Chapter 262 Trading in preparation for a rainy day

  Over the past 180 years, Wanxian Palace has suffered great losses. It has failed many times so that Wanxian Palace's foundation for many years is a bit overwhelmed. If this decline is not changed, Wanxian Palace may decline.

   "So, Wanxian Palace has its eyes on the details of Jiulingxian Mountain."

   "Swallow Jiulingxian Mountain, no, as long as a part of Jiulingxian Mountain is swallowed, the power of Wanxian Palace will be fully restored, and even surpass the peak of the year."

  Su Yu's eyes were condensed.

  Huang Zhu looked at him and said, "What do you want?"

  Su Yu thought for a long time, and said: "The aid to Jiulingxian Mountain is not manpower, but material resources. Whether it is pills, talismans, or formations, the fourth level and below are open to supply."

   "As long as Jiulingxian Mountain exchanges resources, it will be given."

  Huang Zhu frowned slightly, looked at Su Yu and said, "Aren't you afraid of angering Futu Buddhist Gate and Ten Thousand Immortals Palace?"

  Su Yu smiled and said: "Without these, wouldn't it be possible that the Buddha Sect of the Buddha and the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals would live in peace with my Immortal Mansion? Impossible."

   "So it doesn't matter if you get angry, so what if you don't get angry."

"Help Jiulingxian Mountain and form a good relationship with Jiulingxian Mountain. By the way, earn some resources to grow the fairy gate itself, and it will also slow down the difficulty of Buddha Sect and Ten Thousand Immortal Palace taking down Jiulingxian Mountain and make them lose even more. "

   "Multiple actions at once."

   This matter was subsequently discussed at the Distracting God Ancestors meeting in the Xianmen Hall, which was approved by a large number of votes, and the trade with Jiuling Xianshan was opened in the form of resource assistance transactions such as pills, talismans, and formations.

  Although doing so may cause dissatisfaction with Wanxian Palace and Buddha School of Buddha, everyone is actually on the same level in terms of strength. The actions of Buddha School and Wanxian Palace have already threatened the survival of Earth Immortal Palace.

  Even if Dixian Mansion pretends to be dead and cannot see it, when Jiulingxian Mountain falls, whose turn will it be next?

   It is impossible to hide from this matter.


  Before taking Jiulingxian Mountain, Futu Buddhism and Wanxian Palace absolutely dare not say anything, and they can only hold back their dissatisfaction.

   Otherwise, the Earth Immortal Mansion will end, and then maybe the other immortal sects in the Daqian Cultivation World will end and join forces, and the situation may be reversed.

While sending people to contact Jiulingxian Mountain, Su Yu, Fan Xiao, Taoist Tianyu, Huang Zhu, the first elder of the Hall of Affairs Chang Baiyu Zhenjun, the first elder of the Dark Hall of Earth Immortals Zhenjun Zhao Zangfeng, etc. The core elders gather together to discuss matters.

  Fan Xiao asked: "Jiulingxian Mountain, what resources and treasures do we need, or want in the Immortal Mansion?"

  Earth Immortal Dark Palace, that is, the institutional force in charge of the intelligence of the Earth Immortal Mansion, the first elder, Zhenjun Zhao Zangfeng, looks like a short, thin, slightly fat, slightly wretched old man.

  He smiled and said: "The most important treasure of Jiulingxian Mountain is naturally the Jiulingxian Seal, which is the top-grade magic weapon left by the founder of Jiulingxian Mountain, and it is also the most important treasure of Jiulingxian Mountain today."

   "It is rumored that the Nine Spirit Immortal Seal can seal the nine monster spirits, and each true spirit may be cultivated in the distraction state, or even in the void state."

   "Of course, with the current capabilities of Jiulingxian Mountain, it is estimated that it is impossible to seal the true spirit of the monster in the cave realm."

   "But the joint efforts of the Nine-Headed God Realm Demon Lord can also make the power of the Nine Spirit Immortal Seal reach an unimaginable level."

   "If you can exchange for the Nine Spirit Immortal Seal, then"

  The First Elder of the Hall of Affairs, Master Chang Baiyu, rolled his eyes at him, and said: "You want the life of Jiulingxian Mountain, and you want Jiulingxianshan to fight with you."

