Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 235: Occasional chance to escape from the magic tower (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 235 Occasionally Got a Chance to Escape from the Demon Tower (ask for a monthly ticket)

   There are quite a few skeletons in the ruins. The closer you get to the Dao Pagoda, the more skeletons there are. It can be seen that some of these skeletons are righteous monks, but more of them are demonic cultivators. The skeletons are all blood red, and there is a trace of the **** evil spirit that has been left for countless years, which can be seen at a glance.

  Wanxiangong destroyed the remaining formations in the ruins. Although it has not obtained the Taoist pagoda, it has gained a lot of inheritance.

   They were even surprised by the inheritance of an ancient monk who was distracted.

   Immediately paid more attention to the formations in other places of the ruins, and accelerated the search for this ruins.

   It's just that they didn't know that on the top floor of the Dao Pagoda, Ma Shiqing, who was full of demonic energy, had a sneer on his face, watching the immortal cultivators including Wanxian Palace break the formation outside.

  'Ma Shiqing' thought to himself: "Let's break it, try harder to break the formation."

   "When you break through this damned demon-suppressing formation, you can take this tower and leave by yourself."

  Thinking, 'Ma Shiqing' frowned slightly, suppressed the weak consciousness in his mind to resist again, and murmured: "I really don't know how to live or die, can't I merge with me?"

  Looking at this body again, there was a bit of disgust in his eyes, this body was too weak.

  If it weren't for the burden of this physical body, he would not pay attention to the group of people outside.

   "When we leave here, we have to find a way to improve this physical body first." 'Ma Shiqing' was planning for the future, and had to find a place for demon cultivation first.

   Otherwise, in his current state, he could easily be surrounded and killed by the so-called orthodox monks.

  Somewhere in the wasteland.

  Su Yu's dao body puppet controls the power of the space avenue, and leads the master of the Red Moon Palace and the two god-distracting ancestors to move towards the ancient ruins of the dao pagoda at a high speed.

  But when he traveled through the space once, his face suddenly changed slightly.

  The moment his figure pierced through the space and appeared on the other side, an extremely cold breath suddenly permeated over, and as far as the eye could see, it turned out to be a land of ice and snow.

   And the extremely cold breath here, even if it enters the ordinary alchemy state, it will freeze the mana and body.

  Su Yu was full of surprise, and immediately summoned Palace Master Hongyue and the two god-distracting patriarchs from the magic weapon palace, and said in surprise: "Senior brother, the two patriarchs, this seems to be a secret ice and snow realm!"

  House Master Hongyue and the two Patriarchs of the Distraction Realm were a little confused.

  The three of them looked at the icy and snowy land in front of them, and their expressions changed a little.

  Just the icy atmosphere in the secret realm is enough to threaten the alchemy realm. This ice and snow secret realm is not easy!

   Under the cover of the three people's spiritual consciousness, this ice and snow secret realm is extremely huge.

   At least thousands of miles in size.

   There are still many weird places in it, which can block their spiritual exploration, so the three of them are not sure how big this secret realm is.

  House Master Hongyue glanced at Su Yu with a strange look on his face.

  They just came for the tower.

   I never thought about it.

  Su Yu actually broke into such an extraordinary secret realm while walking? Can you bump into an opportunity while you are on the road?

   Thinking about taking Su Yu deep into the Land of Absolute Spirits to find the place where Daozi and others fell in the Second Immortal City, that place is also a secret ancient ruins, which also made Dixian Mansion reap extraordinary results.

  There is also Su Yu's own extraordinary talent, and he brought a spiritual body to the Immortal Mansion.

  House Master Hongyue murmured inwardly: "Is this kid's luck so outrageous?"

  With Su Yu here, the Lord of Red Moon Palace feels as if he has seen a more brilliant future of Earth Immortal Mansion

  Su Yu also looked at the secret place in front of him in amazement, and said, "Brother, should we search here, or rush to grab that Taoist tower first?"

  House Master Hongyue pondered for a moment, looking at the ice and snow secret realm in front of him.

  The master of Hongyue Mansion said: "Let's search first. If it doesn't take much time, then see if there is any opportunity here. If it takes a long time, then go to the Dao Pagoda first."

  House Master Hongyue and the two god-distracting patriarchs took the lead to search this ice and snow secret realm with Su Yu's puppet.


   The four of them were not far ahead, and there was a roar of beasts in the snow-covered dense forest in front of them, and a group of white snow bear monsters rushed out angrily, roaring and charging at Palace Master Red Moon and the others.

