Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 201: Su Yu plans to become a nobleman

  Chapter 201 Su Yu plans to become a nobleman

  Su Yu only came to Zhaixing Building twice, and both times they passed by in a hurry, using the teleportation array of Zhaixing Building to go back and forth between Dayue Mansion and Dixian Mansion.

Su Yu doesn't know much about the power of the Zhaixing Building, but according to some classics of the Dixian Mansion, the Zhaixing Building has a long history and is one of the well-known formation forces in the Dagan Immortal Cultivation World. Master can count with two hands, and one of them is Venerable Xinghai, the current ancestor of Zhaixinglou.

  It should be noted that, as one of the top ten immortal sects, the Earth Immortal Mansion only has Taoist Tianyu who is a top fourth-order formation master.

   This shows the scarcity and strength of Tier 5 formation divisions.

  In addition to the Zhaixing Tower, there is another force in the world of Daqian Xiuxian named Zhiyue Pavilion, which is the generational enemy of the Zhaixing Tower.

   It is rumored that in the ancient times, a legendary formation master left behind his own lineage, but later the lineage was split into two, which fell into the hands of the founders of Zhaixing Tower and Zhiyue Pavilion respectively.

  From that moment on, the grievances between Zhaixinglou and Zhiyue Pavilion have never ceased.

  The purpose of the inheritance of the two major Dao forces is to recapture the inheritance of the Dao in the hands of the other party, and to obtain the true inheritance of the Dao Patriarch of the Dao.

  When Su Yu teleported from the Immortal City of Ten Monarchs to the nearest Immortal City, Zhaixing City, the entire Immortal City was filled with a dignified, hesitant, and flustered atmosphere.

   This is not because the Star Picking City or the Star Picking Building were attacked, but because the Zhiyue Pavilion came to the door.

   "Xinghai Patriarch Shouyuan is almost at the end of his life, and he suffered some injuries in the Heavenly Demon Sacred Forest before. This means that Yuege is really deceiving people. He even came to the door at this time and forced Daozi to agree to the promise of Daozi!"

   "Hey, apart from accepting the promise of Daozi, do the ancestors, the landlord, and Daozi have any choice? One is to fight with Zhiyue Pavilion, and the other is to compete with Zhiyue Pavilion Daozi. There is no choice at all."

   "I heard that in this dao covenant, the loser will offer the Dao inheritance with both hands."

"If it's just Zhiyue Pavilion, then it's fine, but the problem is that Yuege and Wanxian Palace have formed an alliance. Once the war starts, Zhaixing Tower will not only be facing Zhiyue Pavilion, but Zhiyue Pavilion plus Wanxian. palace."

   Walking out of Star Picking City, Su Yu heard a lot of news about Star Picking Tower, the light in his eyes suddenly became a little deeper, and the pupils shrank slightly.

   Refers to Moon Pavilion!

   Wanxian Palace!

  Zhaixing Tower and Zhiyue Pavilion are not weak, but they are only array forces, far less powerful than Fangxianmen.

  If Wanxian Palace really intervenes in the feud between Zhaixinglou and Zhiyue Pavilion, then this will definitely be a disaster for Zhaixinglou.

   But fortunately, the appointments between Zhiyue Pavilion and Zhaixing Building have not started yet, and the agreed time has not yet arrived.

  Zhaixingcheng and Zhaixinglou can still maintain order and calm.

   Walking out of the Star Picking City, Su Yu waved Taixu out of the Magical Artifact Palace, letting it release its body, and the figure landed on its back: "Go, go to the Star Picking Tower."


  Taixu let out a cry with a little excitement, and the sound resounded through the world in an instant.

   Rear in Star Picking City.

One after another Yuanying Zhenjun's expression changed suddenly, and he looked at the sky outside the city with a look of shock. His eyes looked across the endless void, and saw a giant bird filled with blue-purple flames rising from the sky. Just like an ancient phoenix was born, it turned into a shock in the air, and disappeared in an instant.

