Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 257: Nascent Soul Seven-Level Buddhism Conflict

  Chapter 257 Nascent Soul Seven-Level Buddhist Conflict

   This is definitely a top rating and appreciation.

  In the hearts of the two golden-armored leaders, their master is the most amazing existence in the world, and no one else can match their master no matter who they are.

   And the first golden armor commander can say that Su Yu may be as amazing as their master in the future.

  This evaluation is enough to see how outstanding and enchanting Su Yu's foundation and talent are in the eyes of the two golden-armored commanders.

   After a few days.

  The aura of heaven and earth and the movement of heaven and earth power in Wanshulou gradually calmed down. Su Yu's cultivation base successfully broke through from the sixth floor to the seventh floor of the Nascent Soul Realm, reaching the late Nascent Soul Stage.

   At the dantian, Su Yu's Nascent Soul seems to have evolved into a baby, and the eyes that were originally closed have been opened at this moment.

  Holding hands in the Dao seal, he sat cross-legged in the deepest part of Su Yu's dantian.

  From the initial birth of the Nascent Soul, it looked as if it had just been kneaded, and now the Nascent Soul is fully grown in the later stage, with fixed facial features, eyes opened, and piercing.

  There is an inexplicable and terrifying immortal power permeating his body, and there seems to be a word hidden between his brows.

   It took Su Yu nearly two hundred years to go from the first floor of the Nascent Soul Realm to the seventh floor of the Nascent Soul Realm.


  Su Yu breathed out slowly, his eyes did not open, but the Nascent Soul in his dantian opened them, and a new vision appeared in his mind.

  The world seen by Nascent Soul is completely different from the world seen by human eyes.

  Under the eyes of Yuanying, the world is a blur, full of colorful auras of heaven and earth, and everything in the world has its own brilliance.

   It was like the volumes of books placed beside him, it was also like the Wanshu Building, or even the entire fairy city of Yuexian Mansion.

  The lustrous color pervading the fairy city of Yuexian Mansion made Yuan Ying feel dazzling and couldn't look directly at it.

  This kind of vision is like looking at the world from a more essential dimension.

   Unlike the naked eye, seeing the world is just an appearance.

   "This feeling is strange." Su Yu observed for a while, then controlled Yuanying to close his eyes again, and slowly opened his eyes in his own body, and the familiar world in the past returned to his eyes.

   It is still comfortable to see the world with the naked eye.

  He sensed the changes in his mana and Nascent Soul.

  Looked at the proficiency panel.

  【Cultivation level: the seventh floor of the Nascent Soul Realm. 】

  【Shouyuan: 381/3340 years. 】

[Cultivation method: Five Elements Jue (7th level of Nascent Soul Realm, 0.02% proficiency), Celestial Immortal Body Refining Technique (4th level, 86.48% proficiency), Blood Whale Swallowing Moon Kung Fu (4th level, 90% proficiency), Shangqing Taiyi Dao method (consummation), golden cicada method (four layers, proficiency 79.91%), heavenly alchemy (four layers, proficiency 76.35%). 】

[Spells: Wooden Rattan Technique (Completion)... Yin-Yang Escape Technique (Consummation), Heaven Splitting Divine Art (Consummation), Cicada Pupa (Consummation), Void Escape Technique (Small success, proficiency 63.13%), Attunement Divine Art (third floor , Proficiency 78.33%). 】

   "Three thousand and three hundred years old." Su Yu looked at the panel and muttered to himself.

  In the decades of practicing in Wanshulou, whether it is the Five Elements Jue, the Heavenly Immortal Body Refining Technique, the Heavenly Alchemy God Technique, or the Golden Cicada Technique, they have accumulated a lot and improved a lot.

  The Celestial Immortal Body Refining Technique is not far from perfection, and it is about to hit the fifth floor.

  The golden cicada method has also reached the late stage, not far from being comparable to the eighth floor of the Nascent Soul.

  After he smelted two low-grade magic weapons in his physical body again, his proficiency caught up and reached a level comparable to the seventh level of Nascent Soul Realm.

  Using the Heaven Alchemy Technique, the physical defense cannot be shaken even by low-grade magic weapons.

  Su Yu's hands and feet are magical weapons comparable to high-grade and low-grade magic weapons.

  The next method is the technical aspect.

  Space One's void escape method is still extremely mysterious, and the proficiency has improved compared to before, so it can only continue to accumulate slowly. If it can be raised to a perfect state, it is estimated that Su Yu's Space One may really get started.

  The incantation magic that follows is the mysterious magic that Su Yu has been comprehending for a while.

  Now it has been promoted to the third floor, which can enlighten third-order puppets and creatures.

   It's not far from the fourth floor.

  This spell is too mysterious, and it is somewhat related to one's own luck, so Su Yu didn't enlighten it at will, but just cast the spell again and again, accumulating insights to improve proficiency.

  Wait until the fourth floor, maybe you can try to restore the 'god' of the black scarf puppet in Yuexian Mansion.

  Cultivated to break through the seventh floor of Nascent Soul Realm, Su Yu still has no intention of leaving the Wanshu Building and the ruins of the fairy city of Yuexian Mansion.

