Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 220: Five thousand troops were wiped out with a wave of hands

  Chapter 220 The five thousand army was wiped out with a wave of hands

  The information that the elder saw at the base of the Qingyu Immortal Palace in the wilderness was not only the movement of the various forces they controlled in the wilderness, but also the movement from the Dagan Immortal Cultivation Realm.

  After the accident happened to Daozi, the second immortal city of Dixian Mansion, a hand appeared to disrupt the situation invisibly.

   Set off a turmoil against Dixian Mansion.

  The barren land fairy city army of various forces began to move, and gathered towards the four fairy cities of the Earth Immortal Mansion in the barren area, the largest number of which was the first fairy city of the Earth Immortal Mansion.

  Even the people who came from the immortal gate of the Earth Immortal Mansion were blocked in the immortal city.

  The blood mouths of various forces have already opened up and swallowed towards the other three fairy cities.

   Seeing such a situation, the elder of the Qingyu Xiandian chuckled. Although the Dixian Mansion had wiped out the strongholds of the Qingyu Xiandian in its own area, it had nothing to do with him. He personally has no hostility towards the Dixian Mansion.

   But seeing Dixian Mansion suddenly plunged into such a vortex, he felt a little interesting: "The world of cultivating immortals is like this, unpredictable, and crisis will come at any time."

   "This time, the Dixian Mansion may have to bleed and be cut by other forces."

  Somewhere in the wasteland.

  A 3,000-man Wanxian Palace war repair army divided into three warships is crossing the endless wasteland and heading towards the third fairy city of the Earth Immortal Mansion.

On the battleship in the middle, a Tianjiao who had just broken through the first floor of the Nascent Soul Realm asked in a low voice: "Daozi, why did we suddenly attack the Earth Immortal Mansion? damage, but it is still not easy to deal with the other immortal cities of Dixian Mansion."

   Daoist Gu Shaokun, who was pregnant with the ice feather spirit body, stood in front of the battleship with an indifferent expression, and calmly said: "An accident happened in the second fairy city of the Earth Immortal Mansion, that is just an opportunity."

   "In the past ten years, Xianmen has approached the Immortal Mansion many times to discuss, but the Immortal Mansion has ignored them."

   "My Ten Thousand Immortal Palace has not shot for many years, and I have made other immortal sects feel fearless, and they don't take us seriously."

   "This time, Xianmen, Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace, and Jiulingxian Mountain will all take action together. There will be people from the ancestors who join hands to stop the Earth Immortal Mansion from the first immortal city of the Earth Immortal Mansion."

   "And the second immortal city, the third immortal city, and the fourth immortal city of Dixian Mansion will no longer exist from now on."

   "Facing the power of the Four Great Immortal Sects, how can his Immortal Mansion resist?"

  The Nascent Soul Realm Tianjiao looked awe-inspiring, secretly surprised: "To erase the three fairy cities of the Earth Immortal Mansion? Is that their Daozi, too."

Gu Shaokun snorted softly and said, "Daozi? Even with the three melons and two dates from Dixian Mansion, is he worthy of being called Daozi? Dare to ruin my good deeds of Wanxian Palace, destroy the three fairy cities of his Dixian Mansion, and kill two of them!" Daozi, that's just a little interest, and from now on, the Earth Immortal Mansion will know what price to pay for its arrogance."

  The Nascent Soul Tianjiao whispered: "I'm afraid, the Immortal Mansion will go crazy."

  Gu Shaokun said calmly: "Crazy? Perhaps, that's exactly what the ancestors wanted to see."

  If Dixian Palace doesn’t go crazy or lose its mind, how can Wanxian Palace continue to target them?

   Across the endless wasteland, after several months, the three warships finally entered the third fairy city of the Earth Immortal Mansion.

  Dixianfu's fourth fairy city.

  Su Yu, Fan Xiao, Huang Shitao, and Huang Zhu all walked out of the Great Hall of the Immortal City, and looked at the vast sky outside the Immortal City.

  The 5,000 Hualong Guards in the Yulong Palace and the 3,000 Lihuo Army in the Lihuo Palace added up to 8,000 troops besieging the Fourth Immortal City.

  In it, there should be two Daozi of Yulong Palace and one Daozi of Lihuo Palace, a total of three Daozi.

  Behind the three Taoists, there are at least three Nascent Soul Realm peak powerhouses, and there should be many True Kings in the late Nascent Soul Realm. They are already two to three times stronger than the Fourth Immortal City in the wasteland of the Dixian Mansion.

   And this may not be all.

  Afterwards, there may be armies of other forces appearing.

  Su Yu looked at the sky outside, and said calmly: "All I can know now is the appearance of the armies of the two immortal sect forces from Yulong Palace and Lihuo Palace. I'm not sure if there are other forces."

  Huang Shitao thought for a moment, and said: "Although they have a large number of people, it is still impossible to break through the fairy city in a short time."

   "As long as we can last for about half a year, someone will come to help us if we want to come to Xianmen."

  Su Yu suddenly said: "Then what if there is no help? Except for us, who can be sure that other fairy cities have not been attacked?"