  But the fierce power of the blood left by Taixu shocked all the Nascent Soul True Monarchs in Zhaixing City.

   "What monster is that?"

   "No, there seems to be someone, it's a monster bird on a mount!"

   "There is something wrong with this breath. The cry of this monster bird, and this fierce aura make me feel afraid? Just relying on such a beast?"

   "Hiss, the blood of this giant bird is not simple. It seems to be related to the ancient Tianfeng. When it crowed, all the beasts and monsters in the city trembled and fell to the ground!"

   "Who is that man?"

  The Nascent Soul True Monarchs in the Zhaixing Building were shocked and discussed a lot, but no one knew the person on the back of the monster bird.


Su Yu slapped Taixu on the head, and reprimanded in a low voice: "Are you stupid, dare to scream like this outside, do you think that too few people know you, know that you have Tianfeng blood, want to let People are coming to arrest you, right?"

  Tai Xu nodded, and a voice similar to that of a teenager sounded in Su Yu's mind: "I want to be the most powerful and powerful mount for the master! It's better than that turtle!"

  You are the stupidest one.

  Su Yu patted it on the head again, and said, "Concentrate on your journey."

The mountain gate of the Star Picking Tower is not far from the Star Picking City. It took less than half a day for a misty mountain to appear in front of you. At first glance, it seemed that it was a mountain covered in mist, but when you look closer, it is actually A barrier to the sky similar to a boundary wall.

  Just the breath of heaven and earth permeating the barrier made Su Yu look awe-inspiring, with an inexplicable sense of awe in his heart, and he couldn't think of any offense.

  This aura is enough to make immortal cultivators, monsters, and monster clans below the venerable gods stand in awe, and stay away from it.

  Compared to the Immortal Gate Barriers of Dixian Mansion, it may be just a little bit worse.

  The lair of the mountain gate cast by the fifth-order formation masters of the Zhaixing Tower in the past is definitely one of the safest and most dangerous places in the world of cultivating immortals.

   Others that can be compared with it should be the Ten Great Immortal Gates, and other fifth-order formation forces, such as Zhiyue Pavilion.

  Su Yu came to the gate of Zhaixing Tower in Taixu, and just approached, there was a shout: "Who is here!"

  Su Yu said: "Su Yu, the elder of the Dixian Mansion, is here to visit his old friend Ma Shiqing, and I hope you will pass on the news."

  At the entrance and exit of the Zhaixinglou mountain gate, a disciple who led a team to guard the place was shocked when he heard this: "The elder of the inner house of the Dixian Mansion? Want to visit Daozi?"

  His tone was a little respectful, and he said: "Elder Su, please wait a moment, I will report to Daozi right away!"

   After waiting at the mountain gate for a while, two figures appeared at the entrance and exit of Zhaixing Building.

  One of them was Ma Shiqing who hadn't seen him for many years.

  Compared to before, Ma Shiqing's appearance and hair are much younger now. If he looked like an old man in his 70s and 80s before, now he looks like a man in his 50s or 60s at most.

Following the guard disciples out, Ma Shiqing saw Su Yu standing on the back of a gigantic bird that was more than 20 feet away, feeling the mighty might of Taixu, Ma Shiqing was startled, and his figure came to Su Yu in a flash Standing in front of him, Taixu looked down and said in shock: "Brother Su, Taixu has broken through to the fourth level!?"

  Su Yu said with a smile: "It's been so many years, if it doesn't break through again, I have to consider whether to find a wife for it, and hope that its son will be better off."

   Taixu screamed and muttered under him: You should find me instead, don't just talk but don't do it.

  Su Yu took Taixu back to the Magical Artifact Palace, and under the leadership of Ma Shiqing, he entered the mountain gate of the Star Picking Tower smoothly.

   The two walked in while chatting about the current situation.

  Su Yu said: "I heard some news when I came here. The situation of the Zhaixing Tower is not very good recently?"

