"Imperial Concubine, come to your house another day. I still have some matters to attend to today!" Saying that, Loong Beiling looked at Lu Fanfeng again, "Master Lu, do you have time now? "A new special force has been formed in the military sector. I'd like to …"

"No time, no time, I'm going home to visit!" Lu Fanfeng flatly refused.

"Fan Feng, don't mess around!" Huang Yuexue advised, "General Long's matters are more important, we should go with him first!"

"Tsk, I don't want it!" Lu Fanfeng said in displeasure.

"Fan Feng, Uncle Long must have something important for you!" Chu Yafei's gentle and moving voice sounded out. Lu Fanfeng was really unable to reject it.

"Alright, I'll go take a look!" Lu Fanfeng replied with great difficulty.

Loong Beiling, on the other hand, looked at Chu Yafei in a new light. He did not expect her to actually make Lu Fanfeng lower his head.

After bidding the two girls farewell, Lu Fanfeng took Loong Beiling's car to the suburbs.

He changed into a helicopter at the outskirts of the camp and walked through the vast mountains before arriving at his destination.

"This is the training ground from before Dragon Tooth, it has already been abandoned for a long time, this time we have to use it for the training of female soldiers!" Loong Beiling explained.

"Such a remote place isn't good. Girls should be placed in the city, only by doing this can we nurture nobility!" Lu Fanfeng said.

Loong Beiling laughed bitterly, "This is not a beauty selection, we are training the special forces, what do you want from the nobility!"

"Don't spout nonsense if you don't understand!" Lu Fanfeng had his own perseverance, the special forces that he wanted were not the type of female men who only knew how to dance spears and play with sticks.

"These girls are chosen from the different military regions. You should know that the more beautiful girls are, the more temper they have. It is extremely difficult to convince them!" Loong Beiling was experienced in managing male soldiers, but he was helpless in dealing with females.

"Leave it to me, I have my ways!" Lu Fanfeng said with a face full of confidence.

The helicopter quickly reached its destination. From afar, it could see nearly a hundred female soldiers lined up in neat formations. It did not seem to be as difficult as Loong Beiling had said.

Through the Shining World Devil Eye s, Lu Fanfeng had long seen the girls' appearances. Indeed, every single one of them were beautiful women with an excellent demeanor and valiant air, each of them was a reality version of Hua Mulan.

Looking at the near hundred valiant and valiant female soldiers, Lu Fanfeng felt as if he was looking at a blissful life beckoning to him.

However, he didn't have to be complacent for long. When the helicopter flew over the training ground, the propeller stirred the air, bringing up a huge amount of air current.

The harsh noise echoed throughout the training field as the female soldiers covered their ears.

As the helicopter slowly descended, the noise became louder and the wind became stronger.

The female soldiers had never experienced this before. Most of them came from the logistics department, and upon seeing this scene, they were thrown into chaos.


With a shout from an unknown person, all the female soldiers scattered and fled in all directions. After the helicopter landed, there was only one female soldier left in the entire training ground.

"Hur hur, as I've said before, it's not easy to manage!" Loong Beiling shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, the mountaineers have their own brilliant plan!" Lu Fanfeng pretended to be calm, but the expression on his face was not good.

The cabin door of the helicopter opened, and Lu Fanfeng walked out first. Looking at the only female soldier in the training ground, he even handsomely waved his hand, as if he was the leader of an inspection team.

But, his handsome face did not last a second, following that, Lu Fanfeng staggered, and fell straight to the ground, using his handsome face to interact intimately with the ground.

"Master Lu!" Loong Beiling found it funny, but he endured it. After all, the other party was Martial Arts Sect Master.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Let me check the training grounds. It feels pretty good!" Lu Fanfeng said as he rubbed his face. It was not bad, it was bumpy and there were still many marks on his face.

"General Long, is this the master you found?" The only female soldier at the scene walked over and asked, but her tone was not friendly.

"Right, right, Master Lu!" Loong Beiling, however, pretended to be calm and introduced him, "Master Lu, this is the most powerful female officer under my command, Han Shengnan!"

Lu Fanfeng had already noticed Han Shengnan long ago. This female officer was around 25 or 26 years old, and her height neared 1.8 meters. She wasn't as skinny as the girls from the city, but was more like a sports beauty in Europe and America.

The capable military uniform added a bit of charm to her body. And those two plump peaks were simply coveted by others.

"Hello, I am Lu Fanfeng!" Lu Fanfeng took the initiative to introduce himself and stretched out his hand at the same time.

Han Shengnan did not care about that, "A soldier's etiquette is to salute!"

"Shengnan has been in the Dragon Tooth Special Forces since graduation. You also know that people who can enter the Dragon Tooth are not simple. Not to mention a girl, even if it were a man, few would be able to survive! " "Shengnan was indeed very pleased with this female general, and kept praising her non-stop," Previously, she was only managing the regular special forces, but she was giving me face this time, which was why she agreed to help you train your female soldiers!

"Eh, I have a question!" Lu Fanfeng seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and looked at Loong Beiling seriously: "She isn't your mistress, Xiao San, you should know what I'm talking about!"

"Pfft!" Loong Beiling almost vomited blood. This Master Lu's brain was just too big.

"You …" Han Shengnan was even more infuriated, she had managed many elite soldiers but had never seen such a person before, so she was so angry that she couldn't say a word.

"Shengnan, don't mind it. Loong Beiling helplessly explained. Indeed, there were times when Lu Fanfeng's brain was rather big.

"Really?" But Lu Fanfeng felt that this question was very important and insisted on asking it.

Loong Beiling was helpless, and quickly supported Han Shengnan away, "Shengnan, stop standing around, quickly call the female soldier back!"

As Han Shengnan left in a rage, Loong Beiling quickly pulled Lu Fanfeng along, "Master Lu, Han Shengnan is a disciple of the Han Family of a large clan from the capital, don't provoke her!"

"Han Family?" Lu Fanfeng revealed a pondering expression, and then said slowly, "Never heard of it!"

Loong Beiling only wanted to smash his head against a wall, but actually had never heard of Han Family before, "The power of the Han Family is ten times stronger than the power of the Lee Family!"

This time, Lu Fanfeng understood. "The Han Family is very strong!"

In fact, Han Shengnan had the ability to do so not only because of her powerful Han Family. These delicate female soldiers had only been training for a few days, yet they already had a military bearing. With Han Shengnan's order, the girls returned to the training grounds.

However, all the girls had reluctant looks on their faces.

"Commander Long, there's something I need to tell you!" Han Shengnan said somewhat helplessly, "As of today, there are already ninety-four female soldiers who have applied to return to their original units!"

"Ninety-four! There are a total of ninety-four female soldiers!" Loong Beiling was speechless.

"All the female soldiers have to return to their units?" Lu Fanfeng laughed, although it was not unexpected, these female soldiers were previously in the logistics department, leading a comfortable life, who would be willing to suffer?

Now that they were forcefully brought together, there would probably be many people who would be unwilling.

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