Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 251: Skeletons of the Taoist Master in the Cave of Tianfenggong Ruins

  Chapter 251 The Skeleton of the Taoist Master in the Cave of the Tianfeng Palace Ruins

   But before she was happy for a long time, Su Yu's heart jumped suddenly. Looking back, she saw the second golden armor commander appearing behind him at some point, staring at him with invisible eyes.

  Su Yu quickly stood up and saluted respectfully: "Senior."

  The second golden-armored commander looked at him for a while, and then said strangely: "You really practice everything."

   "Five elements, body refining, alchemy, talismans, arrays, even puppets, refining weapons, everything."

   "Aren't you afraid that you don't have enough energy?"

   "Although you are the foundation of the Nine-Turn Golden Core, you can cultivate many avenues, but human energy is always limited. You need to be specialized rather than omnipotent."

  Su Yu did not refute or argue, but respectfully said: "Thank you for the teaching, senior, the junior understands."

  The second golden-armored commander curled his lips when he saw this, geniuses have such virtues, and they don't listen to persuasion.

He stretched out his hand to take a picture, and suddenly an iron scroll appeared in his hand. He handed the iron scroll to Su Yu and said, "This is the puppet heavenly book. You should study it carefully. Your next main task is to repair the black scarf guards and add more snacks." .”

   As he spoke, the Second Golden Armored Commander stretched out his hand again, but this time an ancient book fell from the sky and landed in his hand.

  He handed it to Su Yu and said, "The cultivation experience of the Taoist Master of the Hollow Realm you are looking for."

   "This is my reward for you. Remember, study the puppet book carefully. If you can complete the task of repairing the black scarf guard, the boss and I will also reward you."

  After explaining it over and over again, the Second Golden Armored Commander saw that Su Yu respectfully accepted the order, so he left satisfied.

   After returning to the Immortal Palace.

  The second golden-armored commander couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "This stinky boy, he can really bear it. He has been in Wanshulou for so many years, and he doesn't even touch the puppet heavenly book."

   "I have to go there myself."

  The first golden-armored commander Youyou said: "The puppet heavenly book involves the divine way, and it needs to gather incense to concentrate. He may not be able to practice the puppet heavenly book."

  The second golden armor commander said: "We have to try it anyway, as long as it can be done, then Immortal City may regain its former glory."

  In Wanshulou.

  Su Yu looked at the iron scrolls and ancient books in his hand, but he was a little dazed. He knew that in his plan, he would try to understand the inheritance of the Puppet Heavenly Book as long as he found the mysterious inheritance related to the breakthrough of the Hollow Void Realm.

   But he didn't expect that this puppet book and the mysterious inheritance of the cave realm that he needed to find would appear in his hands in such a way.

   He glanced overhead.

  'It turns out that the relevant classics and experience inheritance of Dongxu Realm are all on the upper floor. ’ Su Yu felt a little regretful, so that she would not be able to find any leaks.


  The second golden armor commander gave him a share.

  His mind fell on the ancient book on the cultivation experience of the Daoist Master of the Cave Void Realm, but as soon as his mind approached, Su Yu felt a great sense of depression, which seemed to be a bit unbearable for him.

   Aware of this, Su Yu quickly withdrew his mind, and did not forcefully accept the experience inheritance of the Dao Master of the Cave Void Realm.

  Cave Void Realm Taoist Lord.

   It's a little far from his current cultivation base.

  Even if he inherits this experience, he won't be able to use it for the time being.

  Su Yu turned his attention to the iron scroll puppet Tianshu next to him. When his mind touched the iron scroll, a sense of awe and horror emerged in his heart.


  A ray of light shone on the iron scroll, and in an instant, the scene in front of Su Yu changed.

  In a fairy city hanging above the sky.

  Su Yu's figure appeared in the crowd, looking at a vaguely invisible fairy figure in front of him: "The puppet book comes from a secret place bred by a world."

   "Heaven and earth were born, Dao gave birth to fifty and escaped one of them. This process transforms all things and spirits."

   "To a certain extent, a puppet is also one of the creatures of heaven and earth, and can also have its own life."

   "And to achieve this, you need to attest to the divine way."

  The crisp and pleasant voice came to the ears like the exhortation of a clear spring.

  In the ancient times, listening to this fairy preach for ten years, the first four floors of the first volume of the puppet heavenly book, explaining various puppet enlightenment techniques one by one, until this illusory world is broken.

   Outside, just ten days passed.

  Su Yu's mind was separated from the world, and she was still in a daze.

  Although the figure of the fairy in that inheritance cannot be seen clearly, it has an indescribable aura of immortal power passed down. Just a phantom inheritance affects Su Yu's mind and mind, and he cannot be calm for a long time.

  After a long time, Su Yu's expression changed slightly and he quickly started the Golden Cicada Method.


