Being shouted at by these fellows for a long time, Lu Fanfeng's sleepiness was completely gone. After getting up and putting on his clothes, he prepared to run around the park.

For four years, he had been in the habit of running in the morning.

"Eh, Lao Lu, where are you going?" Shen Xu asked.

"Morning training!" Lu Fanfeng answered honestly.

"Morning training? What kind of morning exercise is it? " Shen Xu laughed sinisterly.

"I fainted. Looking at your wretched appearance, there was an old man who asked me to run with him every day. Don't you know that?" Lu Fanfeng was speechless.

"An old man running off with you?" Shen Xu revealed a surprised expression.

"Damn, you're too dirty!" When Lu Fanfeng saw that his three friends were about to drive, he quickly ran out of the dormitory.

Four years in college, four young people living together, teasing like this every day, it must have been a good time.

However, this period of time was about to end today. He could not help but feel gloomy.

Yun Tao would return to the northeast, Shen Xu would return to the special economic zone, and Yang Wei would prepare to become a member of the Northern Floating Clan while he would stay in the Huadong City.

In an instant, he had traveled to the north and south of the world. Who knew when it would be if he wanted to meet again.

Along the way along the river park towards the east, when the sun rose, Lu Fanfeng arrived at a secluded place.

"Brat, it's so early today!" An old man with a beard and hair all white was already practicing his martial arts.

"It's the last day, I can't practice boxing with you anymore!" Lu Fanfeng ran over to the old man's side and started fighting with him.

"Jade Maiden Village, that place isn't good!" The old man laughed.

"I'm not going, I'm going to the Star Sea High School!" Lu Fanfeng said truthfully.

"Mm, that's a good place!" The old man nodded slightly.

"You know about Star Sea High School?" Lu Fanfeng asked.

"I don't know, but as long as it's not a mountain area, it's better than Jade Maiden Village!" The old man said in a slightly naughty manner.

"Speechless, old man, is it alright to be so naughty?" Lu Fanfeng started to joke with him.

But at this moment, the old man suddenly began to cough violently. He sat down on the grass, having difficulty breathing.

Lu Fanfeng hurried over to check, and helped him pat his back, "You're still not recovered yet, why don't you go to the Beijing Hospital and see if you can continue dragging it out?

The old man waved his hand, "It's useless. The illness that fell when I was young. I don't know how much money I spent all these years. I can't get better!"

"What is the reason for this? Modern medicine is so advanced, how can it not be good!" Lu Fanfeng said anxiously.

"When I was young, I practiced internal energy and injured my lungs. This kind of internal injury cannot be cured by modern medicine!" The old man smiled bitterly.

"Internal injury?" Lu Fanfeng immediately remembered that inside the Immortal Realm Taobao, there was a shop opened by Old Lord Taishang. It was full of pills and there would definitely be medicines to treat internal injuries.

After helping the old man to sit in a pavilion, Lu Fanfeng opened the Immortal Realm Taobao and found Old Lord Taishang's medicine shop.

Lu Fanfeng: Old Lord, are you there?

Silver Boy: The Old Lord is not here. Dear, what's the matter?

Lu Fanfeng: Silver-furred boy, are you the Silver Horn King?

Silver Boy: My current identity is Taobao Customer Service. What do you want to buy? If you don't need any medicine, I won't chat with anyone.

Old Lord Taishang's boy was naturally very arrogant.

Lu Fanfeng was not angry: I need a pill to treat my internal injuries. My friend was a young man who was training when his lungs were injured.

Silver Boy: Click on the link!

Lu Fanfeng opened the link sent by the silver child, the Pei-Yuan Dan.

He clicked buy and a bunch of parameters popped up, "Please choose your current level!"

"Elder Li, what level are you? Soul Formation or Nascent Soul? You can't be a golden core, right?" Lu Fanfeng asked.

