Lee Family and the other two were also intelligent, after hearing what Lu Fanfeng said, how could they not understand what he meant.

"Master Lu, I have a manor in the suburbs, and it is three times bigger than second brother's manor. Give it to Master Lu as an apology!" Lee Tongren said first, and then added, "The market price of that manor is not less than 50 million!"

"Master Lu, I will transfer 50% of the shares to you!" Lee Tongwen was even more vicious, with 50% of the shares, even if he only calculated the share in Star Sea Group, the market price was close to one hundred million.

This time, it was Lee Tongwu's turn to be troubled. In the political world, how could he have that much money?

He could only say, "From now on, I am willing to be the subordinate of the Master Lu, willing to serve the dog and horses!"

Hearing that, Lu Fanfeng snorted, "I don't want these things!"

The three of them were stunned, cold sweat unconsciously trickling down their faces, "These are all not good enough, what more does he want?"

"Cao Yun has recently formed a company!" Lu Fanfeng only said this.

"Alright, I got it. I'll settle the official matters!" Lee Tongwu said.

"As for the actual marketing operations, I'll do my best to assist!" Lee Tongwen said.

"I... I... I want to buy 10 million first! " This time, it was Lee Tongren's turn to be depressed. He did not know anything about sales, so he added, "In the future, I will only buy my mother's things!"

Lu Fanfeng smiled, this Old Li San was actually very interesting, he immediately waved his hand, signalling for them to leave, "Regarding the specifics, Cao Yun will contact you!"

The three of them had no choice but to leave as the rest of their subordinates hurriedly retreated as well.

Loong Beiling also crawled up from the ground and prepared to leave, but he was stopped by Lu Fanfeng, "What, you want to fool me like this just because you've offended me?"

Loong Beiling was about to cry, this matter had nothing to do with him, he was only involved because he was trying to be brave.

Immediately, this military boss also had a sullen face, "Master Lu, I will apply for the military order. It's just that, after all, I'm not from the logistics department!"

"This Cao Yun will contact you. I just want to ask, do you have any female soldiers?" Lu Fanfeng said with an evil smile.

"Female soldiers?" Loong Beiling was about to cry, "I'm from the special forces, where did the female soldiers come from!"

"Recruit a group of female soldiers without a single soldier, do you understand? Why can't there be female soldiers in the special forces? " Lu Fanfeng said in all seriousness, but anyone could see how wretched he was.

"A group of female soldiers. Alright, I will immediately arrange this matter. Master Lu is indeed wise … Female soldiers should be recruited! " Loong Beiling's eloquence was also great, but he couldn't find any words to boast about Lu Fanfeng.

To recruit female soldiers into the special forces, Dragon Tooth was the true combat force, and one had to rush to the most dangerous place to fight. Female soldiers, that sort of thing, only the logistics unit would have them.

Furthermore, Lu Fanfeng's motive for wanting to recruit female soldiers was not pure. This could be seen from his wretched smile.

"In a while, I will have Cao Yun pass the selection criteria to you. Lu Fanfeng then left.

The three Lee Family brothers and Loong Beiling were waiting anxiously for Cao Yun, but the first to receive the mission was actually Loong Beiling.

"The documents have been sent to your mailbox. According to that standard, go and select them!" Cao Yun only said that one sentence on the phone before hanging up. Loong Beiling did not dare to ask anymore.

Opening the mailbox, she shockingly saw a document. Just as she looked at the title, Loong Beiling's head filled with black lines.

"Didn't you choose a female commando? Why are you giving me this file?"

"Maybe he made a mistake, open it and take a look!"

After opening it, Loong Beiling knew that it was the wrong message.

Apart from the normal physical tests, there was also a huge pile of data, all on a three-dimensional body, arms, legs, and other hobbies.

Even if it was used to select martial arts exam candidates, it would still be extremely harsh, let alone the female commandos.

"Perhaps, with the more important data at the back, it's impossible that there aren't any physical requirements. We should at least measure five kilometers away!"

However, even after reading it, Loong Beiling did not find a single requirement.

"Special forces do not require physical fitness, they must have sent it wrong!"

Loong Beiling would never believe it even if he died, he would participate in every new selection for Dragon Tooth.

After all, they were Dragon Tooth, not a recruit training camp. There was not even a tenth of the elites selected by all the troops in the military region.

To choose a bunch of vases, how many could pass the Dragon Tooth examination?

He immediately called Cao Yun and asked, "Mistress, that's not it, Madam Lu, did you send this to the wrong person?"

"If you did not make any mistakes, then go ahead and choose based on this. We must strictly enforce the rules and not be careless. Otherwise, Master Lu will become very angry, and the consequences will be severe!" Cao Yun said.

"No, the military will not give out funds. What can I do with these vases?" Loong Beiling was about to cry, his subordinates were all special forces, carrying out the most difficult mission, and claiming to be the strongest sharp blade in his homeland.

If we really follow Lu Fanfeng's instructions, I'm afraid that the Dragon Tooth will have other names in the future, the most beautiful vase in the entire country.

He didn't need to think about his mission. In the future, he could only bring this bunch of girls to participate in events like the opening of a car exhibition mall.

"Fan Feng said that you will select them first, and then he will train you for three months. After that, you will conduct combat drills with your Dragon Tooth troops, and if these girls lose, they will disband. All of the funds that they spent during this period of time are also under the responsibility of the Master Lu and they would even allocate twenty million to the Dragon Tooth Special Forces. " Cao Yun paused for a moment, then recalled an insignificant matter, "Oh, Fan Feng also said that if you win, she would give you two a training method!"

"Physical training method?" Loong Beiling's eyes immediately lit up, he thought about the Heaven's Destruction Art.

Although they had only known each other for a few days, he already felt the strength after the improvement. It was like he had been reborn.

Since Lu Fanfeng was able to improve the Heaven Destruction Arts, then he could definitely write a type of cultivation technique that was suitable for the army.

Loong Beiling did not wish for all the soldiers to become Inner Strength Martial Cultivator like him.

However, as long as there was half of his strength, even if it was one-third of his strength, it was enough to instantly kill all the other special forces with his Dragon Tooth.

In contrast, the twenty million in cash was negligible. The most expensive thing in the world is to build and maintain an army, let alone a special forces.

With their ability to burn money, even twenty million wasn't enough to cover a month's worth of expenses.

From a different perspective, of course, the understanding of things is also different.

Cao Yun was not a soldier, she had never come into contact with military affairs before, of course she did not know how strong a physical training method could be.

Thus, she had almost forgotten about this matter.

However, this matter became the only reason to convince Loong Beiling. No matter how absurd this matter was, no matter how much training funds were expended, as long as they could obtain Lu Fanfeng's physical training method, everything was worth it.

As for failure, Loong Beiling had never even considered it. A bunch of the most elite special forces of the motherland. If they couldn't fight against the new recruits for three months, they could simply die. Not to mention, these recruits were all female soldiers, and they were all chosen according to the 2017 entrance examination standards.

Loong Beiling even suspected that these beautiful female soldiers, did not dare to take out their guns.

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