"This is your problem!" Lu Fanfeng said, "Regarding the recruitment, all of you are in charge of it, I am only in charge of training!"

"This …" Loong Beiling was once again defeated, was Lu Fanfeng really reliable? This was the first time he had doubted it.

"Actually, we have already completed the first phase of our mission!" Lu Fanfeng looked at Liu Yina. With such a genius in her hands, she was definitely stronger than an army with thousands of men.

Cultivators never looked at quantity, only at quality. A single powerful disciple was absolutely more important than a hundred, or even a thousand ordinary disciples.

"I had to put in a lot of effort to apply for it. Is there only one person I can train?" Loong Beiling still couldn't accept it.

"If you think this won't do, then continue recruiting. In addition, I will also send the talents I found here!" Lu Fanfeng already had a suitable goal in his heart, but it was not convenient for him to say it.

Lu Fanfeng's hometown was located in Jinxi Province, and his hometown was located in the vast mountains in Jinxi, at Red Apricot Village.

Next to the Red Apricot Village was the Jade Maiden Village.

The reason why Lu Fanfeng wanted to go to Jade Maiden Village as a teacher was because he wanted to use his own strength to help his fellow villagers.

However, after that, his wish failed, but Lu Fanfeng had never forgotten his dream.

Bringing the children of the Red Apricot Village and jade village out of poverty to become rich was also Lu Fanfeng's biggest dream.

"When I have time, I want to return to Jade Maiden Village!" As Lu Fanfeng thought about this, he also remembered the terrifying legend of Jade Maiden Village.

When he left the training grounds, it was already midnight. Lu Fanfeng only brought Liu Yina with him.

Speaking of which, it was really strange. With so many female soldiers, even though there wasn't a single top Spirit Root of the third tier, Lu Fanfeng was still extremely disappointed.

If other cultivators were to find out, they would probably vomit blood.

Many sects that roamed the universe and experienced countless stars might not even be able to find a top three Spirit Root. Lu Fanfeng had already gotten such a result after his first selection, but he was still not satisfied.

"If Master Lu thinks so highly of Liu Yina, then do the other female soldiers not need to train?" Loong Beiling asked again.

"I'll stay here for now. If their innate talent is lacking, I'll use a secret method to make up for it!" Lu Fanfeng said very casually, but Loong Beiling broke out in a cold sweat as he listened.

"Talent can also be made up through precelestial means?" Loong Beiling felt that he had too little experience.

After bringing Liu Yina back, Lu Fanfeng arranged a room for him to stay, "Rest well, you can move around freely in the day, but you must come back at 6 PM.

Liu Yina was startled. Freedom to move around during the day and imparting secret techniques at night, was this still a troop?

On the second day, as expected, Lu Fanfeng did not bother with Liu Yina for an entire day, but Liu Yina did not go out to shop.

She stayed at home all day, tidying up the rooms and cleaning up.

However, when Lu Fanfeng returned from school, he only threw her a Mp3.

At Liu Yina's age, she didn't even know what this thing was used for.

"Listen carefully and repeat your words repeatedly. Once you understand them, practice according to the instructions written in the book. Tomorrow night, I will check your cultivation speed!" At the same time, Lu Fanfeng left her a bottle of Immortal Cloud Spirit Water Original Fluid. This kind of spirit item was suitable for cultivation, Lu Fanfeng only gave his a bottle, and this was only the second bottle.

After that, Lu Fanfeng hurriedly left the room.

Lu Fanfeng had left behind a total of three cultivation techniques, namely the Great Dark Heavenly Curse, the Scorching Sun Heart Refining Technique, and the Heaven Wind Demonic Technique.

These three skills were all carefully selected by Lu Fanfeng. While he was reading, he also praised these three skills, and even the one with the lowest score, the Great Dark Heavenly Curse, had 4.5 points.

It was the one with the highest score on all dark attribute cultivation techniques. The only reason why it was not as good as the other two was because dark attribute cultivation techniques were very rare and the number of people training was not many.

Although Lu Fanfeng was Liu Yina's master in name, he didn't have much ink in his stomach. He might as well let Liu Yina study it on his own.

With three top-notch cultivation methods, coupled with the Dark Devil Soul Gathering Flag, Liu Yina's future achievements could not be underestimated.

Previously, Lu Fanfeng had always wanted to visit that girl called Qianqian, but due to all sorts of delays, he had dragged his feet until now.

But there were too many good things to come, and when Lu Fanfeng arrived at the hospital, he realized that he couldn't even see Qianqian.

"Sorry, Ji Qianqian has already completed the discharge procedures!" the hospital nurse replied.

"What?" Is she well? " Lu Fanfeng was puzzled, looking at the situation yesterday, Ji Qianqian was already dead, if not how could her soul leave her body?

"This is the will of the family!" The nurse said that was all she could say.

"So the family means that she is not dead?" Huang Yuexue was very smart and immediately thought of this.

After Huang Yuexue obtained the Eight Trigrams Purple Ribbon Celestial Robe, she also gained the ability of the Yin Yang Eyes. Lu Fanfeng thus told her everything.

At the back of the classroom, there was a table that was supposed to be empty, but Qianqian was currently seriously reading a book. If not for Lu Fanfeng's warning in advance, Huang Yuexue would have treated her like a normal student.

"This …" The nurse hesitated, but then shook her head slightly. "I have no way to answer this question!"

"Let's go to Qianqian's house!" Lu Fanfeng said.

"Now I still have to go back to school to look up Qianqian's school record. Qianqian's mother's phone is no longer working!" Just go straight to her house. " Huang Yuexue said somewhat helplessly.

The school usually left their parents' contact information, but since yesterday, Qianqian's mother's phone number had been cut off.

Lu Fanfeng suddenly felt an incomparable pain in his eyes, and then, he saw a panicking mountain village. There was a hidden temple, with more than ten people huddled together, holding their magic tools, chanting.

Ji Qianqian was lying in the middle of the crowd, his entire body covered with red fruits, with only a white bedsheet draped over his body.

A beautiful woman was crawling beside Ji Qianqian, holding onto the girl's hand, but her face was covered in tears.

"Oh my god, Ji Qianqian is no longer in the city, Ji Qianqian's mother is taking her to see what is going on, this world is huge, how can I find her!" Lu Fanfeng suddenly felt her head hurt.

"How do you know that Ji Qianqian is not in the city?" Huang Yuexue asked with a surprised expression.

"I have no way of explaining it, but there's no use in going to her house now!" Lu Fanfeng asked, how could he find Ji Qianqian's body?

There were too few clues as to where the fragment he saw earlier was and Lu Fanfeng was not familiar with the surroundings so he had no idea where it was.

"Let me ask my dad!" Huang Yuexue anxiously said.

"Your father isn't a deity, so how could he know all this?" Lu Fanfeng was speechless.

Huang Yuexue did not explain as she dialed Mayor Huang's number.

After a simple inquiry, Huang Yuexue's beautiful eyes immediately lit up, "My father said that there weren't many nearby monasteries, only three. A few days ago, he had heard that Master Sun from the south had come to the Huadong City and even paid a visit to him. Master Sun said that he will be conducting a law at Five Dragons Temple in the near future! "

This time, it was Lu Fanfeng's turn to be shocked speechless, "Miss Huang, even this is possible?"

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