Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 224: The crisis is resolved into the land of the dead

  Chapter 224 The crisis is resolved into the land of the dead

  The Earth Immortal Army searched the ruins of the Second Immortal City. Perhaps it has been visited by a group of monsters. There are not many complete corpses at the scene, and most of them have been eaten.

  The Earth Immortal Army gathered the remains of the Earth Immortal Mansion and cremated them together, and buried the ashes under the ruins of the Second Immortal City.

  Looking at the ruins, Daozi Panlong looked unhappy, and said in a low voice, "I don't know if anyone in the Second Immortal City can escape."

   "It's time to go, we can't stay long, this place is not far from the first fairy city." Su Yu didn't stay too long in the second fairy city, and didn't have time to feel sentimental.

  Now the situation in the First Immortal City is uncertain, and it is related to whether they can return to the Immortal Gate safely and live or die.

  If something happens to the First Immortal City, then they will really be trapped in the wilderness.

  I want to rush back by myself, but I don't know how far I will go and how many dangers I will go through.

  The destruction of the Second Immortal City has become a fact.

   Now only if they go back safely, will they have the opportunity to recover the blood debts for the brothers and uncles in the Second Immortal City in the future, so as not to let them die in vain.

Let Fan Xiao, Panlong, Huang Shitao and others all enter the magic weapon palace, Su Yu finally glanced at the ruins of the Second Immortal City, took a deep breath, the space around his body rippled violently, he took a step, and his figure disappeared instantly not see.

  The second fairy city is closer to the first fairy city, and the fourth-tier battleship may only need two months to arrive.

  It took Su Yu less than five days to arrive near the First Immortal City.

From a long distance, Su Yu could feel the aura of a distracted venerable that surpassed the Nascent Soul Realm from the First Immortal City. get away.

   Even Su Yu felt his scalp tingle instantly when he sensed the aura of the Venerable Distraction.

   "One, two, three. A total of five gods in a distracted state encircled the first fairy city?" He didn't dare to act rashly.

   Instead, he quickly cast Yinzi Xianwen to hide his own existence.

  The Distraction Realm Venerable already has the ability to shake the space, he is afraid that he will be detected by the Distraction Realm Venerable when he travels through the space, and he will be directly shaken out of the space and fall into the hands of the enemy. At that time, he will really be finished.

what to do?

  At this time, Su Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he sensed a familiar aura.


  Dixian Mansion No. 1 Immortal City.

The palace lord, Hongyue, descended in a divine body. He stepped out from the high platform of the teleportation array, and came to the people in the Immortal Mansion outside. His expression was indifferent, and he looked at one figure after another outside the Immortal City. The coercion of the First Immortal City made it difficult for many disciples in the city to breathe, and the air seemed extremely oppressive.

  Hongyue frowned slightly, looked at a white-haired fairy in the center of the crowd, and said, "Honor Yuanxiu, your Ten Thousand Immortal Palace is a bit over this time."

The face of the white-haired fairy is actually not old. On the contrary, her skin is still white and smooth like snow. She looks like a young woman in her twenties and thirties. Her body is as vast as an abyss. If Yuanying Zhenjun is equivalent to a big river, Then the Xianwei on this person is as vast and boundless as the ocean.

   And she was wearing a light red long dress that moved with the wind, her white hair was flowing, and her ethereal aura, like a fairy coming to the dust, was even more unmatched by ordinary female cultivators.

  When the white-haired fairy saw Hongyue appearing, she showed a slight smile on her face, and said, "However, it's not up to you to decide. On the contrary, your Earth Immortal Mansion has been acting too much recently, which is too much."

  Hongyue's expression remained indifferent, and her tone did not change at all: "Really?"

   "Honor Yuanxiu, are you trying to teach Dixian Mansion how to do things?"

   Saying that, Hongyue didn't care about the white-haired fairy.

   Instead, he looked at several god-distracting venerables from other forces. Yulong Palace, Lihuo Temple, and Jiulingxian Mountain all had God-distracting realms, and now four of the top ten immortal gates in the Dagan Xiuxian world have come.

  Counting the Dixian Mansion, it is a conflict between half of the immortal sect forces.

Palace Master Hongyue's eyes were deep, looking at the lords of the three factions of Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace, and Jiulingxian Mountain, he smiled lightly and said: "Why, Wanxian Palace wants to take control of my Immortal Mansion, and you guys want to do it too!" Intervene? Aren't you afraid that if you fail to intervene, your hand will collapse instead?"

   "Still, in your opinion, my Immortal Mansion is just so easy to bully."

An old man with two claws on one head, a single horn on his head, and blood-red scales all over his body, who looks like a dragon-like beast, is riding under his crotch and said with a smile: "The master misunderstood, we just came to see Watch the fun."

   "The Earth Immortal Mansion is not easy to bully, but now it is not the Earth Immortal Mansion that we want to bully, but the Ten Thousand Immortal Palace."