The old man almost vomited blood from anger, "You have read too many fantasy novels, how can you have so many realms. In my Middle Earth World, breaking through the Innate Realm is an existence that defies the heavens, people call it the Earth God. In the five thousand years of history, there are very few people who were able to break through to the Earthly Immortal Stage. Legend has it that only Ancestral Master Damocles was able to do so, but whether or not Ancestral Master Damocles is truly someone we do not know! "

"You haven't broken through to the Xiantian realm, damn it, the lowest cultivation level here is the Xiantian realm!" Lu Fanfeng hurriedly asked the silver child again, "How do you choose between the Innate Realm and the Innate Realm?"

Silver Boy: Are you kidding me? You haven't broken through to the Innate Realm, and you still have the nerve to say that you have internal injuries? He did not need to take any medicine. When he reached the Innate Realm, he would automatically recover!

Lu Fanfeng looked at the white-haired Elder Li. It seemed that he would never have the chance to break through the Innate Realm in his entire life.

He could only buy the lowest grade Xiantian level Pei-Yuan Dan Bead right away, for a price of 8,000 contribution points.

Lu Fanfeng did not know how much more he could borrow for his own merits, but luckily he managed to purchase it and succeed immediately.

He passed the Pei-Yuan Dan to Elder Li, "Elder Li, take this!"

"This is …" Elder Li stared at the pill in Lu Fanfeng's hand, his eyes staring straight at it.

The rich fragrance of the medicine assaulted the nostrils, instantly causing people to feel relaxed and happy. Just by smelling it, one would know that this medicine was not ordinary.

Trembling, he took the medicine and impatiently stuffed it into his mouth. The medicinal herb melted in his mouth and turned into a warm liquid that instantly flowed into his internal organs.

Following that, Elder Li felt an itch in his chest. He reached into his bosom and continuously scratched, but the itch was within his body.

In the span of a few breaths, Elder Li actually began to cough violently, as if he was about to cough his entire lungs out.

Lu Fanfeng was so shocked that he thought he gave him the wrong medicine.

At this moment, Elder Li suddenly spat out a mouthful of dirty blood. Within the tainted blood, there were actually some broken pieces of flesh. It was extremely stinky.

After spitting out the tainted blood, Elder Li stopped coughing and leaned against the pavilion's chair, gasping for breath. He did not say anything for a long time.

"Elder Li, Elder Li?" Lu Fanfeng shouted softly.

Elder Li suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the stone table in the pavilion. His hands struggled to lift the stone table that weighed several hundred Jin off the ground.

"Aiyo, Elder Li, your illness is just right for you. Quickly, put it down!" Lu Fanfeng quickly advised. Elder Li then put down the stone table and laughed out loud.

"Little brother, you are my benefactor, and this disease has been bothering me for 40 years. I didn't think that one of your spiritual medicines would be able to cure it!" Elder Li laughed heartily. His voice was like a large bell, without the slightest bit of hesitation.

"Aiyo, Elder Li, don't speak nonsense. I'm your junior, how can you call me little brother!" Lu Fanfeng anxiously refused.

"You've cured my illness and are my benefactor. Don't worry, from today onwards, anyone who dares to bully you in Huadong City will take my name!" Elder Li said.

"I won't cause trouble either. Elder Li, as long as you're well!" Lu Fanfeng laughed.

"Wait, come to my house tomorrow night. I have something to give you!" Elder Li said earnestly.

"What is it?" Lu Fanfeng asked.

"Hehe, boy, you're so lucky, I'm willing to teach you my Lee Family. You have to know, my three sons have never learned this set of profound arts!" Elder Li laughed.

"Absolute arts? The one who caused you internal injuries? " Lu Fanfeng rejected him from the bottom of his heart. He was not like Elder Li who would be tortured by internal injuries for his entire life.

"You brat, do you know how powerful this absolute art is?! Back then, how many people of my Lee Family died to obtain this absolute art, and you actually didn't want it?! You truly don't know your own limits!" Elder Li was enraged, if not for Lu Fanfeng healing him, he would have scolded him.

"Alright, alright, what's the name of your absolute art?" Lu Fanfeng could only pretend to be interested.

"Heaven's Destruction Divine Art!"

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