  Huang Shitao's eyes narrowed, and he said: "Then can they still intercept the descending of the ancestors of Xianmen?"

  Su Yu nodded and said, "This is not impossible."

"Trapping the first fairy city, the second fairy city, the third fairy city, and the fourth fairy city will become isolated islands. At this time, it only needs to attack and pull out most of the power of the fairy gate in the barren land. "

   "There is only one first fairy city left, and it will not be a climate in the wilderness."

   "This will at least prevent Xianmen from getting involved in the resources and opportunities of the wasteland for hundreds of thousands of years."

   "It can even get rid of the three Taoists of our Earth Immortal Mansion, so that the next strong man in our Earth Immortal Mansion will have a fault, and it will be difficult to support them alone. At that time, if they are forced to attack one by one, the Earth Immortal Mansion will inevitably decline."

  Huang Shitao and Huang Zhu looked at Su Yu in astonishment. What they said made Huang Shitao and Huang Zhu shudder.

  Fan Xiao also changed her face and looked at Su Yu.

  Fan Xiaoxin said in amazement: "Uncle, are you overthinking this? Although there are large armies in Yulong Palace and Lihuo Palace near the Immortal City, the situation is not so bad, right?"

  Su Yu sighed softly in his heart, and said, "I'm talking about the worst case scenario, and I also hope that an accident in the Second Immortal City won't put the Immortal Gate into such a crisis."

  At this time, Huang Shitao looked out of the city again with a slight expression, and said in a low voice: "They are here."

The spiritual senses of Huang Shitao, Huang Zhu, Su Yu, Fan Xiao and others successively sensed that warships were attacking towards the Immortal City at a very fast speed. The army is divided into three warships, with different distances.

  The five thousand Hualongwei of Yulong Palace first came to the outside of the Fourth Immortal City.

  The five battleships stopped about a hundred miles away from the fourth fairy city. The five thousand Hualongwei all came out of the battleships and began to form an array and slowly press towards the fairy city.

  The army of Lihuo Palace is more than a thousand miles behind, but it will not take long before they will reach the city of the Fourth Immortal.

  Looking at the armies of the two forces, a huge ax appeared in Huang Shitao's hand, and he whispered: "I will lead the Earth Immortal Army to defend the city. Fellow Daoist Huang Zhu, you guard the formation of the Immortal City."

  At this time, Su Yu suddenly called Huang Shitao to stop. He frowned and waved his hand to call out his magic weapon palace, and released Qin Kexin and Li Zhong from inside.

  Huang Shitao and Huang Zhu sensed the aura of Qin Kexin and Li Zhong's eighth and seventh levels of Nascent Soul Realm, and their expressions changed slightly, a little shocked.

   These two—who are they?

   All three of Fan Xiao looked at Su Yu in astonishment. Before they could ask, Qin Kexin and Li Zhong respectfully bowed to Su Yu: "I have seen the master."

Su Yu nodded lightly, he looked at Huang Shitao, Huang Zhu, and Fan Xiao and said, "Both of them are fourth-rank top-rank formation masters, and one is named Qin Kexin, who once referred to the third elder of the Moon Pavilion, who was cultivated at the eighth level of Nascent Soul Realm. ; a man named Li Zhong, who used to be the Fourth Elder of the Zhaixing Building, has a cultivation base of the seventh floor of the Nascent Soul Realm."

   "But now, they are all under my control and serve me."

   "The two of them can control the big formation in Xiancheng to meet the enemy."


   Huang Shitao, Huang Zhu, and Fan Xiao shrank their pupils. They looked at Qin Kexin and Li Zhong who were so respectful to Su Yu in disbelief, and were a little dazed.

  Huang Shitao looked at Su Yu suspiciously, and said in surprise, "They are at the eighth and seventh levels of the Nascent Soul Realm. You, how do you control them?"

  Fan Xiao looked at Su Yu incredulously. These are the two true masters of the late Nascent Soul Realm, not Xiao Xiami.

  How to control it with the cultivation strength of the uncle?

   Don't let the uncle be controlled by others!

Su Yu said: "This matter is complicated to say, but it is definitely not me who took them down, but the elders. As for control, I just learned a few hands of divine restraint. Both of them have my restraint in Yuanying. One thought You can control their life and death."

   As he spoke, Su Yu pointed out to Qin Kexin and Li Zhong.

  In an instant.

  The aura of divine restraint in Yuanying was revealed on the two of them. When they noticed Su Yu's aura, Huang Shitao, Huang Zhu, and Fan Xiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, Su Yu was not controlled by others!

  Fan Xiao said: "I trust my little uncle."

  Huang Shitao and Huang Zhu looked at each other, nodded and said: "Yes, but Daoist Huang Zhu must control the formation, and the two of them can assist."

  Su Yu said: "No problem, then let me talk about how to deal with their army."

  Su Yu transmitted the sound to the two and one monster, and for a moment, the expressions of the two and one monster were a little weird and shocked, which felt a bit outrageous.