  As they slapped the ground with their sharp claws, the loud rumbling noise trembled incessantly, for an instant.

  Blizzard hit the four Red Moon Palace Masters like a frenzy.

  Wherever this blizzard passed, even the air was frozen by this group of snow bears.

  However, Palace Master Hongyue just waved his hand lightly and snorted angrily: "Get lost."


  In an instant.

  The flying snow exploded and melted, and even the fur of the white snow bears that rushed out was split open, deep red blood oozed out, and hot blood flowed all over the body.

   Huge snow bears flew back at an even faster speed, knocking down one tree after another covered in snow and ice.

  The four continued to search forward.

   Soon deep in this mountain range, in the snow bear's lair, I saw a snow lotus plant.

  A fifth-level low-grade snow bear roared angrily with the group of snow bear monsters, but when the Red Moon Mansion Master, a celestial might, Daowei suppressed them at the moment.

  The group of snow bears were so shocked that they almost fell to the ground in fright.

  Finally, led by the fifth-rank low-grade snow bear, they abandoned the mountain and fled towards other places in the secret realm.

  Mansion Master Hongyue, the two God-distracting Patriarchs, and Su Yu's puppet landed in front of that snow lotus. After feeling the pure and strange fragrance of the white snow lotus, the complexions of Palace Master Hongyue and the two God-distracting Patriarchs changed slightly.

  House Master Hongyue was a little startled, and said in a low voice: "This snow lotus doesn't seem to be worse than the Yin-Yang Dao Fruit!"

  Su Yu once heard from Taoist Tianyu that there are many treasures in the wilderness that can help the True Lord of the Nascent Soul Realm to break through the distraction realm.

  One of them is the spar of the gods, which exists in the land of absolute spirits.

  The second is distracting water, a kind of supernatural liquid.

  The third is the Yin-Yang Dao Fruit, a kind of Dao Spirit Fruit.

  The fourth is a top-quality spirit stone, which has not yet been found in the world of cultivating immortals.

  So when he heard that this snow lotus was comparable to the yin and yang dao fruit, Su Yu's pupils shrank, and then he was overjoyed, and said, "Doesn't that mean that this snow lotus can help Master break through the state of distraction?"

  The two distracted patriarchs frowned slightly when they heard the words, but then they relaxed again, and stood quietly by the side without saying a word.

  Su Yu obviously wanted to give this snow lotus to Taoist Tianyu to help Taoist Tianyu break through the state of distraction when he asked this question. As Taoist Tianyu's apprentice, it is understandable for Su Yu to do so.

  Although they also have some disciples and close elders who need to use such a treasure, the two of them thought about Su Yu's talent, and thought that Su Yu was responsible for the discovery of this treasure.

  In the end, the two patriarchs still chose to remain silent, acquiescing that Su Yu took the treasure for his master.

  Su Yu also has this qualification.

  House Master Hongyue glanced at the two ancestors, saw that they had no objection, then nodded slightly and said: "It is very possible, but I have never seen such a treasure of heaven and earth before, and it is not certain whether it will be useful."

   Looking at the state of the snow lotus, it should be just in the mature stage.

   It has not been swallowed by the group of snow bears, so it has to be said that luck is really mysterious.

  House Master Hongyue went forward, carefully took the snow lotus plant, sealed it in a fifth-order spiritual jade box, and put it in his ring. Then he let out a sigh of relief and showed joy on his face.

  With the harvest of this snow lotus, their trip to the wasteland this time is not in vain.

   "Look again, this place is so big, maybe there are other gains!" Palace Master Hongyue said expectantly.


  The Red Moon Mansion Master and Su Yu went to other places to continue searching. They found no trace of human race in this huge ice and snow secret realm.

   On the other hand, the monster group of snow bears can be seen almost everywhere.

  And it seems that they also have some spiritual intelligence and know how to seek good luck and avoid bad luck. Under the celestial power of Palace Master Red Moon, those snow bears of the fourth and fifth ranks chose to avoid the sharp edge.

  After searching for more than half a year in the ice and snow secret realm, the four masters of the Red Moon Palace found a total of more than a dozen treasures of heaven and earth.

  Among them, there are a total of three Tiancaidibao that can rival snow lotus.

  The others are relatively common treasures of heaven, material and earth, such as spirit ore, ice spirit liquid and other treasures.

   After a general search, there are still a small number of mystical places with innate formations left. Palace Master Hongyue intends to stop first, and then find time to break through the formations and search after scrambling for that Taoist pagoda.

   "Brother, tell me, if Xianmen subdue all the snow bears in this secret realm and let them become the mounts of the Earth Immortal Army, what do you think?" After leaving the ice and snow secret realm, Su Yu suddenly suggested.

