The moment the black object touched Ji Qianqian's white face, it actually disappeared.

Then, a miraculous scene happened. Ji Qianqian actually opened her eyes.

"He's alive, he's really alive!" Ji Yanyan shouted excitedly.

Following that, Ji Qianqian actually sat up on the bed all of a sudden. Before anyone could react, she had already flipped over and jumped off the bed.

"Qianqian!" Ji Yanyan cried bitterly. After three months, her daughter had finally recovered.

Only now did Ji Qianqian find Ji Yanyan, and immediately ran towards her barefooted.

However, just as Ji Qianqian was about to jump into her mother's embrace, a discordant voice suddenly sounded out.

"Come here!"

Then, Ji Qianqian seemed to have been grabbed by someone, her entire body was fixed in place, not even half a meter away from Ji Yanyan.

"Qianqian!" Ji Yanyan panicked, and rushed forward to hug her daughter.

But, Ji Qianqian's body suddenly flew up, straight in front of Lu Fanfeng.

Lu Fanfeng did not speak further, he grabbed the girl's neck and lifted her up.

"What are you trying to do!" Sunn Chuanting bellowed, and acted as though he was going to snatch it.

But who would have thought that right after he charged in front of Lu Fanfeng, a white jade hand slapped onto his body.

This famous master was struck so lightly that he staggered backward, almost falling to the ground.

It was only now that everyone could see clearly that the one who had attacked was Huang Yuexue.

"What are all of you doing!?" Zhou Daosheng raged, "Hurry up and release Qianqian, or I'll call the police!"

"Release Qianqian and return Qianqian to me. I'll give you anything you want!" Ji Yanyan cried bitterly. She was finally reunited with Yue Yang, she did not expect such a thing to happen.

"Hey Lu, don't you want money? Let go of Miss Qianqian, we have something to talk about!" Master Wu advised.

"You want me to release Ji Qianqian?" Lu Fanfeng smiled slightly, "But, she isn't Ji Qianqian, so I don't need to release her!"

"Why is she not Ji Qianqian? Just now, Master Sun and the Master Chen joined hands to save Miss Qianqian. Did you not see that?" Ji Zhenzhen, who had been silent all this time, also shouted loudly.

"Lu fella, it's fine if you don't help, but don't cause trouble here." How did I offend you? You wanted to harm Qianqian. "Scram, hurry up and scram. You are not welcome here!" Ji Yanyan felt a little mental breakdown. Furthermore, the protagonist was her daughter, her most beloved daughter.

"Are you telling me to scram!?" Lu Fanfeng sneered, "I can scram, but there are some things that I need to clarify first!"

Lu Fanfeng coldly looked at Master Chen, "Master Chen, right? Didn't I say before, Ji Qianqian lost his soul. Then why did you grab her soul out of the jar? Was Ji Qianqian's soul captured by you? "

The moment he said this, the expressions of everyone present were all different.

Ji Yanyan's eyes were filled with confusion, she had long since no idea who she should listen to.

Ji Zhenzhen was secretly annoyed as she stared at Lu Fanfeng.

Master Chen was still the late stage old man, as if he didn't hear Lu Fanfeng's question.

However, Sunn Chuanting's gaze shifted, as if he was thinking about something.

Zhou Daosheng revealed a look of enlightenment, he was also fooled by the world shocking Tao technique, so he did not think of this point.

As for Miao Changfeng, one could not see the expression on his face.

"That Lu surnamed person, Master Chen has been searching everywhere since a month ago. He found Miss Qianqian's soul and placed it inside a jar, that's why everything happened just now!" Sunn Chuanting's brain was quick, he immediately thought of an explanation.

"Is that so?" However, Lu Fanfeng smiled with ridicule, "But, since you found out that Ji Qianqian lost his soul a month ago, why did you still pretend to have just discovered it? Can't you just say it out loud? Why are you acting? "

"This …" Sunn Chuanting was at a loss for words. Saying a lie would require ten lies to make up for it. Even with his brain, he could not explain this.

"You guys haven't found Ji Qianqian's soul at all! The thing that was just injected into Ji Qianqian's body is just a little brat raised by Chen Guangrong!" But Lu Fanfeng gave the answer.

"Little devil?"

A lot of people don't know what a kid is.

"This Master Chen is not some famous expert, his real identity is Tame Head Master!"

All this information was what Zhang Keer had just told him.

"The Southern Ocean Tame Head Master has a tradition of raising children, and this Master Chen is no exception!" Lu Fanfeng said.

"You are slandering us. We are righteous people, how can we raise kids!" Sunn Chuanting shouted excitedly.

"Is that so? Then why is Chen Guangrong like this? " Lu Fanfeng asked, "If I'm not mistaken, he is not even forty this year, am I right?"

"Forty? "How is that possible? I think he's older than my grandfather!" Zhou Daosheng suddenly interrupted.

"Hehe, if you don't say so, I still don't know what your relationship with this matter is!" Lu Fanfeng turned his head to look at him, "Chairman Zhou, if you don't kill Bo Ren and Bo Ren dies because of you, would you blame yourself?"

"Lu..." I don't know what you're talking about. " This was the first time Zhou Daosheng revealed a panicked expression, but it was only for a brief moment.

"About your matter, I've already deduced the gist of it!" Lu Fanfeng looked at Miao Changfeng, "The Miao Family isn't very strong, so they always want to climb higher. Coincidentally, his daughter is in love with your son, am I right?"

Lu Fanfeng had long seen through the upper class. If they didn't have any relations, how could this big shot of Huadong City have any contact with these kind of third-rate merchants.

"So what if that's the case? It's not like we're talking about a scandal!" Zhou Daosheng said righteously.

"It's nothing much to have children falling in love, but you underestimated a person!" Lu Fanfeng laughed, his eyes sweeping across everyone, and landed on Ji Zhenzhen.

"What are you looking at me for? I'm Qianqian's aunt, how could I harm her?" Ji Zhenzhen immediately explained.

"It seems like no one said you harmed Ji Qianqian!" Lu Fanfeng laughed.

With these words, Ji Zhenzhen could no longer remain calm, she now understood what was meant by saying too much and losing.

"You are a very kind aunt. Half a year ago, you gave Qianqian a bracelet she got from the Western Regions to protect her safety. Chairman Ji, you should know about this as well, right?" Lu Fanfeng looked at Ji Yanyan.

"Yes, that's true, but how do you know?" Ji Yanyan looked at Lu Fanfeng with suspicion.

"Actually, it wasn't from the Western Regions, but rather something obtained from Southern Ocean. Of course, during this time, it would also be with Chairman Zhou's help, if not for you, Ji Zhenzhen wouldn't even know where Master Chen was!"

"Nonsense, nonsense …" Zhou Daosheng was excited, but everyone believed what Lu Fanfeng said.

"There's nothing special about that bracelet, except that it smells really good!" As Lu Fanfeng spoke till here, his expression suddenly changed, "No one would have thought that the Venomous Insect love that fragrance the most!"

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