  Fan Xiao couldn't help but whispered: "Little uncle, you can really do this?"

   "Try it."

  Su Yu looked out of the city leisurely, Huang Shitao left with a huge ax in hand, and went to command the immortal army, preparing to meet the enemy.

  Outside the city.

  Yulong Palace's five thousand Hualongwei had already formed a large formation and approached step by step. They didn't stop and wait until they were thirty miles away from the Fourth Immortal City. In midair, five battleships were still eyeing the Fourth Immortal City.

  The figures with the aura of Yuanying Zhenjun were among the five battleships, looking at the people of the Immortal Mansion in the fourth Immortal City.

  The invisible general trend of Xianwei heaven and earth has already stirred up the situation of heaven and earth, shaking and colliding between heaven and earth.

  They are still waiting for the arrival of the army from the Palace of Fire not far away.

  At that time, it will be much safer to attack the Fourth Immortal City together.

  Hundreds of miles behind, three battleships galloped from the Palace of Fire, and they had already sensed the oppressive feeling of the collision between the Yulong Palace's five thousand Hualongwei array and the ferocious force of the Fourth Immortal City.

Standing in front of the battleship in the center of Lihuo Temple, a beautiful fairy wearing a fiery red women's tight inner armor looked at the fairy city in front of her, her eyes were cold, and she sneered: "I heard that the fourth fairy city of this fairy mansion Daozi, is it a woman?"

  A middle-aged strong man wearing dark golden armor behind him said in a deep voice: "I heard that yes, a female cultivator named Fan Xiao is also a disciple of the master of the Earth Immortal Mansion."

  Fiery Red Neijia Fairy said quietly: "The disciple of the master of the Earth Immortal Mansion, I don't know how the Earth Immortal Mansion will react if she is captured alive and thrown into the Ten Monarch Immortal City to sell herself as a servant?"

  At this time, the woman, the strong man, and an old woman not far behind the woman were startled, and then their pupils shrank suddenly.

  Yulong Palace army position, they stopped thirty miles away from the Fourth Immortal City.

   Waiting for the arrival of the army from the Fire Palace, and then attack together.

On the top of the army, the two Taoists of Yulong Palace and the other Nascent Soul True Monarchs did not stand with the army. They were not in a hurry to appear. After the people from Lihuo Palace arrived, they went down to meet Hualongwei Attack together.

   But they didn't do anything, and around the five thousand Hualongwei army, including in the army and above the army, one talisman after another suddenly appeared.

  The appearance of these talismans was too abrupt, and after the slightest ripples appeared in the space, they appeared in and around the army.

  The five thousand Hualongguards, including the ten Yuanying Zhenjun who commanded the Hualongguards, were startled. Before they could react, the talismans had already been aroused, bursting out an aura of space power that turned everyone's eyes away.


  One thousand fourth-order low-grade mirror moon talismans were activated at the same time, and the spatial power erupted from the talismans imprisoned 5,000 Hualongwei in an instant.

  Although the strength of this group of Hualongwei is not bad, their physical strength and even most of them can be compared to the third level, comparable to the alchemy state.


  The space power erupted by a thousand fourth-order low-grade mirror moon charms is even more terrifying. Just one fourth-grade low-grade mirror moon charm can imprison an ordinary Nascent Soul Realm for a few breaths of time in the early stage.

  Now, a thousand low-grade fourth-grade mirror moon charms erupted, directly immobilizing the five thousand Hualong Guards in Yulong Palace.

   And at the moment when the mirror-moon talisman exploded, a mysterious figure wearing a mask and a black cloak appeared behind Hualongwei.

  In an instant, a space domain descended, enveloping 5,000 imprisoned Hualongwei.

  With a thought of the mysterious figure, ripples appeared in the space domain, and in an instant, he disappeared with five thousand Hualongwei.


  The two Daoists of Yulong Palace and the thirty Nascent Soul True Monarchs in the battleship were a little stunned. The burst of breath from a thousand fourth-order low-grade mirror moon charms made their scalps tingle and their hair stand on end.

   Those are a thousand pieces of low-grade fourth-grade talismans, not Chinese cabbage, whoever is serious has so many high-grade talismans in their hands.

   And after that piece of talisman exploded with power, the mysterious figure appeared, and the operation of moving and disappearing with 5,000 Hualongguards made everyone in Yulong Palace even more confused.

   This is the first time they have met in such a situation after living for so many years!

  Among the battleships, the two Nascent Soul Realm peaks and the four Nascent Soul Realm late-stage True Monarchs were the first to react, their faces suddenly changed, and they shouted in surprise and anger: "Space Dao Domain!? Space Dao!?"

  The mysterious figure just now controlled the Space Dao Domain! ?

   And the few of them just screamed out, the next moment, they found out where the five thousand Hualongwei in their family had been moved by the space.

  They suddenly looked up at the fourth immortal city of Dixian Mansion, and saw large formations suddenly erupting in the fourth immortal city.

  The 5,000 Hualongwei who had just been moved in were still a little confused, and they were baptized by countless killing forces.

  (end of this chapter)

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