   "Hey." Zhenjun Zhao Zangfeng laughed, he was telling the truth, he was really envious of the treasure of Nine Spirits Mountain.

  However, Fan Xiao, Taoist Tianyu and others obviously knew that it was impossible.

  So Fan Xiao continued to ask: "Is there anything else?"

Zhao Zangfeng Zhenjun said: "Others. If it is really just trading pills, talismans, formations and other things, then the treasure that we can use and value in Jiulingxian Mountain should be a kind of Jiuling Pill, or pill Fang, this Nine Spirit Pill can increase the chance of semi-completed monsters or monsters breaking through to the fifth level, and it can be regarded as a rare treasure pill."

   "In addition, the Jiuling Spring in Jiulingxian Mountain is the core material for refining this pill, and it can also be exchanged."

   "Other things, let's see what Jiulingxian Mountain can produce, and exchange them if necessary."

  After the discussion, Su Yu handed Fan Xiao a list of the fifth-level materials he needed, including pills, talismans, formations, puppets, refining tools, and so on.

  The fifth-order materials are different from the fourth-order materials. In the world of cultivating immortals, each of the fifth-order materials can be regarded as a treasure. The amount is extremely rare, and it is not easy to collect.

  If you can exchange a lot of fifth-level materials from Jiulingxian Mountain with pills, talismans, formations, etc.

  Before Jiulingxian Mountain is ransacked by Wanxian Palace and Buddha Sect, Dixian Mansion should at least take a bite.

   It would be even better if Jiulingxian Mountain could hold up under the attack of Wanxian Palace and Buddha Sect.

  Buddhist Buddha Gate and Ten Thousand Immortal Palace can't eat anything, but Dixian Mansion can eat enough.

   Jiulingxianshan was overjoyed about the connection with Dixian Mansion.

   Soon, a Distraction Patriarch was sent to Dixian Mansion to discuss this matter.

  In addition to things of Tier 4 and below, Jiulingxian Mountain also wanted a Tier 5 formation. Finally, after more than a month of discussion, the two parties finally settled on the transaction.

  Dixian Mansion exchanged two fifth-order formations for Jiulingxianshan Jiulingdan Dan Fang and Jiuling spring water materials for one hundred parts of Jiulingdan.

  The rest is the trading of medicine pills, talismans, formations and other things of the fourth rank and below.

  A small part can be traded with fifth-order materials, and most of them can be traded with third-order and fourth-order materials.

   Dayu Peak.

  Su Yu looked at the list of items needed in Jiulingxian Mountain. It listed the fourth-order pills, talismans, and formations, all of which needed his help to refine.

  Looking at the number, Su Yu clicked his tongue and murmured, "Jiuling Xianshan has quite a big appetite."

   Do the math, the trading volume of Jiulingxian Mountain is only 2,000 pieces of Tier 4 pills a year!

  Fourth-order talisman, there are at least two thousand pieces written on it!

   Four-tier formation, at least thirty seats!

  However, the price is equally attractive. Not only did it fail to lower the price, but the transaction price had to be 10% higher than the outside market price.

  The appetite of Jiulingxian Mountain, at this juncture, perhaps only Dixian Mansion can satisfy them.

   Moreover, this can only be satisfied because of having Su Yu.

   Otherwise, Dixian Mansion would not be able to give Jiulingxian Mountain so many things!

   "Next, I have to be busy."

  Su Yu exercised his muscles and bones, and then walked into the alchemy room of the cave with the materials sent by the fairy gate.


  With the advent of the Dao Domain of Time, Su Yu began to refine the fourth-order elixirs according to the list of elixirs needed by Jiulingxian Mountain.

   This is just a deal with Jiulingxian Mountain, so Su Yu doesn't need to care about the quality of the elixir. He only needs to refine it to ordinary quality to reach a deal with Jiulingxianshan.

  So Su Yu's refining speed was a little faster.

  Fourth-grade low-grade and middle-grade elixir are almost 100% yield rate, and fourth-grade top-grade elixir can also reach more than 70% yield.

   In one day, with the blessing of the Time Dao Domain, Su Yu was able to refine eight furnaces of fourth-order elixir, with between 30 and 40 elixirs.