  In the ice and snow secret realm, there are at least tens of thousands, or even a hundred thousand snow bear monsters.

  The strength is not weak, especially the physical body.

   Surviving in places like the Ice and Snow Secret Realm, their physical bodies are inherently resistant to the power of ice and cold.

   And also controls the cold power.

  With the help of the snow bear demon group, the combat power of the Earth Immortal Army can definitely soar to a higher level.

  When the armies of other immortal sect forces charged, the Snow Bear Monster Group was the first to freeze them. Even if they couldn't be frozen, the icy power would definitely make their bodies stiff, slow down their thinking and reaction speed, and greatly reduce their strength.

  At that time, if the Earth Immortal Army charges, even the battle repair army of Ten Thousand Immortal Palace will be crushed and defeated.

   It is not easy to subdue this group of snow bears for the use of the fairy gate.

   Palace Master Hongyue thought for a moment, and said: "You can try it."

  This is just an episode. The matter of the ice and snow secret realm is temporarily suppressed. The Red Moon Palace Master and the two distracted ancestors escaped into the Magical Artifact Palace. As the Dao Body Puppet once again controlled the power of the Space Dao, they rushed towards the Dao Pagoda again.

  With the harvest of the Ice and Snow Secret Realm, Palace Master Hongyue, Su Yu, and the two distracted patriarchs are quite satisfied.

  Even if the ancient ruins secret realm on the side of the Dao Pagoda did not gain anything this time, their Earth Immortal Mansion can take advantage of the opportunity of the ice and snow secret realm to increase the strength of the Earth Immortal Mansion.

   Three treasures of heaven and earth that can increase the chance of breaking through the distraction state, at least one can succeed, right?

   And one more Distraction Realm Venerable is enough to make the background of the Immortal Mansion even better.

  After all, in the current Earth Immortal Mansion, counting the Red Moon Mansion Master, there are only eight Distraction Realm Venerables.

  Wanxiangong, the head of the immortal sect in the world of Daqian Xiuxian, has more than a dozen.

  When Dao Body Puppet, Red Moon Mansion Master and others wasted nearly a year because of the ice and snow secret realm, Wanxian Palace, Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace and other immortal gates in the Dagan Immortal Cultivation Realm dispatched a Distracting God Venerable to travel with the Distracting God Venerable. After more than a year, they finally arrived at the Dao Pagoda area with part of the army.

  More than 100 miles away from the ancient ruins of Moxiaoju in Yuexianfu Town, Wanxian Palace built a defensive position, and accommodated Yulong Palace, Lihuo Palace and other major immortal sect forces to come in and gather together to discuss matters.

  Wanxiangong passed the news of the Dao Pagoda to Dixianfu and other nine immortal sects, but there are only five Renxianmen who brought people here, including Wanxiangong, there are six.

   Ten Thousand Immortals Palace has four more Distracted God Venerables, and two of the other five immortal sects have come.

  In the simple fairy hall built by Wanxian Palace.

   Venerable Yuanxiu sat at the top, and the other four Venerables of Ten Thousand Immortals Palace sat on the left and right sides. The Venerable Distracted Gods of the remaining five great immortal sects were scattered, each looking for a place to sit in the hall, and divided into six camps.

   "In addition to our Dagan Cultivation Realm, the people who are eyeing that Dao Pagoda are also people from the five realms of Langgu Cultivation Realm, Jianyuan Cultivation Realm, and Dayan Immortal Dynasty."

   "Among them, we need to pay attention to the people of the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty. They are the most threatening forces to our Great Immortal Cultivation World to compete for the Dao Pagoda."

   "Of course, there are also monster clan forces that are constantly gathering here, and they should not be underestimated. If we want to seize the Taoist pagoda in the ruins, our six immortal sect forces need to work together and form an alliance!"

  An extremely immature and handsome distracted patriarch came to Yulong Palace. He frowned slightly and said, "We will work together and form an alliance. If we capture the Dao Pagoda, there is only one pagoda, so how should we distribute it?"

   Venerable Yuanxiu said calmly: "The pagoda is shared by us. At that time, the time will be divided according to the contribution of each fairy gate to seize the pagoda, and we will take turns to take charge of it."

  After some contests and disputes, the six immortal sects reached an alliance agreement to compete for the Dao Pagoda.

at the same time.

  The three major immortal sects in the Langu Cultivation Realm have all come to support them, and the Jianyuan Cultivation Realm, which is dominated by kendo and sword cultivation, has also come to join forces from several immortal sects.