   Instead, he continued to sink his heart and comprehend the Daozang left by his predecessors in Wanshulou.

  In the past few years in Wanshulou, Su Yu read and understood the ancient books on the practice experience of many senior monks, and gained a lot of insights, which made the Five Elements Jue seem to have undergone a qualitative transformation.

   And he improved the Five Elements Jue time and time again, until now, Su Yu felt that at the level of the Nascent Soul Realm, there should not be many Taoisms comparable to the Five Elements Jue.

  Even compared with the amazing Taoism of ancient times, it should be regarded as a superior Taoism.

  Dixianfu Xianmen.

  Su Yu Taoist puppet received some materials from the Hall of Affairs and returned to Dayu Peak. He walked into his cave, and he took out various materials from the Qiankun bag.

  All are fourth-tier high-grade spirit ore materials, which are used to forge fourth-tier top-grade puppets.

  Earth Immortal Mansion has raised funds for many years, and finally got together the final materials he wanted to forge the fourth-order high-grade puppets.

   "Counting the material of the last part, forging it, and then recasting the core of the puppet, you should be able to forge a fourth-order high-grade puppet."

   "The cultivation base should be around the eighth floor of Nascent Soul Realm."

  After Su Yu cleaned up briefly, he started forging in the cave.

  Time passed slowly.

one year later.

   Su Yu, who was still forging the core of the puppet, suddenly stopped, with a look of joy in his eyes.

  At this moment, in the secret realm of the underground palace.

Daoist Tianyu, who was comprehending the fifth-order formation, was awakened, and his figure appeared outside the palace in a flash, his eyes were condensed, as if he could see through the space, and saw a tall and burly figure in the fairy palace, who was undergoing transformation at the moment , the fairy light shone brightly, and the sky and the earth were humming and trembling.

  A breath beyond the Nascent Soul Realm is sweeping the entire secret realm of the underground palace from that palace.

  Tianyu Daoist saw this figure, his face changed slightly in horror and whispered: "Xiaoyu's black scarf wrestler puppet. This is it. I have broken through to the fifth-level low-rank in my practice!?"

  A low-grade puppet of the fifth rank, comparable to the first rank of the God Realm!


   Not even weaker than him today!

  Generally speaking.

  The fifth-tier low-rank puppets are actually not as powerful as the god-level monks. At most, they can only play the role of entanglement and defense, or deal with weak immortal cultivators.

  Because a puppet is a puppet after all, without wisdom, it is very clumsy when fighting.

  Moreover, the venerable gods in the distracted state have another god-distracted body, which is equivalent to the combat power of two gods in the distracted state.

   In the case of two against one, the fifth-order puppet is naturally not an opponent.

  But the fifth-order puppets also have their own advantages.

  That is the defensive power, which is far from comparable to that of the monks of the same rank.

  If you want to destroy a fifth-tier puppet, the difficulty is ten or dozens of times more difficult than destroying a low-tier defensive magic weapon.

  Compared to ordinary puppets, the black scarf fighter is basically no different from a real creature. His consciousness is integrated into the puppet soul, and he has inherited the unique ability of the puppet soul, which can swallow materials to upgrade and transform into a puppet.

   There is also the puppet body of the black turban wrestler, such a combination, as long as the black turban wrestler puppet soul is not destroyed.

  Then even if the body of the puppet is destroyed, the black scarf wrestler can quickly return to normal.

  This is an ability that human monks of the same level cannot match.

  Under the attention of Taoist Tianyu, after nearly half a month of transformation, the black scarf warrior finally transformed from a top-ranked puppet of the fourth rank to a low-ranked puppet of the fifth rank.

  In addition to the transformation in strength, the cultivation level of the puppet soul has also transformed into a fifth-level inferior, which is comparable to the primordial spirit of the divine realm.

   Another five days later.

  When the black scarf warrior stood in front of Su Yu and released a puppet soul 'Split Soul' that looked like a human distraction, Su Yu was stunned for a long time.

  Su Yu: "?"

   You, a fifth-order puppet, still want a fifth-order puppet with a divine body?

Su Yu looked at the black scarf wrestler strangely. He had read a lot of ancient books about puppets in the Wanshulou, but he hadn't seen the puppet split soul and want to cultivate into a split **** body. Pass.

   After being silent for a while, a thought came to Su Yu's mind: 'Why don't you discuss with the two golden-armored commanders and ask for another black-turban wrestler puppet? Or even Silver White Guard? '

   After a while, Su Yu dismissed the idea.

   If we really want to find the two golden-armored commanders to make this request, I am afraid that even the black scarf warriors may be asked to go back to guard the fairy city of Yuexian Mansion.

   It is not easy to bring out the contents inside.

  After thinking for a long time, Su Yu said: "I'll go to Xiaoxiao to see if there is a fifth-order puppet treasury in Xianmen."

   After a while.

  Main peak.

  Xianmen Hall.