   This is because he consumed a lot of mana and mind halfway and needs to recover.

  In just three months, Su Yu refined all the fourth-order pills needed in Jiulingxian Mountain.

  The power of one person can match ten or even twenty fourth-rank top-rank alchemists from other forces!

   "The next step is the fourth-order talisman."

  Su Yu whispered something.

   Put away all the pills, turned around and walked into the talisman room, and began to concentrate on drawing talismans.

The list given by the Earth Immortal Mansion included the Mirror Moon Talisman and the Crescent Moon Talisman. The price was five times that of other fourth-order Talismans of the same level. pieces.

   Among them, there are 300 pieces of the fourth-order low-grade, 200 pieces of the middle-grade, and 100 pieces of the top-grade.

  Most of these talismans, Su Yu's proficiency has been raised to perfection or above 80 or 90, so it is not difficult to draw them.

  The profit of just one talisman can reach more than ten times the cost.

one year later.

  Dixianfu and Jiulingxianshan reached a deal.

Su Yu got Jiuling Pill and Jiulingquan materials from Jiulingxian Mountain. In addition, there are 100 parts of fifth-grade low-grade pill materials, 100 fifth-grade low-grade talisman materials, and some fifth-grade ingredients. Arrays, puppets, refining materials.

  There are more fourth-order materials, Su Yu temporarily asked for some to fill the Yuncang ring, and temporarily filled the rest into the treasure house of the fairy gate.

  The transaction between Jiulingxian Mountain and Dixian Mansion is still going on.

  However, the amount in the second year will be reduced by half.

   It will be maintained in the future depending on the situation.

"Then, you can fill the treasure house for the fairy gate first." Su Yu's body puppet did not stop. After completing the things needed by Jiulingxianshan, he turned all the materials of the fairy gate into pills, talismans, formations, etc. .

  He had a hunch that there would be a battle in the world of cultivating immortals soon.

  He has to save tens of thousands or even a hundred thousand fourth-order talismans, pills and other resources for Xianmen.

   Plan ahead!

   Thanks to the resources provided by the Jiulingxian Mountain transaction, the treasure house of the Dixian Mansion was filled a lot at once, and Su Yu could open it up to store supplies for the Immortal Gate.

  In addition, he also made a special trip to the wasteland, and sent all the fifth-order materials he collected to the ontology.

  If the main body can be drawn into fifth-order talismans, comprehend fifth-order formations, and refined into fifth-order pills and puppets.

  The background of the Immortal Mansion in that place can be strengthened a bit.

  Time passed slowly.

  In the first year of receiving the resources and assistance from the Dixian Mansion, Jiulingxian Mountain did not launch a major counterattack, but managed to maintain the situation under the siege of the Buddha Gate of the Buddha and the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals.

   Only when there is a last resort, strategic materials will be used to repel the people from Wanxian Palace and Buddha Sect.

   This situation lasted for nearly three years.

  Buddhist Buddha Sect and Ten Thousand Immortal Palace's attack on Jiulingxian Mountain was actually slowed down by sniping. It was also at this time that Futu Buddhist Sect and Ten Thousand Immortal Palace discovered some clues.

   After investigation, it became known that Jiulingxian Mountain had obtained a large amount of medicinal herbs, talismans, magic tools, formations and other resources from Dixian Mansion.

   Wanxian Palace.

  Xianmen Hall.

The owner of Wanxian Palace was furious, and shattered the throne under him into powder with one palm, and said angrily: "Dixian Palace, dare you be so presumptuous, my Wanxian Palace attacked Jiulingxian Mountain, but he secretly fought with Jiuling Fairy Mountain trading supplies? Help Jiuling Fairy Mountain!?"

  The ancestors and elders of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace who were present at the scene were also cloudy and cloudy, and the cold killing intent permeated the entire hall, making the temperature of the hall seem to freeze through the cold air.

  A Zhenjun elder was very angry, and said: "Master, why don't we attack the Earth Immortal Mansion together? If this continues, the Earth Immortal Mansion will have to step on our Ten Thousand Immortal Palace."

  Before he finished speaking, the elder Zhenjun suddenly shuddered and his face turned pale.