  Ma Shiqing's face was heavy, and he didn't hide it. He nodded and said: "Well, the old grievances with Zhiyue Pavilion, if you don't agree to the agreement with Zhiyue Pavilion, my Zhaixing Tower may be facing war by now."

  Su Yu glanced at him and said calmly, "Are you sure?"

  Ma Shiqing took a deep breath, and said: "The other party is a Taoist at the second level of the Nascent Soul Realm, and the Dao Dao Realm is only half a step away from the fourth-level middle-level."

   "If I can't break through the Nascent Soul Realm within three years, maybe I can only choose to fight and see if I can save the situation with the power of the Earth Master."

  Su Yu stopped, looked at Ma Shiqing's body, and frowned slightly.

  Ma Shiqing's cultivation base was the first among the five of him, Luo Qianyu, Qingquan Taoist, and Shuhai Taoist to reach the peak of alchemy.

  But now he, Luo Qianyu, and Taoist Qingquan have successfully broken through the Nascent Soul Realm, while Ma Shiqing, on the contrary, is stuck at the bottleneck of the Nascent Soul Realm level and has not been able to break through for a long time.

   From here, it can be seen that the proficiency panel is really scary, and there is no bottleneck.

  The further back, the more critical and important this point is!

  Looking at Ma Shiqing for a moment, Su Yu saw a reason: "Is it a matter of longevity?"

  Ma Shiqing nodded lightly, and said: "This is one of the disadvantages of the earth master. A large amount of life energy is consumed, which will lead to aging of one's body and deterioration of talent."

   "If I try to break through the Nascent Soul Realm now, even if I swallow the Ningying Pill, the success rate may be less than half."

   "Of course, regardless of the success rate, I will still try to make a breakthrough in the past three years."

   "If there is no hope, then go ahead and fight like this. If you fight hard, I can still form a fourth-tier low-rank earth master formation."

The gate of Zhaixinglou is not as big as that of Dixian Mansion, but there are also towering spiritual mountains, and Ma Shiqing directly led Su Yu to the main peak. He became the Taoist of Zhaixinglou not long ago, and now there is a cave on the mountainside of the main peak. .

  Bring Su Yu into the cave, the two sat down at a stone table outside the courtyard, Ma Shiqing waved out a set of tea sets, and drew a spiritual spring from the depths of the cave to make tea for Su Yu.

  Su Yu sat opposite, frowning slightly in thought.

  In his opinion, the location of Zhaixing Building is actually quite special, because it is not too far from Da Yue Mansion, it is the center of the Dagan Immortal Cultivation World, and the nearest major force to Da Yue Mansion.


  One day, Ma Shiqing grew up with the power of Zhaixinglou, became a fifth-tier land master, and took charge of Zhaixinglou.

  The power of Zhaixinglou fell into the hands of Ma Shiqing, who was born in the Great Moon Mansion.

  The Zhaixing Tower, is it equivalent to a barrier for the Great Moon Mansion to face the central regional forces of the Dagan Cultivation World?

  And if, this barrier decays, it falls into the hands of Zhiyue Pavilion and even Wanxian Palace.

  Su Yu's pupils shrank slightly.

  Although Dixian Mansion is still in peace with Wanxian Palace, except for a little friction between Yulong Palace and Jiulingxian Mountain, Dagan Xiuxian World is generally peaceful.

   But what if, when the older generation passed away and they became the backbone of various forces, and even high-level combat power, there would be turmoil in the ten immortal sects?

  Perhaps, possibly, the idea is a bit far-fetched, but there is nothing wrong with planning for a rainy day!

  As long as I, Ma Shiqing, Luo Qianyu, Qingquan Taoist and others do not fall, then the future is indeed very possible, and they can become the top combat power of Dixianfu and Zhaixinglou.

  When there is any friction and turmoil, the hostile forces will be directed at them.


  Get rid of the idea of ​​persecution paranoia, purely from the fact that Ma Shiqing is in charge of Zhaixing Building, it is a beneficial thing for him.