Su Yu saw that the desk case was full of jade slips that the immortals would deal with. At the moment, Fan Xiao was buried behind the desk case. Fan Xiao did not look up, and a voice came from behind the pile of jade slips: "Little uncle, you This busy man rarely comes to see me."

   "Is this the sun coming out in the west today?"

   "Hahaha, how could it be, the sun still comes out from the east, and I just carried it out from the east." Su Yu laughed without turning red at Fan Xiao's joke.


  Fan Xiao behind the table could not help but burst out laughing, raised her neck and poked her head out of the pile of jade slips, looking at Su Yu with uncontrollable amusement.

  Fan Xiao said: "Little uncle, where is the sun you are carrying?"

  Su Yu stepped forward with a smile, and said: "I don't understand the affairs of Xianmen, but senior brother must not be so tired before, so you have to learn to delegate some things."

   "Let more people help you share, so that you can squeeze out time and not delay your own practice."

Fan Xiao shook his head lightly and smiled: "Master suddenly handed over the fairy gate to me, and I have to deal with everything from the beginning, otherwise I'm afraid that something will not be done well, and I will disappoint the master and the little uncle. Your trust in me."

   "Maybe, after I straighten it out, I can do it like Master."

  The conversation changed, Fan Xiao looked at Su Yu and said, "Young Master Uncle came to see me today, probably not to talk about this."

  Su Yu shrugged and asked: "I want to ask, is there a fifth-order puppet treasury in the treasure house of Xianmen? If so, how to exchange it."

   "Fifth-order puppet?" Fan Xiao was startled when he heard this, "What does little uncle want this for?"

  Su Yu pondered for a while, and let the black scarf warrior enter the fairy gate hall to meet Fan Xiao, and let Fan Xiao meet the black scarf warrior's soul.

  Fan Xiao stayed for a long time, and her mind was also a little confused.


  The puppet actually has a soul? Can you get another 'divided body'?

   It was an eye opener for her.

   not long.

Fan Xiao asked someone to check the treasure house of Xianmen, and found a fifth-level puppet from the treasure house of Xianmen. Although it was only a low-level fifth-level puppet, it was slightly stronger than the transformed puppet body of the black scarf warrior. The cultivation power of the second floor of the divine realm.

   With such a puppet, Fan Xiao alone cannot make the decision.

  That's why this fifth-rank low-rank puppet fell into Su Yu's hands after a meeting of distracted ancestors was held to discuss.

  On Dayu Peak.

  Su Yu looked at the human-shaped puppet about nine feet tall and dark purple in color, and murmured, "Thunderer."

   This is the name of this fifth-rank low-grade puppet, who is good at the power of thunder.

   After caressing this puppet, after nearly half a month of research, Su Yu handed this puppet to the black scarf and said, "Try to see if you can control this puppet."

  The soul of the black turban warrior puppet is divided into souls, directly submerged into the core of the thunder warrior, and uses the special ability of the puppet soul to permeate the whole body of the thunder warrior puppet.

   It takes about half an hour.

  Thunder Daoist suddenly opened his eyes, a thunderous aura beyond the Nascent Soul Realm condensed on his body, and stood in front of Su Yu together with the black scarf warrior.

   In terms of appearance, the black scarf warrior looks like a guard in armor.

  The Thunder Daoist is different, he looks like a purple-haired middle-aged Taoist priest and immortal cultivator.

  With the soul-divided puppet of the Thunder Daoist, the black scarf warrior is no different from the general god-distracted master, even in terms of his countless years of Taoism.

  Ordinary distracted venerables may not be his opponents.


  The black scarf warrior and the thunder warrior bowed their heads together, and the same voice came from their mouths, bowing their heads respectfully.

   Another two years passed.

  In Su Yu's cave.

As Su Yu placed the reforged puppet core back, a new fourth-grade top-grade scarlet shadow puppet appeared in his cave, and his ray of soul was transferred there, and then he re-exercised the Dao body puppet technique to integrate the soul into it, It turns into a new Tao body puppet body.

  Feeling the power of the new Dao body puppet, Su Yu showed a smile on his face, and murmured: "I have to collect the materials of the fifth-rank low-grade puppets, and I have to try to forge the fifth-rank low-grade puppets."

  He quietly left from the Immortal Gate of the Earth Immortal Mansion and returned to the Yunxiao Pill Pavilion in the black market of the Ten Monarch Immortal City.

  Ten days after he returned to the Yunxiao Pill Pavilion, a group of figures suddenly appeared outside the Yunxiao Pill Pavilion, all of them were bald monks with a fierce aura on their bodies.

  They walked into the Yunxiao Pill Pavilion. Inside the Pill Pavilion, Lin Bing, who was on duty watching the shop today, showed a little smile on his face, and came out to greet him with a smile: "Dear friends, I don't know what kind of medicine you want?"


  Lin Bing only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a big hand restrained her neck, swung her up and slammed her against the wall of Dan Pavilion: "Bang!"

  The monk who made the move showed a ferocious smile on his face, and said quietly: "Call your pavilion master out."

   Ps: There is an inexplicable physical and mental exhaustion, the update is a bit slow, sorry.



  (end of this chapter)

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