  Including the owner of Wanxian Palace, almost everyone's eyes were on him.

  He thumped in his heart, and his heart almost jumped out:'Oops, I said the wrong thing! '

  If you say such things at this time, isn’t it just throwing salt in the hearts of everyone? Although what he said is also very possible, but sometimes, some things can be said, and some things cannot be said directly.

   After a while.

  The owner of Wanxian Palace withdrew his gaze, and said quietly: "Take action against the Immortal Mansion? Forced the Immortal Mansion to end the battle? You are so brave, can you deal with Jiulingxian Mountain and the Immortal Mansion at the same time?"

   "You are not afraid of the two fairy gates, so what if there is a third or even a fourth fairy gate to intervene?"

   "Then when the time comes, should you continue to fight, or not?"

  The main hall of Xianmen was dead silent.

   The cold murderous intent that seemed to have frozen at first seemed to be washed away by these words.

   Many people's complexions have changed.

  If that's the case, then the situation of Wanxian Palace will be terrible, and even the name of the number one immortal sect in the world of cultivating immortals will change hands!

   pondered for a long time.

A distracted patriarch looked at the lord of Wanxian Palace and said, "Palace lord, this is not the way to do it now. Jiulingxian Mountain has the assistance of Dixian Mansion, and there are many fourth-order treasures in his hand. Pills and talismans seem to be If we don't use it up, we will lose a lot!"

   "We can't let Dixian Mansion and Jiulingxian Mountain go on like this."

  The Mistress of Wanxian Palace glanced at everyone present, and asked Ji: "Then, how should this matter be resolved?"

  A fairy with a cold face said at this time: "I have three strategies."

  The Mistress of Wanxian Palace looked at her and said, "Say."

  The god-distracting venerable fairy said: "One, really join hands with the Buddhist Buddha Sect to warn the Earth Immortal Mansion. If you dare to intervene in this matter, you and the Buddha Sect will give up attacking Jiulingxian Mountain and turn around to attack the Immortal Mansion."

   "Second, find Shangdi Immortal Mansion, and my Wanxian Palace will also trade those things with their Dixian Mansion. No matter what price Jiulingxian Mountain offers, My Wanxian Palace will be able to compensate afterwards."

   "Three, pull in the Dixian Mansion, and even other immortal sects, join hands to carve up Jiulingxian Mountain, and separate Dixian Mansion and Jiulingxian Mountain."

  The owner of Wanxian Palace and others thought for a long time after hearing the words.

   Immediately began to discuss these three strategies, as well as supplements.

  After the discussion, the first strategy was rejected. After all, they Wanxian Palace and Futu Buddhist Sect are not fellow travelers. If they really form an alliance with Futu Buddhist Sect, then Wanxian Palace will not be integrated into the world of cultivating immortals!

  This will definitely shake the foundation of Wanxian Palace. It is a big taboo and must not be done!

  The second strategy is not a good idea, but it is not impossible to do it. If they can intercept the supplies of Hu Jiulingxian Mountain, and they get those things from Wanxian Palace, the speed of attacking Jiulingxian Mountain will be greatly improved.

   But with this idea, there is at least a 99% chance that Dixian Mansion will not trade with them from Wanxian Palace!

   I can only say yes, you can give it a try.

  Only the third strategy—

   Everyone thought about it for a long time, and maybe they could only do this.

  Bring Dixian Mansion to share the cake together, and by the way, separate Dixian Mansion and Jiulingxian Mountain.

  If Dixian Mansion is unwilling, then bring other immortal sects together. At that time, will Dixian Mansion still oppose Ten Thousand Immortal Palace? Even if it dared, could it still be an enemy of the entire immortal sect in the world of cultivating immortals?

  But the owner of Wanxian Palace has other ideas.

  He looked a little gloomy, and said in a calm voice: "Contact other immortal sects first, and the Dixian Mansion will ignore it for the time being. Doesn't it want to help Jiulingxian Mountain? Then let it have fun first!"

   "I don't believe it, every other fairy sect is so stupid, giving up such a chance to strengthen themselves for nothing!"

  As long as other immortal sects can be won over, then what is the Earth Immortal Mansion?

  (end of this chapter)

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