  As the golden light swept across his mind, Su Yu's mind suddenly became ethereal and peaceful. The previous mood disappeared like a cloud of smoke, and he was completely awake.

  His eyes changed, and he was shocked: "This one, could it be the legendary Yue Xian?"

hard to imagine.

   Such an existence, how powerful will it be.

  Just a small inheritance left many years ago can have such a big influence on him.

  Under the influence of the golden cicada method, Su Yu came to his senses.

  He looked at the puppet Heavenly Book Inheritance passed down in his mind, and the expression in his eyes changed a little again.

   This puppet book is indeed mysterious, beyond his imagination.

   It's a bit like an alternative incense Shinto.

  Take the puppets as gods, make incense for the puppets, and finally let the puppets become the existence of real life.

   But it is obviously not easy to go with the incense and gods.

  It’s like the Wanlong Dynasty who recently set off a turmoil in the Daqian Immortal Cultivation World. Whether it is the Wanlong Dynasty or the Buddha Gate behind him, it is actually for the incense resources of the Dagan Cultivation World.

   There are no other immortal cultivators in the world of Daqian cultivating immortals who practice incense and fire.

  For the Buddha Sect, this is an untapped treasure land of incense.

   But this kind of orthodox dispute, even the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, cannot tolerate the chaos of the Futu Buddhist sect in the world of cultivating immortals, and it is impossible to truly get along with each other and form an alliance.

  Su Yu wants to cultivate this puppet book, repair the black scarf fighters in the fairy city, and even other stronger puppets, so he has to fight for this incense.


  Su Yu frowned and sighed softly in his heart. He didn't really want to get involved in the troublesome way of incense.

  Thinking for a long time, Su Yu glanced at the direction of the Golden Armor Commander's Immortal Palace over there, and thought to himself: "I can only take one step and see one step, and try again when I have a chance."

  He asked the two golden-armored commanders about leaving the fairy city with that ancient book of experience inheritance, but he didn't get a response, and there was no voice of prohibition.

  After carefully trying to leave the fairy city, Su Yu was overjoyed, quickly put away the ancient book, and used the space avenue to return to the first fairy city in the wasteland of Dixian Mansion. He wanted to go back to the fairy gate.

the other side.

  Ten Jun Xiancheng black market.

A piece of information was sent to Su Yu, and Su Yu couldn't help frowning when he saw the information: "Fairy Fengling took some people back to Dayue Mansion a month ago, and then went to Fengluo Lake, where the moon disappeared. spare time."

   "But a few days later, Fengluo Lake suddenly changed. There was a phoenix singing from the sky, and the vision soared into the sky? The entire Fengluo Lake was turned into ruins, and all the water in the lake was evaporated?"

   "There, there seems to be a piece of ancient Tianfeng Palace ruins hidden."

  Looking at this information, Su Yu's eyes became darker.

  Fairy Fengling joined the great power of the Fire Phoenix Heavenly Palace in the Southern Immortal Territory. Although he didn't know much about it, the power of the Fire Phoenix Heavenly Palace was stronger than the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace alone.

  Backed by such a powerful fairy gate, Fairy Fengling is still obsessed with the ruins of Fengluo Mansion?

  In this ruins, what is there?

  He felt a little interested.

  He himself is practicing an ancient Taoist method, the Tianfeng Nirvana Sutra, which has something to do with the ancient Tianfeng Palace, and he is also worried about how to find the follow-up inheritance of this Taoist method.

   Now, it seems that my chance has come.

   Without thinking too much, Su Yu's Taoist puppet immediately called the black scarf warriors together, passed through the teleportation array of the Baihuazong Dongtian Secret Realm, and returned directly to the Great Moon Mansion's Luoyue League Secret Realm.

  Su Yu came to the Great Moon Palace and was personally received by Taoist Liquor, the master of Taoist Qingquan in the past.

   Years of undefeated beauty.

   When Su Yu first met the Daoist Liquor in the Black Market of Dayue more than three hundred years ago, the Daoist Liquor was very spicy and **** in both his temperament and clothes.

   Today, the Daoist Liquor is still the same, his appearance has changed slightly, and he is more charming. He is wearing a fiery red dress with flaming red lips, a shawl with three thousand hairs, and a majestic and seductive peak.

   After the Great Moon Palace and the Hundred Flowers Sect were connected, with the support of resources in the central area of ​​the Dagan Immortal Cultivation Realm, the cultivation base of the Daoists of Spirits has now been raised to the first level of the Nascent Soul Realm without realizing it.

   It's just that I haven't come back for many years, and the Great Moon Palace has also changed a lot.

  Fairy Catkins has not much life left, so Fairy Gu Yue, the former palace lord, abdicated to concentrate on cultivation.

  Now the Great Moon Palace is occupied by a spirit priest.

