng persisted and in the end, still swiped his card.

Actually, Lee Mengyao didn't think that there was anything wrong with her boyfriend spending her own money. After all, their intimacy level had reached a thousand and was already as good as a person.

Since Lu Fanfeng had taken out his pocket, he would give Lu Fanfeng a few hundred thousand from his pocket money. He wouldn't need to be so frugal in the future.

When they left the mall, a female shop assistant gave Lu Fanfeng a poker card, "Sir, would you like to take a look at the perfume?

The game card was fragrant with perfume on it, Lu Fanfeng thought that the taste was good, and went back into the shop to browse through.

Different from the carefree attitude of this couple, the entire Lee Family Villa was already bustling with work.

"Ah Long, I told you to bring everyone here, why haven't any of the tigers, panthers, and wolves come?! Zhu Chou is actually the only one with a leader!" Third Master Lee was flustered. This Wang Tianlong usually does things very quickly, what's wrong with him today.

Wang Tianlong also had his own difficulties, if it was a normal day where his four strongest warriors were beaten to a pulp, he would definitely report it to the Third Master Lee.

The person who had injured his subordinates was a friend of Third Miss, and he seemed to be her boyfriend. If he were to report it back, not only would Third Master Lee not support him, he would also punish him.

While he was hesitating, he had actually forgotten to answer, he did not expect to arouse the Third Master Lee's suspicions, "Damn you, why are you quickly letting it out, did you stir up trouble again!"

Wang Tianlong had no other choice but to answer truthfully, "Master San, I met a tough opponent, he injured all the wolves and tigers and sent them to the hospital!"

Wang Tianlong had already thought about what to say. If San Ye knew about this, and supported Lu Fanfeng, he would praise Lu Fanfeng's bravery and bravery. San Ye had found a golden turtle husband.

On the other hand, he could use San Ye's relationship to get back at him.

"Damn, someone actually dared to hit my people …" The Third Master was flustered and exasperated, but after some thought, he realized that today, the most important thing was to take care of Lu Fanfeng, so he put the rest of the matters aside for now, "We can talk about this later. Zhu Chou can do it too, the other party only has one person!"

"I wonder who San Ye is going to deal with?" Wang Tianlong asked.

"A pretty boy who specializes in eating soft food. He hooked up with a lot of rich ladies and …" After saying that, the Third Master immediately covered his mouth. He could not speak of Cao Yun's matter.

"I don't know that person's name. Let me see if I can recognize him." Wang Tianlong asked.

"What's Lu?" San Ye suddenly couldn't remember.

On the other hand, Zhu Chou, who was probably having a cramp in his brain, actually interrupted, "Lu Fanfeng?"

"Right, right, Lu Fanfeng!" San Ye finally remembered after being reminded.

"Eh, Lu Fanfeng, are you sure?" When Wang Tianlong heard this name, he was so scared that cold sweat broke out on his back. The scene from that night was still vivid in his mind, how could he forget it?

"That's right, damn it, what kind of lousy name is that? Just from the sound of it, you're the one who gave it to me!" San Ye mumbled a few words.

"Master San, the person who injured Ann Hu and the rest last time …"

"I told you, you should go all out against Lu Fanfeng today. If you mention what happened last time again, I'll break your leg. If you don't embarrass yourself enough, with four of your subordinates being seriously injured, what use do I have?! " San Ye was in a bad mood. His beloved daughter had finally gotten a boyfriend, but she was still a pretty boy.

This was worse than San Ye being green.

Hearing this, Wang Tianlong could only shut his mouth and not talk about that matter anymore.

But Zhu Chou was wary, "Master San, do you want to invite Master Guo from Eastern Martial School?"

Zhu Chou believed that with Master Guo's power, he should be able to defeat Lu Fanfeng.

"Isn't it shameful enough? Why would I let others know!" San Ye said angrily.

"Then please come back, Master Bei!" Wang Tianlong suggested again.

The North Lord he mentioned was Loong Beiling. Currently, the war god of the military world of his homeland was as famous as the military world of the south, Yan Nantian.

And his other identity was actually the direct disciple of General Li Dingguo, the tiger of East China.

Li Dingguo passed on everything he had learned to Loong Beiling, but not to his three sons.

Afterwards, Loong Beiling relied on his Lee Family Arts and his Lee Family background to rise to the top of the military world. But the third son of the Lee Family didn't have the chance to enter the military world, so the relationship between the three brothers and this father's direct disciple wasn't very good.

"What? Are you saying that you are unable to resolve this matter?" Third Master Lee asked coldly, at the same time, he did not forget to remind him, "Don't you know San Ye's rules, I don't raise useless people."

Since the Third Master had already said that, Wang Tianlong dared to say anything else.

Offending Lu Fanfeng meant waiting for death. Offending the Third Master Lee might result in his death right now.

Wang Tianlong braced himself and agreed, hoping that this matter would turn for the better. If he really had to fight Lu Fanfeng, even if he was beaten to death, would not dare.

Third Master Lee was the main force today, but the two brothers weren't idle either.

As the vice governor of the Eastern Province, Brother Lee Tongwu Li naturally had a lot of connections.

Although he couldn't tell others what had happened today, he had plenty of ways to deal with it. Several heads of police department were invited to drink tea. These high-ranking provincial officials' guards were loaded with firearms. They would be able to take action when they had something to do later.

Although they could not use cold weapons like Old Li San and could not use hot weapons like Boss Li did, the electric batons in their hands were not weak either.

Especially since a few of them were retired commandos, their strength could not be underestimated.

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