  Combined with the power of the Earth Immortal Mansion with the formation strength of the Zhaixing Building, there are not many things that can threaten the Earth Immortal Mansion.

   So how to help Ma Shiqing?

Su Yu thought about it for a long time, and Ma Shiqing poured him a cup of spiritual tea. Seeing his frown, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. After practicing for so many years in the Zhaixing Building, I can still become the Daoist of the Zhaixing Building. It has some strength."

   As he spoke, Ma Shiqing changed the subject and said, "By the way, Brother Su is here to pick up stars this time for business?"

  Su Yu shook her head lightly and said, "My business is not in a hurry. It's you."

   After he sighed softly, he stretched out his hand, and with his thought, two jade bottles appeared in his hand.

  These two jade bottles, one contains five drops of Tiansui soul liquid, and the other contains one hundred drops of fourth-grade low-grade spirit liquid.

  Su Yu handed the jade bottle to Ma Shiqing, and said, "Brother Ma, try these resources, and see if they can help you break through the Nascent Soul."

   Ma Shiqing looked slightly surprised, and when he took the two jade bottles and looked at them, his expression suddenly changed.

   "Heavenly Marrow Soul Liquid!"

   "There is also this kind. What kind of spiritual liquid is this? How do I feel that this spiritual liquid seems to contain a magical power?"

  Su Yu said: "It's all accidental, so don't worry about it, Brother Ma."

   "The most important thing now is to increase your success rate of breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm as much as possible."

   Ma Shiqing looked quite complicated, stood up and bowed deeply to Su Yu: "Thank you, Brother Su, for your help."

  Su Yu waved his hand and said, "It's a good idea to do so, that's all, don't drink tea, you can try these two things first and see if they can be useful to you."

   "If it doesn't work, then we can think of another way."

  Ma Shiqing was very moved. Under Su Yu's repeated request, he first placed Su Yu in his own cave, while he went into a secret room for retreat.

  Su Yu made tea outside and drank alone, and thought of the ancestor of Zhaixinglou again in his mind: "Injured? I don't know what the injury is?"

  If this is to push the Daozi of Zhaxinglou to the Nascent Soul Realm, and then heal the injury of the ancestor of Zhaixinglou.

  Then, should I be able to become a guest of the Zhaixing Tower?

  However, getting on the pole is not a business, and there is no need to get up on it by yourself. Besides, he still doesn't know what kind of injury the ancestor of Zhaxinglou suffered.

   Thinking about healing the injuries of a venerable and a fifth-order formation master like this, I think too highly of myself.

  But, I came here this time because I wanted to ask the ancestor of Zhaxinglou to help set up the teleportation array!

  The patriarch of Zhaixinglou can't be injured, so who can he ask for help in setting up the formation?

   Gently shaking his head to suppress these thoughts, Su Yu thought about the matter of Zhiyue Pavilion and Wanxian Palace again. Ma Shiqing broke through the Nascent Soul Realm, can he win the Dao battle agreement with Zhiyue Pavilion?

   If they can win back against the opponent, then Zhiyue Pavilion will have to hand over the array inheritance to Zhaixinglou!

  Really at that time—

   "Referring to Moon Pavilion or Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, will they go back on their word?" Su Yu pondered secretly, feeling that at this point, the possibility of these two forces going back on their word is at least 90%!

  That is related to the inheritance of Taoism, and how could it be handed over so easily.

  Even if Yuege and Wanxiangong repented, they could not be dealt with by the strength of Zhaixinglou.

  Unless, Zhaixing Building can catch Dixian Mansion.

  Su Yu secretly planned.

Time passed slowly, Su Yu stayed in Zhaixing Building for more than three months, after more than three months, Ma Shiqing came out of the customs, and as soon as he left the customs, he laughed and said: "Brother Su, you are really my nobleman! "

   "The spiritual liquid is really effective. I am in a very good state now. If I try to break through the Nascent Soul Realm now, the success rate will be at least 70%!"


  Ps: Ask for a monthly pass.

  (end of this chapter)

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