"I can give it away for free, but only in the early stages and on a small scale!" Cao Yun said.

"It's not the initial stage. We have to go through the entire period of time and exchange our vouchers at the official flagship store. We are allowed to collect Immortal Cloud Spirit Water s at any time!" Lu Fanfeng said.

His general idea was to make a pile of something like an ATM machine, check everyone's merit value, and then exchange it for the corresponding vouchers.

Then, he would use the voucher to purchase the Immortal Cloud Spirit Water.

This way, Lu Fanfeng would be able to gain a large amount of merits in a short period of time.

With sufficient merits and power, it wasn't difficult to purchase spiritual medicines. Spirit medicine was bought through merit. As for the remaining water, any water was fine, but the cost was negligible.

Things that had no cost could be exchanged for countless merits and a vast amount of wealth, so why not?

No matter how one thought about it, it was a sure bet. However, Lu Fanfeng could not tell others the use of merits.

Cao Yun kept shaking his head, "Absolutely not, do you have a way to calculate everyone's contribution points? After all, we need to make money, so what can we do with our intangible merits? "

In the end, Cao Yun listened to his instructions, but there was someone else who wanted Lu Fanfeng to persuade him.

"No, if you do this, we'll all die!" Lee Mengyao objected.

As Lu Fanfeng's real girlfriend, Lee Mengyao naturally became the CEO of the Immortal Cloud Company, and she did indeed have the ability to do so.

"Listen to me!" Lu Fanfeng was too lazy to explain, he had just finished explaining everything to Cao Yun.

Qian Gang was independent and forced Lee Mengyao to listen to him. Although Lee Mengyao was still opposed, she could only hold back.

Still, she asked questions.

"How to calculate the so-called merit and where our initial funds are. Is this just an initial promotion strategy or should we carry it out?"

The most important part was the first rule, how to calculate merit.

Lu Fanfeng had no choice but to turn to the God of Fortune, Zhao Gongming, the architect of meritorious services.

Taoist Fanfeng: Brother Zhao, what are you busy with?

Zhao Gongming: You can repay the money directly inside the Merit Finance Department.

Lu Fanfeng was exasperated. As expected, he was the God of Fortune, the moment he opened his mouth, it was related to merits.

Taoist Fanfeng: Brother Zhao, I still haven't earned enough merits.

Zhao Gongming: (almost crying) Great God, you can't scam me like this. Does the God of Fortune not need any performance?

Taoist Fanfeng: (Scratching his head) Rest assured, I have been thinking of an idea the entire time. Is there any way that I can obtain merits without affecting my cultivation?

Zhao Gongming: Yeah, learn from mortals and daydream!

Taoist Fanfeng: (Embarrassed) Actually, This Penniless Priest already had a way, but I still need Brother Gongming to help me.

Zhao Gongming: How can you be like this? You didn't return the debt you owe me, and even let me help you earn money.

Zhao Gongming was about to go crazy, in the world that he once lived in, the creditor was still a boss, but at that time he did not have money. Now that he had money, he was still the God of Fortune who looked down on the world, but now he was the one who owed Lord Cheng a debt.

Taoist Fanfeng: Um, can you help me get something that can measure a mortal's merits? It's similar to this (picture).

Lu Fanfeng sent over a picture of a vending machine. He wanted Zhao Gongming to help make a merit vending machine.

Zhao Gongming: You're going to pay me back after I make it? Words have no basis, how about you swear a venomous oath.

Taoist Fanfeng: F * ck off, I'll look for you in ten minutes. Hurry up.

Zhao Gongming: Not even ten minutes, I have already sent people to create it. According to your requirements, we can inspect and collect the contribution points. With our bros' feelings, I won't earn any money from you. I'll just symbolically pay a few costs for my handicraft, which would only be twenty thousand karmic points each.

Taoist Fanfeng: Return, it's just a vending machine, why is it so expensive?

Zhao Gongming: You don't have to do that, I haven't even added in the research and development cost.

Lu Fanfeng relied on his glib tongue and rascally personality to cut the price. It was a pity that the God of Fortune would not compromise so easily.

Helpless, Lu Fanfeng could only use his last trump card.

Taoist Fanfeng: Bro, you are forcing me. Do you know about the merchant loan?

The Fairy Application Store naturally did not only have one type of financial aid, and the Heavenly Court did not only have one god of wealth. Zhao Gongming's martial arts were extraordinary, and the people called him the Martial God.

Correspondingly, there was also the God of Wealth.

Bi Qian was also the second son of Shang Wang Wending, a great god who had become famous during the ancient Divine Seal Era. He was the younger brother of Di Yi and the uncle of Di Xin. It was possible that at this point, many people still did not know who he was.

The Shang King, Dixin, was later known as King Zhou of Shang, the last monarch of Yin Shang. Legends are smarter than dry, the heart has seven orifices, also known as the seven orifices of the heart.

It was only because he had done his duty faithfully and offended her that he had gotten himself into trouble. He had asked her for her cleverness, and she had killed him.

After becoming a Divine Seal, one would naturally not have the desire or desire to be greedy, thus becoming a god of wealth.

Growing up in a modern society, Lu Fanfeng naturally understood that all industries were afraid of monopolization. Since the God of Fortune also had a competitor, the matter was easy to settle.

Knowing that Lu Fanfeng wanted to transfer the loan to a businessman, Zhao Gongming was about to go crazy.

Zhao Gongming: If you have something to say, just say it. There's no point in doing this.

Taoist Fanfeng: How much does a merit vending machine cost?

Zhao Gongming: Why are we brothers talking about money, it hurts our relationship. I gave it to you for nothing.

Taoist Fanfeng: This is a real brother. My good brother, I want to place this kind of machine in a large area of the city. Help me prepare a thousand sets.

Taoist Fanfeng: Where's the person? Is he there? It's just a thousand stages, don't pretend to be dead.

Originally, Lu Fanfeng thought that he had tricked a great god in the Heavenly Court, but he was already incredibly happy.

But when he saw the thing that Zhao Gongming had given him, he was so angry that he couldn't say anything.

"A two dimension code? He even f * cking wants 20,000 contribution points from me!" Lu Fanfeng was infuriated. So the God of Fortune had only sent him a thousand 2-D stickers.

Zhao Gongming continued to explain, "Dao brother, if you want to pay 20,000 contribution points, it will be a whole set of merit vending machines. But you want a thousand of them for nothing, that's all I can do. After you go back, you stick this sticker on the machine, and others use their cell phone to scan it, and you can pop up the merit payment interface. All you have to do is install a signal receiver inside the vending machine and connect to your cell phone. Your phone is the seventh generation phone in the Heavenly Court. It's powerful enough to support the calculation of an entire world. For such a good phone, it would be a waste if you don't use it! "

Lu Fanfeng was skeptical, how could this second-hand phone be so powerful?

Immediately contacting the technical staff of Xian Yun Company. At night, Lu Fanfeng brought over a vending machine. Connect to your cell phone with the help of a technician.

He found a few people to experiment with and it worked.

"It's just a problem with the signal. If we're at a sealed location like the Metro, we'll have to consider the signal!" The technician explained.

"Isn't it just adding a net? It's very simple!" Lu Fanfeng said. The current network was very developed, as long as they could connect to the Internet.

At this moment, whether it was Lu Fanfeng, Lee Mengyao, or the two big shots of Huadong City, Black and White, or even the great god Zhao Gongming of the Heavenly Court, none of them knew the meaning behind this matter.

Afterwards, the Heavenly Dao was transferred to Zhongxing, where everyone gained immeasurable merit, which was a pleasant surprise.

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