   "There is an injustice and a debtor. The mansion master should go to Wanxian Palace. It is useless to find us."

   The implication is that Hongyue can't threaten them.

  Dixian Mansion is not easy to bully, but now that Wanxian Palace is taking the lead, it is not a big deal for them to step on them. As for the threat from Palace Master Red Moon? Hehe, they are also from the forces of Xianmen, so they are afraid of a bird.

   Hongyue knew the attitude of these families when she heard the words, but it may not be Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace, Jiulingxian Mountain and Wanxian Palace teaming up to deal with Dixian Mansion.

   But taking advantage of the opportunity of the Dixian Mansion's accident in the second fairy city in the wasteland, they followed the Ten Thousand Immortal Palace to step on the Dixian Mansion, and the few of them were very willing to do it.

  Thinking for a moment, Hongyue looked at the white-haired fairy and said, "You want to see me, so tell me, what do you want from Wanxian Palace?"

  The white-haired fairy looked at Palace Master Hongyue with cold eyes, and said in a voice that echoed in the First Immortal City: "It's very simple, hand over the ancestors of Zhaixing and the Daozi and inheritance of Zhaixinglou."

   "In addition, Dixian Mansion has withdrawn from the wasteland."

  House Master Hongyue shook his head lightly, and said in a calm tone: "You blocked the first fairy city of my fairy mansion, you probably want to do something to the other three fairy cities of my fairy mansion."

   "But do you really think that with just you people, you can really eat the three cities of my Immortal Mansion?"

  He looked again at the venerable gods in the Distraction Realm of Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace, and Jiulingxian Mountain, and said, "Perhaps, you should contact the Daoist of your own fairy sect to see how the situation is."

   "Otherwise, my Immortal Mansion will be damaged because of this incident, but your family will not be happy either."

  As soon as these words came out, the complexions of the venerables of the Distraction Realm from Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace, and Jiulingxian Mountain outside changed slightly, and the eyes of Palace Master Hongyue focused.

   "Palace Master Hongyue, what do you mean by that?"

Palace Master Hongyue began to transmit voice: "Your group of daozi juniors have lost, you now have two choices, one is to continue to follow Wanxian Palace to target my Immortal Mansion, but the daozi of your family will die, the other is to retreat , Nothing happened in my Immortal Mansion."

   "Impossible! Just relying on the small amount of immortal army in your Immortal Mansion, you still want to defeat the four of us? Mansion Master Hongyue, you are dreaming!" The distracted ancestor of Yulong Palace sneered.

  If it is said that the Earth Immortal Army of the Earth Immortal Mansion is only fighting against any of their families, then he may still believe a little bit.

   But now it's not just their Yulong Palace who make the move, but Wanxian Palace is the leader. They, Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace, and Jiulingxian Mountain all make the move together.

  Just to deal with Dixian Mansion.

  If you can still defeat this battle, and be killed by the Dixian Mansion, or even captured alive, he might as well have the same surname as your Hongyue!

  House Master Hongyue looked at him with a little bit of teasing in his eyes, and said via voice transmission: "Your Yulong Palace is the worst, and both Daozi fell into the hands of my Immortal Mansion. Would you like to try it? Is it true?"

  The expression of the distracted patriarch of Yulong Palace suddenly changed again, and his heart skipped a beat for no reason.

   Hearing Palace Master Hongyue's tone and the way he looked at him, his confidence couldn't help being shaken.

  Could it be that what he said is still true?

  If it is true what Hongyue said, the people from Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace, and Jiulingxian Mountain were all defeated, and even Daozi fell into the opponent's hands, what a loss it would be.

  His complexion suddenly became a little unsightly, and he asked in a deep voice: "Did you arrange the Distraction Venerable in those fairy cities?"

Palace Master Hongyue's eyes were condensed, he stared at the distracted venerable of Yulong Palace, and said via voice transmission: "I am trying to persuade you with nice words, do you really take yourself seriously? You, dare to question the deity?"

  The face of the distracted patriarch of Yulong Palace suddenly changed, just after hearing Palace Master Hongyue's words, the hairs on his body stood on end involuntarily, and his hair stood on end.

  The aura of prestige originally condensed on his body is now instinctively restrained, as if he has transformed from a wolf into a little sheep.

   After all, he really can't be presumptuous in front of this person.

  He hurriedly discussed with the ancestors of Lihuo Palace and Jiulingxian Mountain, and at this moment, the three of them were already thinking of quitting. After the discussion, they decided to have a showdown with the Red Moon Mansion Master.

   Less than an hour.

  People from Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace, and Jiulingxianshan Families slowly retreated under the leadership of the three Distraction Masters, under the astonished eyes of Wanxian Palace and others.

  The faces of Venerable Yuanxiu of Wanxian Palace and Patriarch Zhiyue Pavilion changed slightly, their brows were tightly frowned, and their complexions were not very good-looking.

