Lu Fanfeng did not do anything to the ghost girl called Qianqian. After all, she had been here for a long time, if she wanted to do anything, she would have already done it.

Without a foolproof plan, it was best not to alert the enemy.

Just that, when he came out from the first floor, Lu Fanfeng's heart was heavy.

When he arrived at the second floor, Snowy, Xiao Yafaang, Zhao Zi Shu, Lee Miaoying and co. were already waiting for him at the entrance.

Lu Fanfeng slightly nodded to the girls. The instant his gaze swept across Lee Miaoying, a message actually appeared in his mind.

"Lee Miaoying, a dark attributed top-tier Spirit Root, a metal attributed top-tier Spirit Root, evaluation of talent is rarely seen, a genius in this world!"

"What?" Lu Fanfeng was shocked, this Lee Miaoying was actually a rare dual attribute top ranked Spirit Root, "But, why is it Lee Miaoying!"

Lu Fanfeng's head was spinning, anyone could do it, but why did it have to be Lee Miaoying, this girl was always going against him.

For example, right now, Lu Fanfeng had only taken one more glance at her, but the other party had actually stared straight at him.

"Damn it! I have to at least make her not have any hostility towards me so that I can accept her as my disciple!" Lu Fanfeng realized that he had a new problem.

When he turned around, he would observe the other girls. He did not know whether the Shining World Devil Eye s had shut down or whether the other girls lacked talent.

Lu Fanfeng was not in a hurry either. When he refined the Shining World Devil Eye in the future, he would be able to observe normally.

However, the girls all found a problem. Every time Teacher Lu went to a dorm, he would first ask them how many people there were in the dorm.

Fortunately, there was no problem with the number of people left. Lu Fanfeng saw that it was the same as the other girls.

Only, he did not find a new female ghost, but instead found a strange girl, Lin Meiyu.

Before this, Lu Fanfeng only remembered that the other party was a girl with a good figure, but today, when he saw Lin Meiyu.

"Lin Meiyu, I didn't inform you in advance, why are you only wearing your underwear!" White Snow had been accompanying Lu Fanfeng in his rounds the entire time. When she saw that Lin Meiyu was only wearing underwear on her upper body, she immediately got even more annoyed.

Lin Meiyu ignored her, and instead took the initiative to walk in front of Lu Fanfeng. Crossing his hands in front of his body, he bent down on purpose, making him seem more like a mountain range with deep valleys and valleys.

"Teacher Lu, is it nice to watch?" Lin Meiyu intentionally pulled open her undergarment a little. That magnificent scene that was surging with energy, how many women were there that were envious, and how many men looked at it?

Lu Fanfeng was also staring straight at her, but he wasn't looking at the beautiful scenery in front of Lin Meiyu.

Through the Shining World Devil Eye, Lu Fanfeng could see a green light flashing around Lin Meiyu's body, as if it was the God of Ancient Merit Ring.

Lu Fanfeng didn't know what this meant, but he was sure that Lin Meiyu was definitely not an ordinary person.

Following that, Lu Fanfeng maintained his composure, gave a few simple instructions, and then continued to investigate.

After obtaining the Shining World Devil Eye for less than half an hour, Lu Fanfeng's view of the world had completely changed. He originally thought that demons and ghosts were the stuff of legends, but now he knows that those things really do exist, and that they are by our side.

When the entire female dorm building walked down, it was already past eleven o'clock. Many girls had already fallen asleep, and Lu Fanfeng had closed the door.

He first had to figure out what Lin Meiyu was, whether that girl called Qianqian was a ghost or not, and who the bikini beauty was.

Taoist Fanfeng: Brother, are you there?

Lu Fanfeng also did not know who the other party was, and immediately replied with this sentence.

Duck replied almost instantaneously, "Yes, Fellow Daoist, what's the matter?"

Taoist Fanfeng: There is no one in the world that can emit green light from their body. It cannot be seen on a normal day, only when using a secret technique.

Duck: It is definitely a demon, but the specific type of demon requires a higher level of magic. Some common objects that were tainted with Buddhist light would also be able to emit the radiance. In addition, there were also some ancient vicious beasts that flourished with splendor. There were also strange ancient beasts. In addition, the weakest type are the various types of Ganoderma Spiritual Herbs. After they become essence, they will also become the same.

After a moment, Duck added: There is another kind, the Spiritual Jade!

"Beautiful jade? Lin Meiyu? Could it be that she became a spirit of jade? " Lu Fanfeng was suddenly enlightened. That green light was like the light emitted by a jade.

Taoist Fanfeng: Then is there a technique to exorcise ghosts?

Duck: You don't even know how to exorcise ghosts. It seems like you're very weak.

Lu Fanfeng immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He had always been pretending to be a great god, but who would have thought that a single sentence would actually be exposed.

Duck: Could it be that you occasionally get a phone from the Heavenly Court?

Taoist Fanfeng: Is there anyone else who had such a fortuitous encounter?

Duck: That little girl doesn't know any better. She gave a total of five Heavenly Court phones. After a few rounds, I don't know where these five phones are anymore.

Taoist Fanfeng: Who is this little girl?

Duck: You should not know. Duck has the skill to exorcise ghosts in it, but it's better to leave it alone than to leave it alone. You still need to untie the knot in the other party's heart, so that it can be resolved once and for all.

Lu Fanfeng remained silent, but Duck continued, "To you, this is a good thing, your Dark Devil Soul Gathering Flag needs a few ghosts. If you can subdue it and make it be used by you, naturally there will be many uses."

After finishing this conversation, Lu Fanfeng was somewhat restless.

Now that the fact that he was a mortal was known by others, he could only hope that the other party would keep quiet.

After thinking about it, Lu Fanfeng laughed, "Why would the God of Heaven make a move on me, he is looking down on me too much!"

Lu Fanfeng was self-deprecating, but the truth was right. Who would care what an ant did? Lu Fanfeng was an ant in the eyes of the gods.

Upon realizing this, he was no longer in a hurry. Calming his heart, he started to cultivate step by step.

Lu Fanfeng's cultivation was much simpler than that of the others. An hour or even a second more every day was not good.

In the teachings of the Profound Light Immortal, he repeatedly emphasized the importance of foundation.

Ten years to hone his sword, or even longer, was no problem.

On the path of cultivation, one must never advance recklessly. Stepping on the ground and taking things step by step was the best plan.

So at around 12 o'clock, Lu Fanfeng finished his training, and started to read the cultivation techniques related to exorcism.

However, he discovered that it was impossible to complete the task of reading all the cultivation techniques and notes.

There weren't many cultivation methods. Many of them only had a few thousand words, but the explanations were as vast as a sea of smoke.

Sometimes, the original text was only a few words, but the annotations were tens of thousands of words.

As for the majority of the cultivation techniques, Lu Fanfeng still needed to read the annotations, his foundation was too weak after all.

If this continued, then even if those students were to graduate from their third year, he would still be unable to finish reading all of the cultivation techniques.

There was no other way, Lu Fanfeng could only find the best book to study. And Duck's reading also provided him with many shortcuts. For example, the books with the most clicks were generally acknowledged as the best books …

After reading it for a while, the sky lit up, but Lu Fanfeng had only completed a small portion of it.

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