  Taking Liquor Taoist together to the Fengluohu ruins in Fengluo Mansion, Su Yu asked, "How about the ruins over there? Has Fairy Fengling come out?"

  The spirits Taoist shook his head and said, "Not yet."

  She said with a dignified look: "Lord, that place is not simple. Just the smell of flames leaking from the ruins has already turned hundreds of miles around Fengluo Lake into a piece of terracotta."

   "The location close to Fengluo Lake, even close to the Linking Pill, has a feeling of being incinerated."

   "The landlord wants to enter, so he has to be cautious."


  Accompanied by the ripples in the space, the three figures of Su Yu, Heijin Lishi, and Liquor Taoist disappeared again. When their figures appeared, there was already a majestic flame billowing in front of them.

  Looking around, the world in front of him was crimson red, and the power of endless flames had already permeated the whole world, turning hundreds of miles around into a piece of terracotta.

  The soil below the ground collapsed, the vegetation burned itself into ashes, and the rivers and lakes no longer existed.

  This place is about tens of miles away from Fengluo Lake.

   But the flames here are hard for even foundation-builder cultivators to bear.

   But feeling this breath, Su Yu was not afraid, on the contrary, he showed a look of surprise.

  Just the breath leaked from the secret realm, it is already so strong.

   This means that the Tianfeng Palace site is not simple!

  He waved his hand to call out the magic weapon palace, and said humanely to Liquor: "Go to the palace first, or go back to the Great Moon Palace and wait."

   "I'm going to the palace." The spirits Taoist glanced at the ruins over there, and warned again: "The landlord is careful!"

  Waving his hand, he put away the spirit Taoist into the palace, and Su Yu put away the magic weapon in the palace.

   Immediately, the golden light in his eyes condensed, and he cast the magical power of the golden cicada magic pupil, looking at the red world in front of him.


  The moment when Tongshu's supernatural power penetrated the space of heaven and earth, dozens of miles ahead, a secret place of flames hidden in the depths of the space suddenly appeared in Su Yu's field of vision.

   This is a fiery secret realm with a radius of about one hundred miles.

   It's like a sea of ​​fire. Apart from the endless flames, there are stones like volcanic rocks.

  But in the center of such a sea of ​​flames, there is a resplendent fairy palace.

   Not far from this fairy palace, there is a lake that looks like volcanic lava.

   Just a few miles away from the lake, a group of six people was struggling to resist the terrifying flame power that filled the lake, moving forward a little bit closer.

  Among the six people, the leader of the group is obviously a distracted existence.

  However, this person's cultivation is not strong, he is only a venerable at the first level of distraction.

  At this moment, she is leading the five people including Fairy Fengling, approaching step by step the lake filled with the terrifying power of the phoenix.

  Fairy Fengling, who was protected by everyone in the center, had a hint of excitement and anticipation in her eyes.

   "According to the inheritance clues of the site, this site should be one of the most important stronghold sites of Tianfeng Palace in the Tianxian Domain. There used to be a relic of the Tianfeng bloodline, responsible for guarding this place."

   "Now this lake is filled with such a strong and powerful Tianfeng ominous power, it is obvious that there is definitely a treasure left by the Tianfeng bloodline beast."

  What she hopes more is that she can get the blood spar left by the Tianfeng bloodline beast.

  In this way, maybe the inheritance of the Phoenix blood in her body can go a step further.


  Su Yu used the golden cicada technique to spy on the lava lake. At the bottom of the lava lake, he saw a skeleton with red bones sitting cross-legged.

  Dense rays of light emanated from the bones, forming an invisible blood phoenix like a sea of ​​blood.


   What was left at the bottom of the lake was not the remains of the Tianfeng bloodline beast, but the skeleton of an ancient Tianfeng Palace powerhouse.

   Even if Su Yu sensed the breath left on the skeleton, it still feels a little scalp tingling.

  Su Yu's eyes froze, and he said in horror, "This is at least the skeleton of a Taoist master Dongxu!"

  Thinking of this, Su Yu's eyes suddenly sparkled, this thing may be of great use to his senior brother.

  A skeleton of Taoist Dongxu, a copy of the inheritance of Taoist Dongxu passed down from ancient times.

  The combination of the two can at least increase his brother's chances of breaking through the Dao Master of the Void Realm by 10%!

  He changed his appearance and turned into Taoist Red Shadow.

  Su Yu looked at Fairy Fengling and the group, the light in his eyes gradually condensed, and he thought to himself: "Fellow Daoist Fengling, you have already gone to the Southern Immortal Realm, why did you come back to steal my things?"

   "Prepare to do something, first expel people from the ruins." Su Yu sent a voice transmission order to the black scarf warrior.


  The next moment, the world around him and the black-turban warrior suddenly rippled sharply, and the figures disappeared instantly.

   ps: It’s the end of the month, please ask for a monthly pass.



  (end of this chapter)

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