   Did something really happen to the other Immortal City? How many fairy cities in Dixian Mansion failed to be taken by the four immortal sects?

  House Master Hongyue glanced at the two of them, and said: "Go back and tell your Palace Master that the next thing may not be our Immortal Mansion getting out of the wasteland, but your Ten Thousand Immortal Palace."

  Honorable Yuanxiu and Patriarch Zhiyue Pavilion also evacuated with the people from Wanxian Palace, and did not stay any longer, let alone talk nonsense with Palace Master Hongyue.

  They also have to first understand what happened in other places.

   Otherwise, with their family Wanxian Palace, it would be difficult to coerce the Immortal Palace.

   This opportunity to deal with Dixian Palace was completely lost the moment Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace, and Jiulingxianshan Family decided to withdraw, and all their efforts of Wanxian Palace were in vain.

  So no matter how unwilling they are, the two of them can only lead people to evacuate first.

As for Palace Master Hongyue, he did not stop or attack the people of Ten Thousand Immortals Palace. Firstly, Venerable Yuanxiu is not weak. Second, Ten Thousand Immortals Palace is not empty. , there is one more thing to do.

   That is to go to the Land of Absolute Spirits to investigate the cause of death of Daozi and others in the Second Immortal City.

  After Wanxian Palace, Yulong Palace and other celestial sect forces withdrew, Palace Master Hongyue explored all directions with all his vigor. After a long time, he looked in one direction and said calmly: "Come back."


  As soon as the voice fell, ripples appeared in the space around him.

   Wearing a mask and a black cloak, a figure descended beside Palace Master Hongyue.

  Su Yu looked at Palace Master Hongyue, with a slight smile on his face, and respectfully saluted, "I've seen senior brother."

   Palace Master Hongyue looked at his appearance, couldn't help but shook his head with amused smile, but didn't say anything, but asked, "Where are the others?"

  Su Yu waved his hand and took out his magic weapon palace, saying: "They are all inside, but only the people from the fourth and third immortal cities, the second immortal city"

   "When we arrived, the Second Immortal City was already in ruins."

  House Master Hongyue was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: "Is there anyone from Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace, and Jiulingxian Mountain alive?"

  Su Yu said: "There are a few, but it's a pity that the spirit Daozi of Wanxian Palace did not stay."

   "Spiritual body."

  Mansion Master Hongyue looked at Su Yu and said, "If you run away, just run away. He will be handed over to you to deal with in the future. It shouldn't be a problem, right?"

  Su Yu: "."

   There are so many problems.

  Because he didn't want to spend any thought, energy, or deal with that guy at all.

  If you have that time, it would be better to increase the power of the Five Elements Jue, improve your own cultivation, and so on.

   As for the future—

  If that guy really comes to jump in front of me again, he should slap him to death!

   No matter how bad it is, let's train that girl Ma Tianling.

  Using a spirit body to deal with a spirit body is nothing more than a spirit body.

Palace Master Hongyue didn't care much about this, and quickly said: "Put everyone else down, you still have Xiao Xiao, um, that little guy Panlong is here with you, right? Then take him along, and follow him I'm going to the land of the dead."

   This time, Palace Master Hongyue came with a divine body, a Tao body that can practice independently and has its own power.

   It's not the mana imprint Taoist body in Fan Xiao's dantian.

  The combat power of the two is not at the same level.

  Under the order of Palace Master Hongyue, Su Yu quickly released the people from the Fourth Immortal City and the Third Immortal City.

   Then he used the power of the Dao of Space, leading the Red Moon Palace Master, Fan Xiao, and Panlong to shuttle towards the Land of Absolute Spirits.

  Bringing Su Yu, Fan Xiao, and Panlong along was purely because Palace Master Hongyue wanted to bring the three of them to increase their knowledge, and by the way, brought the three of them to practice in the Land of Absolute Spirits.

  After all, it is definitely not an easy place where the Taoist of the Second Immortal City, the Daoist, and 1,500 Earth Immortals can all fall.

   As for the specific situation, he has to go to investigate in person to find out.

   Moreover, Su Yu also controls the power of space, which is more convenient for him. He can go to the Land of Absolute Spirits more quickly, and go back quickly.

And just when Palace Master Hongyue brought Su Yu and three people into the Land of Absolute Spirits, people from the four great sects of Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace, Jiulingxian Mountain, and Wanxian Palace all quarreled, and many of them stayed behind at their homes. The people in Xiancheng are all stupid.

   Their Daozi almost brought out most of the power of Xiancheng, but now, except for a small number of people, all the soul monuments of others have been shattered!

   "How could this happen, how could this be happening!" The elder Yuanying Zhenjun who guarded the Soul Hall was terrified and screamed tremblingly.

  The successive destruction of the body-refining armies of several great immortal sects, this shock was ten times, a hundred times more shocking than the accident of Daozi in the second immortal city of the Earth Immortal Mansion.

  (end of this chapter)

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