  The Great Yan Dynasty was the most powerful. Ten Distraction Realm Marquis commanders arrived, and they brought fifty thousand Great Yan troops wearing red armour, whose aura shook the heavens and earth. The terrifying power was so powerful that even hundreds of miles away, they felt the coercion from the army. Even the Distraction Realm Venerable could not ignore the chilling aura.

   Regarding such a powerful Great Yan Xian Dynasty, the forces in other regions of the Immortal Cultivation World are constantly talking about it.

  In regions such as Dagan, Langu, Jianyuan, etc., the world of cultivating immortals is a situation where a hundred flowers bloom and countless forces compete.

  But in the Great Yan Dynasty, it was conquered by the ancestors of the Great Yan Dynasty tens of thousands of years ago, creating a world-renowned power of the Great Yan Dynasty.

  To this day, the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty is still one of the top immortal forces in the Cangzhou Region.

   It is heard that the current Immortal Lord of the Great Yan Dynasty is a Daoist in the Hollow Realm.

   It's just that the Immortal Lord of the Great Yan Dynasty has not appeared for a long time, and the affairs of the Immortal Dynasty are all handled and handled by the prince and various princes, and all places are orderly and there is no chaos.

  For those characters, their own practice may be far more important than the power of the Xian Dynasty.

  Because of the birth of the Dao Pagoda, it attracted immortal forces from Dagan Xiuxian World and other regions to fight for it. After the support forces from various places arrived, they hurriedly entered the ruins, continued to break the formation, and approached the Dao Pagoda a little bit.

  During this process, the forces in various regions maintained a tacit understanding, and did not immediately go to war or fight.

  They are all waiting for the formation of the ruins to be broken, and after approaching the Dao Pagoda, they will come to compete and compete.


   Just as they worked together for nearly a month, destroying all the formations in the ancient ruins, in front of them was the Dao Pagoda surrounded by endless ancient magic energy.

   Suddenly trembled a few times, at the moment when Venerable Yuanxiu and the others changed their expressions slightly, and looked intently.


  The Dao Pagoda suddenly rose from the ground as if it had broken free from the shackles of the Great Formation of the Secret Realm.

at the same time.

   The endless ancient magic energy lingering outside the Dao Pagoda and in the secret realm frantically gathered towards the Dao Pagoda, and a huge specter condensed in the sky above the Dao Pagoda.

  The appearance of that phantom is somewhat similar to Ma Shiqing.

  Moying laughed wildly: "Jie Jie Jie, thank you fellow daoists for your help. I was able to get out of trouble today, but I have to thank you fellow daoists for working tirelessly to break through the formation for so many days!"

   "Farewell fellow daoists, we will have a chance to meet again in the future!"

  The next moment, the phantom was in charge of the shattered space of the Dao Tower, and disappeared from the secret realm.


  Leaving Dagan Xiuxianjie, Langgu Xiuxianjie, Jianyuan Xiuxianjie, Dayan Xianchao and other immortal forces were silent, watching the Dao Tower and the phantom fleeing, their faces were as black as coke, extremely ugly.

  If it's just an escape technique, then they might intercept and pursue it.

   But the Shattered Dimension escapes—

  This point, except for those who understand the avenue of space, how can others pursue it?

  It is difficult for them to even break the space.

  However, after the demon energy in the secret realm dissipated, a dilapidated inheritance stone tablet suddenly appeared in the field of vision of everyone in the deep pit under the original location of the Dao Pagoda.

  A great battle ensued.

   This is a stele inherited from Taoist Dongxu. Under the competition of various forces, several pieces of the stele were broken.

  The six great immortal sects in the Dagan Cultivation World joined forces, and paid the price of the fragmentation of the body of the four god-distracting venerables, and the injury of others, and took one of them, which is equivalent to one-third.

  But then on the way they withdrew, they encountered the Yaozu who suddenly rushed out.

   It was hard to fight a **** road, back to the area where various fairy gates in the Daqian Immortal Cultivation Realm built fairy cities in the barren land, Wanxian Palace, Yulong Palace and a group of six immortal gates have already paid a heavy price.

   When Su Yu and the others arrived there, they were already a step behind, and the ruins were already empty.

   In this regard, the Lord of the Red Moon Palace does not feel regretful. With the opportunity of the Ice and Snow Secret Realm, the strength of the Earth Immortal Mansion will definitely be improved in the future.

   "Let's go back to Xianmen first, and send that snow lotus to my uncle." Palace Master Hongyue said.

  (end of this chapter)

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