"Under the influence of evil?" Huang Yuexue was shocked. If it was the past, she definitely would not have believed in this. However, after knowing Lu Fanfeng, she understood that those things really did exist in this world.

"Qianqian has been possessed. Since three months ago, she has not been able to recover from her illness. I have thought of all sorts of methods, including domestic and international ones, western and Taoist medicine, as well as the Dharma Voodoo Gu. Everything has been exhausted. There is nothing I can do about it!" Ji Yanyan said with a sorrowful look on her face, "It was only when I contacted Master Sun that I saw hope!"

"Since you're under the influence of evil, why don't we take a look and see? Lu Fanfeng is an expert in the art of evading evil by means of the strange armor!" Huang Yuexue suddenly said.

Lu Fanfeng was also caught unprepared, but he knew that was the only way to enter the Taoist temple.

"You're still so young, yet you dare to say that you're skilled in the Mirage Armor? I'm afraid I've cultivated the Dao for even longer than you!" Sunn Chuanting said impatiently.

"Really? Then why don't you give it a try!" Lu Fanfeng was also interested, he felt that this Master Sun was not a good person, maybe it was just a man's seventh sense.

"No matter what, since you're already here, why don't you go in and have a cup of tea first!" However, Ji Yanyan was very polite, to be exact, she had been in a mess for a long time, and was in a bit of a hurry to seek medical treatment.

"Humph!" Sunn Chuanting snorted coldly, and walked into the temple alone.

However, Lu Fanfeng realized that the people who were following Sunn Chuanting did not go inside, but instead went into another car.

It was an extended version of a Mercedes-Benz. The door opened and an old man in a black robe walked out.

The black robe was very big, so it was impossible to see the other party's appearance clearly. However, when Lu Fanfeng saw the finger that was as dry as a dried corpse, he knew that the other party was not young.

The old man in the black robe held a jar in his arms. As he walked, he staggered along, needing the support of others.

But, the aura this elder was giving off made Lu Fanfeng feel extremely uncomfortable, even Zhang Keer who was at the side also frowned.

They entered the Five Dragon Temple, and only then did Ji Yanyan invite Huang Yuexue and Lu Fanfeng, and the two walked in side by side.

When they arrived at the front hall, Ji Qianqian had already been set up. Just like what the Shining World Devil Eye had seen, Ji Qianqian's entire body was covered by a white blanket, revealing her shoulders.

The girl's face was pale and her body was emaciated. She was only breathing longer than the dead.

"Plant man?" Huang Yuexue asked in a low voice.

"Yes, this is what medicine calls a vegetable, but it's different from a normal vegetable …" Lu Fanfeng passed through the Shining World Devil Eye s, and saw that Ji Qianqian's body was releasing traces of Evil Qi, but she did not know where this Evil Qi came from.

"Zhang Keer, look around and see if there's anything strange!" Lu Fanfeng told Zhang Keer through telepathic thoughts.

Now, the entire hall was filled with people, Lu Fanfeng simply did not have the chance to look for them.

Zhang Keer accepted the order and left.

And at this time, another person walked in from outside the hall. He wore a simple Daoist robe, and on his chest was embroidered a massive primal chaos diagram.

"Master Wu!"

When the crowd saw this person, they all bowed in respect.

Sunn Chuanting took the initiative to welcome him, "Senior Brother, I'll be troubling you to borrow the precious location today!"

Master Wu waved his hand. "Junior Brother, where are you going? We're all family!"

Then, Master Wu looked around, only to see Ji Yanyan, "Benefactor, this is your good fortune, to be able to invite my junior brother and Nan Yang's Master Chen, this is truly a cause for celebration!"

Ji Yanyan quickly got up, "Great Master Wu, Great Master Sun, Master Chen, I will depend on you all today. After everything is done, I am willing to give up half of my family property to thank the three of you!"

Sunn Chuanting and Master Wu quickly waved their hands, "We cultivators naturally have to be merciful, how can we accept your thanks!"

Lu Fanfeng spoke with a very righteous tone, when suddenly he laughed, "Heh …"

Lu Fanfeng's voice was not loud, but why was it so loud?

Everyone turned to look, Ji Yanyan's face revealed displeasure, Sunn Chuanting's face was filled with anger, but Master Wu opened her mouth and asked, "May I know who this benefactor is?"

Ji Yanyan said helplessly, "This mister, I heard that he also knows some Dao arts!"

"Oh?" Master Wu curiously looked at Lu Fanfeng, "I wonder where little brother's master is?"

Lu Fanfeng was also honest, after some thought, he said, "My mentor is Lü Dongbin!"

Lu Fanfeng was not wrong, his Primordial Nine Dragons Technique was passed down to him by Lu Dongbin.

However, this truth sounded like a lie to everyone.

"Lu Dongbin?"

"Haha …"

The hall immediately burst into laughter. The leader of the Eight Immortals, Lü Dongbin, all the people from the Middle Kingdom knew about him. However, that was only in legends. How could a legendary figure come out and recruit disciples?

"Lü Dongbin, did he teach you how to avoid dogs?"

"Do you think you can use magic just because you had a dream?"

"Don't cause trouble, everyone here is a famous Tao technique master in the Middle Earths. You'd better be quiet for a while!"

Everyone saw Lu Fanfeng as a madman, and even the way Ji Yanyan looked at Lu Fanfeng was different.

Lu Fanfeng could not be bothered with the rest, he took out his phone and started playing.

Only this time, he directly opened the Underworld's QQ and entered Ji Qianqian's name into the search bar.

After clicking the search, a picture appeared. It was Ji Qianqian.

Lu Fanfeng was curious, Ji Qianqian's body had not died yet, so why did her soul become a ghost already?

He could only ask Ji Qianqian for information.

Taoist Fanfeng: Qianqian, this is Teacher Lu. I checked your dorm room last time.

Ji Qianqian: Teacher Lu, why are you in my mind?

Lu Fanfeng felt that those words were normal, since it was more normal than when he had died.

Taoist Fanfeng: Qianqian, have you noticed that something is amiss?

Lu Fanfeng guessed that Qianqian should not have discovered her death yet, otherwise she would not have insisted on attending her lessons.

Ji Qianqian: I found out, no one is willing to bother with me, no matter what I do, they don't seem to see.

Taoist Fanfeng: Qianqian, stop lying to yourself. It's already been three months, can't you guess what happened?

Ji Qianqian: Teacher Lu, I'm fine. What do you want to say?

Lu Fanfeng immediately took a photo and sent it to Ji Qianqian.

This made everyone unhappy and they started to criticize Lu Fanfeng.

Lu Fanfeng was playing on his own phone.

Taoist Fanfeng: See? It's not as serious as you think. You just turned into a vegetable and your soul left your body.

Ji Qianqian: Teacher Lu, where is this? Can you help me? I don't want to die.

Taoist Fanfeng: Come to this place immediately. You are a ghost and have power that normal people do not have. Come quickly, I will help you revive.

Ji Qianqian: Alright, I'll be there shortly!

Putting down the phone, Lu Fanfeng relaxed. His body did not die, his soul could still be found. Although Lu Fanfeng did not know much about Tao techniques, he still had a 90% chance of reviving Ji Qianqian.

Thinking about it, Lu Fanfeng couldn't help but be happy.

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